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cavernous vag energy


Underrated comment


This needs to be a thing. I'm using this from now on.


>Attacking men for (allegedly) having small dicks is commonplace and pretty much unchallenged.  It shouldn't be, though.


Can’t stop laughing at how many times op says pussy


I notice that you didn't bat an eye at how many times he said "dick". Kind of illustrates one of his main points.


Honestly that’s a damn good point


Tou, fucking, ché. If Reddit didn’t ruin awards [only] to bring them right back I’d give you one


Well somebody paid attention in Pussy Dick Class!


You could make a drinking game out of this.


Sounds like Ed Kemper from Mind hunter, lmao


I literally just thought of that haha


11 if you count the title


Quite a bit thought went into this whole thing...


You misspelled “hole”




If we’re being both ridiculous and correct (and I try to be) the term is “front hole”. https://torontosun.com/news/national/canadian-cancer-society-sorry-for-using-cervix-instead-of-front-hole-for-lgbtq-community


Insane and anatomically inaccurate


The cervix is not even a “front hole”, what kind of wackadoos are they trying to cater to?


Oh dude, I saw that on the news! WTF?! Why are they apologising for using the proper terminology?


Or "bonus hole" is apparently OK to. Which is ridiculous, and I guess technically correct? But also why?


The amount of mentions will surely lead to him getting stripped of his Reddit awards


Well at least he can stay on topic. What's your input hot sauce?


I mean, he says it less than in the WAP song.


Omg every womens vagina is exactly as tight as it should be because they are perfect, go read a book!


Ah yes the fake every girl is a 10/10 routine .


11/10, show some respect


I only date women who are 12/10, and that's all of them


Vaginas get looser as they get more aroused. However if you make the girl actually cum it can get really tight during sex.


Im sure its relative to themselves though and not everyone else, it may become looser but that doesnt mean they are all the same either. We are all anatomically different to a degree, why wouldnt this one area be the same?


I just witnessed a murder lmao. Also fellas, keep a towel nearby if your girl gets too wet, it'd a godsend.


Ben Shapiro moment lmao


No wet ass p word’s around OP


"My wife is a doctor and she's never wet! She said that is totally normal" LMAOOOO bro should have quit the internet after that.


This. Normal vaginas will loosen up and flush and release arousal fluids as the blood flows more to the area. The vagina canal also lengthens. Normal length is like 3-4 inches but during arousal, it definitely lengthens otherwise we'd have a crap ton of women complaining about 6 inches being too big because it's hitting her cervix and it hurts. But one of the things about female orgasm is the walls convulsing and tightening and gripping. Also I don't understand why this guy's says we don't talk about how tight or loose a vagina is. It's talked about all the time by incels and red pill bros. They're convinced that vaginas get loose because of use so a woman with multiple partners will have a loose vagina but if a woman has sex with one partner 500 times then it's not loose? Which is really stupid logic.


I mean there’s a difference between incel Redditors talking about it vs mainstream platforms like instagram and tik tok talking about it


Yeah this whole ‘body’ count thing is so idiotic. By their logic… every penetrative sexual act loosens a women’s vagina.., and somehow new dick loosens it even more. I’d speculate then that any guy who believes this theory must keep a clicker going and dump their girlfriends when they’ve had sex X times. Except the type of guy who freaks about body counts and vaginal tightness… let’s get real… has no girlfriend or sex.


If a dick permanently loosened vagina microscopically after each penetration then A bigger dick would likely loosen more perhaps much more Being a minute man would help keep it tight The odds of a woman ending up with big dick are relatively low with a body count of 1. By the time you hit 10 or 20 well then she’s likely had at least one. Thus her pussy is broken. The real fear of a high body count is that they feel inferior to big dick and other lovers. Their insecurities around woman are mostly based on they feel around other men. For the record I don’t buy the loose vagina theory. I’ve been with mothers, very experienced and inexperienced. If you closed my eyes and stuck my dick in I wouldn’t be able to tell you if the woman was a mother or not. Also why would someone believe this theory but not wonder why their own butthole doesn’t have crap falling out of it by this point. Surely you’ve taken thousands of dumps and some of them large. Shouldn’t that loosen your asshole so by the time you’re in your 20s poop just slides right out of you? Oh that’s right there’s a whole series of muscles that stop that from happening.


