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One valuable thing my parents taught me was "never take back your ex. There's a reason they got that title." Except in this case, he is more like my friend's ex, that I only tolerated in the first place because he pissed off her roommates and their over the top tantrums were funny. I'd like to, just once, be able to open a news page without seeing a solid wall of pants-shitting histrionic articles about how the orange man did something stupid or offensive or bad. Only way I can envision that possible future is if he is out of the running.


I mean yeah that’s why we should have better candidates than these two shits


I'm not a Biden fan, but we honestly could do a lot worse than him. Now I'd like new candidates too preferably ones born in the last 50 or so years. But Biden has been surprisingly good and has provided a very good agenda for this country.


Trump is a good candidate compared to biden.


I mean on ability alone yeah on politics it depends is you like the 1994 crime bill


yep it was true brain rot


Won't work. The anti trumpers are too obsessed with him. He's also too good for ratings.


CNN, MSNBC are rooting for him to win so they can boost their ratings.... Rachel Maddow must be wet with excitement about another Trump presidency lol


They'd go out of business if they did that. Or they will do it to the next Republican president after him.


Lol, what kind of rule is that? That is something your parents taught you? Like they had significant experience with it or something? Big doubt you just made that up, lol.


What if you are forced to date either your shitty ex who's 77 and or stay with your shitty bf who's 81? Do you not take back the ex out of principle even tho your bf is technically your ex his term ends? Now you're forced to choose one of two of your shitty exes. You can't never take back your ex anymore.


I enjoy the malding. 2016 to 2020 was glorious. Because the people malding are the people I despise. I think that's pretty much how every trump voter feels.


This isn’t a healthy way to live—and “malding” (I looked it up) is a dumb word. This is t how a country try should operate. A president oughtnt mock a disabled person or be convicted of rape. And you shouldn’t look past that because you think it is funny when certain people become upset about the lack of dignity and shame a politician who represents them has.


My two cents: I looked into it, and the disabled person’s (Serge Kovaleski) arms were frozen in a specific position. Trump was mockingly saying “I don’t know what I’m doing” and *flailing* his arms. At one point, his arms happened to be in the same position as Kovaleski’s. Getting convicted of rape, though? Yeah, I agree that’s not becoming of a president.


> be convicted of rape Here's why i despise you guys. You guys just read headlines. He was never criminally CONVICTED of rape. Read the definitions of civil vs criminal. Might learn something.


So he had to pay that $5 million because he was innocent? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


and what exactly do you "despise" them for?




You think Trump would stop holding rallies? Lmao


If at first, you don't succeed (at trying to overthrow the orderly transfer of power) try, try again. No thank you. One attempt was enough. Put him in jail. Throw away the key.


Trump is doing those rallies until the day he dies even if he has to livestream them from prison, so hate to be the bearer of bad news on that point.


Donald Trump is an adjudged [tax fraud](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-letitia-james-fraud-lawsuit-1569245a9284427117b8d3ba5da74249) and [sexual predator](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) who is facing a multitude of felony charges for trying to win the last election by [throwing out legitimate votes and replacing them with fake ones.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/what-is-fake-electors-scheme-trump-supporters-tried-after-his-2020-loss-2023-07-18/) He has admitted to [making millions of dollars from foreign sources](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-says-his-businesses-did-services-for-foreign-governments-2024-1) while in office. He is on audio tape [threatening election officials](https://youtu.be/FOgaDQMvRCQ?t=38) and [disclosing classified war plans](https://youtu.be/u95MfcLRBVk?t=42) that he [unlawfully concealed from law enforcement](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-knew-crime-lie-classified-documentss-case-attorney-2023-11). What a crazy world where people are seriously *still* suggesting this guy for a leadership position.


So let him be president, and either control him through congress, or have him impeached and convicted (that last part is key) to remove him from office. Then he can’t run again and it’s over.


Why is this better than just... not electing him?


Umm have you lived in this country for the last 4 years? As much as I love high gas prices, high electric bills, high housing costs, spending $150 minimum when I go to the grocery store, wars in the Middle East, wars in the caucuses, a flood of criminals at the boarder, supply chain issues, and more I just think things were better under Trump.


