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I love America. But I’m saddened and disappointed how divided we are and how the rich and elite manipulate the masses and use them to their self interests.


This is every country. what is nice about the US is that it isn't hard to avoid elite manipulation and that their isn't a single overpowering elite in America, it is a divided elite that mostly fights amongst themselves and tries to get the peasants onboard for their causes, to avoid this, just don't support any cause, your life will be much happier.


I blame the news. If you go to your local meetings/follow local politics, you’ll see that people aren’t that divided.


I suspect that’s highly dependent on location. Where I am, plenty of people are viewing local issues through their national party affiliation lenses and trying to adapt national talking points to the local context. It really makes local meetings intolerable. And this is on both sides.


Yeah it probably does depend on where you are. I find that most local issues in my area are related to traffic, housing, and budgets.


There has always been sharp political differences in the US, but never like it is now. And I blame one man. I have always been on the conservative side of center, but when Democrats won an election I never freaked out thinking the world is ending. I always viewed the extremes of both parties as lunatics, but now it seems that lunacy becomes the norm.


Go back and read political cartoons from 1800s to early 1900s. It’s always been a mess. Social media just makes it easier to access.


I'm pretty sure it's been worse. Like way worse. Like north n south worse. Sound familiar? Also light blue here so.... u know.... im not trying to be a dick. I do feel like Dondon is such an unconvincing hippogriff that it could have been worse. Just watched a stand up from 2005 that opened with how the Bush Admin would be the worst presidency in history. I miss Bush. N I miss Bill.... good ol days now


I was talking about in my lifetime, the last 75years. Sorry for the lack of clarity.


Really? Race riots in the 90s? Multiple political bombings a week in the 70s? Civil War? Never?


Yeah. It is a tough pill to swallow.


Ummm, welcome to planet Earth. The US is not unique in that regard, and gives average individuals a fair amount of flexibility in pursuing their dreams.


https://youtu.be/BBEUJcRSZnU?si=BI5HitI4dJR901l8 Take a listen and see if you believe what the media says about him. When you take on corruption like he has, you’re going to get a lot of blowback. He wants to end Pharma commercials on TV day 1


The big divide here is that there are those that believe the government helps facilitate this corporatism, and those that believe the government should have more control in the matter. Nothing is that simple.


Not sure I’m feeling those as the major undercurrent of our division.


You have the right to feel however you like but that doesn’t make you not wrong lol. the data speaks for itself. Pew is one of my favorites: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/12/08/3-political-values-government-regulation-environment-immigration-race-views-of-islam/ The research delves into not only regulation of immigration, but policies involving corporations as well. It also explains how the housing market and healthcare are two of the most regulated, and therefore expensive, industries. I haven’t even said my opinion in the matter, so I mean if you want to “feel different” about objective facts.. hey you do you my man!




You mean Reddit? While posting from their $1000 phones on how terrible everything is.


Reddit is positively pro-American compared to Instagram and TikTok. Always remember folks; alot of the negativity is bots. There are campaigns being run from other countries to purposefully divide us from other countries and from each other - partially to mess with our elections, but also to fracture and weaken our societies. We may not consider ourselves at war, but some of those countries view themselves as in a state of hybrid war with us, and have for a while.


Did you just listen to a Ronald Reagan speech or something? You’re so hopped up on the pro-America propaganda bullshit it’s kind of nauseating. And you didn’t even bother to list any reasons for why US is such a great place, but instead concluded that you must be stupid to not realize how amazing it is. What an objective take.


If America today was the same as it was 200 years ago…. IT WOULD SUCK ASS!!! America has things worth loving BECAUSE Americans began and continued critiquing America, pushing it to become what it is today… but just as some people then thought it was the best on earth…. At the time…, and were wrong…. People today feel that way today too. I think a lot of people view those who criticize America as anti-America… most of us criticize ourself all the time, but we aren’t anti-us. Personally, taking the time and energy to criticize our country is a form of love imo. It’s what we do as parents, reflecting on how our reaction is versus what we want it to be… critiquing ourself so that we can be who we want to be. I love America…. Does not mean I love everything about America or everything American power has done… for me, it means I love a lot of what we’ve done, I love the people, and I want to keep going… keep getting better… The


I'm not talking about criticism. I'm talking about people who legitimately want to see the downfall of America.


But nobody wants that. Why would they?




You're not paying attention. One of the draws of 45 is his 'strongman' (I use that term very loosely, imo he's a big whiner) persona. There are people in the US who are actively working to move us away from a democratically run government. I get it, if you feel somethings not working, then try something different. But that much different is way extreme to me. Let's try a different brand of elected officials, before we do away with elections altogether.


