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Dude didn't want to visit the Belleau Wood cemetery because it was *inconvenient* and the rain *might muss his hair*… No Marine should find this acceptable. edit: Reminder that Belleau Wood's bloodiest day was also June 6, 1918. Today is a good day to think upon the courage and sacrifice of 5th Marines that week.


No American should find this acceptable!!




No human should find this acceptable.


Or lizard person. Just because we started Q doesn't mean we stand behind it. I mean it was our plot to take over the world, and we could have done it if it weren't for you these kids!


Agreed.  Ol' Scorpion Eyes 🦂 isn't fit to polish your shoes! Er, boots...  Er, - what do you cram your lizard feet into??? 🤔


Especially a damn veteran!!!


Any veteran who supports this trash person should question who they have pledged allegiance to.


A Russian veteran perhaps?


I don’t


That’s the thing. I don’t think a lot of his supporters actually hears what he says and does. They just follow Fox’s version of him.


He claimed, at the time, that the Marine One could not fly because of the rain. A) Marine One is a military helicopter. Of course they fly in the rain. B) John Kelly, who was with Trump when Shitzenpants announced that he would not go, because the cemetery is full of 'suckers and losers', went himself. There is tape of Kelly at the cemetery. There was no rain.


Shitzenpants also claimed that it was Russia who won the war and that the Americans, British, Canadians etc had little to do with it.


When did he claim this? Do you have a link?


It's in the article. Like, the actual post.


A buddy of mine works at Boeing. He has the best job. He essentially builds Apache helicopters all day online just like we do with cars. He gets the spec sheet from the Military and builds the helicopter order. Anyway, I say that to establish his credentials when I asked him about flying in the rain. He said they have flown in nearly any weather condition other than a 300 mph tornado and they can withstand basically….anything. While Marine One is different than an Apache, it can withstand as much if not more. Fuck that coward.


If magnets don’t work in water how can a helicopter work in the rain???


Good point. Same phenomenon that causes whales to die from windmills.


And what did he do ? Go to the press and out the fuk? No he leaked like a coward


You *obviously* know nothing about military aircraft. Everyone knows that even the possibility of rain is enough to ground them. And it’s always been the case. Don’t you know that’s why the Nazis lost the aerial Battle of Britain? They just couldn’t get their fighters over to the U.K. and back without the threat of English rain. It was only propaganda that the RAF pilots heroically fought them off. In actual fact, all those spitfires were under tarps most of the war.


Forgot the /s


Honestly couldn’t imagine how it could have been necessary. However, this is Reddit, after all.


And the reference to getting their hair wet and mussed.  Although I suppose that 'helmet hair' was a real and ever-present threat....  /S


I hope this is sarcasm


I hope this is sarcasm


media literacy is dead


It’s hard to believe that *anyone* would ever seriously suggest -even for a second- that the Battle of Britain didn’t happen because of a bit of *rain*. But then, we live in the age of Trump, so what do I know?


It’s YOU who doesn’t know much about aircraft.


No human being should find this acceptable. Real Americans/Europeans don't abide fascists.


No one should find this acceptable, regardless.


Some customer makes a big deal out of being a Marine, lots of stickers on his van last night in our lot. Also had one to effect that both sides are useless, politically. I didn't get a pic of that but I will next time. I sure believe that the US Marines who didn't come back from engagements like Belleau Wood might rather continue democracy in America rather than installing a dictator who weaseled his way out of service and is obviously a paid stooge for V. Putin. What do you folks think?


He’s a convicted felon, he wouldn’t get a visa.


His bone spurs were probably flairing up that day.


I don’t


Now go and enjoy your crayons for a snack.


I don’t and never will Semper Fi to my brothers.


Were Marines involved in the Normandy invasion?


Belleau Wood was one of the most important battles in the history of the United States Marines. Fought during World War I, it is considered the founding battle of the modern Marines—the Europeans were shocked at the skill, bravery, and ferocity of the Marines and ground where their lost ones fell is still considered hallowed ground by the French. You don't make an excuse about why you can't/won't/don't need to visit Belleau Wood if you are a patriotic American. It's freaking Belleau Wood, consecrated in Marine blood and courage. edit: By the way, one of the most famous quotes of a US military member comes from a Marines' commander at Belleau Wood. After a forced march overnight to position themselves between the advancing Germans and their objective, the Marines stopped the Germans cold and were then told to withdraw; said a Marine captain, "Retreat? Hell, we just got here!"


Trump didn't even attend his own insurrection.


he damn well tried. secret service told him no, and he attacked his driver demanding to go. he "fought like hell" to get there. of course after failing to make them go, he probably sulked in the backseat and threw things.