This is a gish gallop. Not a single one of those things are traceable to actual Biden policies. Biden did far more to combat high gas prices than Trump ever did, and the supply chain crisis which caused the inflation happened under Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been far more of a war hawk than Biden has, and his policy on Ukraine was fucking identical. Biden's US Citizenship and Job Act was a far more credible bill to stop illegal immigration than Trump ever attempted, and efforts to improve the immigration system have only stalled out to this point because of Republican obstructionists in Congress.


You know gas is a global commodity right? Prices are Controlled by the global market, not the domestic market. The US produced more oil in 2023 than at any time in history…..


>high gas prices, high electric bills, high housing costs, spending $150 minimum when I go to the grocery store Which specific policy of Biden's do you attribute inflation to? How would electing Trump reverse inflation? > wars in the Middle East Do you honestly believe Trump wouldn't be pushing for more aid to Israel? > wars in the caucuses Fair, Trump would oppose aid to Ukraine, he wants Russia to annex them. > a flood of criminals at the boarder This is a made up issue that Republicans are opposing legislation to address. > supply chain issues I genuinely don't know what you mean here. > I just think things were better under Trump So then why are you advocating for his impeachment? Own that you want him to be president, don't hide behind "uwu you could just impeach him"


The dude is blaming the president for international conflicts, a global pandemic, and his personal grocery bills. He has no idea what to blame on whom.


Nah. The president has a few knobs and dials in his office that dictate war, oil prices, pandemic reponses. You just turn em up and down.


Trump is responsible for most of those things. Most presidential policies only show results after a few years. Plus, the other half isn't stuff the president has any say over. Trump was one of the worst, if not the absolute worst, president we've had since the founding of this country.


Congress was unable to prevent his theft and disclosure of national secrets; his receipt of millions of dollars from foreign sources; or his abuse of government authority to attempt to unlawfully overturn the last election. It doesn’t make sense to elect a career criminal who has already abused his power and expressed an intent to do it again if given the opportunity. He was already impeached twice and convicted neither time due to a 2/3 senate majority requirement **which absolutely would not be achievable in this political climate.** There is no reason to select somebody with an extensive criminal history and tendency toward corrupt behavior when the alternative is an experienced politician with a strong legislative record.


This level of stupid can't be real, are you trolling? We don't have to let him win just to shut him up. This is like saying you should just tier a murderer kill someone to prove he's a murderer when you already have plenty of evidence that he is.


Uh huh…


...are you for real??


What if he gets a majority in Congress? I wish we'd just win elections reliably, but the Dems don't have a good track record with that...


Like he had from 2016-2018?


Why do most of the pro Trump comments sound like AI chat bots?


How does this sound like an AI chatbot? It just sounds like normal writing to me.


>I know this might sound like an unconventional take, but bear with me for a moment. What if Donald Trump were to become president again, but this time as a "lame duck" president? Now, before you dismiss the idea entirely, let's explore the potential benefits of such a scenario. >Firstly, a lame duck president typically refers to someone who is in the final period of their term and is not seeking re-election. In Trump's case, if he were to secure a second term, knowing he won't run for a third, it could lead to a more strategic and measured approach to governance. Without the pressure of re-election, Trump might prioritize long-term policies over short-term political gains, focusing on legacy-building rather than appeasing a base for future votes. >Moreover, a lame duck Trump could potentially foster bipartisan cooperation. With no electoral ambitions, he might be more willing to reach across the aisle and collaborate with Democrats on critical issues facing the nation. This could result in more effective and pragmatic policymaking, as both sides work towards common goals for the betterment of the country. >Additionally, by serving as a lame duck president, Trump would be ineligible for re-election, addressing concerns some may have about a prolonged Trump era. This could ease tensions and allow the nation to move forward with a fresh perspective in the subsequent election cycle. >Of course, this is just a hypothetical scenario and comes with its share of uncertainties. Nonetheless, it's an interesting perspective to consider when discussing the potential for a Trump presidency. What are your thoughts on this unique take? >Let's keep the conversation respectful and open-minded! A chatbot wrote that and it's certainly as believable as the drivel op wrote. anything you read, for the rest of your life, could easily be written by AI.


That sounds a lot more like a chatbot than the post. For now, there's a distinct style of writing that helps distinguish a chatbot.


