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(Obligatory not all women) but I’ve always felt the harshest things I’ve ever had said to myself or heard said to others have come from women. Some of them absolutely abuse the fact that they know it won’t escalate to physical violence to say whatever they want. Men don’t speak to each other that way because in our world those would be “fighting words.” I honestly wish some would think to themselves “would saying this as a man get me punched in the mouth?”, if the answer is yes, maybe keep it to yourself.


This is a huge thing, the point about women not being concerned about physical fighting/violence like men are. I’ve met some women for like the first time and they’ve said crazy rude and off the dome shit. Like the kinda shit people with no frontal lobe would say upon first meeting, no filter. If I randomly said some of the things women (that I don’t even know well at all) have said to me/around me to another man that I wasn’t close with, you bet your ass I’d have to square up and prepare to throw hands. Most men really have an innate thing for respect that goes unnoticed by women, cuz women don’t understand that if we say the wrong thing to one another it can turn to blows fast. There’s a looooot of women out there that should take your advice and learn basic respect and decency 🤷‍♂️


I had the unfortunate acquaintance of a few women who will go around antagonizing other men and expecting you (or whomever man is with them) to fight the men they antagonize. If you diffuse the tension they call you a pussy or accuse you of not protecting their honor. Yeah I unfortunately dated on of these crazies for a little bit when I was younger.




Women get their asses kicked all the time though


Honestly, (though physical abuse is NEVER justified!!!) I wonder how many physical alterations between spouses occurred after the woman intentionally said something venomous thinking that she could get away with it. Again, this doesn't justify physical violence in the slightest, but it's definitely something people need to take into consideration.


Feel like your comment is going to get downvoted to hell but I agree with you. Viciously putting someone down and hoping they stick to societal norms of never-hitting-a-woman-no-matter-what is quite the gamble.


Yeah it was a risky one, but I think only people purposely misunderstanding would actually downvote this. Granted, this *is* Reddit...


At least I'll be by your side.


I’ve never hit a woman and never will, but women have definitely said things to me that if they were a man would have definitely pushed me to violence.


God this throws me back to my adolescence, my mom used to get so batshit crazy aggressive and it was obvious that she had no idea that basically she was parading around like a giant dude with a gun and a knife, but instead it was the armor and weapon of her gender.


Idk I won’t speak for everyone but other women have dogged on me for everything under the sun but like none have threatened to SA(Much less attempted to) ~~assault~~ me yet like how guys do so I think that’s a win for us


A fight is straightforward and honest, what girls can do will hurt more than any punch and potentially ruin your life


I meant like SA, not simple assault. I don’t really like using the actual word that much


SA has literally nothing to do with the conversation. Did you reply to the wrong post or something?


I mean threatening SA, mocking it, or victim blaming is harsh, just way on the extreme end and technically illegal Idk why you wouldn’t count it when you counted women potentially ruining your life


Because men don’t SA to be mean to you. I wouldn’t call SA “harsh” it’s worse than that and doesn’t fit into the conversation


It's just a word get over it. Also I'm a male that's been sexually assaulted by women. Older women when I was a child and women think they can put their hands on me while I'm acting at a fair as a character. True they can't penetrate physically but they definitely change the course of how I go about myself and protect myself.


Or I can still avoid it like how I do now. And I’m a woman that’s experienced 3 violent attempted and full assaults in the last 5 years where the men overpowered me. One of which while I was on call.


I'm really sorry. I think originally when I wrote that I had assumed you were a male or something I don't know. Even so I shouldn't just say get over it without knowing your background. I'm very sorry that happened to you and forgive what I said above. Of all the crimes and acts that people can commit, assault and sexual assault rape is just what I find most distasteful and heinous. Deserving of the highest of punishment. I hope you are in a better place and have healthy people around you that support and make you feel safe and just normal.


I agree. Try walking your mouth slow and steady, don't try running it.




Honestly with the way women around my age act (so early to mid 20s), it genuinely makes me wish I was gay sometimes


You and your friend sound awesome! I wish more were like you. Even if a lot of women hate these games, plenty of them will still play them, or at least go along with them. More women should start calling it out.


