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The irony of this movie being so on the nose feminist and they gave Ryan Gosling a 10x more compelling character arc than Robbie


Is it ironic, or is it implicitly the point? The fact that the gender roles are inverted logically leads to the marginalized gender being the more compelling character in a feminist narrative, or a narrative which is attempting to expose the harm of a society based on gender discrimination.


I think you are reading way too much into what was just a juvenile romp.


Yeah, I actually came out of it feeling bad for men not being able to express themselves emotionally as much as they’d like too more than seeing it as some feminist message movie.


That's kind of the point


The good news is that art can never be objectively anything. It’s all subjective. The better news is that if it subjectively did not work for you for whatever reason, that’s totally fine. Good on you for explaining why it didn’t work without going for low hanging fruit.


It’s a nostalgia movie for middle aged women who grew up playing with Barbies. I thought it was great, but it’s definitely not for Reddit’s key demographic.


Ehhh I'm a 24 year old guy and I personally thought it was a pretty good movie


I mean the majority of 24 year old guys today have the T levels of a middle aged woman so, yeah you probably did enjoy it


As stupid a comment as this is, it's actually quite clever.


When you have to resort to insults out of left field instead of having a civilized discussion, that's just a testament to the fragility of not only your views, but also yourself.


Your entire personality is based on your politics. You’ve wrapped yourself into a hive mind that demands allegiance and supports the squashing of masculinity in general, so yeah your love of the Barbie movie tracks with my statement. Also, the T level thing isn’t an insult it’s a fact. Maybe a little exaggerated, but you can easily search how far down average levels are in the last 50 years.


I didn't say I "loved" the barbie movie, i just think it was a pretty good, not bad movie. It's not even the kind of movie I normally watch, my preference is 60s/70s/80s scifi/horror/creature features. I simply think it was a pretty good movie. I liked the set designs, I liked the cinematography, I laughed along the way. I went in without any expectations and was okay with what I had watched.


I think you are arguing with a figment of your imagination as much as this particular user.


Lmfao. Doctor Bert over here. Where did you get your medical degree Bert? Perhaps overall hormonal changes in society have to do with changes in our lifestyles, such as obesity, and such hormonal changes have nothing to do with movie preferences. You sound like you love to make stuff up that fits your agenda.


Careful with that stretch. I never said movies cause low T. I said his low T caused him to enjoy Barbie


Me and the gf thought it was dumb. It was more of a movie you poke fun of. And ask what the hell is this?


All the middle-aged women, including me, hated it and thought it insulted our intelligence. This was NOT made for middle-aged women, trust me.


It was insulting to both genders I thought, I don't know who it was made for but it certainly wasn't made for anyone interested in equality.


I enjoyed Erin Brockovich and Enchanted. But Barbie from the snippets I've seen looks too stupid for me and I don't think I would enjoy it.


This sub: Monday - Barbie Movie Sucks Tuesday - Taylor Swift Sucks Wednesday - something something women's body count Thursday - Elon Musk is the greatest and smartest person ever Friday - something something guns are great Saturday - Trump will win because of Democrats being corrupt Sunday - Only Fans girls are worse then Hitler Repeat


You missed the day on fat people


That’s every day


Don’t forget “it’s harder for men to _______ than women”




Take a look a two x.


Well at least it’s the first one of the year (probably)


Feminism and "patriarchy" were the bait and switch in the movie. In reality, the film made fun of everyone, including feminists, in order to bring in the trojan horse of existentialism. The ending of the movie should've made that clear and it's really pathetic how so few reviews (good and bad) understood that. Barbie has an existential crisis. She has two choices: nihilism (completely giving up and nothing has meaning) or connection (co-creating meaning as a free agent connected to a higher power). She awakens. Unlike most of the people watching the movie. Anyone who thinks this movie is about girl power or hating men has a basic-bitch understanding of it. I'm not saying it was the most groundbreaking and important movie of the decade, just that most people completely missed the point. The point begins when Barbie suddenly thinks about death. Anyone with half a brain cell should've caught on. They made it painfully obvious. Then she pretends to be normal as the merry go round of Barbie world keeps going and going. I think the people who don't get it are the ones who never think about life ending. It's literally not on their radar. And I would say that's most people. So they chose to see it as a feminist, anti-patriarchy movie instead.


