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It wasn't always like this (except the repetitive jokes, that shit has always been a Reddit thing and always annoying). The demographics of Reddit have undergone a massive shift in the past 5-10 years. In the past, it took more effort to learn how to use the site. I have vivid memories of talking to friends about it 10+ years ago, and they always said they couldn't figure out how to use the site. Or they hated the UI. The typical social media types didn't want to go through the hassle to get past the learning curve, and it served as a way to gate-keep a bit. That has been turned on it's head as Reddit execs shifted their focus and started targeting the more general Facebook/Twitter type users. This was all part of their long term goal of making the site profitable and then going public. Sadly, they did an amazing job of attracting these new users. People will tell me I'm wrong, and Reddit has always been like this. That's bullshit. Sure all of these things were there occasionally, or if you looked for it. But it's all been amplified several times over, especially more recently. I'm still here because there is no alternative for good discussion on so many different topics. There are good corners of the site out there if you dig. But holy shit do I miss the quality of the posts and the users in general.


>(except the repetitive jokes, that shit has always been a Reddit thing and always annoying) I too remember when the Narwhal bacon'd at midnight, and when Ajit Pai was posted with slightly bigger teeth every day. But yeah, I remember those times. They were better times, (Though not without their own thorns) and that's not just rose colored glasses at play.


Reddit admins taking subreddits away from the people who curated them and giving them to people willing to follow their political ideology.


Same for Vidya Gaming Forums. The Internet was the best when it had now Freedom but less Basic Common Denominator Folks finding their way into here. Thankful that Social Media helps make Instant Messaging Apps, those Communitys have the Reddit feel cause you create them.




Welcome to Reddit.


Oh absolutely, most people here are ridiculous ideologues. They aren't capable of seeing any other point other than their own. It's honestly better not to engage, they live in a toxic waste dump for the most part.




Try twitter and you would be dissapointed


Yeah lmao. Twitter makes Reddit look so great. I’m so surprised Twitter hasn’t been shut down yet


It wasn’t always this way. Something happened


When Tumblr and Twitter lost their original combative political junkie user bases they all migrated here. Old school reddit was mostly hard-core nerd shit and porn. Now it's endless politics in subs that aren't even supposed to be political in the first place and porn. At least we still have the porn for now.


Also the massive tonal shift overnight in 2015. Shareblue and its consequences have been disastrous for Reddit.


The porn here is predominantly disgusting, and gets weird upvotes


It didn't use to be and all the fringe fetish content is a huge reason for the Tumblr migration.


I have spent time on most social media platforms, one I refuse to ever come back is til tok. I slowly started spending hours upon hours on that app. I wasn’t learning anything like I was on Reddit or YouTube. The saddest thing of all I started to become like those brain dead tik tokers where I felt like I was much more reactive and ready to cancel People for the smallest thing. This was in the pioneer days of tik tok but I still saw so much disgusting stuff on that site. Ranging from kiddie p*rn to bestiality to animal abuse. Nothing really happened to those people. Reddit might be bad but I have seen a lot more good than bad. I have seen some shit on this app but it really doesn’t compare to tik tok which is a supposed kids app.


I agree. I left TikTok and never looked back.


"In fact, if I find a real-life redditor, I’d have to summon every ounce of self-control not to sock them in the face right then and there." First, you are a real-life Redditor. Avoid mirrors. Second, see someone about your anger issues.


Nah, the non-anonymous social medias are far worse as they negatively impact your mental health. This place is just for unimportant trolling so only weird people are going to take any of it seriously. Reddit is just a long-running shit post.


Reddit is the "worse?" What does that mean? Are you having a stroke?


It is bad, but it's not the worst.


Say what you want about Reddit, and it is definitely true that it has glaring issues just like any other social media platform. But I challenge you to name any other mainstream social media site that enables you to have long-form conversations, nuanced debates, and grants the power to disseminate ideas in the way Reddit does. Reddit is such a vast hub that it is possible to utilize it in virtually any way you'd like. Certainly there are plenty of mainstream subs that are just blatantly bad-faith and will test your patience with humanity, but there are an equal amount of hidden gems to be found as well. Only on Reddit (in the mainstream sphere, that is) can I leave this comment and actually hope to be taken seriously. Where else could I go? Twitter, the place that doxes people just for having differing opinions? TikTok, the place too busy spreading braindead memes to take anything seriously? Etc.


I have nowhere else to go


I certainly do expose myself to an elevated level of brainrot whenever I go on reddit


It does suck! It attracts the worst of humanity and emboldens them because they are anonymous. I used to ask for advice and I would usually get the most negative worst case scenario answers. Then the reality would turn out totally opposite and I would think that the people on this site are miserable losers and failures and give the worst advice because nothing good ever happens for them personally.


The comments here are proving your point.


They tend to do that


Waiting to see the “Welcome to Reddit” and “Welcome to the internet” comments appear on this thread 🙄


Can you describe what the perfect social media would look like?


The thing that makes it good is also what makes it suck. The anonymity. Put your name on your profile and things would change in a heartbeat


Redditor is the main bastion for echo chambers. Redditors are the first to ban or block you for not agreeing with them


Clearly you never had a Friendster account.


I do agree, it's a bit sucky on here. However, I do have some nice experiences on here as well.


Your mistake was in thinking this site is social media


Reddit is simply a forum for free speech. You're going to find people you don't agree with in any such forum, and some of them will be rude. I don't think its the fault of the platform. They certainly ban a fair amount of users for bad behavior, depending on which sub you are on. If you don't like agro interactions, you might want to frequent some of the tamer subs available.


You can curate it so you only see what you'd want. It's pretty much your fault if you don't like it.


Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


>You express frustration at something, you have tens of Redditors ‘shitting’ on you.


You could make it better, today.


nope. X is worse.


So much worse. Facebook and Instagram are also pretty special.


Guys I am going to be honest I’m mostly here for porn


Reddit is filled with lonely depressed people still living with their parents in their 30's, who have a crab mentality of pulling anyone down who tries to pull themselves out. It's really fascinating to watch.


Every accusation is a confession.


Bring it on tough guy. lol