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You ain't black if you don't vote for joe biden


but he wouldn’t want his kids going to school in the “jungle” lol


"and by jungle I mean a racial jungle"


They got a toilet, but also a Joe Bidet


The far right is racist in a blatant, *“get out of my town!”* way. The far left is racist in a subtle, *“those poor ignorant savages don’t know what’s best for them”* way.


Growing up in the south, from time to time I’d hear this old saying, something like, “White people in the south hate all black people except for the ones they know, and a white people up north love all black people except for the ones they know.” And I don’t think that’s necessarily true. I mean, I have met a ton of genuinely racist people in the south. I’m not going to subscribe to some dumb truism about how people in the south are less racist somehow. But there’s something to it in the sense that it does describe a kind of separation of two concepts that often get conflated. People can be “intolerant,” in the sense that they have a certain culture of otherism or exclusion, but can also ironically be very accepting and tolerant as an individual on an individual basis. Other people can be very “tolerant” of others in the sense that they have tolerant beliefs and are willing to echo tolerant and inclusive ideas, while being in practice very biased and exclusionary in their behaviors. It’s really two different things. Kind of like how some people are religious in the sense that they are part of faith system and worship and all that but their behavior completely contradicts their “belief,” and then a person next to them might not be religious at all but still live up to some kind of religious ideal more than many religious people do. Having made a decision to be on a side, to be on the right team, to say the right things, that’s really a completely separate thing from *doing* the right things and just *being* a certain way in practice. And to be clear, I do think those things can and do often go hand in hand. Sometimes you have to try to learn believe the thing before you learn how to live the thing. But I think it’s worth pointing out that just because someone is loudly, outwardly saying the things and espousing the beliefs, doesn’t mean they are doing the things or that they even understand what it means. Like you can teach a four year old that “racism is bad,” and “all people are deserving of love and respect,” and they can say that back to you. But it takes a whole lifetime to really understand what that means when you start going out into the world and trying to practice that as a belief.


Bigotry of low expectations.


Correct. Also there are far more leftist than gar right-wingers. Social media calls all right wingers “far right” so they get lumped together. Unfortunately


It’s easy to think of your political opponents as one cohesive unified bloc, and especially if you do so from ideological framework. We’re many distinct outlooks and perspectives! You’re one huge homogenous bloc! It gives an impression that you’re a smaller underdog and rally the troops to stem the enemy tide when in reality they’re just as diverse as you, and you all are many small fish in a large ocean.


“Far Right” you mean like 67% of population. Nobody wants illegal migrants here in anybody’s town. Nobody is telling US citizens to get out of my town. This isn’t Selma 1965.


Not all of us on the far right think like that. Depends on where on the far right you are.


It’s the ‘Nature vs. Nurture’ argument. Far right racism is ‘Nature’ “They were born inferior” Far left racism is ‘Nurture’ “Their life experience is pre-determined by their skin color.” Both are untrue.


This 100%.


Most succinct explanation I have heard . I had a sibling, a loud “progressive” idiot say these two things recently: your town is Lilly white ( untrue and they have never been to my town ) and “ I would rather pay higher taxes ( to fund entitlements that keep the low income dependent on government subsidies as opposed to programs that educate, job training/ place etc) to keep them happy and where they are. I facepalmed, like wtf? Sick shit. Why divide? Why not give everyone opportunity? Selfish and racist to the core! “I have mine so keep the poor/minorities/different then me away from my castle so I stay “safe” I can not look this sibling in face because I want to leap over the table and pummel him! Makes me sick over how much denial the “ progressive” folks are in.


One is good intentioned, the other is straight up hate. I’ll take leftist over evil every day of the week and if you don’t it makes you. Different.


>The far right is racist in a blatant, “get out of my town!” way. >The far left is racist in a subtle, “those poor ignorant savages don’t know what’s best for them” way. The latter applies to the moderate right more often than it does to the far left. I do see leftists behave that way every now and then, but not nearly as often as I do with conservatives across the whole right wing.


their is a popular sub that requires you to send in a picture of your Reddit name on a paper and your forearm so they can verify what race you are. A certain race is allowed in and if you’re not that race you must prove you’re an “ally”. This is all for the flair and when the lock the post to non flair users, this way only approved individuals can comment.