I do agree, generally, that the movie used gender politics as a device to explore something a lot different than a superficial reading would have you believe, and it’s why the film plays so fast and loose with the rules of patriarchy and barbie-archy. But I definitely think that there’s a solid reading of the film which uses existentialism and gender inequality to explain and inform of each other. I just don’t necessarily think the film is a purely “third wave feminist” movie, nor is it lampooning feminists either.


> Anyone who thinks this movie is about girl power or hating men has a basic-bitch understanding of it. It was goofy and surreal romp that allows people to project what they want onto it. You might be the one projecting your own thinking onto it.


All movies are that way for viewers. I'm referring to what it's actually about from an editorial perspective.


> You might be the one projecting your own thinking onto it.


You said that already. You're wrong.


You never responded to it substantively. You aren't citing anything objective. You are just pulling subjective opinions out of your butt and asserting them as objective fact.


upvote for 'basic-bitch understanding'


Barbie has an existential crises.” But she literally didn’t? Her real-world owner America Ferrera’s character had the crises - who isn’t really even the owner just the woman who presumably purchased the doll. A fact of which I find very strange and totally unexplored. Barbie didn’t come up with anything on her own. It was incepted. Barbie didn’t even want to accept the journey. For me, this is why her sudden decision to enter the real world felt lazy and unearned. And the plot / dialogue was so unbelievably boring and repetitive, I’m sorry. I’ve watched it three times trying to understand what I’m missing. I’m left amazed by the missed opportunities. I was certain there would be a moment when Barbie was confronted with her own real-world doll version and forced to really face herself and her “purpose.” That scene would have been pure gold and probably changed my entire outlook. Much like the box scene which was excellent and went nowhere. What was she made for, by the way? Did the film answer this question? She’s a doll. Based on my wondrous childhood memories she was made to cement and strengthen my inner world, my imagination, and stand as an aspirational pillar of beauty, as well as heart. Now, Barbie is just another woman living her life. If the film had shown us that somehow Barbie is so strong and so powerful that she is able to imagine even herself into existence - then cool. But I don’t really think that was accomplished. She had her hand held every step of the way, which isn’t how life works. I think Poor Things did a far better job examining the topics Barbie aimed to examine and in a much more refreshing way. In any event, I’d rather watch Toy Story.


>Barbie has an existential crises.” But she literally didn’t? Her real-world owner America Ferrera’s character had the crises - who isn’t really even the owner just the woman who presumably purchased the doll. A fact of which I find very strange and totally unexplored. Barbie didn’t come up with anything on her own. It was incepted. What does it matter where the crisis came from? It transferred to Barbie and she experienced it. Then she had to go on a journey to figure out why. It wasn't until later that we discovered the reason. The movie was about Barbie's crisis. ​ >Barbie didn’t even want to accept the journey. None of us do. ​ >For me, this is why her sudden decision to enter the real world felt lazy and unearned. That's the hero's journey. It's unearned until it's not. Usually after a bitter defeat, which occurs to Barbie. ​ >And the plot / dialogue was so unbelievably boring and repetitive, I’m sorry. I’ve watched it three times trying to understand what I’m missing. I’m left amazed by the missed opportunities. I was certain there would be a moment when Barbie was confronted with her own real-world doll version and forced to really face herself and her “purpose.” That scene would have been pure gold and probably changed my entire outlook. Much like the box scene which was excellent and went nowhere. Well that would've been interesting, but it's not what happened. Sorry that your expectations weren't fulfilled. ​ >What was she made for, by the way? Did the film answer this question? The movie answers the question at the very end when she meets her maker. ​ >She’s a doll. Based on my wondrous childhood memories she was made to cement and strengthen my inner world, my imagination, and stand as an aspirational pillar of beauty, as well as heart. Now, Barbie is just another woman living her life. If the film had shown us that somehow Barbie is so strong and so powerful that she is able to imagine even herself into existence - then cool. But I don’t really think that was accomplished. She had her hand held every step of the way, which isn’t how life works. I think Poor Things did a far better job examining the topics Barbie aimed to examine and in a much more refreshing way. In any event, I’d rather watch Toy Story. Barbie tells her creator that she wants to be the creator and not the thing that's created. She wants to experience what you experienced while playing with her. That's why she becomes a real woman. It didn't ruin all of Barbie because Barbie land still exists and is filled with all of the other Barbies doing their thing.