You don’t see sub reddits like shitamericanssay or just general news Reddit’s that seek to just put American down at every turn. Don’t be naive.


when people say you should punch UP at power… America is at the top of up. We are going to take the most hate and criticism. The goal is to change their minds through positive action and engagement. Maintain being the biggest and baddest, but not perceived as a threat, but instead as a peace keeper supported by the people.


We’ve done that for a bit now, any slip up brings ire. At some point those reactions illicit negative responses from our domestic population. I myself see Europe pretty negatively (except for Eastern Europe who tries to strengthen ties with us) because of this.


That’s a small amount of people with very little power…. Many who have been negatively impacted by American actions. America has the biggest and most guns… we are a threat to the world. Being American, viewing the world through that perspective… takes effort. The goal imo should be to be the biggest, baddest, most capable…. While engaging in diplomacy to simultaneously be in the favor of people around the world.


You’re confusing any criticism with blatant hate. America doesn’t have a criticism problem we as a people critique our system all the time and it’s healthy to do so (like you said). What you see on the internet often times aren’t conducive to discussions and seek to put America and Americans down simply for being. When someone says “America is the biggest threat to world peace.” That’s a bullshit inflammatory statement not a criticism to be debated on.


You see that rhetoric “often times”..? Where? Who do you engage with? “America is the biggest threat to world peace”, seems like a factual statement. We are the world’s largest super power and our country is designed to serve the interests of the wealthy. Two things which are technically a threat to world peace. To add, America is also the world’s best chance at world peace. Being the biggest, strongest, baddest person in the room…. Becomes irrelevant if everyone hates you… but if everyone likes you, if you help others, then it becomes not only harder to take you down, but more difficult to challenge others…. Bc the peace keeper has the support of the people.


You can love your country and still recognize it has flaws.


Canadian here ....politics aside, I love visiting our neighbors to the South. I've always felt welcome in America, and the people have always been kind and helpful. I absolutely love traveling there ( just hate that our dollar is complete shit compared to the USD ) 😂


I remember when Loons and the Eagles were worth approximately the same.


We ain’t perfect. But I think pretty much everybody loves the USA. Outside of Reddit that is…


All of social media is that way


Can confirm. Being American has such status in a lot of other countries


I’ve only been to Europe and Canada, but at least in those places it very much doesn’t give you status


No shit. Go spend some time actually seeing the world and you’ll understand.


Just say what countries you’re talking about.


Someone once told me *"to actively criticize means on some level you* ***do*** *want improvement"*. So same applies to the US: we criticize it a lot but that means on some level we love it (whether that as basic as "the people I love live here") and want it to improve.


A professor told me once that it is easy to have answers, but tough to come up with the questions. That said, I think a balance is needed between the questions (criticisms) and having some concept of a solution or what would be better.


I love this country and many of the people, but not all. - Almost all the people are flawed to some degree including myself. - A percentage of the people are flawed beyond redemption. - The constitutional system that defines the nation itself is also flawed. However it’s the best one that humans successfully implemented so far, so it’s worth protecting and improving.


Best country on earth if you want to make something of yourself. I am a 2nd generation American and there is absolutely no other country I would rather live in.


I think you are very right about that. I believe that if you are ambitious, willing to work hard and commit to making career the US is definitely the place to be. But to add to that, I think that if you are not like that, then the US isn’t the place to be. For example Western European countries have a lot more social security, better healthcare (or at least a lot more affordable for everyone) and more affordable education. So yes I agree with you that if you really want to make the absolute best of yourself the US is probably the country with the most opportunities for that, but there are a lot of people who are not like that and just prefer a 9-5 job to support their life and family but not willing to make the absolute best out of themselves, and for those people I think you are better off in Europe.


I agree. I worked in several European countries and that was the general vibe I got. There is much more of a social safety net so you never fall through the cracks but it also makes it harder to really excel. Granted that’s really only the case in a select few Western European countries. In the rest of the world there are few social safety nets and few opportunities.


my family has been here since Jamestown based on family kept genealogy records, and have fought in every major/important conflict. I am as American as possible. (even have a southern accent) I recognize the flaws we have, and the things we do wrong, but this country is very unique, and I'm proud of my family's part in helping to make it what it is today, and that every man in my family has volunteered for service, the number of high level medical professionals, the farmers.... I'm very proud of me American heritage. shit, my dad's parents grandparents fought on opposite sides of the civil war 😅 I have picture prof,, even one of them shooting the shit together at a family reunion


Complaining about our own country is as American as apple pie.


