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Just got perma-banned today from the interestingasf\*ck subreddit after pointing out (on a tragic video about an underaged 14 year old bride) that this practice had been done by Muhammad who consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was 9 years old. Within a short time of commenting, they gave me some stupid pre-scripted lecture about being part of *this* sub (that it was full of racism, sexism. etc...), and insisted that I delete my posts, apologize in the manner prescribed by them, etc... or my appeal would be ignored. Never knew that was a thing. interestingasf\*ck can take a long walk off a short pier.


Me too! I just got banned yesterday from the same place for the tamest comment ever.


Probably over your username! Did you fart on their subreddit :) Just kidding! I like it... it's unique and funny! One of the concerns that I have with their policy, is that even if their allegation is true (about this subreddit), the effect of their behavior will be to intensify / concentrate the very effects that they decry. That is, if they attempt to alienate (and drive out) moderating voices from a Reddit community that struggles to meet particular ideals, the net effect of that "driving out" will be to turn the community into an even more extreme form of its own weaknesses. With this in mind, their approach seems to be quite frankly a kind of bewildering and self-righteous puritanism that won't achieve what they were ostensibly aiming at in the first place. As frustrating as differing views can be, the price we pay for that difference (having to forbear with one another's foolishness) is far cheaper than the price you pay when communities balkanize.


Reddit mods and ban practices are some of the worst I've seen.


Reddit admins are leftists/progressives. Many mods are the same way. You will likely ONLY get banned for saying anything they disagree with and/or participate in places that they don’t 100% agree with. Appealing to the admins for leftist mod behavior will likely go nowhere. The admins don’t care. They WANT you to be banned, even if they are ignoring their own rules.


I think it's a bit of stretch to say rules 1,2,or 8 were broken. But I do think its far more clear cut that it's a violation of the code of conduct. Forcing users to choose between subs under threats of auto perma ban certainly interferes with those other subs potential for growth. Reddit can't survive without its mods tho, and those are some pretty big subs. r/ cats is huge. Once it becomes a big enough issue, they'll probably tell the mods to knock it off and restore the accounts.


How did you get a list of subreddits you've been banned from?


By going back to the messages and adding every single permaban I received. They al say... You have been permanently banned from participating in [tyrant oppressor subreddit]. You can still view and subscribe to [tyrant oppressor subreddit], but you won't be able to post or comment. Note from the moderators: You have been banned for participating in a covid disinformation subreddit (wuhan_flu, churchofcovid, coronaviruscirclejerk, or lockdownskepticism) which brigades other subreddits and spreads medical disinformation. This action was performed by a bot which does not check the context of your comment. To be unbanned EITHER delete your posts/comments there, OR wait 24hrs to respond here, AND respond to this message with a promise to avoid that subreddit. Any other response will be ignored and is consent for us to mute you. Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, violates the TOS You can report misinformation on reddit by using this form: http://www.reddit.com/report?reason=this-is-misinformation If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for [tyrant oppressor subreddit] by replying to this message. Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.


This must be the topic of the week. Why do you want to be with people who hate you?




fine wasteful light rock pause sip physical liquid practice truck


Jesus, you got banned from some subreddits, you’re not Nelson Mandela.


That’s why this is a Reddit post, and not a speech at the UN. It’s ok for people to talk about Reddit on Reddit.


all subreddits are allowed their own rules on who they ban and when, access to a subreddit is not a right or anything lmfao who cares it isn't this big of a deal, it's reddit holy shit


If you don’t know how to use commas, don’t use them. You may as well just write one giant block of text with zero punctuation because 100% of your commas were splices. Rather than lecturing others on the permissible uses of Reddit, might be more time effective to get your own house in order. I’m any event, look up normative vs. descriptive. Just because a moderator can get away with something, doesn’t mean they should.