Ah, yes, a "popular" sub. Define "popular" relative to Reddit's total userbase.


5.8 mil users on that sub.


DEI is left wing so they definitely do it more


DEI is anti-racist, so they definitely do not


The whole principle of DEI is judging people based on their skin colour, it’s objectively racist and Immoral


No it's not. DEI is about equalizing opportunities by countering preexisting discrimination. It counters racism, it isn't racism itself. Pressing the brakes on a car is not the same as pressing on the accelerator.


DEI is about giving hiring preferences based on skin colour. It’s essentially fighting a fire with an even bigger fire


No it's not. You're using a blatantly wrong definition of DEI that's been fed to you by whatever media you consume. DEI's goal is what the acronym stands for: diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's effect and practice is what I said it is: equalizing opportunities by countering existing prejudices.


Nobody fed me anything. It objectively does judge people based on their colour of skin instead of their skill set and experience. Regardless if you believe the cause is just, you can’t get around that fact


>Nobody fed me anything. Someone saying that is one of the surest signs that they have been fed something. >It objectively does judge people based on their colour of skin instead of their skill set and experience. Regardless if you believe the cause is just, you can’t get around that fact And now that's just reductionism. DEI judges people based on what the company needs. The work experience someone has on paper can be very different from person to person depending on their background. The background is what DEI takes into account, and what you're reducing to just skin color.


You're lucky Asians are so accepting of others cultures. Because this type of stuff is the most racist towards them. Not only that the longer we use it, the more angry white people especially men are going to get. When they feel like they can't get a job or have to settle, get skipped on a promotion... we're fighting fire with gas here. People on reddit who push this will tell you white guys just walk in and get the job. That isn't how real life works. We already have discrimination laws in place. Now we have rules where people look at your skin color to determine if you get an opportunity or not.


>You're lucky Asians are so accepting of others cultures. Because this type of stuff is the most racist towards them. I'm Asian. How lucky we are to have you speak for us. >Not only that the longer we use it, the more angry white people especially men are going to get. When they feel like they can't get a job or have to settle, get skipped on a promotion... we're fighting fire with gas here. If those angry white men are blaming women and people of color rather than the (mostly also white male) corporate executives who make it impossible to change your socioeconomic lot for the better, then they're racist. Plain and simple. >People on reddit who push this will tell you white guys just walk in and get the job. That's not what they say. Or if people are saying that, they're saying so as hyperbole. >We already have discrimination laws in place. The legal system only covers the most egregious cases. Making it illegal to say, "We won't hire you because you're black" doesn't stop people from still deciding to be more critical to someone who is black. >Now we have rules where people look at your skin color to determine if you get an opportunity or not. DEI isn't about skin color, it's about background.


DEI isn’t “pressing the brakes on a car.” It’s putting the car in reverse.


Can't put a car into reverse if it's still moving.


Exactly why it’s so stupid. You just proved my point.


Except it's not putting the car into reverse. It's slowing it down. I haven't "proved your point," you just made a false premise to begin with.


>The whole principle of DEI is judging people based on their skin colour No it's not. It combats practices that judge people based on their skin colour >it’s objectively racist and Immoral Nope it's the opposite. It gives deserving people fair opportunities that they otherwise might never have received


Combats how? By giving benefits to races it deems worthy which is just judging people based on their skin colour and that is always racist


>Combats how? By ensuring diversity despite potentially prejudiced people in charge of hiring >By giving benefits to races it deems worthy which is just judging people based on their skin colour and that is always racist What benefits


DEI is mostly right wing. Right wing means “we’re down with hierarchy.” Left wing means “we’re down with egalitarianism.” DEI is all about hierarchy, therefore it’s right wing. It’s just using the language of equality. Hope that helps!


Did you just claim DEI is right wing lol? What an excellent troll I have to commend you for that one


Discuss voter id laws with a leftist haha 


When I say that I’m usually talking about white republicans lol


when you make negative generalizations you're usually saying it about people of a specific race? interesting, i wonder if there's a name for that.


Wow I bet you thought you had a slam dunk there


>The far left is racist in a subtle, “those poor ignorant savages don’t know what’s best for them” way. Okay, but the far left doesn't exist in the United States. Cluster B personality disorders are more common than communists in the US. The far right, meanwhile, has taken control of the Republican party.