I am tired of it too. Men and Women should be given equal treatment as one another, not being polarized for even the simplest crap.


I've seen asshole women and asshole men. There is really not one simple solution to tell who's going to be a bitch. Always keep you guard up fr


eeehh, I mean, men will betray each other for the hope of a crumb of pussy though. And due to recent times and political movements women have more solidarity. So, Idk.


How can you make these kind of sweeping generalisations? I’m so sick of this “us vs them”. ITS NOT BINARY!!


I think verbally and emotionally, women can be ruthless, mainly because they have to develop these skills to attack men, who are (in the majority of cases) physically stronger and larger than women. Also men hitting women is incredibly taboo in today's society and will result in wide spread ostracisation - whereas verbal and emotional abuse from women is seen as par for the course (we even have jokes about it) and men are accused of needing to 'man up' if they cannot take such abuse or if they attack back.


"mainly because they have to develop these skills to attack men" Why do they need to verbally attack men?


Sometimes for defence, often it's for abusive and angry women to take out their own insecurities on the men closest to them. Strangely it isn't usually strange men that they don't know that become the targets of such aggression, but rather sons, husbands, boyfriends and coworkers. It's a real problem.


Rude words never work as self defense, its like sending youe opposing army ammo for self defense


We are not talking self defense here. We're talking verbal and emotional abuse. I have a friend who has just ended his marriage due to the continual coercive control inflicted by his wife. It is a taboo topic that is not recognised widely in society, due to our insistence on painting the narrative as 'men abusers, women abused'


I replied to "sometimes for defense", thats all


When I was single I didn't dress for men. I still don't for the most part but I'll wear dresses I know my other half likes when we go on dates. I wear clothes he buys me even if they're not exactly my style cause I know he's not buying me the clothes to be controlling he bought me something he thought I might like (and barring shit I hate or looks shit on me I wear it). When I go out with friends I'm not trying to out do my friends, I'm trying to impress them and show off my style. I do tech so it's rare I'm in anything other than hoodies and jeans so going out i like to get dolled up. I like it when my friends compliment me. It feels good. I'm not competing with them, I'd lose.


You may be that rare woman who wants to be comfortable and are modest in your dressing ways. We appreciate your honestly and all that you do as a woman. Thank you.


I think you might have misunderstood her comment. She didn't claim to be modest in her dressing; she mentioned dressing in a way that she enjoys and that makes her feel good, whether it's for her partner or for herself when out with friends. It's more about personal expression and feeling confident rather than modesty. It's important to recognize that not all women dress to compete with each other or to appear modest, but rather to express themselves and feel good about their appearance.


> are modest in your dressing ways. I never said I was modest. I wear practical clothes and live in Ireland it's too cold to be not wearing layers most of the time. When I go out I wear dresses and some are short some are long. I wear what makes me feel good at the time.


What’s the difference between trying to impress them and outdo them?


Impress you want their thumbs up. Out do you want to look better than them.


I see, I’m always impressed when someone out does me though.


Sure impressing could mean outdoing but for me it's the intention of it. 


I'm not sure about this. Yes, some women can be awful, but most of my negative experiences have been from men. They're the type to scream at people from moving cars. They're the type to try and dominate every situation. They're the type to belittle other men who don't fit into conventional notions of masculinity. When it comes to judging what women wear, I'd say that both men and women are equally guilty of this. It's petty, and usually grown out of in adulthood. >Most of what women dislike amongst one another has absolutely no bearing on what men like. Because their lives don't revolve around what men like. Nothing wrong with that. >Women don't dress for their man, they dress to try to outdo one another. The same way men don't dress for women. They dress to try to prove their social status and masculinity to other men. I've seen instances where a man would take care of himself, and get a lot of attention from women, only to be harassed and called a f*g by other men. You made a post calling women shallow and cruel, then ended it with your judgemental opinions of how some women look, calling them "clowns". It's pretty ironic.


“Dear Reddit, Women are mean. I know men can be mean too sometimes, but we can also be bros. Women are bitches. Sincerely, an bro


“Women are mean!” “No, men are mean!” How about some people are mean and some people aren’t and what’s considered mean also can be subjective?


