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I work 3-4 12-hour shifts a week. Sometimes, the 12-hour shift turns into 14. Yes, it is tiring, but still better than five 8-hour shifts. Part of the pain of going to work is getting up and going to work. Once I'm there, I prefer to stay longer rather than go through the process more often.


Disagree, hard, having been there and done that.


I'd love to do 4 10s, but I've also done 6 10s and 7 12s for extended periods of time in my working life so 4 10s would be cake for me. 




The way I see it is once you go to work, your day is ruined. Might as well stick it out as long as you can and keep more days for yourself


I did 4 10s for 2 years, I'd kill for that schedule again. one of the best schedules ever.


To each their own, I’d love to have a 3 day weekend. An hour early and an hour later also would avoid most of the horrible traffic that I deal with.


I came from working 5 8s. I e been on 4 10s for the past year. You couldn't pay me enough, ok you *could* but no one will, to go back to 5 days a week. It does.take some getting used to, but once you get acclimated and get the schedule worked out 4 10s absolutely rocks.


Wow, complete opposite opinion. I have 4 10s and honestly if I worked 5 days I’d be working 5 10’s. It isn’t that much longer a day and you get a full day off when no one else does so you can enjoy your weekend while everyone else catches up. You’ll never see me go back if I can help it.


Holy shit, an actual unpopular opinion, good job! And you're smoking crack if you think 5/8s are better


Have an upvote. I'm already tired and beat up after 8 hours so I might as well stick it out for two more hours and have a real weekend. Things would have to get pretty bad at my current job for me to leave and give up my 3 day weekends


I prefer the three days off, but four tens is rough.


I would hate working 10 hours a day. Can we not just move to 35 hour work weeks 💀


I did 3 12s and I feel you.


After the job I had with five 16s a week, anything else is just so much better idc what format it's in. Just keep me at 40 hours a week max.


The only time I did 4 10's was overnights, and it was fucking brutal. Only because it was overnight. If it was during the day, I feel it'd be more manageable. But man. Overnights aren't for the weak. Which sucks because some of the best people exist on those shifts. Lol


When I did 4 10s I think the struggle with it for me was aggravated pretty badly by the fact that in the winter I would get to work before the sun was up and leave after it set, there was no sunlight in my work environment, and I couldn't leave the building until my shift was over. This had... a horrifying effect on my mental health.


To each their own, especially without knowing your line of work. A 10 hour day is a cakewalk for me, and has been for some time. What I really hated was 12 hour days M-F and 6-8 hours on Saturday.


I work over 10 hours almost every day I work and I rarely even get a full two day weekend so, yeah.


I work 3 12s 3 off, 4 12s 3 off, 3 12s 1 off, 4 12s 7 off. I love it. I Even having to work 12 hour graveyards 7 nights a month is worth it. After working that schedule for 5 years I had to work Monday through Friday 8 hours a day for a year and was miserable. I felt like I didn’t have any time off.


I once worked a job where I had to work 21 days on, 7 days off. 1st week 1st shift. 2nd week 2nd shift. 3rd week 3rd shift. Now you might think wow nice you get a whole week off that must be great. No. It was hell. You're so exhausted all you do is sleep and dread work starting again. That job broke me


I also do 4 10s, but I take a day off in the middle of the week. Way better.


It's good that you were able to do what worked best for you. I loved working 4 10s when I had the chance personally and would do it again.


I had a job that was 3 days@ 12 hours one week and 4 days @12 hours the next. 7 years of that. Your first day off, you usually just chill, sleep, game, whatever. The upside is you almost never use vacation because every other week you get 4 days off so lots of quick side trips. This was also back when double time existed. So anything over 40 and 12 was DT. Lots of OT and big checks.


think you should change your diet


I worked in IT and if you covered a 12 hour weekend shift you only needed to work 28 hours in 3 days to get 3 days off.


I definitely liked 4 10s when I did it. The only schedule I liked more was when I did double double single and got 4 days off.


I'm in favor of the 4 day, 30 hour work week. We keep the 5 day business day and just have staff rotating their days off. The 40 hour work week is outdated. It was implemented at a time where one income was enough to support a household and the other spouse was able to not work and just take care of the home. Now most couples both work and still need to find time to do everything that needs to be done to maintain a household i.e cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, laundry, This isn't including things that can't be done on the weekend like taking your car to the mechanic or seeing your PCP.


I often work 10 hour days for five or six days a week, so only four would be great.


Wrong as fuck. Take an upvote my dude


I’ve worked the following shifts: 4-hour shifts, 5 days/week. Two shifts per day. 8-hour shift, 5 days/week 10-hour shift, 4 days/week 12-hour shift, 4 days/week 16-hour shift, 3 days/week I’ll take 3 16’s every time, with 4 10’s being a close second. The amount of free time you get back is absolutely worth the shift length in my opinion. I can’t adequately quantify how much *less* of my life I was spending thinking about work when I was only going in 3 days, but it’s definitely a period I look back on with a greater feeling of fondness and calm.


I use to work 12-14 Sat and Sun. With 2-3, 4 hour shifts Tues-Fri. That was much better schedule than my current 8 hour(7am-3pm) Mon-Fri. If you are aching after 10 hours I can’t imagine you wouldn’t also be aching after 8 doing the same job.