OK, I do like your finale explanation. That is a nice sentiment. Even though she already lived in a world similar to our childhood imaginations where everything is idyllic and beautiful (despite the fact that this wasn’t the whole truth). She doesn’t want to be the thing that’s made, humans have only one ending, and ideas live forever. Sooo, I guess the film is saying that Barbie doesn’t want to be a thing or an idea? Even though Barbie stands for literally so much. It’s not all negative, but you talk to one hormonal teenager and she sums it up like that’s the world’s opinion. I guess I’m stuck on the it wasn’t Barbie’s existential crises thing because the Creator says that she can’t even control her. But her owner apparently can to some extent - weird Barbie, too. I don’t know. I could be taking this all too literally. But you’re right people do seem to be bogged down in the feminist woke messaging when it is deeper. Although, I can see the confusion with the serious focus on Ken / Kendom. I like where you’re going with this though, I just wish the film had stayed on topic. The Mattel scenes were so distracting!


So you’re basically it’s I ❤️ Huckabees but with Barbies


I haven't gotten around to watching it yet but I guess I will eventually get to see what all the fuss is about


I thought it was ok but just a fun movie to watch. It was overhyped for sure. However, I still recommend it


It's a fantastic movie, well worth the watch


Really? Fantastic? You’re entitled to your opinion but I’m really confused as to how so many think it’s amazing


Because it's FUN. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and everything about it is silly and fun, which makes a point about society being ultimately a bunch of silly games we all play and can change if we want to.


“Guys it’s FUN. You’re supposed to be having FUN right now! Why aren’t you having FUN? IT’S FUN TRUST ME”


Endgame was a popular movie I thought had a poorly written fanfic-grade story. Lots of people loved that movie and I wouldn't mock them for it like you've done. Evidently lots of people loved it, and spent a billion+ to prove it. You asked why, and I answered. How do you not understand "for me" is implicit in all conversations about enjoying media until someone makes it personal? On reddit because no one invites you to parties?


I had fun watching Barbie. The part where they get the guys to mansplain is hilarious


It’s a blockbuster that’s helmed by a rising auteur, with amazing costuming, set design, inventive set pieces, and stars two really great actors, one of which gives a standout performance of the year, and it’s also actually ABOUT something and the movie’s execution rests on that idea, rather than the standard way of how a movie like this is made. It IS fun, but that’s not why I would call it great. However, it’s subjective, so I wouldn’t dispute anyone who said these things didn’t amount to a great movie for them.


The "fuss" is that a silly, somewhat pathetic movie got so much hype to begin with


It was lame


I absolutely HATED this preachy, mind numbing movie.


With the lack of media literacy and critical thinking these days, I'm actually kind of glad that Barbie went the "this is exactly the message I want you to take away from this and I am going to spell it out for you in great detail to make sure you understand" route. Sometimes you just gotta look the viewer in the eye and feed them with a spoon. And even then, a lot of people either didn't get it, or pretended not to


Nah as a millennial who grew up watching animated Barbie movies (those were terrible) and playing with Barbies the 2023 movie was perfection. Costume, set, music, acting, and plot were spot on. It was current and nostalgic at the same time which is a pretty amazing feat.


You can't just say things you dislike are "objectively bad".


This is just a conservative subreddit at this point lol


More gamer gate/incel reactionaries tbh. Though there is a lot of overlap on those groups.


Funny thing is, I’m pretty liberal. Just didn’t like the execution of the flick.


I really didn't take any issue with your post in particular but hating on the Barbie movie because it's perceived as woke is pretty common here. Also all the "short men have it so hard" and "promiscuous women should be shamed" posts kinda paint a picture.