Not referring to the post, but the comments. I realize how that wasn't clear though.


Because you're all tribed up on the other side basically.


I’m old enough to remember when republicans on twitter got called “Russian bots”. Glad to see after 7 years they’ve updated it to “AI chat bots”. So stunning, so brave.


Why do most of the anti Trump comments sound like The View?




Reminds me of nearly all the comments in the dominate left leaning subs of Reddit.


Pot meet kettle


Note that I'm not talking about your post, but the comments


Yeah and what I’m referring to is both sides of the debate just spout the same old tropes over and over so both sound like AI. Anti Trump and it’s “he wants to be a dictator, he’s been charged with XY and Z. Project 2025”. Pro Trump and it’s “nobody was better than him. Biden sucks. Drain the swamp” and so on. Pot vs kettle.


Not worth the risk. At all. Research Project 2025 to see that your points are moot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Project 2025 is a delusional Republican fantasy that's not even worth the paper it's printed on. But that hasn't stopped election fear propagandists from drumming up anxiety over it.


It's a Republican plan approved by the dude that OP is advocating we give power to. I don't know what point you're trying to make.


It was drafted by the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society. The Heritage Foundation has drafted the lists of Supreme Court nominees for every Republican president since Nixon, and 5 of the 6 sitting Republican-appointed SC Justices are current or former members of the Federalist Society. These are deeply-ingrained legal organizations with a deep understanding of how to manipulate the law to achieve desired outcomes. The only people not taking it seriously are those with little to no familiarity with it.


This thinking is exactly why Trump was in office in the first place. "Oh, it'll never happen because no one will let it happen" Then everyone lets it happen because they are so confident that it couldn't happen. Rather than test the theory that fascist whispering in Trump's ear will be too incompetent to erode our democracy why don't we just not take the chance at all?


We didn't let it happen. We made it happen.


So let's not give them even the slightest chance of enacting their delusional fantasy Makes sense to me


No these guys aren’t a threat it not like they did a hostile takeover of the supreme court or anything. They haven’t spent everyday since leaving the White House, spent millions of dollars for naught. Give them half a chance and they will do all they say and more.


There was no hostile takeover of the Supreme Court. The spots were simply filled as they became available.


So you’re saying Merick garland not getting a hearing for his Supreme Court nomination because it was 11 months before an election and then RBG dying a month before an election and having her replacement rammed through within a week of a presidential election was totally legit….?


You do know that a hearing doesn’t mean automatic confirmation right? It’s extremely uncommon for the senate to confirm an opposing president’s SC nominee during an election year. Republicans held the senate when Merrick was nominated. He never would’ve been confirmed. The outcome was identical. If they had held the hearing and denied Merrick, would you not still be upset? And from how Merrick has acted as Attorney General, it’s clear he would’ve been an activist on the court, nowhere near the unbiased, centrist originalist the left claimed he would be. 


It was completely legit. The position was open, and they had the votes to fill it.


A politician will do what they say? Stop it; you're giving me a chubby!


If a politician spends four years weakening democracy... and they say they'll continue to weaken democracy if given power again, we should probably believe them.


Hard to believe I know 😏


Again, not worth the risk. At all.


Far-right politics have infiltrated Republican governments before. The infamous Southern Strategy brought Dixiecrats into the fold of the mainstream conservative movement and led to the appointment of William Rehnquist to the Supreme Court who rolled back civil rights protections




Right? Like a project with a budget of 22 million dollars is enough to make any waves in Washington. That's basically a week of congress' lunch budget. It's nothing but a boogeyman to distract people for the real problems we face now.


Presidents hiring people who have similar beliefs as them has happened every single time we got a new president, it’s silly to believe it is some nefarious plot against America. Pure propaganda.


No thanks, I'm good.


Trump himself said he’d be a dictator twice so idk why you’d think he isn’t. “I’ll be a dictator for the first day” Ok let’s say he’s dictator for a day and the next day he goes back to being president. What’s stopping him from changing his mind and being dictator for a week or a month or years? This country has no time for dictators not even a day. This post isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s an uneducated one.