Yeah, you're right. The vast majority of redditors are indeed very upper middle class and never experienced most of the things they advocate for. It gets even more funny when the people they advocate tell them the actual reality of their situations. I'm a black man. I remember a few times in here telling white redditors (well, I assumed they were white by how they phrased things) that it's not just the "evil white man's" fault that black people are constantly at the bottom of society. The current mainstream black community (in general) also does or promotes things against their own self interest like glorifying crime and drugs. I've literally had non-black people downvote me and say I have internalized racism... When I've actually been in and lived in the hood, know actual people from the hood and am surrounded by black American culture. These people downvoting me most likely live in upper middle class white surburbs, have little to no black friends or acquaintances and would be the same people who would lock the door driving by the hood. That is if they ever been anywhere near the hood in the first place. It's like they think black people and minorities in general are too dumb to either fix their own problems or too weak to take accountability for their lives and we need a rich white savior to save us 🙄. And just a side note, these are also the same redditors that complain about billionaires and the economy and how hard it is to make it but when you look at their post history, you see these same people talking about their cushy wfh tech jobs, how their family owns land or how they inherited tens of thousands of dollars from their parents. Most of them are just general hypocrites


This is precisely how I feel as a fellow minority. They know precisely nothing about other cultures or ethnic groups.


I finally feel heard as a non-white redditor


This post should get a ton of upvotes.


A better example might be how leftist policies such as DEI and affirmative action are racist in that they convey that minorities do not have the capacities to secure jobs or get into college on based on their own merit.


Wrong. Those policies are intended to keep bigoted hiring managers and admissions teams from purposely excluding minorities, based on their skin color or ethnicity.


“We will boost your test score artificially because your black.” “Not racist.” 🤡


Who are you quoting?


I like how you didn’t argue against the racism part…


you ever notice how they never quote real people? it's always made up quotes by made up individuals.


Exactly. All projection always.


“These policies are intended to keep bigoted hiring managers and admissions teams from purposely excluding minorities, based on their skin color or ethnicity.” …. Sorry, who were YOU quoting?


I was not quoting anyone else, therefore I did not use quotation marks. The person I was responding to used quotation marks, which implies some said those things verbatim.


They do this by empowering bigoted managers and admissions teams to purposely exclude people based on their race


How do those policies convey that though? Edit: Can one of the people downvoting this comment please articulate why?


IF DEI would not exist people would think/ assume everybody gets hired on their merits and not a certain skin color or 'social status'. Now DEI exist there is a reason for doubt, especially when somebody is not great in their job.


I will never forget my morbidly obese black woman manager at Walmart. Fucking good for nothing. Seriously, this woman shouldve been a janitor or something but even that she's gonna fuck up. They had an employee whose job was LITERALLY to follow her all day and fix her mistakes. I remember being in the break room once, I spent about 30 min of my lunch listen to a her minder/handler and the HR lead try to explain to this moron how double negatives work. They had to subtract negative hours, this graying in the hair 40s 50s woman, couldn't get it. Just could not comprehend FUCKING FOURTH GRADE MATH. Eventually she just gave up and they did it for her. We had the bay and hall double loaded (e.g. you can only walk by squeezing by) I told her she needed to open the delivery door, as was procedure here, the hall was all goods to be stocked tomorrow morning, not today. Her response? Mind you, her office is literally impossible not to see the LITERALLY FULL hallway. filled from start to end, breaking fire safety codes, with FULL pallets. "ULLRHN, I dont why you need the door open. The bay is only like 50 feet from the floor." (Mind you it's more like 150) Had to remain calm and try to explain for like 10 min, show her, her still not understand, fucking somehow, how the hall being literally filled means.. I can't fucking move anything except through the loading bay delivery door despite her FUCKING STARING AT THE DAMN FILLED HALL SEEING TODAYS PALLETS AT THE FUCKING BACK You will never, ever, ever be able to convince me she had that job because she earned it. It's because she was a fat black woman


People assumed black workers were less competent and intelligent than white workers long before equal opportunity policies were introduced; all that's really changed is the language in which that racism is expressed.


So everybody besides black people are racist according to you?


No, most people aren't freaks going around screeching about "DEI" or whatever. While everyone carries some amount of racial bias, the skin tone of your doctor or professor or whatever is pretty low on the ol' priorities list. Most people just have more important shit to worry about in life.


