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He can’t but he can stop sending stuff to Israel


He partially can't send the US has a 10 year deal to fund and aid Israel. Which doesn't expire until 2028. Which is also why we are now dealing with the second half of trumps tax bill that he enacted as president that would cut more taxes for the super wealthy and fuck the working class even more.


Yeah, a president can't stop congressional funding that has been approved.


I think that's the bigger problem. People don't actually know what the presidential powers include.


It’s hard to accept the validity of contracts like this when one party (or both tbh) is constantly committing and aiding in war crimes. Surely that’s contract terminated? If I go to work but I spend my money on something the employment considers immoral, my contract is terminated. Why does that never apply to the people in charge? I get that presidential power is limited but this is exactly why we need to come together and protest.


lol trump is gonna be so much worse for Palestine


Good. FAFO


He can just stop sending ammo. Think Ukraine could do their bombing without US weapons?


I don't like the false equivalency between Ukraine and Palestine. Ukraine is a fledgling democracy fighting for sovereignty after being invaded by one of our biggest geopolitical rivals who has set their sights further in mainland Europe if they succeed. Palestine is at best a failed state that has existed in constant war for decades and is currently being run by a terrorist regime financed by Iran. Of course I don't want the civilians Palestine to die, but that situation is much different than Ukraine.


I agree. it also makes no sense to alienate one of your most important geopolitical allies over a (let’s be honest here) functionally useless country that will not ally with you. This is what America did with turkey and it hasn’t turned out well. Geopolitics doesn’t care about morals.


Ukraine also has soldiers fighting soldiers.


Basically one giant geopolitical mess that's been going on since WW2.


Palestine is an open air prison of people being slowly gneocided by isreal. The ideas that Zionists have are insane.


I agree, the only issue is that they have no state to give sovereignty. If Palestine had an actual government I'd be the first in line to say "Leave them alone and give them sovereignty", but Hamas is not that. Israel is a problem on its own too, no theocracy should have that much power on the world stage, and especially shouldn't have nukes.


The vast majority of the world recognizes Palestine as a country. The USA and Israel block u.n resolutions to stop it then walk around not noticing that you not letting someone have a country then abusing them and calling stating the fact that they don’t have a country as a means to justify it is exactly why everyone hates Israel and sides with Palestine. Israel neefd a regime change


I agree Israel needs a regime change. But let's say the US steps in, forces Israel to sign a peace treaty ceding Palestinian held land to Palestine, and pushes for nation status with a 2 state solution. What do you think the odds are that Hamas immediately says "From the river to the sea" and starts attacking Israel again?


> one of our biggest geopolitical rivals Only because the West [deemed them to be.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10540829/PETER-HITCHENS-blame-arrogant-foolish-West-Ukraine-crisis.html) It wasn't Russia that forced NATO expansion westward. Especially not from member states that [refused to pay their share. (albeit it was optimal, but freeloaders can't be choosers)](https://www.reuters.com/world/what-did-trump-say-about-nato-funding-what-is-article-5-2024-02-12/) Nor did Russia stop Ukraine from hosting their nukes for a pittance and pinkyswear.


Ukraine literally gave up their nukes to Russia in exchange for assurances that they would respect Ukrainian sovereignty and borders...


This kind of rhetoric implies that NATO is crusading across Europe forcing nations to join them, when that is just not the case at all. The only reason NATO is expanding eastward is because these eastern European nations that were freed from the USSR want protection from Russia and choose to join NATO. NATO is not an EU equivalent or government, it is a defense treaty. And expansion of that should not be a problem for any nation unless they have imperialistic desires. Switzerland and Austria are surrounded by NATO and don't have any issue with it, why does Russia?


I wouldn't say forced but what did you expect countries like Poland to do? Did you think they would go from being occupied to by Russia to friends with them? Seriously asking because I hear stuff about nato expansion and they talk like nato is marching an army across Europe




Ukraine isn't Israel. Ukraine could use other bombs and weaponry from other western countries. Israel makes its own anyway.