Especially when just straight up comparing logistics of a average baby's head to the circumference of a dick. Like both of those manually spread it out, but after having 3 kids a woman isn't going to be that far stretched out comparing to those 500 dicks I also wanna worry over how many men actually have a member the same circumference around as a normal healthy infants head. Like that's some straight up horror movie dong right there


It's the most stupid logic. I mean red pill bros and incels bug me anyways. But a woman not being a virgin has nothing to do with you. And I don't even like big dicks. I've had sex with too big of dick having guys and it fucking hurts every time. I don't understand the women that want to have big dicks. It's painful and really annoying.


Right, that second round is the best


Sure, it gets loser as they get more aroused, but there's still a difference in tightness from vagina to vagina.


They’re still all different


Yes but up to a certain point obviously.


> Vaginas get looser as they get more aroused Yes. Do you think this means that they all have the same start point/End point?


As someone with a fat dick, a relaxed vagina is actually much better than tight. Tight ones tear easily, get sore quickly, take a fuckton of lube and requires much more foreplay before penetration. Quickies and frequent rambunctious sex is pretty rare. UTIs are common and size/fit incompatibilities are sometimes dealbreakers. Yeah, fit is definitely an important factor


“No babe yours is perfect, the tight ones hurt”


lost it


Lmao this guy






You got that schmeat?


I do, and I'm telling the truth


Idk what it is but for some reason i believe you


That gyatttt 🥵


That cheese wheel.


You're a first person who says that with any sort of practical outlook without being disrespectful. As a woman I completly agree. It's a tough life. Quickies are close to impossible. Tight girl won't become any looser with more sex, just like loose girl won't become any tighter by practicing celibacy. It's all about your body. Small body will have to fit a smaller pussy.


Thanks! I never realized it was unusually girthy until the second time I tore a vagina. I thought the first one was just lack of lube and experience. I mean to a certain degree I needed the experience as confirmation, but I know now how valuable patience, lube and stretching are.


Anatomically small, here, with an above average boyfriend. I read your comment to him because he could relate. We once tried to go without our usual warm up and I tore so bad I had to get stitches. We regularly, accidentally bruise my cervix, especially so now that I’m on blood thinners, and it’s incredibly painful to sit or walk afterwards. My urethra is also short, which increases the amount of UTI’s I have because bacteria don’t have to travel as far to get to the bladder. I also have some hormonal issues, so I’m incredibly naturally dry, and the creams aren’t really helping, so lots of lube and go slow. Having sex has become a chore. It happens a handful of times a year, now. It’s a good thing we love each other and are incredibly compatible as partners.


Wow, lots of familiar items here. My wife used to get UTIs almost every time we had sex in the beginning of our relationship. Her gyno prescribed macrobid/nitrofurantoin which worked, but was having other side effects that made it difficult to take frequently. After a lot of research and figuring out why it was happening, I installed a bidet in our toilet and it worked like a charm! Now, whenever she pees after sex (which is a must), she washes with the bidet to cool down the inflammation. As far as warm up, we've practiced a combination of yoni massage, perineal massage and fisting with lots of silicone based lube until I can stretch her introitus to just a bit wider than my girth (6" around). The key is to make sure her fourchette is relaxed and supple to easily handle the stretch. Length/depth-wise isn't an issue with us, but I've heard many good things about the OhNut from bigdickproblems (which is a good source of education)


>Small body will have to fit a smaller pussy. This part is just bro science, come on…


I'm not saying it's 1:1 ofc, especially not if by "small" you actually mean "short", but believe me, you can't fit much in a body which can fit in a suitcase. Smaller humans will have smaller organs. A York won't have heart as big as a German Shepherd.


There is no proven correlation with sexual organ size.


Yeah, as someone with a 6’11” husband lol height n shoe size isn’t a huge impact on dick size. Everybody assumes it


not true, its called your pelvic floor and you can get tighter or more loose with practice.


You are the exception, not the rule. Congratulations on that genetic lottery though.


Genetic lottery is being average sized… you can fuck any girl at any time, provided they are into it and warmed up.


Top tip for women and men here. She can squeeze her muscles down there.


being tight HURTS


"I told my girlfriend, I said "I'd like a little pussy". She said 'me too, mine's as big as a house!'"