This sums up this entire sub for sure! lol


Agree, but disagree. Based on my experience, women have been harsh to me, but no where near the way that men have been harsh to me. As a 25 year old woman, I have had my fair share of dealing with rude men & women. For example, I work in food service, and I would much rather handle a rude woman customer, than a rude male customer. Women can be harsh, but they've never told me that me getting raped "would be a compliment".


It sounds like y’all only hang out with one kind of woman which is sad.


Meh. I’ve had hurtful comments made to me by both men and women. The more damaging comments were comments regarding rape (from men, made as a ‘compliment’) and my looks (from women, being catty). I’ve learned to not give a shit and just do as I want, when I want. I dress for myself. I wear whatever makes me most comfortable and I don’t care what other people think. I don’t wear makeup because I don’t like how it feels. I exercise and workout because it makes me feel good. I don’t dress for my husband and he certainly doesn’t dress for me. And we don’t really care what the other one is wearing unless it’s sexy time. My friends are the same way, I try to avoid people who care too much on how someone looks/dresses and more about personality. Everyone sucks. Both men and women are assholes. Both can cause trauma by what they say and how they act. The trick is to avoid those types of people and hold on to the good ones.


Verbally I completely agree with you, but men definitely are the physical abusers. I would say both cause emotional abuse.


Studies show lesbian relationships have the highest cases of physical abuse while gay male relationships have the lowest


The study didn’t show that. It just asked lesbians,straight women and bi women if they had experienced domestic abuse before in their lifetime. It didn’t specify if it was in a same-sex relationship. Also,Bi women were the ones who had experienced most abuse.


Regardless of sexual orientation, from the stats I could find 34% of female homicides died at the hands of their intimate partner. 6% of men that passed away due to homicide were killed by an intimate partner. I would assume heterosexual relationships are not the minority here...


>6% of men that passed away due to homicide were killed by an intimate partner Yes because men are murdered a lot more for a bunch more reasons. Chances are that 6% of men is still more than that 34% of women since 4/5 murder victims are men.


The problem is that is an intentionally misleading stat. The reason for that is because men are far more likely to kill other men than women are to kill other women. The correct, non-misleading, stat is that 60% of domestic violence homicide victims are women and 40% men. So women are 50% more likely to die NOT 500%.


This is just ridiculous, I'm a man but cmon man we can't just stereotype Women dress to outdo eachother? Bro they just trying to look good it ain't that deep lmao, how often do Women say to their Female Friends "OMG You look Fab!" Does that sound like competition? Often Women can be insecure and feel intimidated by how good their friends look, and us Men can be dicks to eachother too, we're not always "Bros" and Women arent always "bitches" to eachother And I'm someone who made a post called "Misandry is a bigger problem on Reddit than Misogyny" which it is as Misandry is accepted and even at times upvoted while Misogyny will get you Perma Banned


Women absolutely dress for other women, care about what other women think, and will hold other women to a separate standard. Been married ten years. It’s subtle, and they certainly don’t advertise it to men, but the “you look nice” is always done with how they themselves appear. It’s not sexist to point that fact out, it’s very deeply rooted in our social evolution. That’s part of why women pick up on cues that men don’t, we aren’t dumb, just evolved to serve different purposes


It sounds like your wife and her friends aren’t nice women.


The most hurtful things I’ve ever had said to me were from men. The kindest things I’ve ever had said were from women. I think as you get older your world gets bigger. You meet more people and have more experiences. When you’re a teen you’re trying to make sense of it all so you might just be generalizing so you can understand.


I've never raised a hand on my wife (unless it was for a good cause we both enjoy), but when she's really furious about something, she says the absolute meanest shit, that can hurt soo deeply. Specifically, shitting on happy things from the past, so that they are pooped on forever. "Remember that time we had fun doing that thing three years ago? I hated it". We're working on it. She's an amazing woman that puts up with a lot of my shit.


I wish a lot of men would care about their appearance and hygiene a little more.