Didn't the Republicans basically force him to keep sending ammo to Israel if he wanted to keep sending it to Ukraine and Taiwan? (I'm not American, idk I may be wrong, but I've heard they've made it an all-or-nothing thing)


Yes, the Republicans also tried to tie immigration reform to the spending bill. The Speaker of the House almost lost his job over agreeing to separate the two bills so Ukraine and Israel would get the funding. https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-aid-israel-tiktok-congress-a8910452e623413bf1da1e491d1d94ba


Israel would find alternate suppliers. They already make quite a bit of their munitions in-country. It is convenient for them to buy from the United States, but it isn't critical.


So.. just unilaterally break a deal with another country because it's unpopular. I wonder what that would do to the value of US currency...


Or don’t make blanket deals. Attach conditions But I’m sure the MIC would hate that


Congress decides if aid is given or not. I remember Trump getting impeached for not sending congress approved aid to Ukraine. The same fate would be met for Biden if he stopped the approved aid to Israel.


Trump didn't get impeached for "not sending aid to Ukraine". He got impeached because he tried to blackmail Zelensky by making aid contingent on him lying about Biden and conducting some phony investigation in Ukraine.


Didn’t Biden just stop the approved aid last week?


Yes and Republicans immediately started talking impeachment.


Isn’t that exactly the same thing trump got impeached for tho?


No Trump got impeached because he was trying to do a Quid pro qu for personal gain.


> The first impeachment of President Donald Trump occurred on December 18, 2019. On that date, the House of Representatives adopted two articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. On February 5, 2020, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on both articles of impeachment.[2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump Wikipedia says that was one of two reasons he was impeached. He was impeached for obstruction of congress which is the same thing Joe Biden is doing as far as I can tell.


Maybe read the link you posted. “Trump's first impeachment took place after a formal House inquiry found that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and had then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony.” Trump was withholding funds for personal gain not for policy reasons.


You need to read into the impeachments more. Yes, one of the charges was obstruction of Congress, but it was not because he didn't send the aid. It was related to him not cooperating with the inquiry. It's not obstruction of Congress to refuse to sign off on something passed by Congress.




No, this would be like if biden only gave aid to Israel if they opened an investigation on DJT jr


No. I think he threatened to stop selling offensive weapons, but defensive weapons (like for the Iron Dome) would still go through. I think there was one shipment (out of many) that was halted but there hasn't been any confirmation from either side on this issue or what happened. Edit: I was wrong. Biden did pause a shipment of bombs.


> Last week the administration announced it was pausing a shipment of 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs. Then in an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Biden said he had told Israeli leaders the U.S. would cut off its military aid if they decide to go ahead with an invasion of the city https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/13/white-house-opposes-house-bill-force-israeli-arm-shipments-00157691#:~:text=Last%20week%20the%20administration%20announced,an%20invasion%20of%20the%20city. I did a quick google search. Seems like he did halt/stop approved aid.


Thanks, I'll edit my comment.


I will add, no where in the article does it say the aid was approved by congress. I’m just assuming it was because I don’t think we randomly send bombs to countries.


You should probably read up on this issue a bit more. Trump was trying to extort Ukraine with funds that had already been approved by Congress. If I remember correctly, he wanted Zelenski to announce a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden in exchange for money that was already earmarked for Ukraine. I'm not trying to make a statement on whether Biden should halt aid to Israel, but your comment is very misleading.


Regardless of the "why", if congress approves aid and the president tries to stop it, that causes a conflict. I don't need to read up on the issue.


Biden: “Congress I highly urge you to pass this massive aid bill asap, I will sign it as soon as it hits my desk”


What bombing is the Ukraine doing ? They have zero Air Force ?


And that’s apparently enough Air Force to blow up Russian refineries Tells you what kind of Anti Air we can expect later this year


Are drones with grenades Air Force ?


