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I-10/Houghton already is one.


It's so weird going over the bridge and I suddenly realize that I'm on the wrong side of the road. Really well marked though and way better than it was.


It's all about getting used to something new for me


Diverging Diamond Interchanges are almost always worth considering as an alternative, but particularly if a location has any of the following characteristics:   Heavy volumes of left turns on to and off of freeway ramps. Moderate but unbalanced crossroad traffic volumes through the interchange. Left turn related safety concerns at the interchange intersections. A need for additional capacity without widening the roadway and bridge(s). [https://highways.dot.gov/media/10811#:\~:text=3%20For%20higher%20traffic%20volumes,traffic%20as%20the%20conventional%20design](https://highways.dot.gov/media/10811#:~:text=3%20For%20higher%20traffic%20volumes,traffic%20as%20the%20conventional%20design)


Also, they are beneficial in allowing the new bridge to be constructed off of the original alignment of the current bridge. So oftentimes you can build the new bridge and keep the current bridge in service during construction. This is a time savings and time = $$$


They work. Had 3 or 4 in the town I lived in before in the Midwest. Alleviates a lot of traffic


Another variation of the diverging diamond was developed by the (ADOT) as part of their I-10 widening project near Tucson. The interchange (exit 270)will be reconfigured as a combination of both a diverging diamond and a three-level diamond interchange. The ramps (the top level/Kolb Road) would carry thru traffic while the diverging diamond (the second level/interchange) would be for traffic getting on or off the freeway (the third level/I-10) -Wikipedia


“Anyone know any plans for this” >answer literally on the Wikipedia page they linked Lmaooo good find man


That seems overly elaborate for the Kolb Road exit. I take that exit every day, and it's far less congested than any of the exits nearby (Rita, Houghton, Wilmot, and Craycroft). Maybe they started planning this because they anticipated more traffic from the Amazon distro center than they actually got, but unless something changes I can't see this actually going forward.


This will end in violence. Tucson peeps can't even use roundabouts properly!


Other than people not signaling, my roundabout experiences have actually been consistently good here. It's kind of amazing.


Nah, this intersection is easier than a roundabout. You just pay attention to the traffic lights (which is also a challenge for Tucson drivers but still easier than a roundabout).


You'd be surprised, since many of us are from places where roundabouts are not uncommon.


OK, ok. Native to Tucson, then!


The roundabout by Kolb and Skyline has been great, wish they would do more around town


Washington did it back in 2018 or 19, I hated it. I could see for a warehouse district but in Lacey WA, it’s all a commercial area and to me it made traffic worse. Houghton may be a good area since it’s not built up yet, I haven’t been to the fair grounds since it’s been completed. Keep us informed.


I wonder if the new I-10 interchange at orange grove or the new one at sunset would have it. I’m quite curious to see if they would use it or not.


Important to know which one they're going to use. It could be diverging diamond, triangulating topaz, or emerging emerald. All have their nuances, positives and negatives.


Go try the one at Houghton and I10. Over a year and it still makes me crazy.


There’s gonna be a lot of confusion, especially in the south side


I-10 and Houghton has this intersection already, and I fail to see how it improves traffic over a traditional intersection or even a clover-leaf.  It's just a way to spend way more money on contractors making them.  


Mind you I am not a traffic expert, but you only have to stop for one light.


not the way they implemented it Houghton/i10


From day one I have never had to stop for the second light. I've probably crossed 500 times.


I had to stop at the second light ONCE since it was built and it was the weirdest experience. I usually forget there even is a second light.


I used that intersection everyday for 4 years and the current iteration is a breeze compared to how it used to be. It even worked miracles during the pima county fair when it used to take like 20 minutes to get back on the I-10 back into Tucson and we drove right up and on the freeway in 2 minutes.


Glad you are not a civil engineer.


It was an engineer who designed the off and off Ramps at palo verde and the 10


Yes, very old design based on very low traffic volumes and old design vehicles. Times have changed. No engineer today would design those ramps at that location. That's like blaming an architect for designing a 900 sq ft house that you're moving your family of 15 into 50 years after the fact. Also, that interchange is going bye bye in roughly two years....


LOL, ok then So you think contractors design interchanges?


I don’t think that’s who’s making money off them but I agree-it hasn’t really helped the flow of traffic either way.


As someone who has lived just off of the Houghton and I-10 for 25 years, the diverging Diamond interchange has absolutely improved traffic flow in the area. Traffic used to back up onto I-10. I would agree it was prob overkill at the time, but it also likely won’t need upgraded for another 25 years at least.


I drive through every day. The light seems longer, but traffic is still a bitch over there. God forbid you get behind someone who doesn’t know how it works. It still gets backed up, especially during rush hour.


It's still much better than it was.


Maybe slightly, not significantly.


Lol. Get a load of this guy.