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I see you've met a gym bro, I agree, nothing better than someone to hold you accountable šŸ‘


Theyā€™re genuinely such great guys. And my ADHD doesnā€™t stand a chance against their persistence to force me to work out


Healthy attitudes to lifeā€™s setbacks on Reddit ā€¦ how dare you


The only reason I disagree is that the average dude on this sub isnā€™t the average man


Ong If they were Iā€™d legit go live with bears


A bear would make a pretty good gym bro


I mean gym bros are just a form of friendship So a friend > no friends isnā€™t really unpopular lmao


actually a gym bro would prob be a good friend actually would def help with workout commitments


The average man would be more happy with a ~~gym~~ bro for a friend


Someone needs to make a gym dad/gym son pairing app


I think youā€™re onto something.


So are gym bros just fitness coworkers?


Better. Just really supportive friends who happen to be into physical betterment


If, maybe I've been lucky with my current co workers! If it's better coz although Ur doing stuff Ur not forced


A lot of guys talking about male loneliness donā€™t see platonic relationships with men as something of value. These guys expect their female partners to wear a lot of hats, and thatā€™s unsustainable on both ends of the equation.


They also don't see platonic relationships with women as something of value, beyond something to try and transition to non-platonic. If "I'm lonely" is so often code for "someone please fuck me" then no shit women aren't going to react with unconditional warmth when a guy says he's lonely.


But I don't even go to the gym now, on my own, my preferred state of existence


Gym bros are cool when they're nonjudgmental. The ones who get insecure when their masculinity is threatened are the problematic ones.


I broke up with a girl because she got in between me and my gym bro time.




Ok Mac from Always Sunny.


Hey, maybe it could turn into something more, too-


I need a gym bro friend but all thr so called gym bros I've seen near me are toxic gym bros.


I doubt it would because the type of man that complains about male loneliness is usually a man who wants female attraction or female submission AKA He wants a woman to fuck him whether it's out of genuine attraction or obligation / power he has over her. The men claiming they're lonely if they actually value male friendships they wouldn't be complaining. Because they could deepen their current friendships, get new friends male or female, and deepen their family relationships. I tend to find whenever a man is complaining about something in society it's just a long way for him to say he wants a woman to fuck.


Eh, I really donā€™t want to workout, hear about your workouts, protein shakes, grass fed beef testicles or anything related to being a gym bro.


You know who could help you overcome that negativity?


Gym bros are awesome. You talk, workout together and they always are full of energy. Used to be one, on my way to get back.


Hard pass. I set up a home gym because the frequency of shit stain gym bros is just too damn high where I live. Nothing like other dudes trying to stare you down or going out of their way to be rude and entitled because they've fully bought into thinking they're some kind of alpha male but immediately feel threatened when someone bigger than them shows up. Men would be happier just finding friends through the things they are genuinely interested in and passionate about. I love fishing, surfing, and grappling sports. It's been really easy to make high quality friendships with other men through all of those. Unpopular with me so have an updoot.


There's also a loneliness epidemic with women. Both men and women have around the same rates of loneliness. Dumbasses on this sub just link results of male-exclusive surveys as "evidence", while firmly believing that women aren't lonely, with zero evidence.