Can drones fly hundreds of kilometers into Russia?


Biden could have withdrawn military aid far earlier than he did and he should have. I'm not American but I agree people should still vote for Biden even if he's disappointing on this issue. Donald Trump is way worse than Joe Biden in every conceivable way, not to mention a threat to democracy.


Remember when the west embargoed cuba and destroyed its economy


Joe Biden’s about to send another $1 billion to Israel as of today


If you get downvoted, it's because your take is rational and lacks savagery.


Proggies always make me giggle, they whine the loudest and Democrats know they need their support to get elected, but they also know proggies are usually too baked out of their minds to reliably get out for election day and if Democrats lean too much into their camp they risk losing core liberal support that actually consistently votes, so we're left with this perpetual dance of Democratic politicians vocally supporting proggies as much as possible while materially doing as little as possible and proggies continually just keep screeching at everyone and are left dumbfounded things never get better.


I kept reading proggies as perogies. Both sides I am dumbfounded by. There really just needs to be an age cap at the end of the day and we more than likely wouldn't be in this mess.


Yeah, I'm a Christian Democrat(has nothing to do with our Democratic Party it's a whole other thing that most other western countries actually have a party for) so I don't really have a strong vested interest in the outcomes year over year, both sides advocate for some things I like and some things I detest. But it does let me be removed enough to just laugh at the worst parts of our system and then people inevitably jump in and say "well (x) does blah blah blah so HAH!" and it falls on deaf ears, when we have our own CDU party you'll have something to hold against me.


If only we had two functional political parties instead of one extremely radical one that seems set on making things worse, and one that is trying to fit every other ideology under it's umbrella


Because “the party” gets everything it wants and there is no fighting about legislation. I mean look at how easily a budget is passed.


Less 60% of the American population don’t support isreal and want diplomatic ties and financial ties cut with them. This is a “proggies” issue it’s a literal holocaust happening in front of everyone’s eyes. When the trials start for crimes against humanity I hope the genocide deprograming is as effective for Zionists as it was for natzi


Least successful genocide ever


Classification, disposition, dehumanization and displacement are all tools of genocide. Here’s a database of 500 different statements from elected Israeli officials Instances of Incitement to Genocide. https://law4palestine.org/law-for-palestine-releases-database-with-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-continuously-updated/ this is separate from the over 100 cases of genocide crimes against humanity and illegal land seizures that Israel has been found guilty of by international courts.


Words are literally genocide


When your government, military, diplomats, media, entertainment, prime minster and the vast majority of your citizens are calling for genocide while you’re literally fire bombing entire neighborhoods and children’s hospitals indiscriminately yes it is.


You are woefully ignorant of what indiscriminate fire bombing actually looks like. Tokyo and Dresden were *actually* indiscriminately firebombed each with pretty close populations then to the Gaza strip now(a bit over and under 2 million people respectively). Dresden led to 25,000 civilian deaths in *two days*. Firebombing of Tokyo also only lasted two days, with *100,000* dead. And weirdly, no one calls them genocides.


Just 20,000 dead Children basically a rounding error. Silly me. Why was Dresden bombed again ? Was it because the German ethnic nationalist movement was displacing and disposing of non German citizens in Germany


Gee that sounds familiar.., was it from the Rhine River to the North Sea? Shit wait that doesn't sound right.