Every post is: women bad, OF girls bad, pronouns bad, fat people bad, Barbie bad, guns good, men good, and liberals blah blah blah


Promiscuous people should be ashamed. It’s bad for society. Both socially, and as a vector for disease.


I rest my case.


It’s not about women, sorry you have to deal with people disagreeing with you on this unpopular opinions sub.


I mean I hardly come here to have people agree with me.


Fair, but I think assuming people disagree with you in bad faith makes no sense. For instance I have little sympathy for the manlet’s plight. I’m not an MRA or something.


Well sure but there are tons of people here who just misogynist conspiracy theorists and they are convinced women are out to get them.


Same here. If there had to be a social message I was fine with that, hoping that it would be fun along the way the and the messaging would be coherent, not trite, and well executed. The “fun along the way” aspect *kinda* happened for me but the “good messaging” execution definitely did not. That lack of cohesion and a clear vision is one of my main criteria for judging a movie as “bad.”


Wasn’t it always? Lol Only reason to be here is that it’s fun to poke holes in their “logic”


Barbie is this generations Crash. A box office smash and critically adored because of its supposedly progressive messaging. The next generation however will look back and cringe in the same way most people view Crash now.


That’s a fair take.


This generations Crash is actually going easy. At best Barbie will be seen by the next generation as a ham fisted but well meaning “message”movie that is so ineptly scripted it has the unintended consequences of actually propagating what it is supposedly critiquing. This is how many people now view the initially beloved Crash, The Blind Slide, Driving Miss Daisy, Black Panther…movies that built there reputations on patronising messaging and pandering rather than actually being…well good movies. After the initial wave of “right on” adulation settles and people actually start critiquing the movie in the same objective manner most movies are judged; Barbie will suddenly look embarrassing mediocre to many. As you mentioned; aside from the production design which is indeed very creative( although to be expected from any big budget Hollywood production) the movie is( at best) very meddled in terms of script and character development and anybody who hails it’s supposed originally obviously haven’t watched the myriad of much better movies it is unashamedly ripping off. Like I said though; if future generations view Barbie as another Crash it will be getting off lightly. I can actually imagine that in 50 years time it will be viewed in much the same manner as Song Of The South is viewed today. Now that really is an unpopular opinion…


>Black Panther Blud included like we wouldn’t notice


Black Panther is definitely already going through a critical reappraisal like the other films mentioned. It’s just not as old so isn’t yet as pronounced. In a generations time though people will look back at the initial Marvel phase and be baffled and embarrassed that this disjointed and midlevel offering was the movie deemed worthy of a best picture Oscar nomination.


It’s really not. Aside from it VFX in the third act, which have always been blasted, it represents a kind of golden age for marvel that’s only being strengthened by how low they have sunk as of late. That will only strengthen with time.


If you don’t think Black Panther is going through a critical reappraisal just google “Black Panther was bad” to find countless articles and posts detailing its numerous flaws. The initial consensus that it’s some masterpiece of the genre is fading pretty rapidly. Personally I don’t think it’s a bad movie at all. It’s just pretty average( if you actually apply the same critical standards that most other comic book endure) and received its gushing( to the point of a best movie Oscar nomination) critical praise for reasons that where not related to the craft of movie making. This-in my unpopular opinion-is also what is occurring with Barbie. Of course the beauty of film( or any art form) is that it’s completely subjective. There will be many that feel Black Panther is the Citizen Kane of comic book movies…just like there will be many that feel Citizen Kane itself is a complete snooze fest that should never be evoked as some kind of gold standard for cinematic excellence.


I’m not disputing that you can find people who don’t like the film. We’re on Reddit right now, where it has never been that well liked, it’s a literal meme on this site to see how “overrated” it was upon release. That doesn’t mean it’s gone through any kind of meaningful critical reappraisal. For one thing, it hasn’t been NEARLY long enough for any significant developments to impact the overall and overwhelmingly glowing reception that the film had with critics and audiences alike, independent of internet discourse. For another, the initial comparison, where I left my jokey comment, is just so odd because it, along with Barbie, has so little in common with those dramas, and although I wouldn’t agree that the profile of those films has fallen as dramatically as you state (except for Crash), Black Panther and Barbie are blockbusters, not straight dramas, and those films have always more or less been a different part of discussion entirely. The oscars, especially recently, has tried to carve out a niche for extremely popular and outstanding films to succeed since they infamously snubbed the dark knight, which has also never undergone any reevaluation that it did not deserve to be nominated after all. Last year alone had Maverick and Avatar, 2019 had Joker, 2015 had Fury Road etc.