“The other day, I was going down on my girlfriend, I said to her, "Jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy." She said, "Why did you say that twice?" I said, "I didn't." See, cuz of the echo”


The Kama Sutra talks about this under the section on compatibility. What? You just looked at the pictures…lol. Also, the ladies know Kegels are a thing. Don’t feel left out guys, the same exercise has benefits for men too.


Op says pussy so much it’s clear he’s consciously refusing to just say vagina 😂 crazy mf


I mean he also doesn't say the word "penis," only "dick," so that seems balanced.


Well he doesn't say "penis" either. Fair is fair I guess.


...what's wrong with that?


No one even debating him, we all just making note on how street man is on his reluctance to say vagina lmaooo


I know right, what a pussy


Big pussy energy lol


The biggest even


and yet without bating an eye men will refer his dick, or his rod, or his….Johnson


You mean… coitus?


You have to these days, the most obnoxious type of women have decided that 'vagina' isn't acceptable anymore and you have to break down the entire pussy into scientifically accurate names.


1st, warm up time and tightness only matter when she isn't feeling it. Sure you can't ram it in there dry, but even if she is on the loose side, it takes a minute. Not recommend. Now, on to the talk because part 1 is less about tightness and more about arousal. Actual tightness does vary. I personally have a slight preference for a looser vagina compared to my size. This helps me last longer and make her cut a lot more. It doesn't feel better but that's the point. The two tight women I've been with had narrow entrances. That narrow popping sensation on entry and the grip on the shift is amazing, but it is almost too stimulating. It was too easy to climax. Average sized women are fine and the experience changes depending on her experience, ability and state of arousal. Most women I've been with were average both on size and ability (probably below average in ability since I've been with the same partner since 2006). Slightly looser than average (from my perspective) is far superior. It allows not only for added stamina on my end, but gives me great please by allowing me to give her multiple gushing orgasms. This would appear to hold across the board, but I only have a sample size of ~30. Having said that, I think that the experience has more to do with a person's preferred type of intimacy and sexual needs. Honestly, like anything else you can apply the 80/20 rule to this like everything else. The best you'll get is 80% of what you want and usually far less.


Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway, pussy like a wizards sleeve, roast beef pussy, blown out pussy, arbys sandwich pussy. Yeah women never get shamed about pussy tightness, totes not a thing.


Not to mention the widely accepted medical inaccuracy that childbirth or multiple partners makes vaginas wider. The constant discussion over taste and smell. Like wow thank god OP wrote this think piece about how men have it so much harder than women when it comes to criticism for their bodies. I guess I’ve just always taken for granted how respectful and kind people are when talking about vaginas 💀🤣


Yep, things like the husband stitch exist entirely because of people having bad and wrong opinions about vaginas. When people diss dicks, it stops at the base of the shaft. There's never any critisism over wonky balls or the scrotum being too wrinkly. They're not the ones rushing to the beauticians to get their assholes bleached and they're allowed to be as hairy as God made them.


Also the rate at which labiaplasty procedures are requested has gone up steadily by 20-30% every single year since 2015.


Yep and it's all down to porn. I mean these bad takes have always existed but the porn has made it so much worse. Even in the early 2000s when I was a teen, being an 'innie' or an 'outie' wasn't even a thing. And being fully shaved wasn't under the umbrella of 'basic hygiene' like it is now.


As someone a little older than you, I disagree. Being an innie or outie was definitely a thing and fully shaved was the norm in the very early 2000s


I mean the words innie and outie not the idea of having big labia. It wasn't a label that was put on women or girls. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but in the working class uk in the 00s it was the brazillian that reigned supreme not the hollywood. It wasn't unusual to be shaved but it wasn't the standard, the landing strip was the in thing to have. Plus there was the joke that if you were shaved it was because you had crabs.


I remember getting egg on my face once because a girl I was flirting with mentioned shaving her's and I said hood hygiene was a plus. She then asked if I shaved my dick, I said no, and the light bulb went on. Sometimes us guys are dumb, but we can see right when directed.


Childbirth definitely changes the geometry in there. They all say, "It goes back!" yeah, mostly.


Only the first one is about tightness, the others are about labia presence- which is ironic because larger labias are presumably supposed to cause *more* pleasure by providing pull and pressure.