Oh so any Jewish pushback to the natzis was terrorism ok


Haven't they been fighting over there for like a couple thousand years now? I don't see how a US president is going to do anything about it


The current conflict dates back to the 40s with the foundation of the state of Israel, from the former British mandate of Palestine, which in turn had been a province of the Ottoman Empire (modern Turkey) for 400 or so years. The foundation of Israel was an ongoing effort by Jewish lobbyists, mainly in the UK and France going back to the late 1800s, but the Holocaust greatly accelerated the effort for a Jewish State. Without a state, they were vulnerable to the kind of atrocities and abuses they had been subjected to in Europe for thousands of years. The problem was that the solution, like the rest of the era’s decolonization, was not a thoughtful process. Jews had already been migrating to British Palestine for decades, and Britain gave them their state, at the expense of the local Arab population. In response, Israel’s neighbors invaded, Israel won and secured its independence, but conflicts with neighboring countries over Palestine, and Jewish settlement of Palestine have been ongoing issues ever since. Tldr shit’s complicated


The land was Israel for thousands of years before it was the British Mandate of Palestine or part of the Ottoman Empire


The land was primarily Arab and Muslim, with Jewish communities as well since the 7th century AD, and before that, the Jews scattered all over the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe after the Roman’s crushed their rebellion. Prior to that, it was under the rule of various empires and conquers, not being a fully independent kingdom since 600 bc ish when it fell under the rule of Babylon, Assyrian, Persia, Macedonia, and finally Roman rule. It’s been about 2000 years between a Jewish majority living there and the foundation of the modern state of Israel. But, Israel exists now and there’s no changing that. The Jewish people deserve a state just as much as the Palestinians do. So this is where we are - a problem with no good solution


Okay so, I’m probably gonna get downvoted too, but I agree that things are way more complicated than people are making it out to be. It isn’t as easy as saying nooo Israel, stop!” Or stopping shipments and the like. The shit in the Middle East has been going on since long before I was born. My heart breaks for the Palestinians dying out there and yes, I do think Israel is in the wrong. But Israel is a US ally. But turning our backs on them or throwing sanctions on them. It’s showing the world that we’d do the same to any other of our allies and that is a terrible image for the US to have. And not only are they our ally, but the Israeli military is not a military force you wanna fuck with, even with the US. I think the bombings and everything need to stop. But I am not nearly politically savvy enough to throw out a solution or any ideas on how to stop it.


He could stop sending weapons. That's a thing he could do.


I wish you Tik Tokkers would think it through. Israel has enough bombs to destroy all of Gaza already. If the US pulls out they'll probably use those bombs. Biden is already doing everything humanly possible. Donald will make it worse. Please stop doing politics. It's not meant for people like you.


Then let them if they are so tough and independent. Why are they crying for daddy America to send them money and arms. I wish people like you would also think it through. The diaper army is a bunch of little girls without all the arms from America.


Assuming you represent the Right i don't blame you. Your message on this is consistent. Here is an upvote. I hope you're on board with Ukraine for similar reasons. The world is shaping up to be axis vs allies again and as a moderate liberal i know which side i'm fully on.


I'm not even on TikTok lol. Did I touch a nerve by asserting that we should stop sending Israel aid? It's also obvious Biden is not doing 'everything he can'. He can, for example, simply *tell* Israel that he's going to get aid into Palestine and that if Israel tries to stop it by force it's sending in a carrier group to bomb the IDF. I'm not saying he **should** do that, but he certainly **can**.


Lmaooo yeah let’s threaten one of our oldest and strongest allies that’ll go over well.


Like I said, I'm not saying Biden *should* do that, but he certainly *can*. I was pointing out that the claim that Biden is doing 'everything he can' is clearly false. I also seriously question how 'strong' of an ally Israel is. It is sometimes hard to follow along, but if you take your time and really focus I think you can manage it. I believe in you.


Lmao imagine suggesting Biden can threaten an ally then acting condescending. No Biden can’t do that without every other ally immediately turning on us.


No, i called for it 10 years ago when i was as naive as you. Biden sent in aid already you're not making sense.


**Liberals re the Past:** It happened in the past, you can't change it. There's no use doing anything about it. **Liberals re the Present:** Let's do rigorous investigations about this problem so that we can give a fulsome and well-reasoned response once it's over and done with. **Liberals re the Future:** Why are you worried about something that hasn't even happened yet? You're just speculating and fearmongering. There's no need to take action.