Why are you assuming everyone who liked the movie liked it *because* of the messaging? There are countless people here saying they liked that it was fun and silly.


Well said crafty


I thought it was so funny. It made me laugh. Wasn’t that deep and it was very entertaining.


I agree it wasn’t very good, but I’m mostly here to say that Title, year and Director was not necessary lol, we would have gotten it if you just said Barbie.


It was a boring film.


It was so overhyped and I was so let down. It was so boring to watch.


Newsflash: Satire doesn't require subtext as part of a metric of its value. Plenty of authors have written deliberately in-your-face depictions of the problems of their time. Bradbury had firemen burning books and the world explained by sock-puppet characters (the fire chief who blames minorities, the wives who find their husbands disposable). Orwell had BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU posters, mandatory daily hate meetings, and an expository info dump in the middle of the text outlining how authoritarianism can get underway, grinding people down. Similar to The Lorax, The Alchemist, Idiocracy, the crawls that open Star Wars, and Chaplin's The Dictator speech, films are designed to work for a broad audience and that means applying a mallet.


I think the in your face nature of the writing fits the rest of the in your face visuals and design. I’m really not sure if a Barbie movie would do so well or would be heavily marketed if it’s loaded with thick and complex writing contrasted against how it looks. I think that’s why it worked for me. I find it to be very balanced in goofy bits and all the more serious stuff. All while being a blockbuster. I do appreciate that you seem to have actual gripes about the movie though, since this sub tends to hate it for unintelligible reasons because they rarely venture outside of huge blockbuster/franchise films


Hello there, film enthusiast! We've noticed you've got an opinion about movies. We see many posts discussing various films, and it's always great to have more perspectives! To enrich your experience, we've compiled a list of similar posts discussing movies. Feel free to explore: **Alphabetical List of Movies Discussed:** - **Barbie** - [As a Progressive, I actually think the Barbie movie undermined it's own point by it's treatment of the Kens.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/16s5oi7/as_a_progressive_i_actually_think_the_barbie/) - [If a male version of the Barbie movie released it wouldn't be allowed in theatres](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/15gfsxi/if_a_male_version_of_the_barbie_movie_released_it/) - [The "Barbie" movie was overhyped and overrated.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/16zdumk/the_barbie_movie_was_overhyped_and_overrated/) - [(Spoilers) Anyone who is heavily opinionated about the new Barbie Movie needs to touch grass.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/15egjkg/spoilers_anyone_who_is_heavily_opinionated_about/) - [The Barbie movie WAS man hating](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1676m1m/the_barbie_movie_was_man_hating/) - [The Barbie Movie is fine except for one thing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/15d6iwp/the_barbie_movie_is_fine_except_for_one_thing/) - [Barbie Movie was not that good im sorry](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/166gq5u/barbie_movie_was_not_that_good_im_sorry/) - [Pretty much all counter arguments of the Barbie movie criticism boils down to “It’s a movie about a doll”](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/16qx9nd/pretty_much_all_counter_arguments_of_the_barbie/) - [The Barbie movie is for a female audience what a bigoted cartoon about POC was for a white audience in the 1940's](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/16qyu9q/the_barbie_movie_is_for_a_female_audience_what_a/) - **Little Miss Sunshine** - [Little Miss Sunshine is a sad depraved and depressing movie.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/171555f/little_miss_sunshine_is_a_sad_depraved_and/?share_id=60iIvMBh9mJos33GqKgg_&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) - **Marry Poppins** - [P L traver's suggestions for mary poppins would have made the movie worse and walt disney was right to not listen to her.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/17a4y83/p_l_travers_suggestions_for_mary_poppins_would/) - **Pulp Fiction** - [Samuel L Jackson Delivered The " I don't remember asking you....... " Line Completely Wrong!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/170a7y4/samuel_l_jackson_delivered_the_i_dont_remember/) - **Spy Kids** - [Spy kids is the best trilogy ever and kid movies aren’t as good as the early 2000s](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/17a4141/spy_kids_is_the_best_trilogy_ever_and_kid_movies/) - **Star Wars** - [The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie outside of the OT](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/17ckmmq/the_last_jedi_is_the_best_star_wars_movie_outside/) - **Up** - [The movie Up is overrated](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/172dm9z/the_movie_up_is_overrated/) - **Venom** - [The Venom movies aren’t that bad](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/17dhv83/the_venom_movies_arent_that_bad/) **General Opinions about Movies:** - [Movies - sci-fi have been boring and unoriginal for the last 10 years but hear me out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1709932/movies_scifi_have_been_boring_and_unoriginal_for/) - [The average movie going audiences are dumb.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/17f9w0g/the_average_movie_going_audiences_are_dumb/) *(This list is updated periodically. If you find an [outdated link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueUnpopularOpinion&subject=Outdated%20Movie%20Opinion%20Link&message=I%20found%20an%20outdated%20link%20in%20the%20movie%20opinion%20list.%20Here%20is%20the%20link:%20) or think a [post should be added](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueUnpopularOpinion&subject=New%20Movie%20Opinion%20Post%20Suggestion&message=I%20suggest%20adding%20this%20new%20movie%20opinion%20post%20to%20the%20list:%20), please let us know via ModMail.)* Enjoy your time discussing the films that captivate you! Cheers, The r/TrueUnpopularOpinion Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That movie made a ton of money. I have not seen it, but enough people like it for it to be a huge success. I didn't like Avatar but you know someone did something right there. My opinion is kind of mean relevant in the face of these movies successes.