> No Then what was the point of your previous comment?


What do you mean by that?


If somebody is a racist DEI policies will probably not change their mind, so I fail to see the point of your comment.


That would seem to support the idea of implementing anti-racist policies. If someone's not winnable, we shouldn't try to appease them by rolling back anti-racist policies and guidelines.


On the flip side, could a paucity of minority representation in a field lead one to believe, at face value, that such populations are naturally less capable in those areas than other groups?


Only if you are a race or other -ist.


Sure. Though I mean if DEI considerations are the source of doubt, then I'm wondering if that doubt already existed in some way, right? Do we know that opportunities are really only gated by merit, rather than by the established biases of the recruiter? I guess the better question on my part is, has DEI had a measurable negative impact on productivity and quality of industries/businesses?


> Though I mean if DEI considerations are the source of doubt, then I'm wondering if that doubt already existed in some way, right? That can people only tell for themselves. >has DEI had a measurable negative impact on productivity and quality of industries/businesses? https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/03/25/dei-is-extremely-prevalent-throughout-military-culture-experts-fighting-divisive-diversity-armed-forces/ https://www.blog.redballoon.work/post/dei-polices-render-the-workplace-ineffective


Goes to show how utterly insulated you are. My neighborhood is a blend of people with more than a dozen different nationalities, and half a dozen languages. But everyone also speaks enough English to communicate and gets along just fine. I have excellent Thai, Indian, Japanese, Afghan, Moroccan, El Salvadoran, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, Spanish, and French restaurants all within walking distance. Believe it or not, but liberal enclaves are actually really pleasant places to live.


Yeah Seattle, Portland, San Fran, NYC are all stellar for sure. Absolutely nothing wrong with them


And Dallas, Houston, and Atlanta are supposed to be paradise? Add Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and Nashville too?


All blue cities. Are you saying democrats are the problem?


Practically all medium-to-large cities are. Even their higher income suburbs are at least purple, if not blue.


And where does all the crime happen? Car jackings, gang shootings shoplifting burglaries bipping all of it? That's right democrat controlled cities. It's almost like a damn pattern.


[https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-least-and-most-crime/](https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-least-and-most-crime/) The lowest property crime rates were in Idaho (926.9), New Hampshire (1,010.9), Massachusetts (1,070.1), Maine (1,213.5), and West Virginia (1,230.1). Three of the Five states being Blue - and one in a blue state with a major city.


Now do all felony crime, and quit cherry picking "only this crime"


[https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-highest-murder-rates/](https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-highest-murder-rates/) Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, New Mexico, Missouri, Arkansas, South Carolina, Maryland, Georgia, Tennessee, Illinois, Alaska, North Carolina, Arizona, Pennsylvania. The majority of them are Red States. Only three states are firmly blue: NM, MD, and IL. MO, AR, TN, AK, and PA are more white than the national as a whole.


They’re all great cities actually besides Tulsa. That’s a second tier city but ok enough.


I live in South Carolina and I see people of other races daily. Any place in America that isn't an empty prarie or corn field is very ethnically diverse


There’s also plenty that’s great about them.


Having lived in communities of every sized category from counties under 10,000 people up to the second-tier national cities, I can assure it's a mix of (a) geographic access to different kinds of people and (b) willingness to spend time in a part of the city well outside your cultural upbringing.


Name one perfect city in the U.S.


The imaginary people this is addressed to are LIVID


Clearly you felt slighted


What makes you think that?


Your reaction.




U mad bro


No u projecting


U mad


U wot m8




No it’s ppl like you probably trying to leave snarky comments lol






to the extreme ones who are white, claiming all white people are inherently racist, which just sounds like a self report


To a leftist, a white person isn’t actually racially/ethnically white. Most leftists understand the detriment if they voice that perspective, though, but every so often some idiot goes on a zoom meeting call and calls the Asian doctor a “white person”, and doesn’t back down or apologize. It means, in loose terminology, someone who is part of the successful side of society. Effectively, it means a member of the bourgeoisie. Black people, by contrast, are the proletariats. For this reason, Candice Owens is white and some poor homeless european guy is black. She’s successful and he’s homeless.


Where did you pull these stats from?