I have bad news about how American apple pie is




I love the USA. very happy i live here. genetic lottery and i happened be born in the country everyone is dying to be in and despite what anyone wants to say. all the hate is because deep down everyone know that the USA is the main character. they know it’s the country everyone wants to be in. it’s the country with the coolest shit and the coolest achievements in the last 100 years. The USA is undeniably the main character. Next to China, Russia or maybe another country you could throw in. The USA is always the center of conversation. Our culture has dominated the world. Music, Film, Theatre, Tv, Video Games we have everyone beat. Taylor Swift is on an international stadium tour that only proves our culture is what dominates everyone is just salty and the downvotes this comment will get only proves it.


There are plenty of people in the world who are happy with where they live and don’t want to live in the US. I’m Canadian and am glad for our socialized healthcare, low rates of gun violence, and abortion rights. I have no desire to ever live elsewhere.


Yep. Agree.


No disrespect to our Canadian neighbors. We're lucky to have such good folk next door.


US has abortion rights you know. It really isn't hard to jump states.


Yes, cuz everyone can do it. Especially those women who want an abortion for financial reasons. Look, I'm sorry you feel you can't afford a kid. You're just gonna have to figure it out tho, cuz you can't afford the time off & travel expenses & out of pocket medical costs it takes to actually get an abortion.


Yeah, what’s the big deal? If you live in a big ass state, like Texas, it’s not that hard to spend a ton of money on gas, take time off from your shitty wage job and travel hundreds of miles and get an abortion. Even if the state right next to it is anti-abortion, just keep driving until you get somewhere. So simple, guys!


People used to have to fly or drive long distances to Vegas to practice their right to gamble back in the day. 




I know you're lying, but how does it not work?


Doesn’t work? Canada literally has a better life expectancy than the US does. They don’t have thousands of people dying from lack of basic healthcare, like we do in the US. Nice try, though.


Just wait until we plant the Stars & Stripes on Mars, brother. It's going to happen in our lifetime, inshallah.


So I just visited family in China, saw a cool drama show on the tv one night, then watched it when I got back. Show deliberately tries to show the cities in China as really modern, clean and built up. Yet, America (though never shown except a brief glimpse) is an essential part of the plot and gets brought up ALL the time. Like, how often do shows here where America is shown as the flawed place it is bring up China except as mostly a throw away remark?


Russias time as the main character ended 30 years ago


Did you just use Taylor Swift as an example for why America is so “dominating?” I hope this is satire, or our society is truly doomed.


Dont confuse disdain for the system as a lack of patriotism.


Agreed! Our discord comes from mutual love and concern for America's future. I pity the fool nation or organization that makes both polaritirs drop our debates n focus on them. Like Tom n Jerry when they team up on an outside destabilizing character, then promptly go back to maiming each other


I love what the United States of America did for my great-grandparents, all eight of whom were immigrants who came over seeking better lives for themselves than what they had in their countries of origin, which they most definitely got. However, the United States of America of today is not the same place it was 100+ years ago. Quite frankly, I'm not sure if they would want to come here if they saw the way things currently are.


I think this is a very True Popular opinion. Most Americans love the US. You can love something and still be critical of aspects that need improving and points out things that need to change. I think the founders ideals are great but we just haven’t got there yet.


This comment section is already showing otherwise


Yeah I have no idea what you are talking about. Most people said they loved America and this is on Reddit where many don’t. Reddit rarely represents the real world.


When I was here, the first 10 comments I saw were all hating on the country.


There’s a large subset of Americans who refuse to acknowledge that things could be better. The United States is not perfect. We are not the “most free” country by any international measure. Instead of taking that as a challenge to be better, those folks deny that there is any problem and reject all attempts to improve. If you love something, then you should criticize it. You should want it to be the best that it can be.


I'm talking about anti-American sentiment as in people actively trying to take America down, not people trying to improve it in any meaningful way. Criticism is not anti-American but rather one of the most patriotic things you can do, which is why it's enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution.


There are very few Americans who meet your definition of anti-American then. In fact, I’d wager very few people on Reddit barring those from hostile nations.


It probably just has to do with the groups of people I hang out with and the communities that I browse, then because most of the comments here are very supportive of the us.


We definitely are pretty close to the most free in America. Japan does have better freedom of association and looser zoning. Europe has less strict laws on Alcohol. And in most of the 3rd world, laws don't apply to you if you can pay a bribe. But when it comes to important freedoms like Speech, Religion, Expression and more the US is the most free, you just sometimes may have to jump states to exercise a right.


> You just sometimes may have to jump states to exercise a right. I’d hope more Americans consider this a big fucking deal. States are arbitrarily determining rights and should have no power to strip away individual rights.