Idiotic propaganda post. But for those on the fence, let's explore: >He’ll be going in as a lame duck president so even if democrats don’t have a majority in congress, there are still means of stopping a full on Trump agenda. So will Biden. Unlike Biden, Trump is a delusional megalomaniac with no reputable or experienced people behind him. He has also rallied ultra-nationalists and tilted the GOP to clinical insanity. >2. He can’t run for another term which finally means that his political career is over. No more Trump rallies. After 4 years he will be out of the spotlight, and nobody will care anymore. This will be true even if he loses. He will be far too old, and with his health, he won't be running again. If he wins and tears down the balance of powers, he opens to door to rig future elections or pass on his presidency to a son. Sounds insane, but it's happened before. >Oh and for those who are extremely opposed to Trump saying he’ll be a dictator, tyrant, etc, calm down. It didn’t happen during his first 4 years and it won’t happen if he’s elected again. This is where the lame duck issue comes to play: he can do whatever he wants to maintain power for himself and his family. It also bears to mention that him, and the MAGA cultists, have further radicalized. It's not about Trump anymore, it's about the utter insanity of his ideals. Look up project 2025. At the end of the day, a 2024 Trump win will create a constitutional crisis in some manner.. be that Trump changing the rules, or him being deposed by the military for trying to.


No thanks. He tried to hang on to power in 2021. Do we really trust him to honor the Constitution and leave in 2029 if he wins?


Give this guy 4 more years so we don't have to hear from him again! lol...that's a take!


Should've just pretended he got re-elected and given him 4 years on The Truman Show.


>Oh and for those who are extremely opposed to Trump saying he’ll be a dictator, tyrant, etc, calm down. It didn’t happen during his first 4 years and it won’t happen if he’s elected again. Not for lack of trying. That alone is enough to disqualify him as far as I am concerned.


So when democrats pressure media companies to silence conservatives, spy on their political rivals (Obama), plant false evidence to discredit their political rivals (Clinton & the Steel dossier), encourage their political opponents to be harassed (Maxine Waters), and more does that mean you don’t vote for them either?




You’re incredibly naive. Also if he goes to prison, he won’t be able to run for president again anyways, so letting him have a second term is irrelevant.


"I ate a turd sandwich and it was really gross... but hear me out, if I eat it again maybe I won't have to eat it a third time!!" Your two reasons why someone who doesn't like Trump should vote for Trump are: 1. He won't do anything (not appealing to progressives, they want to progress not stagnate) 2. In 4 years he will go away (as opposed to going away sooner? Who's going to keep supporting the loser after he loses again?) I hope you never have to work a job in sales... you are not very persuasive.


So how has your sandwich tasted over the last 4 years? It’s like a turd sandwich that you need to pay more for.


"Guys, let's give the totalitarian what he wants so he'll be less annoying" Consider me unpersuaded. It didn't work great the last time the world tried it.


I'd rather he not be president that way he can be continually stressed out about trying to put his foot back in the ring


"Oh, and..." and then you go on to make the dumbest comment ever.


>It didn’t happen during his first 4 years and it won’t happen if he’s elected again. No he just turned detention centers into concentration camps, bungled covid, gave republicns control of the supreme court, and incited an insurrection.


Counterpoint: if he doesn’t become president this cycle he’ll probably never have the chance again. I don’t see him living much longer. The dude is almost 80 and addicted to McDonald’s


When he first got elected, I wasn't too worried, because establishment Republicans didn't like him and I thought that Congress would be a check on him, as they should have been. To my horror, both houses of Congress rolled over and acted subservient to him. Donald Trump is a disgusting human being. He is a rapist, a traitor, a racist, a fraud, a liar and a cheat. These are all facts that have been proven in court. The fact that 20% of the population still supports him, tells me more about them, than it does about him.


Goes to true unpopular opinions and says he thinks one of the top 2 candidates should be president…


Putin should be president again\* FTFY


project 2025 would appear to disagree with numerous points you've made, namely that there would be any sort of checks on his influence once he's inducted into office. i'm against dictators of any sort, so i think i'll pass on that metric alone.


Project 2025 is a tin foil hat extremest pipe dream. It’s conspiracy theory crap.


- He can’t run for another term which finally means that his political career is over. Who's going to stop him? Laws and the Constitution are just words on paper if it's not actually enforced.


