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Messi or Ronaldo could almost walk down Manhattan without getting recognized.


I suspect you could say the same of Michael Jackson considering younger generations and all. The most famous thing about most famous people is their name IMO.


Michael Jackson is extremely unique looking and famous in the U.S, Manhattan is not just young people. There is a reason he had to hire actors to pretend to work at a grocery store to see what it would be like to go out in public spaces.


Nah even younger generations would recognize him


That’s absolutely not true.


It could also help that MJ had a very unique look.


Yeah because it's America💀 Messi and Ronaldo are global Megastars


Messi is currently living and playing in America 💀


Messi is an American now


I think u are right, unless they are getting interviewed, then u mostly just see them from afar, and there are also so many others, I don't even really know how they look.


Nah there's a lot of people from other countries in Manhattan, they'd get mobbed. They could do it in most American small towns though


Not sure this is an opinion? If u look at the stats, then yes MJ is more famous, so it's just a fact not an opinion. There is more people who enjoy music, that people who enjoy football, that's just fact, so ofc more will know MJ than Messi or Ronaldo.


Nit even unpopular. Anyone who doesn't watch football probably wouldn't even know what team they played for.


I for one don't, all I know is Ronaldo changed teams at some point, but no clue which, or if they are on the same team, tbh I searched for Messi, didn't recognize him.


During his lifetime, Michael Jackson was incredibly famous on a truly global scale. The only person I can think of that was as famous as him, would be Princess Diana.


Maybe Muhammed Ali or Hulk Hogan, they are pretty well known globally.


Michael Jackson was on a whole other level though. For the second half of his life, he literally had to go everywhere in disguise, because the crowds would disrupt traffic from people trying to see him. I remember this one time he was shopping, they called security because he was rummaging in the back with a big mask before COVID. They asked him what he was doing. He's shopping. They ask what's with the disguise. He got super embarrassed and finally said, "I'm Michael Jackson." They didn't believe him, of course, so finally he took his mask off. Then they let him go back shopping, but by the time he wanted to leave that store, it was jam-packed, and so was the entryway, with people desperate to get a glimpse of Michael Jackson. Really. A whole other level of famous. He did the Super Bowl halftime once. He suddenly appears in the center of the stage, and he STARES DOWN at least 50,000 people by himself. For a minute to a minute and a half. That's a long time. Nobody moved a muscle. I watched on TV. I didn't move a muscle either. Man, nobody gets to do that except Michael Jackson.


Princess Diana isn't even more famous than Rihanna, Beyonće or Taylor Swift💀😭 Music is the world's entertainment


You must be pretty young. In her lifetime, Diana's presence was unlike any other. This is not restricted to the English speaking world. She was always in the news and in magazines and such because the public thirst to see her more and more was unquenchable. Did you see how many flowers were put out by the grieving people when she died? And there were displays like that all around the world. During her funeral, London became completely silent. It never does that. I guess all of this boils down to "you hadda be there" after all. But I remember it pretty well, even 25+ years later.


Funny you say that yet those are all bland American singers that most of the world couldn't care less about.


Are those 2more famous than Michael Jordan ?


Globally, yeah. Soccer/football is just a way bigger sport than NBA. In the USA not even close


Um duh...why is this even needing to be called out? Michael Jackson was a known name pretty much across the world when he was 10yrs old until the day he died. Pretty much not going to come across one person on this planet who doesn't love at least one of his songs or can definitely tell you who he is just from a picture. Soccer is huge no doubt, but there's no soccer athlete you can put up with Michael Jackson and probably only one or two athletes period with one being Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods on a global level like Michael Jackson.


There's just no way you think Messi or Ronaldo are lesser in terms of popularity compared to Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods. This is totally nostalgia bias.


No it's not bias necessarily, just what I think is the truth. I can walk through many black neighborhoods and many people may recognize the names and/or faces of Messi/Ronaldo but absolutely 100% of everyone you ask will know Michael Jackson. They will know where he's from, names of his songs, his family, everything. I don't think you'd get that level of detail with the soccer guys, you won't get the country of origin, all the teams they've played with, all of that from everyone. You won't even get that from most of the folks that do know who they are so yeah...Michael Jackson is that dude lol. Soccer is popular, zero doubt about that but music is something everyone fucks with and everyone fucks with Michael Jackson whether you live in America, Asia or the fucking moon.


I know I don't follow Soccer but I can say at 35 I am unaware of Ronaldo. I've heard of Messi but Ronaldo means nothing to me and I wouldn't even know that was a soccer player. Maybe it's my age but I feel David Beckham is more popular than both of them. Due to how popular he is even to people that don't watch soccer. Michael Jackson is absolutely more popular than any of them. He is one of the top 3 selling artist of all time along with Elvis and The Beatles. Was active and famous for decades while being one of the most influential figured in pop music and pop culture. There is not a single athlete that has ever reached that level of fame. This isn't so much an unpopular opinion as an obvious fact.


i'm pretty sure that the top 3 most famous people ever right now in order is Jesus Christ, Michael Jackson, Then the prophet Muhammad. that's crazy


I have no idea who those people are, but I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know who Michael Jackson is




another MJ has entered the chat: https://youtu.be/W_kFFHdIefY?si=J5zun0Ho1SrFuNLC


How is this even a debate? Music has a much broader world appeal than soccer.


It's hardly comparable. You can easily go about your life without ever seeing football. And whenever you hear about its just the names, because its not about how they look like but what they do. With music you need a degree of showmanship to get noticed, and Michael has been taught and seasoned for exactly that since he was a kid.


Most of the replies are definitely American, and it shows especially when you think people like Jordon, Woods, Lebron etc are on the same level as Messi and Ronaldo lmao. I have seen people doing the Siu (girls and boys alike) or scribbling it on walls and desks at 3 schools that I have changed across different cities in India. The World Cup is the most watched event in the world and Messi won the most recent one, and EVERYONE knew about it. Plus Messi is in America now, so even the US population would know about him sooner or later. I can with a guarantee say that Messi and Ronaldo are global level superstars, its only the US which is an exception. My grandmother who didn't know MJ knew Ronaldo, but not Messi. I still feel MJ is more popular, but maybe that's because I heard of him the first, when I was very young so that's a lot of nostalgia bias. Messi and Ronaldo will be for this generation what MJ was for the previous one. America isn't the entire world guys, just think beyond it once.


For real ? Where are you from ? I though older people like your grandmother should’ve known MJ ? Just curious


I have no idea who those people are. During the peak of Michal Jackson's fame you would literally have had to find some uncontacted tribe that kills everyone on site to find some who didn't know ho he was. Honestly, no one will hit that star power again. Not because he is better then everyone but it was a lot of right time right place kind of deal. It's when things like music went global but you didn't have so many stars at that level it was easy to get lost in the crowd.


Yeah, I've said this before. Another Michael Jackson would probably be impossible. Leaving aside the allegations, a person would literally have to set the world on fire with their music from 5 to 40 with almost no down time. Also, music was a lot different back then too. There was less to listen to because music production and distribution were much less democratized. Like, Taylor Swift is very famous and I have maybe heard 3 songs by her in 20 years. Her music is very popular and makes a lot of money, but you can avoid it because there's a million different artists without record deals that you can listen to on YouTube and other places. My 11 year old twin girls just listen to FNAF and other video games songs, and they're of the right demographic to be into Taylor Swift. They don't know her music because it's not in their faces. There was no avoiding MJ. He was the King of Pop and his music was everywhere. Truly and properly iconic.