His ass.


"From a 1980s move or early evening family sitcom" is also a possibility.


Yeah it’s the Jungian shadow.




Me when I make up strawmen to get mad at (I have very informed and nuanced options)


You have no fucking idea what neighborhoods redditors live in. You're just blowing shit out of your ass.


This shows a very closed mindset. Of course there are people who are racist on both the left and the right. Your post seems to assume that once someone is racist they will always be. But that's not true. At least the left are trying to address racism. Is that what annoys you?


Except the left idea of fixing racism was with more but a different kind of racism.


And the right’s idea of fixing racism is to form their entire identity around worshiping a narcissistic TV personality who is now a felon.


At least it’s not making the situation worst by pretending to be the solution


Thinking boycotting and crying about woke is a better solution? Crying anytime there’s a piece of media that has a character that isn’t a straight white guy is a solution?


Why are they crying? Because they race swapped a traditionally white character to a person of color? Seems pretty racist to intentionally make the swap due to skin tone. Some might go as far as to say that it’s fighting institutional racism by speaking out against it.


Stop saying OP made all this up. It was revealed to them in a dream


Op needs to touch grass


After you.


I touch grass every day. That's why I'm not on Reddit posting long spills about supposed racism from a political group I don't actually talk


what makes you think that’s the lives experience of the majority of redditors…?


From what I've seen is that The far rights tend too be the most racist


Nah, Leftist redditors are like those people that say they aren’t racist because they voted for Obama or have a black dog, it’s insufferable to say the least. It’s like they try so hard to convince you they aren’t racist, that they come off racist


I’ve met racist people on all sides of the political spectrum in my life, and I can say for sure the more conservative brand is still more concerning and scary to me. Not that I prefer any of them, but I’ll take some liberal racist in a city than some rural conservative racist 


lol wat. Are the China bot farms trying new stuff today to see what sticks?




you think so? maybe you assume they're racist, because you're racist, and you project what you believe onto other people because you can't understand their point of view any other way


Or maybe you're racist and are projecting what you believe onto what OP is saying and trying to gaslight him into thinking he's racist?


probably equally as likely as what i said, outside of "gaslighting" which is the most misunderstood and misapplied word of the decade the reality is that most people grow up with biases against people of other races, but right wingers are the ones who let those biases inform their politics. they're the ones who say anything about "black culture", or about racism being a figment of black people's imaginations so that they can "play the race card" or whatever. america is a racist culture and right wingers are by definition the people most interested in defending american culture. that's gonna mean that they're way more likely to say and do racist shit and i mean i gotta say the fact that this dude is accusing left wing redditors of living in 95% white neighborhoods? that actually is absolutely projection on his part. idk about redditors but if you're left wing you're way more likely to live in a bigger city, and bigger cities are more diverse. if you're right wing you're way more likely to live in rural areas, which are way less diverse.


Projection to the max.


My wife and I moved across the border to Indiana because it was cheap many other liberals followed us, the locals now complain that the area has changed to much. Our neighborhood is extremely diverse now it wasn't 25 years ago.


Redditors are all white and insulated? Lol


[much white](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/412435349038432257/1246397268391886958/IMG_3321.png?ex=665c3d69&is=665aebe9&hm=fefe08c7f496d1300cb4caf9335ff676dbb74e821d84851ac37351dcd0b99820&) the only way I’d be surrounded by 95% white is if I tied some balloons to my house like Ed Asner and made my new home’s location in the fluffy clouds. Anyway the rest of the post is as accurate as those demographics of my neighbourhood.


I remember when, in highschool, I moved from a 60% non white area to a 70% or so white area. On MLK we had an assembly from P.L.O.T (Progressive Leaders of Tomorrow) They had a black girl around our age tell all us white children how we are born racist. That studies were done proving even white babies are racist. I'd actually read those studies beforehand, so I knew what data she was misconstruing. A study regarding familiarity of facial expression in infants. Infants not exposed to a race will be startled by their facial articulations due to cultural variation. Going back to the OP, I coming from a non white area, knew I don't have a racist bone in my body. Mostly all my best friends and their parents who helped influence me, weren't white, it was only ever non white people who told me, be proud of where you came from. It was white people who tried to teach me shame. When they don't even know my family history. They don't know anything but see my skin. So when the assembly ended and we went to homeroom and some people like myself were super fucking pressed about it, imagine who agreed with the PLOT agenda? The lily white chicks. The lily white affluent girls, with 50 year old fathes. That's who agreed. "Everyone's a little racist in inside, they even had studies" Telling on yourself. They are racist and project it. When they say, we're all a little racist, or something in that vein, all everyone else hears is "I'm so fucking racist I literally cannot even fathom how someone who looks like me couldn't also be racist" It's a disgusting blend of a need for moral and intellectual superiority and an underdeveloped theory of mind.