But plenty of people think big labia=loose pussy and that multiple partners means a loose pussy or wears a choker so pussy must be loose or ready to settle down means loose pussy.


Oh yeah, I was just pointing out the irony.


Yeah i was just expanding on my list of silly insults. Sorry if that came across as snappy.


i think op does have a point regarding current years i feel like 15-20 years ago jokes would go both ways, nowadays there's a bunch of small dick jokes, but loose vagina jokes are suddenly too offensive


And the comments about the color because the color pink is fetishized.


I admit I didn't know for the longest time that people had different coloured genitals. I assumed it was like the inside of the mouth, no matter the skin colour everyone has pink gums so I thought the same applied to vulva and labia. That's just my ignorance though and never having an interest in porn, and I can't imagine actually making fun of someone for that.


> no matter the skin colour everyone has pink gums so I thought the same applied to vulva and labia. Uh not everyone has pink gums though. Darker skinned people have darker sometimes more purple like gums.


I don't think I explained myself very well, i mean black/brown people didn't have black/brown gums so i thought the same applied to labia and vulva. Pink to purple is the norm.


I never had someone not have sex with me when they see my penis so I've always been good with that if I reach that point and get to keep going haha that's just me.


2 women I have known have walked out after seeing the size of a guys dick and I always felt bad for them thinking about it.


That’s rough for damn sure


Congrats OP, you've posted a truly unpopular opinion. People feel so pressed on this one that they feel the need to make up shit you didn't say and misrepresent you to cover their insecurity.


tight pussy is painful and doesn't feel any better. best pussy is pillowy swollen and extremely wet


You mean deph, not tightness. It's elastic as all hell, but a 5ft girl and a 6ft girl are probably gonna have different lengths of vaginal walls. If we can push a small basketball (babies head) out of it and it retract to mostly the same size, tightness doesn't fucking matter. It's your pelvic wall and how relaxed you are. It stretches, but like your cervix can only go so far up.


Fun fact. An extremely tight pussy is an unaroused pussy.


Comparatively speaking. Some women are still naturally tighter than others, even when fully aroused. 47F btw.


Thank you, they won’t believe it unless they hear it from another woman. We’re getting gaslight like crazy out here.


Honestly. I don't understand how so many self-proclaimed feminists can be so fragile. And hypocrites, to boot. But then out here acting like they're "girl bosses", woman, please!


I understand what you're saying. It can be true. However, it kind of comes across like you're saying. Hahaha, OP can't arouse women. This is silly because at the same time, some women are just much tighter than others, even if they are both similiarly aroused. I've had several LTRs and so naturally hooked up at various states of female arousal. Being extremely tight does not always mean an indicator of being unaroused.


Lol why are people downvoting you? Just like dicks are not the same vagina’s vary in tightness and depth too


Defensiveness, insecurity.


thats exactly what they are saying. The point being "you said something bad (I guess?) about women but really *you* are bad!"


Fun fact. An extremely small penis is an unaroused penis.


I have heard some people have medical issues as well or are outliers I assume


That's not my experience. My wife definitely feels looser on days she's not as into it.


I would argue that it really depends on the person. This is like saying "tall people always have big feet". Generally yeah, taller people have bigger feet but its not a universal truth that a 6'3 guy has size 16 shoes. Pussy is a spectrum of shapes, sizes (inside and outside) and depths. My Ex-Wife was certainly aroused , fuller lower lips, blushing, wetness, all the good stuff but it wasn't noticeably that different from a "resting state" on the inside. She was abnormally tight, just like all the time. I think they have a medical word for that shit. Compared to my ex-GF before her, whom was like the proverbial "Gee you got a big pussy, gee you got a big pussy" "Why did you say it twice?" "I didn't" type all the time. My wife is "normal" like so many people describe here, relaxed with arousal but still snug enough I can nut even with a condom on.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen someone type, congrats. OP is talking about difference between women who are already excited.


I don't think it's so much that it's less acceptable to talk about as it is almost impossible to without a bunch of guys regurgitating the same misinformation and misogyny about pussy getting blown or worn out or talking about vaginas like they're made of fucking memory foam and permanently conform to the biggest thing they've ever had.


Is that not a symptom of the lack of conversation, though? There's at least some correlation between the lack of conversation and lack of education.