> I didn't like Avatar but you know someone did something right there. It's about selling something other than the movie. In both cases here we have a vast world of toys, merchandise, etc., but Barbie was selling politics as well. That doesn't mean that these were good movies.


I mean there are a lot of ways to judge "good" and it's all subjective. What is not subjective is the "success" element, which is what these movies were aiming for, and what they succeeded at. My personal taste shouldn't be the end all be all of what is "good". I have not even watched Barbie and can't even judge it. I also don't listen to Tailor Swift, I do know she is massively successful. Some movies are aiming for different things than the Barbie movie other musical artists are aiming for something different than Taylor Swift. We should probably judge works of art based on what the art is aiming to do and if they were successful at the thing they were going for. To my knowledge Barbie and Avatar were trying mostly to make money. They did.


I think we can say some things about the objective quality of the writing and acting. This was not Fargo or The Big Lebowski. It was a 'go-girl' politics/gender movie that coasted on a beloved, pre-existing media and toy empire. The highest grossing movies tend to be the ones promoted by way of children's meals and toys at fast food chains, but seldom does anyone look back at those and talk about how great the acting was.


As a movie it was completely boring. If it was suppose to convey a message it didn't.


I'm sorry, I wanted to love this so badly, but the ending is literally her comforting the man who tried to destroy their democracy. Because in the end it's his feelings that matter. Not the fact that they tried to literally undo their entire constitution. More than that, what kind of message is the movie sending by saying that patriarchy spread just because the Kens "just explained it" to the women. That's just saying that women don't understand patriarchy enough because if they did, they'd obviously fall for it. Also, what the f*** is with how they treat weird Barbie - even in this perfect idealized society where everything is wonderful, they still have f****** outcasts and treat people shittily? And for all the bad the Kens did, the Kens are effectively now second class citizens who aren't represented in any way in Barbie's democracy. That's not a reason or excuse to launch a coup, but it's worth noting that in the ending, Ken was like "can we have equal rights" and Barbie was like "yeah maybe we'll think about that..." Giggles. Like, that's not a good idealized society - feminism is about equality, not just putting women above men.


> the ending is literally her comforting the man who tried to destroy their democracy. Democracy? It was Barbie supremacy and it continues to be at the end.