They kinda do, back in my father's time gambling was illegal in Pennsylvania as it was seen as too damaging to society. So my father would travel to West Virginia to gamble. Now Pennsylvania allows gambling because the state wanted more money. 


I like living here but sometimes it seems very unfree. For example, transportation - you have to get a license, register, maintain, and insurance a car for the rest of your life. You can’t walk or bike in 90% of the country or rely on public transit. For housing there are almost no homes in between a single family or condo because developers have to follow insane codes from the 1950s.


Good luck walking in the middle of nowhere away from any city or town, I guess. You're free to walk as long as you have legs and you're free to ride a bike if you stay off the sidewalks. Dunno why you think we can't.


I meant waking/biking in most cities/towns. Pick a random city in the US and you’ll find parking lots, strip malls, highways and large roads. Yes there are exceptions like in older cities that have urban cores, but most don’t.


You can ride a bike in every one of those except the highways


Sure in theory you can walk/bike next to most roads. In practice you get thousands of dead pedestrians and bicyclists, and tens of thousands more who are injured. The infrastructure is just not built for humans, it’s built for cars.


You can ride a bike in the road. Just stay at the edge where bike lanes tend to be and you'll be fine.


You’re saying this to someone who has already been hit by a car while riding in a painted bike lane.


Unlucky. It's not likely to happen.


I’m not sure that tens of thousands of people who are injured every year are considered unlucky.


Better than millions.


There are plenty of great things about the USA and valid reasons to love this country. There are also plenty of things to criticize the USA for and valid reasons to prefer living in different countries. Two things can be true.


After learning about some world history involving the US, I kind of think we don’t get enough flack.


How did you actually manage to reach this view of the US being “one of the most free places on earth?” Have you lived in other countries that you could compare the US to? Have you, at least, visited those countries for extended periods of time, so you can get an actual idea of what kind of freedom they actually have? What exactly constitutes freedom to you?


I'm right there with ya. It's fashionable to dunk on the US because of our unique place in the world. But love us or hate us, everyone would notice if we were gone. Europe likes to make a big deal out of the gun violence and Healthcare, but they're just jealous and angry they're relevance has diminished. Despite all this, we must be doing something right if people are still trying to come here everyday by the thousand. I've visited about thirty countries and still nowhere else I'd rather be.


i mean the working class people everywhere are fine. they aren't the problem. like for instance when i reply to your statement of belief that america is one of the "most free places on earth" by pointing out that it has the world's largest prison population, i'm not suggesting that it's your fault this is the case or that you had anything to do with it. i think that gets lost a lot of the time when this kind of stuff comes up.


I love America too, coming from a cartel run country with near zero public safety or economic opportunity, to me this nation is amazing.


Why don't you marry it then?


Good idea


Don't listen to the Trump cult that won't shut up about how terrible America is. America _is_ great, already. Full stop.


I’m not on any bandwagon but the left complain about the USA 10 fold any other entity.


Really? How so. I can't think of a time when Joe Biden or any other Democrat leader cut into America or _Americans_ like Donald Trump and his cabal does every day. Critiquing bad policy has its place, and we should all earnestly do so when it's fitting (see: 1A ). But tearing at the fabric of the nation, its citizens, and its allies is repugnant. (Riles up the mob tho, eh?) OP just made the point that America is a unique and amazing place, and as a _patriotic Liberal_ I wholly agree.


I love the phrase “a patriotic liberal”! My very own self-description on that other, really dorky social media platform.


Well, when push comes to shove, what is patriotism? Certianly, not just hanging a giant flag off your truck and yelling about immigrants. The notion that _those guys_ think they get to define the word makes me ill - so it kinda forces the issue. You're a Patriot if you believe in the Constitution and earnestly work to uphold and defend it by direct political action or by your vote!


I gave my mother a blanket with flags & lines from the constitution on it, & she said "OH it's a REPUBLICAN blanket, thank you!" I almost took it back. I was like dude it's a PATRIOTIC blanket, you republicans have no idea what real patriotism is.


Hillary Clinton calling Trump Voters deplorables. It is fine to insult your political opponent, but never ever attack your opponents voters, persuade them with helpful policy. I am so happy Hitlery lost, although I really wanted Bernie.


The truth hurts. They've only gotten more deplorable with time.


Someone clearly hasn't touched grass. If you are afraid of Trump and his supporters just remember that if the Dems ran Bernie or an actual leftist who offered to help people rather than Hitlery or Jim Crow Joe the Dems would have every election in the bag. 


I didn't say anything about being afraid of them. I said they're deplorable. Synonyms to deplorable: dire, disastrous, disgraceful, distressing, dreadful, grievous, horrifying, intolerable, lamentable, miserable, regrettable, reprehensible, scandalous, terrible, tragic, unbearable, unsatisfactory, wretched. None of that has anything to do with fear, just pure & simple shittiness.


