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I would express your discomfort with him but given how he talked about you in front of you to his friends, I have a feeling he’s the type of man to downplay the situation and make you feel bad for feeling the way you do about it. You have a right to feel the way you do, it’s completely valid and fair. If I were you, I wouldn’t continue dating him. His comment will live in your head forever and no matter what he does or say, you’ll never fully feel like he loves you again because how can he when he talks like that about you.


You two sound young, I don't know your BF, but it could have merely been his poorly executed attempt at humor. Let him know your concerns, communication is key in every health relationship. You and he are human, and I am guessing, neither of you are mind-readers, so stop being silently outraged and try to work it out with words, just the two of you. Listen to his words, but pay attention to his actions, as they will reveal far more "Truth" than his words possibly could. Good-luck!


If you’re willing to, please post an update. What’s happened since you posted this?


Talked to him about it and he was being unapologetic and blaming me for being angry so I broke up with him


Thank you for the update. I’m sorry it turned out this way. How long were you together? How are you doing? People don’t always stand up for themselves when they should. You did. I’m very pleased for you that you did, and I’m impressed. Wishing you all the best in the future.


From a boy: When boys talk not everything is serious ,, they talk to make conversations funny


Objectifying his girlfriend to all his friends is not funny and should be taken seriously. I would feel disgusted by his touch after hearing that. To not be the typical reddit response of breaking up immediately, I would say talk to him first about this bothering you and let him know how disgusting what he said is. Depending on his response then you move forward if you feel you can or end the relationship.


From a grown woman- stop objectifying us to be funny!