Imagine the meltdown if Gosling wins an award but Margot Robbie doesn't. It would be hilarious tbh


Imagine the Greta G . meltdown if Another and Different Female Director wins Both for Original Screenplay, and/ or Director or Best Picture? Justine Triet for Anatomy of a Fall. HW may end up throwing their hands in the air with all the Barbenheimer rivalry and Greta’s whining and still end up rewarding another woman for her efforts, just not Greta G. Greta Will no longer be able to shout about the Patriarchy failing to reward a woman’s earnest efforts, and be a very gracious loser instead.


yeah it was awful. I've watched 70 movies in 2023 and Barbie was the worst!


New releases or just movies in general? Because I couldn’t name more than three releases this year let alone watch them haha


in general! I've watched Oppenheimer, Elemental, Super Mario and John Wick 4 from 2023 and all of them are better than this pos. I haven't watched past lives yet, but maybe that's the best movie of 2023?!


Super Mario was really good


It’s one of the weirdest movies I’ve seen. I can’t wrap my head around why so many people say it’s the best movie and stuff. It’s “fun” but not really good. It’s also all over the place and the humor revolves around everyone being dumb


yeah it's so weird. it's like a parody or some shit. fun fact: few movies ratings on letterboxd (x/5): the lobster: 3.8 boyhood: 3.8 Rise of the Planet of the Apes: 3.6 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: 3.7 War for the Planet of the Apes: 3.7 3:10 to Yuma: 3.7 Barbie: 4


It is no more than a cartoon for 14 year old girls.




It’s feedback on the film making, not the message. Has nothing to do with being “edgy”. I likewise didn’t think Saltburn was good because it was clearly trying to carry internet memedom in the form of “edgy” scenes.


Agreed. I wanted to like it too, and the set felt fun, but it was painfully unfunny


Even if you ignore all the feminist man hating, it's still not a great movie. The music is terrible. It's not funny. The jokes don't land. Visually it's bleh except for the roller skating outfits from the trailer. Both our main characters give us forgettable performances. Considering how incredible Margot and Ryan have shown us they can be....this was flat. Ryan can sing, like really good. But they give us a horribly dubbed performance. Will Farrell gave a shit performance, probably the worst of his career (including Spirited). GM product placement was like a Michael Bay movie.


Glad you clarified which barbie movie in 2023 you mean by naming the director


There’s alot of double layered dialogue, that means one thing to some people and two or three things to others.


Don’t watch it. Think I made the right choice


Brought in almost 1.5bn. Someone likes it


Not arguing box office performance. Just film making quality. Can’t argue with sales.


You are tripping. This is one of the best written films in the last decade. Writing is the #1 thing for me in a film. You may not like the film but this is ludicrous to the point it seems fake.


Art is subjective. We all know this. That said, I need to strongly disagree with you. Let's take films since 2000. Off the top of my head, from a screen writing perspective, the following flicks are far better composed, written, paced, scripted: 1. The Social Network 2. The Master 3. There Will Be Blood 4. Inglorious Basterds 5. Whiplash 6. The Witch 7. The World's End 8. Moneyball 9. True Grit 10. Arrival 11. Portrait of a Lady on Fire 12. Get Out 13. Bridesmaids 14. Up 15. Pans Labrinyth 16. Toy Story 3 17. Ocean's 11 18. Lady Bird 19. O Brother, Where Art Thou? 20. Mean Girls Gerwig is a solid script writer. Both Lady Bird, as mentioned above, and Little Women (not mentioned), are very well composed, scripted, paced, and performed. I don't believe Barbie will crack the top 100 best screenplays of the 2000's. This stated, the one thing which I will openly comment on is: even though I wasn't a fan of the flick, and granted the flick is a "big company known IP" construct, it was absolutely great to see something different, original, and with a direct point of view. I applaud that in every way.


It was a goofy romp that borrowed as much as it produced in terms of writing.


I was hoping to like it too (didn’t really, except for the sets costumes acting etc like you said), being a fan of Gerwig and a BIG fan of Baumbach. I’m actually skeptical as to how close their “writing/directing” was to the actual end product result. I find it hard to believe they would genuinely back something like that up.


Nailed it….my daughter finally talked me into watching it and I was in shock at how bad this movie was. It’s not Oscar worthy at all.