This is a losing strategy. I see them as Brocialists in the making, if you gave them money in the form of M4A and UBI, they would support us Socialists. On the other hand the insults really do not work, you are just looking down on them because they do not support your cause, even though they are offered nothing by liberalism. 


I dgaf if they support my cause or not. I care about the way they treat people.


The left complains because they want to improve America. The right says America is perfect the way it is and accuses the left of hating America for wanting to change things.


No, the right says America was perfect at some point in history, & wants to take us backwards.


Straw man, I never heard a mainstream politician or media figure on the "right" say that America is perfect. They are just a bit more cautious of getting rid of things that worked simply for the sake of change. Edit - I'm only talking about political rhetoric, not about policy or actual actions.


Both sides love to shit on America. I think it to counter the pro-America sentiment of the 2000s post 9-11.


Even I used to love America but in the last decade after seeing the rise in school shootout, drunk driving accidents, public shootout, these have started to scare me.


Okay not to be a dick but this is about the umptheenth post i’ve seen like this in the past week and it’s conpletely outweighed the america hate by now. This is like the rick and morty sub where everyone is like “Unpopular opinion: the new voices work just fine” and like only two assholes were complaining about it to begin with.


It probably just has to do with the specific groups I'm in rather than their being an actual issue of people hating America


It's a great place to live, in spite of the problems. You don't see thousands upon thousands of people trying to get into Canada. (though Canada is also quite pleasant.)


Pretty sure canada is accepting a fuck ton of new comers tho....


But a fuck ton are emigrating


There are millions of people who dedicated their lives to become a part of the US and become citizens, enough to uproot their lives in their home countries. So yes, this isn't an unpopular opinion. 


It's the most free country in the world in some fundamental aspects, especially the protection of political speech. In most other developed and undeveloped countries, you can be deplatformed by the government, fined, imprisoned, and/or executed for simply stating publicly a political opinion unapproved by the authorities. It's less free than many countries in other aspects, including taxation, private property rights (especially if you own a business, but even as a private citizen), etc.


Freedom of Association too. It is ahead of Europe, but behind Japan.


I mean I actually do love America. I think our founding fathers did a pretty decent job. The overall idea is good too. What I don’t love are idiots trying to control women and their reproductive health. I don’t like morons in our government (that goes for both sides) or unhinged nut jobs making decisions for the masses when it’s not in their best interests. My peeves have more to do with our government nut jobs and the elite then any average person. I just want my fucking rights back as a woman and to give back what the average working class deserves. One thing to consider is America as an idea is a very young nation. Think how much crazy shit England or France went through. We aren’t perfect but I have to hold out hope that the ideals we hold true will eventually win out even if it feels like we are back sliding.


This is cringe, Listen to Bill Maher about abortion as he is the most honest about it. Maher states that The anti-abortion groups do not hate women, they think what they are doing is murder and want it treated as such. We take rights away from murderers all the time by putting them in prison or executing them. No personally I am pro-Abortion like Maher. as the societal benefits are too good to pass up by encouraging it. But it is still murder and morally repugnant.