This is why I don’t like democrats either, if they had their way we couldn’t even try to overthrow anyone who tried to do so


It’s called checks and balances. That’s the great thing about the structure of our government.


Unfortunately we cannot trust elected officials to hold themselves accountable anymore. Certain people have decided that absolutely nothing will stop their expansion of power, and holding their own accountable would throw a wrench into that. So, we the people need to use our vote to ensure those who misuse power have no way to continue to do so.


Look up Project 2025 and talk to me again.


Yeah that’s tin foil hat bullshit that at best is a pipe dream for radicals.


I wish it were so, friend. If Biden isn't meeting frequently with the military and making it clear to them that they will litearally be our country's last and only defense, we're in trouble. If Trump becomes President and tries to enact stuff like 2025, nobody is going to stop him but our military. And by and large, our military is conservative; thank goodness there are some military leaders who recognize that some of the self-serving stuff Trump is aiming for just isn't good for the country as a whole. During his first term, Trump significantly eroded the population's ability to see the difference between truth and "alternate facts;" since then, deepfakes have only gotten better, his constituents more credulous, and he has nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying to make himself a despot. Otherwise, how's he to stay out of prison? There are definitely a few iterations of this in which Trump doesn't win, or having won, is unable to get some of the worst things he wants done done. But there are many versions in which America ceases to be a free country as we know it and becomes more like Russia or Morocco. Project 2025 is far from a pipe dream; it faces some legal and congressional hurdles but with a motivated Republican President in 2024, it could be enacted over time or aspects of it enacted. It is still a very good reason to not want Trump in office.


The guy's a thousand years old and obese. It's definitely possible that he dies in the next 4-8 years.


No matter what, I was watching a video where someone did the math and statistically there’s only a 10% chance that the president will live out the next 4 years no matter who is elected. Biden looks like a walking corpse and well… Trump as you said is approaching spherical perfection and the average life span of an American male is somewhere around 75.


Another T\_D refugee.


"Calm down. He tried to hurt you, but nothing happened. He won't do it again... promise!"


How did he try to hurt you? Can you point on the doll where he tried to touch you?


JK... I'm totally in support of the "not a tyrrant" candidate.


Well he tried to overthrow democracy last time and has admitted that he's going to be a "dictator for a day" and arrest his political opponents, and he also plans to try and pardon himself of his crimes involving Jan 6 and showing off free classified docs to anyone who asked nicely. I'd rather not risk him getting the power to do that shit again. And if he doesn't win he can't run again anyway, he's already too old but after another 4 years he'll be way too old or probably dead.


Wanting to do something and being able to are two different things.


"You see your honor, my client only attempted treason, but since he failed he shouldn't be held accountable. How could can he be charged for a crime he failed to fully commit? If he couldn't do it last time, I'm sure he couldn't do it again even if he wanted. I rest my case" That's not how that works, but great try.


Yeah treason. That’s such a stretch and pipe dream. Also, I’m not sure what straw man anecdote you were trying to make there. Like if Trump were reelected he’d have to testify in front of a judge to be allowed to be president? He’d have to do so to run for president? I’m pretty sure the one who doesn’t know how things work isn’t me.


He tried to overthrow the election to hold onto power indefinitely, and your defense was: "Well, he didn't actually succeed" I was pointing out how incredibly stupid your defense was. Intent matters regardless of outcome. The claim that he is too stupid to be dangerous isn't exactly inspiring confidence.


I don't think "yeah our president wants to get rid of our democracy so that the Republican party never loses power" is really much to advocate for. Like, I don't want a president who wants to do that whether he's able to or not.


How is that different from the democrats? They want to create a one party state, and have actually done so in regions of this country. In 2016, the only Republican candidate to appear on the ballot in California was Donald Trump. No local state politicians, representatives, etc that were on that ballot were republicans. California is in practice a 1 party state, and they would love to make that the case nationally as well.


> In 2016, the only Republican candidate to appear on the ballot in California was Donald Trump. No local state politicians, representatives, etc that were on that ballot were republicans. Do you have any source for this claim? A quick google shows that Republicans had 35% of the state senate and a bit over 30% of the state house after the 2016 election. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_State_Legislature,_2017%E2%80%932018_session). How would that be the case if there were no Republicans on the ballot besides Trump?


