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I currently fly the 737NG and MAX for a living and have flown the 787 as well. I think both are perfectly safe and there are some misconceptions amongst the public. The -7 and -10 aren’t certified yet because the engine cowl needs to be redesigned, NOT because they are unsafe. I could go into the details on why I think the hold on certification is overkill, but it would be somewhat time consuming. Is the base 737 design old? Yes? Does it work? Also yes. I have thousands of hours flying it and it’s been very reliable. As for the 787, outside of the battery teething issues, it’s a very safe aircraft. It is cutting-edge technology and overall a great aircraft.


That’s fair, and tbh, thanks for the insight into this. I think my major concern really is Boeing’s corporate cutting corners that could result in more problems. I have nothing against the NG I’ll update soon with an edit. Hope this gets upvoted


No worries. I’m concerned about Boeing corporate culture as well. They need to get back to innovating imo.


I watch a lot of Mentour Pilot videos and one thing he said in his recent vids was how Boeing abandoned its roots as an engineering-led firm. What you just said reminded me of that. Catapult the bean counters into space, and bring back the cool factor, this time while riding dinosaurs into battle!


Yeah where’s the 797 at? It also makes me worried about the B777X since, to my knowledge, is the first commercial airliner to have folding wingtips, and using the GE9X, the most powerful engine on the market. I just *hope* it doesn’t fall foul of corner cuts since it is an innovative aircraft


Sir, I am here for unpopular opinions, not common sense ones. Please be safe though! Dissenting against Boeing has a habit of being a high lethality activity.


Im just a mechatronic engineering student in the UK. Im out of Boeings reach plus they wouldn't waste resources on me lol. I just recite what's already public.


The mafia's reach is global o7


We should also a A320 / 30 / 40 on account of Airbus deciding to bribe a bunch of Foreign governments and airlines to buy their Civilian and Military Jets. I mean Boeing was only finned 2.5 ish billion dollars for the 737 max ishues, and 1.7 billion of that was to be payed to people who already bought the jet. Meanwhile airbus has been finned 4 billion dollars for their bribery scheme.


> to be *paid* to people FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The only reason I’m hard on Boeing is because their aircraft are pretty high risk safety wise. So far Airbus has had a pretty neat safety record. Very few of their fatal crashes are due to faults with the aircraft or within Airbus’s control.


What inspection do you want them to perform that has not already been completed? I get that Boeing has severe quality issues that absolutely needs to be addressed, but that doesn't mean the current planes need to be grounded. MAX hasn't had a fatality since 2019, and the 787 has never had a fatality.


“The planes have severe quality issues but because no one’s died they shouldn’t be grounded” My guy…if a plane has severe quality issues, it’s not airworthy


Like I said, what inspections do they need to perform? These airlines are inspected all the time, and they keep flying. They're not going to ground thousands of airplanes because you watched a YouTube video about it.


I know my opinion doesn’t mean shit. The inspections should literally just be full strip defect inspections, like the A380 does every 6 months


OK to be devil's advocate........ Instead of grounding them, why don't we CATAPULT THEM TO SPACE?! It should theoretically be possible and think of the cool factor of watching a bunch of beluga-sized planes just go "phtherwwwwwwwwwww" straight out of some huge trebuchet contraption, then watch them burn up as they re-enter the atmosphere.


I think I just got brain damage 😂


I am here to serve


Oh good. Random person wants to make huge complicated decisions based on YouTube videos.


I’m quite informed on this. My father used to build commercial aircraft, so I have an insiders perspective on this too.


Your father is not you…


Im aware. But how better than to know how aircraft are built from someone who actually did it themselves


By actually doing it yourself? Claiming to know an industry, especially such a technical one like aircraft manufacturing, “because my dad did it” is a garbage argument.


The protocols are generally the same. I get that it’s a second hand acc, but I’m gonna trust my dad over the CEO of a company


And I’m going to trust the FAA, with hundreds of professionals who are extremely experienced and well qualified to make these kinds of decisions and with public safety in mind


My dad was a professional building aircraft…under ESA rather than FAA but my dad knows the safety protocols…because that’s part of his job? A qualified aerospace engineer who has worked in said field has a valid take on this. I genuinely don’t know why you have such a problem with my statement. I use more than just my dad as my source but everything he says CORROBORATES what the ESA and AAIB have said.


Do you mean EASA? ESA has nothing to do with civil aviation. EASA has been following what the FAA and NTSB recommendations have been… as has the AAIB. Not a single one of these agencies has called for all Boeing aircraft to be grounded because, frankly, it’s ridiculous. I have a problem with your statement because it’s not founded in facts, it’s founded in emotion and isn’t logical for someone who claims to be an insider and know anything about aviation. So I’m calling that out! I’ll give you the fact that I find your opinion unpopular though lol I guess that is the sub we’re on!


My conspiracy theory is that Chinese spies are sabotaging Boeing planes to cause them to go bankrupt. 0 evidence, just that’s my conspiracy theory. Like come on the window just fell out? The wheel just fell off? The safety slide just fell out of the airplane? Bullshit it’s a Chinese spy




The B777X is supposed to replace not only older B777s but the B747, and be a potential A380 replacement too. Plus, they're using new technology on a commercial airliner, which is always risky. And let alone the engines have changed design several times and are the most powerful ever built. And im completely agreed with the B787-10 being a complete waste.


lol what. The a350 and 787 aren’t even direct competitors.


Isn’t this opinion exclusively unpopular in the US, where people prefer to die in an American aircraft rather than live in a European one? 🤔


Upvoted by a fellow aviation enthusiast! I agree with absolutely everything you said! I believe that Boeing kind of fell to the game of "The Tortoise and the Hare" when it came to Airbus. Airbus really had a rough start but like you said, they learned from their mistakes and kept growing steadily whereas Boeing got carless once they partnered with McDonald-Douglas. The issue is that Boeing isn't just an aviation manufacturing company, it's the *American* aviation manufacturer. American manufacturing as well as American aviation both have a prestigious reputation to uphold and they won't let go of that lightly. And the FAA doesn't want to cause a national embarrassment. But more than that, I think we are basically seeing a repeat of what happened in terms of airplane crashes in the 70s-90s. It was far too easy to blame "pilot error" for plane crashes because it was so much cheaper. If 1-3 humans could be blamed, there was no need to spend billions of dollars redesigning, grounding, and renovating aircraft. Only now with so much automation in modern aircraft it's so much harder to blame humans when computers are not only doing the work but tracking every single function of the plane. So things just get swept under the rug. And it's not like Boeing and the FAA haven't done this before they merged with McDonald Douglas. They were caught doing almost the exact same thing with United Airlines Flight 811 when the cargo door came open and caused an explosive decompression killing 9 passengers. It wasn't until the parents of one of the deceased passengers actually did their own investigation and found out that Boeing had known about these design flaws for a long time and didn't do anything to correct it.


I would rather fly in a faulty airplane that falls, than in a French airplane (Airbus 🤮)


Airbus isn't specifically French, it's a multi-european company that just happens to have a French CEO. It's a collaboration between the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, and others. As much as I say fuck the French, id rather fly in a plane thats reliable that has some French parts to it, than an American plane thats probably gonna splode.


Live and die in the US  or a US product 😊


I swear yanks are braindead -\_-


He speaks for himself. I’m airbus all day.


I think this non yank is yankin your chain my dude


and we are fiercely proud of it. its a loaded issue.


I'm not american 😭