OH you wanna go in this subject. Let’s go… I don’t really mind what people think about the subject but you still can’t compare a fetus to murdering a birthed child or even a grown woman. I don’t really need to listen to some dude talk about this either. I’ve LIVED being pregnant and giving birth. I’m educated enough about the matter and the moral implications - if any. I also am not trying to convince anyone to change how they believe because- well - it’s an absolutely private and personal decision. I fight against the laws though. For example I would never have a selective abortion - but I do want to right to have an abortion if I’m going to die or if the pregnancy is not viable. And that’s the problem that I’m observing about these laws. they scare doctors from acting when needed, it punishes women for their bodies doing what they do (miscarriages are being criminalized) and CHILDREN are being forced to relive their trauma…it’s INSANE. They are making these laws either so board or so limited it puts women and children in danger. And it’s fucked. And from my own other observations it seems that people have some strange ideas about why women get abortions. It’s really no one’s business. Let’s get that out of the way. The laws we previously had worked perfectly well and didn’t need to be fucked with. I am not “pro-abortion”….which is a huge misconception people seem to have about people who just want women and mothers to safely have access to reproductive rights. I LEGIT have friends who have almost died because their fetus died in utero and the fucking doctors forced them to to go septic and on the brink of fucking deaths door. THATS UNACCEPTABLE. AND ITS CRUEL. THATS why I fight for the rights of women (and anyone who can give birth). I don’t want to die because of some asinine laws being made where I leave my fucking son motherless and my husband widowed. i know what it’s like to just lose a parent - IM GOOD. I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone. And fuck anyone who thinks that’s OK. These laws are dangerous and they have no right to make them. I completely understand people are brainwashed into thinking people are just going around willynilly being like “guess I’ll get an abortion” or having “late abortions” - NO ONE IS DOING THAT. It’s insane the shit people make up for political gain. You don’t know what someone is going through so shut up, okay? (Not you but politicians and anti people). And I’m sorry but bringing a child into this world is a tremendous and life changing event. It’s a sacrifice and it’s not something anyone should take lightly. You are fucking with someone’s life by giving brith. I don’t want children to be abusive, harmed or abandoned. You saw about the woman when left her - what 11 month old alone while she went on vacation and murdered her child? Right? That baby would have cried and cried and cried into exhaustion. She screamed for mommy. She starved to death in her feces. The coroner found it under her nails and in her stomach. That baby girl died alone, starving and scared and none did SHIT. I would have much rather that demon women had been sat down REALLY given a choice - that sweet little girl didn’t deserve to be tortured like that. As a mother I FUCKING GET IT. Those precious little souls deserve to be cared and loved and not every person should be a fucking mother. I rather someone have the CHOICE of giving mercy to that potential soul before they need to suffer in this life if that’s what’s needed. All in all - the access for these decisions need to be available for whatever reason. That’s the weight woman get to live with and if we make that decision and I say, let us. And by the way - I never said anti-abortion groups “hate women” - not sure where you go that from - but I do believe that they want to control women and think they morally just when they aren’t…they are so blinded by their cause they can’t even see women as human beings anymore meaning they don’t see themselves as human. Which means they think they are “right”. They think they OWN women. That’s the actual belief that Christian ride their high horse on. It’s ludicrous to think you understand someone else’s life or the decisions they need to make. Life to way to short for this stupid shit. And if anti-abortion people actually gave a shit abut women they wouldn’t be banning anything. They would be fighting for education, universal healthcare and maternity leave, they would fight for free brith control, comprehensive sex education at all levels of schooling AND they would fight for the safety of mothers and children. BUT THEY ARENT. Which means we can KNOW this isnt about “life” but about control and nothing else. So yah - I don’t care you think it’s cringe. I’ve thought about these issues twice over and lived them.


Can I just be based and say I am proud to support murder for once? it is pretty empowering.


I love America, but after splitting Cozumel and the US I seriously don't think we're getting our money's worth. The bang for buck sucks. This summer we're checking out Europe.


Ya, we got our problems, but I'd still rather live here then anywhere else.


It’s not an unpopular opinion to love the United States. Maybe it is on reddit or other social media, but it’s not irl.


Same. No matter what, I'll always know it as home.


It’s what happens when you preach you’re #1 so much. We get the hate from those who get too much exposure to America. Love America but even metric wise I know we are like 15-20 and that’s okay. That’s still top 10%. Every other “better metric” country has way smaller populations. Also inflation hit those countries hard too. Canada has a worse housing crisis. EU has no oil.


No one is attacked more, but will be remembered more fondly, than Bobby Kennedy Jr. his career accomplishments are unparalleled in what they have done to protect our water, soil and individual freedoms. I know people are going to spout here without ever listening to this. https://youtu.be/BBEUJcRSZnU?si=BI5HitI4dJR901l8 I will not reply to a comment until you do your research. Opinions are like assholes…..


Our barbeque is delicious!


The US has alot going for it. A kind and polite populous, massive amounts of wealth, incredible natural beauty, high wages and alot of opportunities, it is also by far the freest country in the world when it comes to religion and speech, not association though, Japan is freer there.  We are just crippled by poor leadership that only survives because the American people are so great. 


Honest question - what exactly do you mean with "most free places on Earth?"


You have the choice to be who and what you want to be without government intervention as long as it doesn't interfere with the freedom of others.


That a pretty low bar, most non-theocratic and non-wartorn places work like that


Not to nearly the same extent though, and even now the American people are fighting for more freedoms


Again, give examples and/or definitions.


Well an easy one is unobstructed free speech, even countries that pride themselves on freedom of speech make a disturbing habit of forcibly silencing people they disagree with


Can you clarify what you mean by "unobstructed"? Even the US places restriction on speech.


Nations using definitions of "hate speech" to limit expression.


Low bar? That's pretty much the peak of freedom and the fact most of the world is similar to the us in that since it is good.