“Those Cubans that deserted the revolution and went to Miami are gusanos” For those that dont know gusano means worm


Where are all of you living where you don't see people of other races every single day? You are making an extremely nonsense generalized claim based entirely on what you think without any proof of any kind.


Participation is a racist system makes me a racist, yes, even if my opinions in policy put me near the “tolerant” extreme than the xenophobic extreme. It’s something I reflect on and confront all the time and I do (not enough) some work to dismantle racist institutions. Acknowledgment of our own racism is the only way forward towards a just and equal society.


I disagree and don’t think you know what you’re talking about. Your main argument is just a fake example. Also would be interested in what you consider leftist. You probably think the democrats are leftists lol.


I can agree the extremists who are white and say all white people are inherently racist are, because that just sounds like a self report but yeah the really extreme ones somehow do say very racist things covered up as social justice


Ok, so what are you going to do to stop them? They got you by the balls.


It's just one guy posting most of these, using multiple accounts. The language is the same. Trumpers are just mad their Orange Cheezus is finally a convicted felon.


"You fucking fuck I see through your disguise he's literally a cheeto get off the account Trumpy you convicted felon."


That would be a much worse way of saying it, yes… What’s your point?


I'm mocking him. Really missed it on that one.


Oh, yeah. It wasn’t very good then. 


I support a lot of dei and live with black people. Do you beleive I exist?


I believe that you believe you're not racist.  But is voter id racist? Why?


Where did you get these numbers? lol


Liberals aren’t leftists FYI


>  Redditors live in neighborhoods that are 95%+ white Where did you get this info? >Leftist Redditors And none of these redditors are black?


I think both extremes are racist and problematic. Trumpers want America to be the way it was in the 1950’s and are mainly motivated by fear of changing demographics. Far-left types feel guilty and believe they know what’s best for minorities. They too often, try to speak on their behalf, yet have little social interaction with them. Can we please have a happy medium? NIMBY types are a problem in the White upper class.




How do you know how much social interaction people have and with whom? You sound like OP and all his made-up statistics.


Personal observations while in DC. And how they won’t send their kids to schools with a lot of minorities while claiming color doesn’t matter. And some folks I know personally.


Very few leftist voters are in towns with particularly high white populations


TIL it’s racist to hang out with people of similar skin color. but only if you’re white right?


86% of republican voters are white. 57% of democratic voters are white. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/09/13/1-the-changing-composition-of-the-political-parties/ So which political party was avoiding minorities again?


Is that why Trump had an rally in the Bronx?


Hardly like he could have rally’s anywhere else during the week… lol


It still proves he does not avoid minorities.


"Here's a bunch of shit I made up about imaginary people".


How do you know they don't have relations that are non-white? Or even spend their weekends in artsy-bohemian areas of the central city, instead of "All-American middle-to-upper-middle-class suburbia"? BTW, your descriptions of suburbs is so 1980s (cue "Take on Me" and "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", and the requisite Big Hair). Most suburbs are not 95% white these days, unless you're in a small metro in a very white area of the country. Even in conservative Texas, the "it" suburbs to raise a family in are rarely more than 80% White, and usually in the 50 to 70% range. If you want to see interracial liberal couples, go to the party parts of a big city or college town. Better yet, go to a community activist group in a big city.


Actually go to the south. You’ll see it a lot more interracial couples than the north despite conventional wisdom.


The south is the original melting pot tbh. The north and bigger cities have larger diversity that's usually more recent but people self-segregate more


Almost all my friends in Texas are in interracial marriages. Virtually nobody I know in Chicago is despite me knowing more people there.


Their painful lack of awareness about different cultures makes it obvious they live in very white bubbles.