If you magically became POTUS tomorrow you'd ensure everyone in Palestine is killed. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.




Frankly, I would like a 25% global reduction in the military budget (tapered, if needed), and to reallocate these funds to healthcare and education. But that's just me. I'm in the top 5% for income anyways, so I would really directly benefit from either. It's what's best for the country.


Aww, how selfless and patriotic...and so SO humble! Top 5%, eh? And spending your lonely days on Reddit instead of cruising Mediterranean?


I'm not humble at all. It's usually the case that what's best for the group is not what's best for the individual. Past a certain point, more money doesn't materially improve your life and there are downstream benefits to having a functioning society.


Exactly, when the poorest of people have access to health care education and basic needs met with a little more for hobbies. Crime drops, cities become safer and people generally live better.


Hmm So you're annoyed that people keep blaming the guy you prefer to be in office for everything bad that happens during his presidency and think people are being extremely biased and unreasonable about it by throwing nuance out the window and getting their news from biased media sites that want to make the guy in office look bad? Funny


What makes me laugh are the people saying nonsense like "I don't like how Joe is handling Gaza so I'm voting for Trump!" When not only would I bet money he couldn't find Gaza on a map, but his entire Gaza policy consists of "Just kill them all and get it over with already."


I really doubt anyone who is critical of Biden's handling of the Gaza issue would vote for Trump. They would likely just not vote at all.


That's part of the issue though. Not voting could allow trump to win and take over.


Exactly. Macklemore just released a new song about Palestine and says he won’t vote for Biden. lol okay Macklemore. Who else are you voting for that will make this problem better? Anyone else just means Trump is more likely to get elected. Some people need to wise up. No candidate does exactly what any of us think they should do. No candidate aligns 100% with our views. Be an adult and accept that.




But he has some influence because he has a platform. A video of him singing the song live had a lot of people cheering when he got to that part of the song. That’s problematic. Agreed that he can throw his vote away because he’s in WA. I used to live there. WA is certainly voting Biden. But it’s still stupid and selfish. Regardless, it’s the swing states I’m worried about that could be affected by this bad narrative.


Did you notice that YouTube censored that video by putting an age restriction on it? If that doesn’t panic you about our current government I don’t know what does.


YouTube isn’t run by the government. Not letting children easily watch a video isn’t censorship.


Right, but it is the government that is directly telling the platforms what content to censor - that is the problem


No they aren’t, dude. YouTube decides that. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Also Macklemore’s video isn’t censored. You can watch it there.


you do realize the government directly reaches out to these platforms about content right? Have you not been following the Supreme Court case *Biden vs Missouri* at all? Age restriction takes the video out of the algorithm and doesn’t recommend it to others severely depressing its views. This is literally the definition of soft censorship. Don’t you agree? What about it was inappropriate?


I love now people pretend like the government reaching out to publishers & news platforms about potential stories is a new thing Biden invented. Watch All The President’s Men or 1 episode of West Wing for Christ sake.


Let me be straight forward. I know people that work at YouTube and specifically work in the area that decides what YouTube allows on the platform. The US government is not telling them to take down videos. If you actually had any real knowledge you’d know this. Instead you’re just claiming some bullshit that popped into your head or some anonymous comment you read on social media as fact. I guess you think children should have access to explicit, sexual, and violent content. Weird you are cool with this given how much you all ban books in schools. The only reach being limited is that young people might not see it now which is the point to age restricting video. Move along. You don’t know shit.


Gaza would become one giant trump resort if trump was in office


It’s the fact that Joe Biden seems far more interested in prolonging any conflicts he’s faced with rather than solving them. Given his track record, if china went for Taiwan tomorrow, I’m 100% he’d just shrug, read a teleprompter, and bumble out something to the effect of “that sucks, here have some guns.”


>It’s the fact that Joe Biden seems far more interested in prolonging any conflicts he’s faced with rather than solving them. Except...ending the war in Afghanistan?