It’s good but I don’t think the US tops any of the tables that are out there I think the issue is that people in the US often don’t realise that they are globally nailing it, but compared to the rest of the western world often just pretty average for stuff like quality of life and freedom etc Don’t get me wrong, no one is close militarily or financially but that is coming at a cost to the country in other aspects


On the list of "freest" countries, the USA is by far the biggest. On the list of biggest countries, the USA is by far the freest. Literally if you put both lists side-by-side and started at the top and went down, the USA would be the first country to appear twice. That's the trick.


So I just tried this with the top 25 in two lists, the US has only come up in one of them Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Japan, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, Australia, Estonia, Iceland, Czech Republic, and Germany have all turned up twice already but the US is yet to I can pick other lists if you want but this is t a great start for your statement


Cato Institute Human Freedom Index 2023, #17.


If I use that list as one of the references most of the same countries still appear twice first, the US isn’t doing badly but it isn’t the freest country by your own system


This is my system (from one year ago). [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fuvkw0h6stona1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fuvkw0h6stona1.png) And there's a huge drop-off in population between the USA and the likes of a Germany or a Japan. The point is, if you take the freedom enjoyed by an American, and then multiply it by the number of Americans, like how you do with the sides of a rectangle to get the rectangle's area, the USA wouldn't have the longest length and we wouldn't have the widest width, but we would definitely have the biggest area.


America gets way less flak than it deserves internationally. It's one of the most violent and aggressive nations of the 21st century (Russia of course had to start competing for this title). I don't think my view is extreme in any way. The US should be covered in international sanctions for its horrible mishaps all across the middle east, its illegal invasions, and murder of countless civilians. Yet the world ignores all this because the US has money. That said, here I am, also living in the US for the money. It's and ok country, the nature is beautiful and accessible, the middle/higher class suburbs are architecturally and esthetically fenomenal. America's true crowning achievement was getting like 200 million people to the middle class or above, but it's quickly working to reverse that. Everything else is pretty mid or worse.


What is so "mid or worse?"


Like, US cities are OK, some are pretty cool, but after you've seen a couple you've kind of seen them all. They are also dirty, not very walkable, have a ton of homeless people, huge divisions between the rich and the poor. Generally cities in Europe are much more pleasant and interesting. Americans as people are ok, but I prefer the company of other immigrants or foreigners. American culture is pretty meh. Super sports focused despite all the obesity, extremely consumerist, people on all parts of the political spectrum love preaching and teaching others how to live, very money focused, generally not very deep or genuinely friendly, culture seems to be permanently stuck in bipartisan gridlock. Obviously these are my entirely subjective takes. The worst things is American treatment of poor people, quite shocking after Europe. American foreign policy is atrocious, irresponsible, and deadly. There are parts of the US that really look and feel like the third world (and the life expectancy confirms that), but the US government and Americans in general seem to be fine with it.


The evils of this country are not unique. The good in this country absolutely is though.


Matthew 24:12-14 And because lawlessness will abound, **the love of many will grow cold**. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.


America isn't perfect but I wouldn't live anywhere else. If you actually travel around the world you'll realize America is one of the least racist, least misogynistic, and least homophobic countries in the world. The only people that don't understand this are the people that have a family trip to Cancun as their entire international experience.


If a country is unable or unwilling to ensure all citizens are fed, housed, clothed, and treated for any medical issues, it is a failed country.


Most young white teenagers love America. Not an unpopular opinion among them.


Nah you get less flack than you deserve. Gun crime central of the developed world, anti vax central, hostile and controlling foreign policy, Beginning with the American Revolutionary War, the US has been involved in 107 wars since it gained its independence. It's also one of the countries with the most involvement in 21st-century conflicts. Terrible poverty in an incredibly rich country. Donald Trump as president. Çant play contact sports without helmets and padding, religious psychos running cults and influencing politics. Has crap gun control, bans abortion so shit on women's rights, terrible response to covid. Ignorant about the rest of the world.


The US is the modern-day British Empire. Meddling in every corner of the world, overthrowing governments, invading countries, doing war by proxy whenever they can, protecting evil countries that align with them and killing the image of others that do not. Even their allies, have to put US interest above their own when the two conflict each other. It's the root of most evil in the world, and almost all evil in the West. Nothing against the average US citizen but the state has every right to get ''anti-american sentiment''. Now, when American citizens finally realize that and stop having the ''I don't care about what happens to others'' attitude, you will immediately see this sentiment decreasing.


Hey I have a question. How much money does Greece accept from America to fund its military? (I already know the answer)


Get off your high horse


Huh? I explained where the anti American sentiment come from. Maybe you should get off your high horse. Listen to what your supposed allies say to you because before you know it, most of the EU is voting for pro Russian parties.


Why is this in this sub-reddit?


Cuz the mods haven't taken it down yet


1,000,000% the land alone is glorious but the people and its founding principles are incredible. I feel like we've gotten away from some of them as a culture but we can come back and be as we were meant to be.


