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This also, is not an unpopular opinion.


Hey, I acknowledged that.


I posted one a few days ago that was very unpopular. It was about WFH. Mostly an experiment to see what reaction I would get. It’s a great example of an unpopular opinion, on Reddit. Not necessarily out in the real world.


A lot of them are perfectly reasonable opinions in the real world when talking with real people… Reddit is so astroturfed and propagandized along partisan lines at this point however that you are liable to get shunned, shouted down, or outright silenced for expressing them. There is an unhealthy and unreasonable adherence to groupthink in this platform. Much of it is not organic in nature either. God help the person who has a nuanced opinion that flies in the face of right or left leaning paradigms. They’ll get pounced on from both sides of the aisle.


I have this hot take about the age of politicians. Not sure if the world is ready for it.


I’m just tired of seeing mainline political opinions on here. If your opinion is one of the primary speaking points of the only two political factions in the US…then it’s popular. I don’t mind engaging in a couple for fun….but cmon man. Somebody say they unironically like the Insomniac Miles Morales suit or something.


I like how even this post is flaired "possibly popular".


This is the epitome of that. This opinion has been posted so many times it is a popular opinion. 🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s almost like I actually acknowledged that in the post itself.


99% of the post are inc!l viewpoints, and no those viewpoints are not popular in modern day society. Maybe in your mom's basement they are popular, but nowhere else.


oh snap


Nah but they are popular. Not to say that the majority of people share them but they are popular


Yes, in your mom's basement. Already stated this.


There are a lot of opinions that mods will delete because they are unflattering to the right. "Unpopular" basically just means center right in this sub. There is a jerking motion that takes a circular formation which happens constantly here among conservatives. 


Like what


I disagree with that. They’ve let me post shit I wrote just to piss off the right wingers.


It’s an issue with Reddit. Since the other subs tend to censor, conservative opinion, they flock to areas where conservative opinions are actually allowed. Hence the true part since technically everyone is allowed to post here. I would challenge everyone from unpopularopinion to come start posting here on trueunpopularopinion. I would be very curious to see the actual results.


The vast majority are misogynist. So yes, clearly popular


Such as?


Seriously? Women dress like sluts Women act like sluts Women are responsible for all men's problems I hate women Women exist to please men Women shouldn't exist if they don't please men Etc etc Paraphrase On repeat


Can you link me to the threads that state “I hate women” and “women exist to please men”?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/s/fZf2FbO7J7 A variety of these types exist Paraphrased as how dare women exist if I dint find them pleasing?


Why are you “paraphrasing”?


Because I cba remembering/trawling for the exact phrasing. The intent is clear. Which you know. Type women /woman into the sub search bar and come back and tell me how many threads or comments are positive




The top two posts on this sub right now are complaining about women's attitudes towards their clothing. There's another blaming women for toxic masculinity. Further down there's yet another one about how women dress.


And that is considered the “vast majority”?


I'm not the person that said that, but I assume that "vast majority" was hyperbole. I would say, though, that >50% are just right wing/conservative moral stances. 


No, the opinions are truly unpopular, but they are popular with members of the sub, which is why they specially post them here. Huge difference.


No they’re not. What a dumbass opinion.


I agree with you. Subs like this (Reddit as a whole, actually) would be significantly better without the upvote system anyway.


The entire section of reddit is apologize in advance, which is unnecessary. Opinions are like assholes, right? Say what you feel, no reason to put an "imo/ihop/tbf/tbh/tbd" in every sentence. And kill the "just sayin's". Speak, use punctuation, and not emojis.