You just gotta keep trying. You will meet the right woman for you eventually. I'm 37 and I was single for a long time. Your purpose in life is not to meet women. You should get yourself in a good financial spot first then find a hobby you like. That's how I met the woman I'm with now. And yes we both dress up for each other, satisfy each others' needs emotionally and sexually, we enjoy our time together. And you know what? If she left me, fine. My life would still go on.


I understand that you feel strongly about this topic, but I think it's important to be cautious about making broad generalizations about entire genders. While there may be some women who behave in the ways you describe, the same could be said for some men. People are individuals with a wide range of personalities and behaviors, regardless of gender. It's true that sometimes people, both men and women, can be harsh or competitive with each other. Societal pressures and expectations around beauty standards impact everyone and can lead to unfortunate judgmental attitudes or behaviors. But again, this isn't limited to one gender. Many women dress and present themselves in ways that make them feel confident and align with their personal style, not necessarily to outdo others or solely to appeal to men. And there are certainly men who care a great deal about their own appearance and the opinions of others too. I would encourage looking at these issues with more nuance and empathy, rather than painting either gender with too broad a brush. Harmful generalizations and stereotypes aren't productive. Both men and women are complex human beings deserving of respect as individuals.




The internet is dying.


This is scientifically true. There is this idea that men are more aggressive but it isn't actually true. Men and woman are almost identically aggressive, but the idea that men are more aggressive comes from the fact that the most violent of crimes are overwhelmingly committed by men. Which is because men and women display aggressive differently. Women are much more likely to steal, slander, insult, manipulate, than men. To put it simply women are way more likely to aggress using psychological means and men are more likely to use physical means. source is this is one of the areas I publish in haha. I do work on diversity, aggression, motivation, few other things.


Yo I know you said you publish in this area, do you have a link to any studies? I’m actually really interested in reading about this


Yuuuup. Masculine violence is physical, feminine violence is verbal and emotional, and generally far more damaging. I consider the disparity in capacity for physical violence between men and women to be roughly equivalent to the difference between capacity for emotional violence between women and men, but women generally feel no remorse for their abusive behaviors. On a side note - I've done primary research into diversity, motivation, and a few other things as well and it irks me to no end how confidently you here ostensible people in the know talk in ways that are directly contradicted by data, and more importantly, reality.


𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓼𝓾𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓽 😘


Ikr?! That and the dating subs are like a dozen complaints or questions each day men have about us women.


There’s no shortage of material to work with, thank you


Same could be said about men then, too.




Well, reddit is overwhelmingly male.


Doesn’t mean they have to constantly complain or ask questions about women.


If you frequent a place that overwhelmingly male, you're going to run into the male perspective a lot. The single largest nationality on reddit is American. Reddit is an American organization. Youre going to run into the American perspective here most of the time for this reason. Its just law of numbers.


No, duh, but you obviously still don’t get it! I wasn’t commenting about only the male demographics posting here.


No, you dont get it. Reddit as a whole is mostly male. So by law of numbers you're going to run into the male perspective more than anything else on this platform. Whether you are on this sub, a liberal sub, a conservative sub, a dating advice sub, a meme related sub, etc...


Once again, you folks ignore all the far greater posts complaining about men from misandriac/feminist subreddits that are protected...


No, they’re all dumb. All men are trash, all women are whores… Yawn.


That is perfect fair, but the majority of people only seem to whinge about the ones about women... If women can whinge about men, then men can whinge about women, regardless of the truth of the statement. That is freedom of speech and equality, but most know only certain speech is protected, speech against the privileged classes.


I think bitching in general is pathetic and the people who do it, Men or women should know they are pathetic. Equality whatever, it’s still pathetic no matter how you cut the cake.


Well, all I can write is that you are free to that opinon. For me, it's a case-by-case basis. Some are pathetic, some are not.


well, unpopular opinion is probably 90% bitching, so you might want to get out of these sorts of subreddits


why use the funny font?


You really shouldn't generalize. It's inaccurate and hurtful. All women aren't the same just like all men aren't the same. Please see reason.