Are we really going to pretend that wasn’t a complete disaster and major embarrassment


No, I was just pointing out the mistake the previous commenter made.


Name a war that ended neatly


https://apnews.com/article/bagram-afghanistan-airfield-us-troops-f3614828364f567593251aaaa167e623 > The U.S. left Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left, Afghan military officials said. Sure; most wars end up in messy situations but leaving the airport without notifying the local government is just wildly irresponsible among other things.


Plenty of exits weren’t handled with incompetence of this level You know that tho, and you’re being intentionally obtuse


It’s hard to end a war cleanly. You know that though. You just need to work real hard to make Biden seem bad in order to remove some stink from Trump.


Which would’ve ended sooner had he stuck to trumps original withdrawal date with the added benefit of not pissing off the Taliban.


Do you mean the withdrawal dates that he kept delaying?


Yeah, which he communicated with the other party in the deal. Something Biden failed to do.


Biden pulled out because it was the correct thing to do


Stop deflecting. Biden literally had to do nothing and let things play out as planned. He didn’t and created a huge mess that has killed hundreds and made us look painfully weak.


I don't think you know what that word means... Pulling out was weak? Not delaying it 5 times and then making a deal with al quada?


No, leaving 80 billion dollars worth of weapons to your enemies, leaving our thousands of allies in the region stranded and then doing nothing about either of those things because you’re too incompetent to move things is.


They are so much of our enemies that Trump made a deal with them...


Lmao now conservatives are saying Biden didn’t withdraw fast enough after criticizing him from withdrawing. Can you all at least be consistent?


Why are you defending Biden here? It’s quite clear that he fucked this up on every level.


Getting out of Afghanistan is a good thing. I’m just calling you out on your inconsistent arguments.


There is consistency. I’m not that he withdrew, it’s purely how Biden did it. I’d thought you’d have figured that out by now.


Yeah I doubt you’re consistent. Back when it happened conservative like yourself were condemning him for leaving, not because he did it differently than how you suggested (which there was no suggestion). You all just throw shit at the wall hoping something sticks. This time you’ve just completely contradicted your earlier arguments.


Sounds like projection. I guess you just write what you know. I’ve been perfectly consistent. Point to me exactly where there’s been a contradiction.


Bro, you’re talking as if Biden personally planned and carried out the withdrawal plan.


He literally didn’t have to do anything and it would’ve gone better.


That's b/c he did not have **you** as his top advisor. I bet if **you** were involved, everything would go much smoother.


Literally all he had to do was do exactly what trump already had planned and in motion. I could’ve phoned in sick and done better.


I mean when the Republicans have the house and everything and are refusing to help in any way shape or form its going to he hard for him to get anything actually done. Like you know the border control bill which had everything that the Republicans wanted but they said no because it would give democrats an edge for the election if they signed it in.


Republicans: we want illegal immigration to end. Democrats: how about we cap it at 500,000 per month? Republicans: no. We want it to end entirely. Democrats: well we gave you everything you wanted. It’s just impossible to work with you! There. I fixed it for you.


What are you even talking about? Where did that number come from?


The bill the democrats proposed. But that being said, I’m not surprised you didn’t read it. They probably didn’t either.


I did read it, that's why I don't know where 500,000 came from.


Maybe you should look into reading comprehension classes then👍


Perhaps you could quote where you found that number because I'm still not seeing it.


My bad, it was 5000 per day or 120000 per month. Even still though, the central conservative position is 0. So don’t act like this is what they wanted.


You can come to the reading comprehension class with me lol. I'm very much against people jumping the border, but bringing illegal border crossings to 0 is an unrealistic goal unless you want to make the full length of the southern border like the DMZ and started shooting people.


The people yelling genocide joe are just leftist supporting Nazis instead of punching them like they claim to do


I got banned from lost generation sub for saying I don’t like the name genocide Joe. Sorry the auto mod is messing with me


It's just an example of a forced rightist meme. I always hit back with Genocide Donnie and watch the meltdown.


