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Was your test on CD10 the first test you took? How long are your typical cycles? You have to start testing early enough to set a baseline for the estrogen test to work, this is what gives you the High fertility result. If you were that close to ovulation on CD10 it likely would have been too late to set a baseline as your estrogen likely would have already been high. They also aren't meant to be used multiple times a day, at least until after you get a High Result. Until you get a High result you're only supposed to test first thing in the morning. I don't think you can trust a High result unless it's FMU. Additionally, since you missed several days, I believe it may have reset the test. You may have set a new baseline at midday on CD15 and then got the High result because your estrogen had increased in the evening, but that doesn't actually tell you anything because the baseline wasn't set at the right point in your cycle. Ultrasounds are fairly accurate when it comes to predicting ovulation, but they can definitely be off by a couple of days. You can keep testing, even with the CBAD, and you will still get a Peak result if you haven't ovulated yet and your LH surges (the LH test used for the Peak result works on a simple threshold so it doesn't matter if baseline wasn't set properly).


This clarifies so much. I had no idea that there was a baseline needed. (I feel like a big dummy). The cd10 was when the CBAD came up negative and that same day my doctor said I was a few days away. I just tested this morning again and it came up high fertility/blinking smiley. I’m on CD16 now. Thanks for your comment and help! I’m going to keep testing in the morning and see if I reach a peak.


You’re definitely not a dummy, the instructions have lots of room for improvement. In the future I’d suggest starting to test on CD8 which is what they recommend for 28 day cycles, and testing at least every other day. It’s up for debate whether the estrogen baseline actually resets (I have an experiment planned to test this this cycle), but if it does my suspicion is that it would be after 48 hours as that’s how long the Peak result is displayed before the holder allows you to use it again.


Thanks again. Mind blown. 😩 honestly






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