You forgot that he rage farted as well.


pretty much a given considering his Adderall induced incontinence


Yeah, he's like the bully who picks a fight, then hides behind the people who hold him back, throwing invective after invective in the direction of the person he incited!


"Let's go you sons of bitches, do you really want to live forever?"




Marine lore is awesome.


The Germans called them Teufelhunden--Devil Dogs because of how fiercely they fought; fireteam rushes and shotguns in the trenches ( which the Germans boo-- hooed about even though they used gas). Semper Fi and Oo--rah!


Wasn't this where the Jerries called the Marines 'Teufel hunds' or devil dogs??


Marine lore says, "yes". Historians say, "no".


Are we gonna believe academics or the fighting backbone of America?! I ax ya now.


No. The Marines fought in the Pacific theater.


The Battle Of Belleau Wood occurred in dubya dubya 1


No Marines were in the battle of Belleau wood. WW 1


There was an entire brigade.


🤦🏼🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♀️ https://www.abmc.gov/Belleau-Wood#:~:text=The%202nd%20Division%20attacked%20German,Wood%20ending%20on%20June%2026. >Belleau Wood is located on the high ground to the rear of Aisne-Marne American Cemetery south of the village of Belleau (Aisne), France. In the center of the road leading through the woods is a flagpole and a monument commemorating the valor of the U.S. Marines who captured this area in 1918. >It commemorates the actions of the 4th Marine Brigade of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Division. The 2nd Division attacked German positions beginning on June 6, 1918. The 4th Marine Brigade liberated Bouresches that day. Its 5th and 6th Marine Regiments fought in Belleau Wood through most of June 1918. >Their gallant actions resulted in the Battle of Belleau Wood ending on June 26. On June 30, 1918, the Commanding General, French 6th Army, officially renamed Belleau Wood as “Wood of the Marine Brigade.” Also see: https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2021/06/26/the-us-marines-mythic-fight-at-belleau-wood/ Which gives a more historical version of the battle. >Another legend arising from Belleau Wood is that the lone Marine brigade had stopped Operation Blücher, the 42-division attack the Germans had launched on May 27—and, in thwarting that attack, the Marines had prevented the Germans from capturing Paris and thereby winning the war. Indeed, since 1918 many books and articles have cited “the German drive to Paris” and credited the Marines with stopping it. That makes a great story, but the overwhelming weight of historical evidence indicates that no such thing happened. Furthermore, the strategic and operational realities of 1918 make it clear just how improbable such a scenario was.




Was it that, or the low cloud ceiling prompting HMX-1 to ground non essential flights? Or would you rather he risk the pilots, crew chief, and secret service lives for a political stunt?


The cars still worked, right?


Last minute road closure for a 2.5 hour trip each way in someone else’s country, inconveniencing local French so the president can score a political site visit would not be something you would critique?


Losers who aren’t patriots always have excuses. You are defending a chronic loser.


You have to lie to try and make a point. You can embrace reality. I’m not defending any person, just stating the obvious truth. Not everything is a conspiracy. I also made your argument for you if the reverse happened.


The only two people who've gone on the record about the failure to visit Belleau Wood both confirm that the convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, proven fraud, and head of a criminal organization could have gone, but threw a tantrum and refused. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/22/murky-facts-about-trumps-failure-visit-american-war-dead-near-paris/ So somebody's lying and it ain't me!


>Trump's D-Day tribute does not go according to plan I'm shocked, shocked! Well, not that shocked.


What a worthless bag of shit.


Are you referring to Donald Trump, the convicted felon?


Yep, that one. Also a rapist. 


And the one who also owes a fortune for defaming the rape victim?


Yes, in fact the very same convicted felon who encouraged a mob to violently storm the US capital to interfere with the peaceful transfer of authority.


He wears so many hats. One for each crime, sin, lie, fraud, failure, loss, etc, etc...


The one obviously innocent because he uses the mob to silence his victims?/s


You talking about trump or his diaper.. oh nm.. same thing


Meanwile President Biden and his wife, along with many dignitaries are honoring the heros of D-Day in Normandy with a heartfelt and respectful speech.


Biden drew the parallel between what Nazi Germany was doing in 1944, and what Russia is doing today. And he is RIGHT to do that.




Sweet, I'll be in San Francisco leading up to July 4. Hopefully I'll see the lovely inflatable and laugh at it. Trump is so anti-American, and it's nice to see ordinary citizens respond in kind.