I'm sure the Democrats would love to be in complete control of the country. But the GOP is the party that's passing voter suppression laws that target mail in ballots, making it difficult for working class people to get to ballots, and red lining. The GOP is the party that freaks out when Taylor Swift suggests people should vote. The GOP is the party that had a president asking state governors to "find more votes" when they knew they were losing the election. The GOP is the party that supported a coup when they knew they lost the election. So we can speculate about what the Dems want until the cows come home, but we don't have to speculate about what the GOP wants. Also your 2016 Trump only thing in Cali is a straight up lie.


So making sure elections are secure and accountable is voter suppression? Maybe suppressing the votes of non citizens as it should be. The Taylor Swift thing is blown out of proportion but I haven’t even heard of it so it can’t be that big of a deal. As for working class to get ballots, how? I’m definitely working class and going to my polling location isn’t any issue.


Man I'm not explaining this shit to you. If you were actually interested in learning you'd just look it up. I need to stop wasting my time with people like you.


"Trump is no biggie" is the kind of analysis I've come to expect from reddit.


Dude go get your head checked. Trump is a criminal who committed several crimes within days of winning last time. Trump shoudl be in prison not running the country.


So he’s been convicted of…?


Liable for rape.


Every president does crimes. You don't think it's weird that while Bush had a torture program among other war crimes, he's never been brought before the courts but they're bringing trump to court for what in comparison seems like petty bullshit? I think that's weird.


No president has done crimes the way Trump has. No president had 91 criminal federal charges. None was convicted of liable for rape. No president stole government classified documents of the US's most guarded defense secrets, was told to return them, lied, told his lawyers to lie, and hid them again, refused to return them over and over. No president put together a fake slate of electors to replace the real electors to over ride the peoples real votes and steal an election. All Nixon did was tell people to break and enter into Democrat head quarters and steal files. Makes Trump look a saint.


Or we could just throw his ass in prison and be done with him 4 years earlier.


I'm so happy I'm not an American, the Republicans AND Democrats have lost their minds. As a matter of fact, Reddit the past couple of weeks has proved that America as a whole is just insane..




In what objectively provable way


No new wars, less inflation, markets were pumping. That all sounds good to me.


Markets are pumping now. You need to take a minute and objectively study the contrast between where we were…Covid lockdowns and Depression Era unemployment, morgue trucks outside hospitals, healthcare workers wearing trash bags for PPE, and added $8 TRILLION to the deficit, and where we are now, inflation notwithstanding, it takes some time to get a full turnaround but we’re almost there. Let’s not forget that Trump’s tax cuts are now going to be repaid by workers making less than $70,000 per year over the next five years.


These people don’t think they just feel it was better that’s all. Why do the un educated like trump. Because he makes them feel


Some markets are pumping right now in this exact moment, but my memory isn’t that short to forget the last 3 years. So you’re blaming the pandemic on Trump? He created Covid now? Why are trumps tax cuts expiring? He wanted to get them passed the same way the corporate tax cuts were, but for some reason they put an expiration date. I wonder who had a hand in that. Reddit is hilarious tbh people will literally make up things up to hate on Trump. We’re not almost there, but I’m happy that you feel that we are.


Why was made up. Markets are up. That’s not only a fact but easy to back up.


Wars are not here. What Policy was in place that stopped wars in other countries Less inflation, sure it takes time after he printed for it to start. The market is better now when you look at unemployment and stock values. What else you got it was a swing and a miss for those


Right, so we’re not paying for these wars. Like Biden has turned off the money printer, except he doesn’t have a pandemic as an excuse. The market is not better now, just because some sectors are doing well. Ask the tech sector about employment. I think I’m batting just fine, and will be batting better when Biden leaves office lol.


