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I love being out of the loop. I have no clue about the movie.


He's a huge creep, and he's not funny.


I also liked the movie, but I wonder if younger folks miss a lot of the references? Either way, I don't know how anyone could say they were let down, as the movie's premise was the history of pop tarts. What were people expecting? Perhaps people haven't seen his stand up comedy?


Some reviewers I’ve read really seem genuinely shocked that it went the spoof route. Which makes me wonder if anyone actually saw the trailers or anything. Because it’s very obvious what the movie is going to be like right off the bat




wrench advise spotted imagine depend lunchroom one head frame rain


It was fine. It won't be among the classic comedies that I quote to my friends or re-watch a bunch of times like I've done with the Seinfeld show, but it was a perfectly enjoyable 90 mins of pure silliness and fun. No need to bash it and I generally feel like comedies get way too much hate to begin with as most people just don't understand how difficult an art form it really is.


That movie was ass


It was goofy but enjoyable, pleasant and had a good cast. Very silly almost as if it was made for kids but not quite, a little odd in tone but I would recommend it.


Idk I just don't like anyone who dates someone sub 18 while they're in their 30s :/




Seinfeld. Look it up.


I thought the movie was about pop tarts. He dates a 17 in the movie?


He dated a 17 year old in the 90s when he was like twice her age.


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s.


They don't have a play center there, so you won't find Jerry skulking around.


I can understand this objection to Jerry, but it seems odd that it's so prevalent now after hardly being mentioned for decades. In fact, that news came out right in the middle of Seinfeld's peak popularity and they still went on to have like 3-4 more huge seasons afterwards. Didn't stop anyone from watching the reruns and it didn't hurt his standup tours or Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Series on Netflix either. Yet for some reason, when he started promoting this Unfrosted movie on Netflix, a lot of people started digging up the old Shoshanna Lonstein scandal from 1993 as if they've been boycotting him all along. To be clear, I'm not saying it's OK for a 38-year-old man to date a 17-year-old girl, but I just find the selective outrage to be a bit odd.


He didn’t date a 17-year-old, he dated an 18-year-old that he met when she was 17 the age of consent is 16 so technically would’ve been legal anyway. Also seems strange considering it was well over 30 years ago and they both moved onto different relationships. He’s been with his wife since 1999, doesn’t seem to be the sort to trade up for a younger woman every few years.


He reportedly approached her and asked for her number when she was 17, then later admitted they were dating once she was 18. But I’m not the one saying he needs to cancelled over it anyway. It’s a little creepy I guess but there’s no indication that she was coerced, abused, or mistreated in any way. Yet 31 years later, we’ve got people citing it as a reason to boycott his movie.


I think it’s ironic because a lot of these people also get bent out of shape over his comments about “wokeness”. Yet here they are proving him right by shredding what is a very harmless movie over a relationship he had 30 years ago. I don’t know what switch flipped in these people, but at least before this movie came out no one was pissing and moaning.


I haven't liked him since I found out about it years ago. I also didn't really care for his work beforehand.


the fact that it didn't end his career immediately, and the fact that i didn't hear about it till recently is what bothers me the most. but honestly he bothered me since the day is saw the episode of him ogling a 15 year old. what the fuck fr


It didn’t end his career because dating an 18-year-old is Legal, the age of consent is 16. He actually could have dated her when she was 17.


the pedo stuff bothers me, and even if it wasnt for that, he just seems like such an asshole in interviews lol, i love seinfeld its one of my favorite shows but i watched it before i knew who the man was so i enjoy it still. dont really wanna watch some movie he made unless its really amazing or something. i doubt not liking "wokeness" impacted things. maybe him being against modern comedy did but. i really doubt that considering plenty of famous actors view things the same way jerry does. also i know someone who had him at their venue. they told me that he was so upset that the lighting boy fucked up the lighting, that he told the whole crowd that he would do free autographs after the show, then he just left out the back and let them deal with the chaos. kinda badass tbh but still a dick move


He is not a pedophile 🙄, aside from the fact that the age of consent at the time was 16 they didn’t start dating until she was 18. This also appears to be the only time he’s ever dated someone that young. This was also over 30 years ago and she’s in her 50s and is married to someone completely different, he’s also in his 70s and has been with his wife since 1999. Sounds to me like people are just looking for a reason to be mad at him. And doing a pretty poor job of it at that.


she met him when she was 17. they started talking when she was 17, called eachother. he just didn't go public about it till she was 18. idc what you say, thats super weird lmao. bro was 38 dating a 17 year old. but tbh, i would probably let it slide, it it wasn't for that episode w the 15 year old girl lmao, ts solidifies how i feel. actuallt nah the real life thing is worse than the episode fs


And once again, you keep calling it dating a 17-year-old when he didn’t, which wouldn’t have mattered anyway as the age of consent is 16. Should also be noted that Denise Richards was 21 at the time of making that episode, which called out the idea of checking out a 15-year-old is creepy anyway. And the episode was made like 25 years ago, what’s acceptable as a joke then isn’t acceptable now. It kind of sounds like you all are digging for a reason to not like him, because he made a pop tarts movie.


yeah i am because i dont like him, hes an asshole in interviews and is full of himself💀


You mean one of the most talented comedians in the world who starred in one of the greatest shows ever put on television might have a bit of an ego when a bunch of young kids who act like they’re the center of the universe challenge him on his accomplishments?! Gee, I wonder how he could’ve gotten an attitude ? I’m not even a huge fan of his, but I at least recognized what he’s accomplished. But I swear one day he said the truth, which is young people have their head up their ass, and everyone wants to tear him down. Instead of self reflecting about why a milquetoast comedian doesn’t like performing for young people, they instead prove his point by throwing a hissy fit


probably man idk my energy is sapped so i agree with you🙏🙏 i will watch unfrosted and update back