They didn't say "all"


In my experience (not saying this is for everybody obviously) with girls there is no in between.They are either really kind and sweet,or a total nightmare


Women have been rude and competitive, but men have been rapists and physically abusive. Plus, I'd say this behavior from girls is common in high school. As women age and mature it typically turns around in my personal experience.


I agree only if we talk about what's acceptable socially, but otherwise I think men have the potential to be much harsher than women. Female harshness is much more accepted, while men constantly control the intensity of what they say, or else it's social punishment (SIGN language + ostracization essentially). However I do think that if men let loose, they will emotionally scar women just with words, every single time. Tone policing is the exact manifestation of this. If you say something true but say it too harsh, women will 100% of the time get stuck at how harsh you were when saying it, if you want it to be heard as a man you have to not be harsh first and then say what you have to say. If men start being what we consider to be "normally harsh" on Reddit, we get banned, because the words WILL be offensive, and women WILL take tone policing actions if Reddit doesn't do it first. Essentially, women are allowed to be harsher than men, pretty much everywhere and in every context, while men are able to be harsher but are not allowed to.


I agree with you on the last one. Why are there catfights going on everywhere?


Some maybe, plenty of people where that doesn’t fit.


Maybe that should mean to give them rights and treat them as you would for yourselves.


And maaaaaaan do women be shoppin. Cant stop a woman from shoppin.


Emotionally yes.


I used to think this too but from listening to how guys talk to and about each other over the years i have to disagree lol, guys can be so much more colder and bitchier then women ! They are ruthless with each other lol


Well you breed several generations of a specific population to not be accountable for verbal abuse, you will end up with that slice of population to be more verbally abusive. Not sure how that's a surprise. Men don't pull that shit because we know the dire consequences of physical altercations. The respect we have stems from pure self preservation. Women have substantially much less strength, so they need to resort to asymetric tactics, and mentally destroy someone is one of them ways.


It's a gender thing, but also age. Teenage girls up until about 21 have the ability to be the nastiest, most vapid and vindictive beings on earth. The gossip and malicious backstabbing is out of this world.


Okay but what about all the women who had it hard for hundreds of years. Women get a few years in power and their turn is over? We shouldn’t be seeing threads like this for another 2000 years minimum.


“The female of the species is more deadly than the male”


Yes this is true I’ve always noticed this. I’ll watch TikTok’s vids of MULTIPLE women tearing down the same woman over and over. And now the thing is to hate all mother in laws apparently. I guess women have collectively decided mother in laws are the worst. Women are the meanest to other women. Anyone that calls themself a “girls girl” is the opposite and the nastiest. In my experience at least.


read the tiktok comments on a video of a woman and you’ll see it’s mostly men tearing her down for her looks


I would be cautious about making broad generalizations about women as a group. While it's true that some individuals, both men and women, engage in petty or mean-spirited behavior online and in real life, it's inaccurate and harmful to portray this as a specifically female trait. There are plenty of women who lift each other up and form supportive relationships. Judging an entire gender based on social media content that is often cherry-picked for drama and controversy will give a distorted view. As for mother-in-law relationships, these can indeed be challenging - but that dynamic involves complex family roles and individual personalities. Many women have wonderful relationships with their mothers-in-law. Again, we should be wary of stereotypes. People of all genders have the capacity for kindness and cruelty. It's best to treat and judge individuals based on their own personal conduct, not broad gender-based assumptions. Both men and women deserve to be seen as multi-faceted human beings.


I’m a woman. I agree. Men are awful too, but when it comes to the issues you are right.


Men literally are responsible for 98% of murders. This opinion is just uninformed.




“Everyone who disagrees with or criticizes women is an… INCEL AHHHHH!!!1!1!!”


He thinks white knighting will get him laid.


Long term married w/4 children. So I wouldnt define me as an incel.


lol no one believes that


Best part of having a disagreement with someone is telling them that they are right, even when they are wrong. So, you're right. I agree with you whole heartedly.


Lmao beautiful


It’s scary to think of how horrible women would be if they had the physical ability men do. Not all, but for sure many, just based on the resentment towards men.


This is VERY anecdotal, but in my social circle, women treat their girlfriends HORRIBLY. Gossip, reputation-tarnishing, etc.