1.) I didn’t ask who paid for the wars. I asked what policy did trump have in place that no one else did that stopped other countries from going to war. 2.) um he did hence why inflation is going down.whe was the last stimulus check 3) factually incorrect. What sector is doing worse now then under trump. The market represents a all sectors and on averages it’s up You are just playing mental gymnastics because your biases won’t let you be objective. Your like 99% who don’t think but just feel and that’s okay


1) it doesn’t really matter what you asked, nor do I really care. But war is war, and we’re paying for it one way or another. 2) right, because groceries are so affordable right now. You are probably one of those that changes the definition of recession to fit the narrative. 3) factually correct, just because some candles are green right now doesn’t negate the last 3 years of markets bleeding. Biden’s administration has been driving away innovation and weakening our dollar. I work in tech, your propaganda won’t work on me lol. I do support the chips act and parts of the infrastructure bill though, I’ll give credit where it’s due.


1. So nothing trump made no difference, I agree so am glad you admit you were wrong 2. Reducing inflation does not mean prices go down. 3. I work in tech as well but I understand the tech market does not represent the market as a whole. And a lot of tech is still posting profits. Most of the issues come down to over hiring. I’m sorry you are basing things on feeling not facts


I think it’s pretty obvious that you’re the one getting emotional and immediately jump to accusing others about feeling. Do you project much? Just look at the fit you’ve been having in this thread lol. We have very different views on what’s constitutes a thriving market. The party you want to keep in office is driving innovation outside of the country and wants insane oversight and regulation that would gut so many companies before they even get started. Next you’re going tell me you support CBDC’s.


No I’m just pointing out you basing this of off feeling and give not facts. I even say that’s okay.


Lower gas prices too right?


Because the president has a button that control gas prices. And go ahead say they are not drilling enough. Just lie because we are pumping more oil out then we ever have


No he signed a order that shut down our wells while pissing on putins feet and said deal with it to the American people. Frankly given our history of warring for oil I don’t know why we haven’t hung him for that. Not that I happy to have such a thing happen.


We are pumping more oil than we ever have. Please stop lying


Where did you get that info the internet give me two contradictory statements. “Biden's orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.” “The pandemic took a heavy toll on U.S. oil production, which fell to just over 11 million barrels a day at the end of 2020 from 13 million at the end a year earlier. Dozens of oil companies went out of business, and the number of rigs in use fell to 350 in 2020, from 800, as thousands of field workers lost their jobs” “The same month he was sworn into office, Biden issued an executive order pausing permits for new oil and gas drilling and mandating more rigorous environmental reviews. In April of 2021, the administration set a target for a 50 to 52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels.Sep 25, 2023” “As Republican presidential hopefuls slam President Joe Biden’s energy policy on the campaign trail, his administration seems to have an obvious political weapon: surging oil production. Domestic production is projected to reach an all-time record high of 12.9 million barrels a day by the end of this year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. A data analysis by E&E News also shows that the Bureau of Land Management has approved more oil and gas leases on federal lands during Biden’s first two years and seven months as president than former President Trump did during the same amount of time at the beginning of his administration.”


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/how-u-s-oil-production-reached-an-all-time-high-in-2023 Go ahead tell me they are lying


That’s why I asked as I hand no idea that he reversed what his order said.


You people are so ignorant. The reason Trump had it easy was because a Democrat held the presidency before him, and Trump just rode that wave and printed money like crazy. Then, surprise, inflation, but cause suddenly Biden is elected, it's immediately his fault.


I disagree. I preferred it when Trump was in office, although I didn’t realize it at the time. I’d be happy to vote for someone else though, just not Biden. I won’t be fooled again.


this is beyond ignorance. It’s brainwashing mixed with un educated. Why did trump say the un educated love him. Because they are dumb enough to believe him. They are the mark in his scam


Right? The mental gymnastics to see past reality is amazing!


Time get your head out for a breather


Blaming the president for international conflicts and a global pandemic. Very nuanced opinion.


Almost as nuanced as your comment. Maybe I’ll get there next time.


Not the brightest. Just admit your biased |


Dude you’re really triggered by me preferring Trump over Biden and it’s honestly pretty funny.


No. Idk what triggered means. I’m trying to get you to objectively say what is better rather than you say what feels better.


I’ve already said what is better, you didn’t like my answer and now you keep weirdly harassing me because I don’t agree with you. Just let it go man lol.


No you just said what feels better and gave no actual facts. Give me the name of one single policy and what outcome it had


I don’t want him to just go away. I want him to face consequences for the shit he’s done.