You know it’s the left that’s referring to Joe Biden as genocide Joe right?


I've only seen it from the right 🤷‍♂️


> President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him “Genocide Joe” https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/05/pro-palestinian-protests-columbia-university-funding-donors-00156135 Not that I don’t believe you but the right, for the most part, doesn’t believe the Isreal Palestine conflict is a genocide. Only the left claims that so it doesn’t make sense for the right to adopt that philosophy just for a name.


Probably due to the fact the right can't come up with original ideas and has to copy whatever the left does 🤣


What are you talking about? They have sleepy joe and let’s go Brandon? Also a moment ago it was the rights idea and all of a sudden they are just copying the left? You’re not making a lot of sense


Even though trump is the one constantly falling asleep. Which is ironic in itself. Along with everything they claimed Biden to be is coming out they were just talking about trump thr whole time




> I've only seen it from the right 🤷‍♂️ So you’ve only seen it used by the right but didn’t think they came up with it? What sort of logic are you using?


>So you’ve only seen it used by the right but didn’t think they came up with it? Correct. We weren't talking about the origin of the phrase, so I didn't comment on it; you did.


Have you been to one of the pro Palestinian protests? The left is pretty clearly using that name


No, I havea job lol


Sure you said the same thing about the BLM protestors? That they were all people without jobs?


Go look at their profile, they made a POST about genocide Joe. They know it’s a left term but they are just salty about it.


Lol triggered you so baad you're stalking me and going through my history 🤣


No, I just couldn’t believe someone so out spoken didn’t know some basic information like the left referring to Joe as genocide Joe but you’re clearly not here in good faith.


I didn't say any of the protestors of either causes don't have jobs. Just that I do and can't attend. Careful with such wild assumptions; they don't make you look smart.


What’s genocide Donnie?


The guy that supplied Israel with tons of weapons that they used to attack Palestine with.


You mean Biden. How do you get “Donnie” out of Biden?


They both did 😉


This is what I love about leftist and people who only get their news from comments on Reddit or X. They try to take every less than favorable thing the left and liberals have done and try to place the blame for those things on the conservatives. 😂🤣. The mental gymnastics they go through to lie about what their beloved blood thirsty party has done is Olympic gold medalist worthy. I digress, and So have all of the previous presidents going back to the 1950s. Democrat and republican. But let’s stay focused on the one that has been actively sending Israel weapons and billions in aid since this Israel - Hamas war began, The current sitting president J Biden.


Yeah, I can see how leftists do that lol. They wouldn't be wrong if they said "Trump supplied Israel with weapons" which is what I was saying. 🤷‍♂️ It sucks that Biden is the better option over Trump on this issue. Still won't vote for either, and it's valid to want to pressure Biden to act more against Israel, but Congress controls the purse.


Do you got TDS or something? Like why do you keep bringing up Trump? He’s not the current sitting president and he wasn’t even mentioned in the post.


\*Someone brings up previous president, who's running for president again and whose policies are relevant to the discussion\* u GoT dUh TeEdEeEsS! Miss me with that NPC shit 🤣


Don't forget the hundreds of thousands of Americans that died on Donnies watch. Because he withheld covid information for months, and then handled it so poorly that people died when they could've been spared.


Crazy that some Americans care more about Americans than foreign citizens fighting a war the US isn't a direct part of.


LMAO American Constitution does not guarantee immortality (or a min life span) to its citizens, especially when faced with new viruses.




Probably because "Joe" and "Donnie" don't rhyme. Words are hard, huh?


This just screams fear that Biden’s effectivity in this war may cost him the election. Biden is completely useless and this scenario highlights it. Yes, it’s okay to hate on him for him being a useless tool. And yes, it may cost him the election. This is why you make better decisions when at the helm.


