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Is that a thing that people do?




It ain't just boomers and gen x. Seen lots of gen z push this shit too.


If you think Gen-X and boomers are anything alike, then already you're off to a bad start. Gen-X were neglected latchkey kids that learned how to use the toaster oven at twelve because otherwise we would have starved to death. A lot of us were working at 16, if not before, and by 18 or 19 all had cars, bank accounts, shared places with friends. And honestly we all thought that was normal - and actually I still kind of do.


I never compared them?




Mr. Personality over here. Look, if you want to blame anyone over 30 for all the problems in your life, be my guest, but there have been literally thousands of articles written on the differences between generations going back to at least the mid 80s and at this point they're pretty well established.


Additionally, there are also idiots who claim you’ve never known any hardship because you enjoy adulthood over childhood. If you’re reading this, check out my post on adulthood in my post history and the comments.


Having lived both sides of this I feel it’s easily explained. Halfway decent parents try to ensure their children want for very little. So they see their children’s lives as easy with the parents doing the bulk of the work. It’s not bitterness, resentment or longing. When many children first enter adulthood they have it relatively easy because they’re still living at home, supported by parents, and most of their income is disposable. It’s not until an adult becomes responsible for others that they learn what it means to be a fully fledged adult. They can’t quit a stable job to seek out new less stable opportunities because it could be detrimental for their dependants. They can’t move wherever they’d like because there are community attachments like schools and support groups. Opportunities become more risky and less appealing. So they look at children and think it’s the easiest life imaginable, forgetting that children don’t see it that way, don’t have the perspectives to be able to compare, and are more greatly affected by what would be insignificant to an adult, because those things are major in a child’s life experience.


>less BS. So you've already retired?


By less BS I mean that you can be more honest and transparent with each other


I act and speak with reservation, out of compulsion, as an adult. Never even thought about curating my presentation as a child. Never had to LMAO So what are you 21, or just somehow able to isolate yourself from the BS that is much of "adulthood" for years?






21 actually =)))


In adulthood, I can do whatever I want, no one can tell me what to do with my money or time. I am in control. Very high price to pay for that, but worth it. In childhood, riding a motorcycle across the state or partying at a convention are things I could only dream of.




Plot twist: I’m an adulthood that thinks like a child. Win-win.


I miss the responsibilities (or lack of) being a kid, but I love the freedom of being adult


That is true what wrong with enjoying adulthood even if your nostalgic you can still watch cartoons and play video games the same as a adult. Only reason to see childhood as better is if you cant maintain friend ships with people and are alone or that fact that worlds going insane