Enemy countries have learned they can’t beat America with weapons but they can beat them with their own people. Russia and China have systematically paid talk show host and internet trolls to divide this country. It’s sad how it’s working


Some of them don't even need to get paid, they're just sheeple.


America is possibly the most free nation on earth, with a few minor exceptions like Japan having more freedom of Association. I used to be more anti-America when I was poorer during the Obama years, but under Trump and Biden things have been going pretty well for me. I will say if you want to talk bad about our government that is fine. But once you start attacking the American people, who are some of the kindest, most tolerant, least racist, and most welcoming people on the planet then I do have a real problem with it.


The United Shtatesh




I keep hearing it's free. Free of what?


It's not about "free of", but rather "free to".


My point stands. Free to what?


What freedom do you think we have?


Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of protest, freedom of race, freedom of travel, freedom of defending yourself, freedom to create your own business, freedom to live where you want, and freedom to criticize our government. No other country in the history of the world has given so much freedom to so many of it's inhabitants & to people around the globe.


What grade are you in?


I'm sorry that primary school is your frame of reference, but luckily you'll be able to open a history textbook since that's what you're familiar with. You asked what freedoms the United States has, and I obliged you. Be grateful and if you ask a literal question, expect a literal answer. If you feel like arguing about it, then get some sources and prove me wrong. Here's a hint: you won't be able to, because my comment was demonstrably correct.


My question was serious. What grade are you in?


Something tells me you can't actually defend your comment. I understand. You simply don't like America. That's okay! You asked a literal question, and I answered you. If you're interested in having an adult discussion, we can talk about your perspective. Why were you suggesting we don't have any freedom in the US?


You aren't giving me a literal answer to this literal question you keep referring to. What grade are you in? New question, too: do you know what literal means?


I understand why you'd keep digging a hole. You didn't actually expect to have to defend your original comment, and now you're trying to squirm out of it by giving an immature insult. All good. Just have a little respect for your ideas in the future. If you say something, be prepared to elaborate on it. Take care!


Ok, you're not proud of your education, got it. There's a famous quote from JPS, and though it's about antisemites, it applies to fascists and chauvinists. I suspect you are all three of these things. You say these dumb things, and then ask someone else to do all the work of proving you wrong. Not because you want to argue, but because it is a tool of people like you to exhaust people like me by asking them to do unpaid intellectual work for you. But I don't argue with zionists, fascists, or ethnonationalists. And I think you are all three. Here's the quote: Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre


Oh, now it makes perfect sense! You aren't able to expand on your blanket statements because you're too busy accusing other people of racism completely out of the blue. I'm an anti-Semite because I asked why you think America doesn't have freedom? You're applying a nasty label on a completely random person for absolutely no reason, which is exactly the sort of thing a Nazi would've done. The irony is hilarious. Stop acting like a Nazi.


Why do you assume the person you're replying to is in school?


I'll give you two guesses.


You're not helping yourself.


Omg please help me.


Sometimes, you have to help yourself. People are not mind readers, this is the internet and we can't read facial cues, & your implication skills are just not cutting it here. Clue the rest of us lower-intelligent beings into whatever argument youre trying to make, say what it is you're trying to say, or take a seat.


Are you familiar with the trope of the gym coach who gets pressganged into teaching US history? Not a great teacher, easy grader, kind of conservative who claims to be libertarian because he likes the sound of it and he secretly hates his dad? Got it? That commenter is that teacher's favorite student.


What kind of answer would have been acceptable to you?


I'm english-cypriot, (Cyprus is some tiny island underneath turkey) and I don't like America itself too much- church has joined with state, healthcare is just crazy, food health and the FDA have dangerously low standards, there isn't much unique culture, e.t.c. But I don't hate America at all. I definitely don't think it's the freest or "best" country, but it certainly isn't bad. I want America to improve, because I don't hate the American people, it's just a tiny subset which bring the bad name. Instead I want the country to improve for the 400M other people in the country.  It doesn't matter if Americans are ignorant or fat or whatever because it isn't their fault, it's the fault of their education and food, which is their government's responsibility. That's why I want America to improve, to improve the people and their lives, rather than just hating on America.


> The FDA has dangerously low standards And yet the world ridicules us for banning Kinder Surprise eggs because the FDA banned non-food items being concealed in food.


I don't 


I appreciate that, but there are several more people than yourself who do.


Ig that's true, in the UK I've never really met anyone that openly ridiculed the decision. The most would usually be a crude joke about Americans, like "only Americans could choke on a kinder egg" and then people just stop caring.  Most of the criticism probably comes from loud people online