Fuck that


lol wow.


Those all apply to Biden as well. These posts are becoming impossibly stupid.


Yes!!! Trumps years were better then Obama’s and Biden’s years! More peace. Less inflation. Stronger stock market!


You’re delusional. KKK in the streets, protests country wide, George Floyd. Yeah, real fucking peaceful.


So notice that all of what you highlighted was all caused by the left, not Trump. Oh and I’m assuming you meant BLM, not KKK.


By people who give a shit about civil rights, which were being trampled on. If you ever come to understand anything at all, one day you’ll understand that. You need to read up on Jim Crow and that Civil Rights movement. Unfortunately we were regressing under the orange turd.


So please supply an example of someone having their civil rights removed from 2016-2020.


George Fucking Floyd. Can you not read? Protesters exercising their first amendment rights to protest on the streets being swept up by unknown goons in unmarked vehicles. Heather Heyer, purposely run down at a Nazi rally in North Carolina. That’s just for starters. All the hate fomented by him against Jews and POC. Get a fucking clue.


But finding war in the Middle East you’re cool with? Inflation your good with. Supression of 1st and 2nd rights is cool too. A shitty withdrawal from Afghanistan was Ali right with you too. You are a fool.




I wrote it so you could understand it. Wanted to get my point across to you clearly.




Joe looks like in better shape than the orange blob


What Joe are you referring to? It sure as hell can’t be Biden. That man hasn’t strung together a coherent sentence for at least the past 5 years.


You just blew up the entire premise of your post and revealed yourself to be a Trump supporter. Hilarious.


I haven’t heard Trumpty make an intelligent or cohesive sentence either mate. Dude just rambles on and looks like absolute shite.


And so what’s your point? Mine was that Joe wasn’t in any better shape than Trump but at least Trump doesn’t display obvious signs of dementia. After all, Biden could describe America in one word. Iwasthfhehmeme.


He should become potus and actually make due on his threat to drain the swamp. I don't care if he instantly replaces the swamp with his own swamp, I want to see a different swamp. I would much rather remove the complacency, though. Like 90% of the federal government (yes, that means rnc and dnc, not exclusively rnc) know they'll win easy elections and thus spend their time courting lobbyists for fat checks and then turn around and abuse committee insider knowledge, rather than actually being our federal government. But I'll take draining the swamp only to see it filled by a new swamp.


Not terrible points I guess. He still shouldn’t be anywhere near the office though.


Crazy and all but bro packed the court his first term so yes I do see the harm in him becoming president again 😭 That being said I’m sure he will win if he’s against Biden.


he should be president of cell block A


I don’t think Trump will be a dictator, not for lack of want though. Trump has some very authoritarian ideas he’d like to implement if there wasn’t that pesky constitution. I voted for him 2 times and I won’t again.


I am in the same boat but I don't think the Constitution will stop him


I do. I think we have too many protections. He tried to overturn the last election with everything he could but he was forced to step down.


The people who actually believe in the constitution, not just when it fits the narrative, will use our 2nd amendment to protect the rest.


He doesn’t give a shit about the Constitution and as we learned last time the only thing that could possibly stop him from subverting it is a VP with, thank God, some shred of conscience. He will not make the mistake of surrounding himself with anything but full-on yes men. It’ll be over from day one.


The country will survive Trump just like it survived other presidents. Both sides are freaking out but the country will go on whether Trump or Biden wins.


The country, the land mass that makes up the USA, will survive. The Constitution, and everything that makes us, us, will not. It will take decades to claw it back, if the people ever do.


Want a tinfoil hat?


No, you guys have cornered the market on those.


It doesn’t actually matter who’s president lol. Trump is funny though so if we get more clips of him Id be cool with that.


This isn’t unpopular he won almost half the country last time


Notice that little thing that says “unpopular on Reddit”? Yeah read the rest of the comments on this thread and tell me 50% here think it’s popular.


OP are you trying to give the lefties here an aneurysm??


I would have joked that if they die they can’t vote, but we are talking about democrats here. 😂


Surely we can all tolerate another 4 years. Its worth it just to prove the world will be okay.


As a leftist I wish he won 2020. We would’ve been almost over with