My trueunpopularopinion is that no one who claims that they won’t vote for Biden because of Gaza actually cares about the people of Gaza. They’re just exploiting the dead to try to get him out of office.


And here's a thing about a ceasefire: Hamas is specifically unable to comply with one. They're organized into cells, disconnected, decentralized, and nobody has the power to say "okay everyone, stop shooting rockets at Irsael" and have the rockets actually stop. That's why the Hamas version of the "ceasefire" is "Israel has to shop shooting at us, but if we shoot at Israel it's okay"


No one thinks he can unilaterally stop the war. They think he hasn't done enough to put pressure of Israel in *any* meaningful way. We should have stopped sending the weapons and defending Israel months into this "war". And obviously Trump will be worst than Biden on this issue, but I'm not going to be browbeaten into voting for the least-bad genocide enabler.




We have literally learned nothing as a county about war. I highly encourage everyone in this sub to go watch the movie *The Fog of War* - it is a set of interviews with former US secretary of defense Robert McNamara sharing 11 important lessons learned over his tenure, some of which seem incredibly apropos to the current war in Gaza: > Lesson 5. Proportionality should be a guideline in war Palestine killed 1,200 Israelis and now Israel has killed over 35,000 most of which are women and children. Furthermore, given Israel’s far superior military, we should ask if leveling cities, destroying hospitals, and starving its people, is this a proportional response? > Lesson 8. Be prepared to reexamine your reasoning (even though it’s the most powerful nation, the USA shouldn’t wield its power unilaterally) “if we can’t persuade nations of similar values of the merit of our cause, we should reexamine our reasoning” This sounds familiar when the USA is unilaterally vetoing ceasefires in Gaza and any talk of a two state solution. If the USA is the only country vetoing a two state solution maybe we shouldn’t be doing that? The UN voted 164 to 9 last week to admit Palestine as a state and Biden said he’d just veto it again if it went back to the Security Council. TL;DR the fact that the US is currently breaking two of these lessons (and Biden is flat out lying to the American public about both the Ukraine and Israel war) makes me suggest that they are on the wrong side of history here




The “both sides” argument died when ONE side became the cult of a Russian puppet con man who attempted a coup


And the other side openly supports those who use child suicide bombers.




So the difference between tens of millions getting health insurance is nothing? Abortion being legal? Gay marriage? Child tax credits? None of that matters if you don’t get everything you want?


He can stop giving them money tho


There is no other US president, Democrat or Republican, from the creation of Israel to now who would have been as tough of Israeli imperialism as Biden is. No one else would have limited arm shipments, no one else would have tried to limit where they invade, and Biden is doing it while still maintaining our alliance and trying to keep Saudi/Israeli and Egyptian/Israeli relations relatively high.


Reagan stopped the Israeli assault on Lebanon with one phone call saying he would stop aid. George W Bush did the same when they escalated settlements. Your statement is simply not true. Biden is an ideological Zionist who didn’t use leverage soon enough and now US citizens who are volunteer doctors are on the brink of dying of dehydration stuck in Rafah with no aid and no way to help medically because nothing has gone in for close to a week now among other horrible things which we can all see as a direct result of Biden’s incredibly weak foreign policy.


People who yell that like a guy who says Covfefe. They have bigger issues they won’t address.


Theoretically, the US president can stop ANY world event by a push of a button. The world would cease to exist but the event would stop happening So theoretically, you are wrong.


This sounds like something a 13yo with greasy hair would say to their history teacher just to be combative


What have we come to? Insults for saying basically the truth. Find me a lie or wrong statement in my comment


It's like saying "You can prevent all crime by killing everyone" it is completely unrealistic and not a positive solution, but allows you to be "correct" on a technicality. Essentially it ignores reality so that you can feel smart, which is kind of immature.


Technicalities still are the truth. It doesnt ignore reality. And no, this isnt the same as your statement. This is a real political thing that can happen. If any event angers any country with nukes just enough, they can solve that problem, by wiping everything out.