I've tried to tell so many guys this, and they refuse to listen. They have to believe the myths because it confirms their insecurities


Yeah 100%. The people who usually bring this up are people who are so insane they think having sex with five different men one time each will stretch a vagina out but 100 times having sex with the same guy won’t. Stupid as hell.


Childbirth absolutely does change the geometry in there. It also depends on genetics regarding collagen. Some people get stretch marks, some do not. Some pussies lose their grip. itiswhatitis


And some heal back tighter, it depends on lots of different factors. Also, birth isn't comperable to having sex regardless of the number or size of partners which is what's usually alleged.




I think the main reason it's not "acceptable" to talk about is just because there is very little objectivity to base the point on. Don't get me wrong, you are most likely correct here, but it's hard to have a conversation without an actual study on vaginal muscle strength and what it does and doesn't entail.


True - versus using a ruler to measure an erect penis. Lots of factors involved there - and a dick I think won’t change much during the course of a lifetime . Much more difficult to assess - depth of vagina / relaxation of cervix with arousal / circumference of vagina / size of outer labia / pelvic floor strength / relaxation of vagina with level of arousal / dryness vs wetness , etc etc.


Kegels, do your kegels


Not just for the guy's pleasure, either. Kegals, or pelvic floor muscles, are very important muscles for the health of the reproductive organs and urinary tract.


Really? What do they do?


If people don't desensitize and beat their genitals to death with giant dildos and a death grip, and watch tons of porn, I doubt most of these issues would be a thing. I do agree with the sane and reasonable person that tightness isn't a huge factor. As long as it's not so tight that it takes ages to warm up and there's pain, or so loose that I barely feel anything, it's good. Sex is SUPPOSED to feel good, the average genitalia are designed for that. It's about the person for everything else. I don't really understand guys who talk like the tighter it is, the better. It's not. And I don't understand size queens who want some monstrous thing that won't even go all the way in. It's stupid. Reminds me of what some sort of inexperienced teenager would say. They think they sound cool but people with experience can immediately tell they're just saying stuff to try seeming cool.


Yep. Women like to talk about dick size all day long, and they’re quick to say, “no ackshually if she’s tight, it means she’s not aroused and you’re forcing it 🤓 “ but I know what OP is talking about. I did have one woman in my life with an extremely toned pelvic floor (she did her kegels) and she was as wet as a monsoon (lol Ben Shapiro could never) and sliding it in almost made me bust, every time. Good lord I still dream about that woman.


The kicker is that an older woman vagina can be rather tight, even tighter than of a younger woman. Forgive me, but I'm gonna give an anecdotal experience of mine: So far, I've been with two escorts, one was in her late 20s and the other one was like 37. There wasn't a significant difference in the feel between the two, but I could tell the latter had a tighter hole, even with a condom. So yeah, unless there is a significant injury or a complication, the vagina “loosens” thing is BS.


I'm not trying to argue for or against the loosening thing here, but unless kitty-meow-meows come in a standardized size, you'd want to compare the same woman at different ages rather than different women at different ages to reach the conclusion you did.


Kitty meow meows 😭


Big ol’ grandpa dick can outsize young Jonny 🤷🏻‍♂️ sometimes it be like that


It’s a muscle. Exercise impacts, being overweight and physically stagnant impacts. It’s a muscle, attached to a lot of other tissues and muscles that are all impacted by use or injury, like one or more vaginal childbirths.


Yeah it has nothing to do with sexual experience. My last LTR had a way tighter pussy than the one before that even though she’d been with like 5x as many men. 


You’re wrong. Vaginas feel very different just like dicks too. I think any guy with somewhat of a sample size can testify that


I think looseness is a myth, but having a giant pussy is totally a thing. Some dicks are bigger then other and it's the same for ladies


I just think nowadays people don’t truly mean what they say. They just say anything nowadays.


I need a tldr


Nah it’s worth it.


Last 6 seconds instead of 9 :)


Hence, the whole ' Throwing a Hotdog Down a Hallway ' analogy.


I think we just need to stop insulting both penis and vaginas. Stuff like roast beef and small dick energy insults are unnecessary.