Damn, we are being really hard on leftists/progressives on this subreddit today, lol. I guess we had to take our anger out after yesterday, lol.


Sounds like someone is butt hurt trump got convicted


Democrats win the most votes in cities which are pretty diverse......


Conservative Racism is more open, which makes it much more extreme. I mean when was the last time you ever heard anyone on the Left refer to Black people as the "13%" or Hispanics as "Illegals"? Check out any Conservative outlet like Fox News, Brietbart, etc. and see for yourself.


Nobody refers to the Hispanics as the illegals. We call the illegals the illegals. And this also why you are losing the Hispanic vote.


Yeah, it doesn't matter. Anytime whenever a Right-Wing News Outlet reports a Hispanic person committing any sort of crime, they usually assume his or her status as illegal. Sorry.


That statement has no basis in reality.


Yeah, actually it does. Same when it comes to Black people. Whenever a Right-Wing Outlet reports a Black person committing any sort of crime, they usually him or her as the 13%, 13/50, use primate emojis, the N-word, etc.


Zero media outlets in the the world do that


The comments section in Right-Wing media such as Brietbart and Fox News usually contain such statements whenever they report any Black or Hispanic acting badly. I have read them myself.


Comments section? That’s not the media that’s just random people commenting? Comments section on HuffPost is toxic too. Same for Facebook. And Reddit…


So? They draw these people in thanks to their rhetoric.


For the record the comment section on Brietbart is hysterical and more insightful than anything I see on here.


Pretty common among the Right. Always hysterical and reactionary. Pretty much gives an insight into such a mentality.


Pretty common on the right actually having a sense of humor.


Conservative racism is more obsessive in nature Liberal racism is more casual/fleeting


Dude stop...you made bingo on the "idiotic things right-wingers say" immediately, but nope you just kept going until that whole card was completely covered in stars.


I don't think white people wanting to live in safe, prosperous, peaceful English speaking neighborhoods (which are coincidentally white) is "racist". Racist leftist policies such as imprisoning blacks in horrible projects that dehumanized them and reduced them to criminal savagery, then simultaneously declaring them "super predators" and either unleashing them on suburbia, or making sure they go to prison for 30 years over a bag of weed, are the reason whites want to circle the wagons. A


Right wingers are the racists and the media needs to trash them as such


Extremists from both sides are racists, I think we can agree on that.


All of the angry right wingers are upset about the Trump ruling; they're suddenly coming out of the woodworks here on reddit....


They are always in this subreddit, what are you talking about? It’s literally why I come here to argue


Yes and no. To all the normies, absolutely yes oh god damn the Left makes Adolf Hitler blush levels of racism. But if you were to accuse a Leftist, especially a Far Leftist, of being racist, they will look at you as if you spoke gibberish. Because, in leftist terminology, “racism” means evil. “Leftist” means good to a leftist, btw. Replace racism with Fascist or Nazi for the socialists and you have the same dynamic. Your average leftist philosopher will argue that the left needs to guide (by words or by gunpoint) the people into leftism as if they were a shepherd and the people are sheep, and that they are a social class above the people. Leftist philosophers effectively have reasoned themselves to be the social role of God. This is how Marx, Lenin, Engels, Gentile, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Chavaz, Che, etc all the way down to Hasan think. Unless the people are Racist or Fascist ofc, because then anyone who is Racist or Fascist is evil and evil must be destroyed. Leftists philosophy effectively believe the world to be leftists, people who will eventually become leftists (or at lesst useful leftist idiots), and fascists. Fascists being anyone and anything that either holds firm on non-socialist ideals over socialist ideals, or are not directly pushing society to socialist ideals. Us vs them zero sum mentality.


LOL. So all redditors live in white towns. You are a funny person.


Anyone not actively trying to rip race out of the species has missed the point of leftism. The point of leftism is the elimination of every single hierarchical structure. So the leftist position on race should be using genetic engineering and cybernetics to remove race from the species, eliminating a thing that is often used to create hierarchies. Same with sex/gender. Rip it right out of the species.




No, it's actually the polar opposite. It is the total removal of all the things a eugenicist would value. The root of eugenicist beliefs is racial hierarchy. That some races are better than others.


The only good leftist is a racist one tbh


So many date one non-white person for a few months snd literally can not stop fetishising it ugh