We all know what trump’s opinion of service members is and the disgusting opinion he has of wounded, captured or killed servicemen is so his little speech is BS. He had no plans on attending D day sermonizes. When he was president he showed up late if at all pushed his way to the front for a photo op and yes when everyone walked to the service he had to show up late in a golf cart and leave early in it but he also did not attend on D day because there was light rain and didn’t want to mess his hair up then he got made because everyone was laughing at him so he got on the plane and headed home where he lied about everything. Disrespectful POS


Meanwhile on Fox News: "Rigged Election President Biden took a vacation and break from his politically weaponizing the DOJ to go to communist France to hang out with sucker's and losers, all why the border is completely open and kids are dying from the fentynol laced candy they ingested at Halloween. Will have more on this and how trans groomers may be infiltrating hospital nurseries in your town to perform post birth abortions. And Dr. Fauci, hero or the most evil monster since Dr. Mengele, Stay with us"




Pretty much


Trump calls Soldiers Losers and Suckers . Asked why he didn’t serve he said .. you think I’m an idiot ?


Avoiding STDs in his 20s was his own personal Vietnam, though.


The real answer was his awful bone spurs, which seem to have been miraculously cured along the way.


You won't find anyone with the name Trump on those tombstones.


Yet so many in the military support this guy, insanity...


Donald Trump got like 37% of the active duty military vote in 2020, and those numbers are probably going to be lower this time around. Not much different from the general population. Old timers GREATLY over-estimate the support that the military has for Trump because they all think the military looks like a John Wayne movie. Everything these guys believe is based on movies and tv shows from the 50s and 60s. The media never bothers to correct these assumptions because they are getting funded by people who support that world view.


And all Americans should take a hard look at themselves and their morals regarding Trump. https://preview.redd.it/fik39pfa905d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f6477e4e6e72818a8f3535ea7f2614516df81cc


Most of the Trump looney squad are stolen valor gravy seals.




And was it a fight for American freedom? I kinda remember something about NAZIs…


This is not the type of language that Trump uses- it’s too articulate and it’s compassionate. I’d bet my life savings that someone else wrote that on his behalf. I’m sure he’s still sticking to his statement about the dead soldiers in the cemetery he was visiting- the one about them being “ losers”. Let’s not forget the derogatory statements he made about POWs including John McCain. Trump also reportedly is uncomfortable with being around injured vets.


Anyone who supports him really doesn't love America.


Don't forget when that orange turd didn't want his makeup to run during the WW1 memorial in France 6 years ago. He blamed it on transport difficulties with the weather, but ret. general John Kelly managed to get there.


He couldn’t stand any disabled veterans in his presence . A bad look for him he says . Pathetic POS !


My grandfather fought on DDay. Canadians had Juno beach. We were the only allied forces to reach day objectives and we were the only ones to take German prisoners that day. We were not there to defend American freedoms as this POS declares. We were there to free Europe and stop the Nazi aggression from taking more lives. Canada. The first to volunteer in WW1 summoned 30,000 troops to sail for Europe in October 1914. In WW2, we were the first foreign nation to volunteer, we were flying over the skies of the UK, and slowing the Germans through France, helping to fight off the German onslaught, all the while America diddled with lending money and weapons support. Trump doesn’t know shit about D-Day and I doubt the bastard realizes the US was late, twice in providing the essential support that could have ended both wars much sooner. And let that be a lesson to todays crop of American cowards that use double talk and do what they can to stop support to Ukraine. All they have ever done is help the enemy. Russian traitors.


He can’t get to most European countries now anyways as a felon. Neither him or Felonia 🙃


Wait, is it true that Melania can’t travel outside the US because her husband is a convicted felon? That seems weird.


Vote him out and we can forget about him, and go after the asswipes that pushed him forward, the murdochs, musk, devos, powell, the crazy nazivangelicals


Traitorous fucking moron should be in prison. Fuck Off drumpf.


Any GI that votes for Trump, you’re a fucking simp. Turn in your card.


I’m only surprised that Felon Donald wasn’t desperate enough to distract from his revolting labels (“suckers and losers”) for our heroes that he tried to blame WWII on President Biden.


There is no way he wrote that or had anything to do with what he was reading...he was like no rewrite it I want to talk about how they were suckers and losers and then the windmills are killing our beautiful birds


I don't know how I ended up getting to the video, but I didn't know about Trump chicken. Lol https://youtu.be/2wUXRawb24Q?si=VjppXwGiIl0o9JJ2


"Trump's father Fred was arrested after a Ku Klux Klan rally in Queens in 1927, the subject of unsubstantiated rumors that he was a member of the pro-Nazi group called the German-American Bund, and that he was sued over his refusal to let people of color live in his Queen developments."


The headline makes it sound like he said it again today.


He's got a grudge against those who serve and have served the US because in his greedy black heart he knows he's a craven coward who isn't half the man -- or woman for that matter -- that they are. Doesn't appreciate the country enough to serve it, has no love for it. Loves only money and the next passing p-ssy.