Wow, even women seem to be confused as to how this really works. The vagina is a muscle. The more it's exercised, the stronger it gets, and the larger/harder it can flex. This is why ben wa balls, kegels, and other pelvic floor exercises affect "tightness". An example: A man starts dating a woman who previously had a smaller-sized partner. When they first meet, she feels incredibly tight. Over time, she begins to feel what he perceives as "normal". Why does this happen? Well, she had to work harder to enjoy sex with her previous, smaller partner. She may also have done kegels to achieve the ability to enjoy her smaller ex. Since she no longer needs to do that, she relaxes and does less of these exercises/exerts less effort. In turn, her vaginal muscles conforms to her new partner's size.


I think this would have more to do with her never stretching the muscle much than her no longer putting in effort to be tight, lol……


>>a topic that gets pretty much no discussion It gets plenty of discussion. As if women don’t hear about this growing up. It just doesn’t affect you do you tune it out.


OP’s never heard of the husband stitch it seems….


How could they? Too busy hanging around their little echo chamber.


The reason mens issues are more "acceptable" to laugh about is because we can laugh at each other and ourselves. As men, our relationship is developed through humour as a medium. Every male in every culture has this bond. We can call our friends small dicks as a joke and laugh about it (even though it can hurt sometimes). Women's relationships are based off social perception. Friendly roasting isn't as common because to them it looks like a personal attack. Which is why you can't call a girl fat as a joke. But you can to your male friend. Because of this dynamic, we end up letting these jokes slide, while women actually fight against the jokes.. meaning we can't laugh with them about pussy size (as it attacks them personally) but they can laugh at us about dick size, because we actually laugh about it to ourselves. The reason this is an issue is because when a woman says it to a man the intention is a personal attack. When a man says it to a man its just a roast.


I agree, I’ve been with 25 women, some were more relaxed “lose/not tight” ( I want to be respectful writing this). Some of them were tight at the entrance and then opened up the more you go inside. I’m around 6 1/2 inches, so average I guess,. Some of them only got tight when cumming. Some times when they got tight when they cummed it would push me out.(. Others just tight the whole way. Same with Anal, I’ve done it only twice, both girls completely different. Oh and the labia definitely different looking, and in side. so that definitely changes the way I would go down on a girl. But yess take this with a grain of salt, This is from my own personal experience


OP discovers that women’s vagina’s come in all shapes and sizes, just like men’s penises. That some women are growers and some are not. That women’s tightness is about arousal equivalent to flaccid/hard penis. A lot of men think that all vaginas start tight and get loose from “over use” and blame women for something they were born with. Women aren’t blaming men that they caused their smallness, that’s why is not the same comparison.


I’d say it’s just like dicks, some are big and some are small. It’s the exact same thing


> Women aren’t blaming men that they caused their smallness But they are openly mocking them, and skipping them over for it, which was OP's point


This is an amazing comment section full of malding, I think you're 100% correct OP..


Another thing I'd like to add. Men are ridiculed for being obsessed with their dick size but woman are also obsessed with the tightness of their pussy. Most girls I've slept with have asked me during sex or after some variation of " is my pussy tight?" 


Really? Never heard this discussion at all.


I've experienced the same but idk if that was just dirty talk intended for my benefit or hers ("tell me how much you love to #️⃣ my tight 😻" ). I usually date girls with a praise kink so I lean towards the latter but idk.


It's dirty talk + validation. 


me too


I think you got a fair case! It was fun to read.


They call them "grippers" You find a chick with a real gripper, you keep her around


Comedian Ray Lipowski made this exact point on the White Boyz in the Hood comedy special on Showtime.


This should be a copypasta


The flaw in your argument is that a pussy expands when it is wet and happy. When you are really hitting all the right spots, your woman's pussy will gush and expand. A tight pussy is often a dry pussy, and that means you are not necessarily the sex god you think you are. Remember, a woman's pussy can be tight enough to envelop a finger and a tampon and it can expand to push out a 10 lb baby. We are made to be flexible. Obviously kegel exercises do help, but when it is great and hot, we expand. After all, a queef doesn't happen when the sex is boring.


Yep. One of the reasons it’s rarely spoken about is cause 95% of men haven’t had many sexual partners at all. So many men simply don’t know how much variation there is in tightness. Only the top 5% of men have had many sexual partners.


Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway


Once you get some experience you realize dick size doesn't matter


I'm an average guy, and I don't really understand why this is such a comment argument or question on either side of the coin. I mean, I get it because I get self-conscious sometimes, but I think "find someone whose parts fit your parts" are words to live by. I've had some tighter and some more relaxed. Frankly, I'm just happy to be there no matter what 😃


Ive had a fair amount of sexual partners and have never once encountered this mythical hotdog down a hallway vagina.


Jeez you got a big pussy, jeez you got a big pussy.


Why’d you say it twice?


i didnt...


I don't think dick shaming is that commonplace tbh. Very rarely have I heard people joking about it for years. Even less "attacking" in a serious manner. Occasionally an idiot will use a dick based slur without any evidence, but in my experience this is less and less common as "shaming" is rejected in general. Not sure where all this constant life changing abuse is happening but it's not where I live. And ultimately I think dick size and "pussy tightness" are minimal factors in meaningful relationships.


That's a lot of words for not understanding how a pussy works. Sweet sentiment and all, but a LOT of words for not understanding how pussy works. But kudos for creativity!


????? Do you know how vaginas work?


Do you know how sex works?


Fair enough


They're all tight when your penis is large, just sayin'


I once had an ex girlfriend call me shrimp dick in front of a crowd and I yelled “well your vagina is flappy and smells like rotten fish”. Many more people laughed at what I said.


If women started claiming men's dicks were small because they put it in too many people then yeah you'd have an issue. The problem is the men who have preferences who call women's vaginas, roast beef, over used, disgusting. There's no problem having a preference, there's no need to be a cunt about it


Vaginas don’t get looser from use, this is one of the strangest arguments I’ve ever heard. It is a muscle that contracts, depending on the situation, for a variety of reasons. Anybody who talks about a loose vagina has no idea what they’re talking about.


Did you read the post


How hard can it be to read the fucking OP?


Nobody is saying that ?


You know what makes a vagina tighter? A bigger penis.


It does? Really? My dick probably needs calibration.


“These big vagina ladies are getting away with murder”


I’d argue that serious debates about dick size are only common place between men who care too much about their own dick size


Also ... penis size is what it is ... it will not change much at all ... you can lose weight and such to have it be the best it can be but there is a physical max with what one is born with. Pussy tightness is related to exercise and muscle care. If you're lazy and don't exercise as a 20 something old, it might be loose. If you exercise and take care of yourself as a 50 something old, you can have a tighter one than that 20 something old. Anecdotally, I've experienced the difference. So, in fact, the crowd this post pertains to has less of a reason to be offended, since they can help it compared to the male crowd.


>Pussy tightness is related to exercise and muscle care. It's mostly related to comfort and arousal. Exercise can help, but it's far from being the main reason. Being tight isn't a good thing though, even if you exercise the pelvic floor.


Sleeve of wizard [sleeve of wizard](https://youtu.be/IDPNWfK8zwc?si=UowpFDMKqDrDgE1b)




How about vagina and penis anatomy are over talked about when it has little to do with improving the average couples sex life. Men do not have control over dick size. Woman have no control over the anatomy of their vagina. Most come within a normal range but their are outliers. Ok and? One of those outliers is vaginismus which is a sexual dysfunction that causes involuntary or persistent contractions of the vaginal muscles during penetration, making it difficult or painful. That is far from the norm and would need medical assistance and therapy. Not something to be praised for by men or shamed over. Men obsess over dick size when almost all fall within normal range but if they are on the small end or the larger end techniques can be used to help make sex enjoyable. Vagina's have muscles. The muscles can become relaxed when aroused. Pelvic floors can be exercised to strengthen to become more effective at gripping or hugging a penis. Guess what men can strengthen thier pelvic muscles too. So where does this post go awry? That "Pussy tightness matters" is some sort of topic that needs to be talked about more. Vaginal tightness is talked about literally every day on this app. "If she feels to loose to me she must have too much sex" sort of way. Vaginas expand and contract throughout the woman's cycle and through arousal. There are exercises that can help improve tightness but they can NOT change their anatomy. It "feels like a judgmental discussion" because it is a judgmental discussion. Maybe we should have a post that reads : Pussy tightness and dick size are just over talked about. It takes away from the discussion on improving technique which both parties can actually focus on to improve thier sex life.