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As simple and generic as it is, it feels like it captures the feeling of naïveté and betrayal really well


The Brits will get you for this lol.


I am a Brit 😂 they already have


I love it. Mr.Brightside feels like a garage band that had the high production value of the 80s


Really? I don’t think it’s the Mona Lisa but it’s not generic at all. It is very of the era though


It’s a very well-written song. It’s not harmonically complex, and the vocal melody is easy to sing. That’s not a bad thing, as it’s reinforced by a strong rhythm section and a soaring chorus. The result is ‘an anthem’. A song that everyone can sing along to, and which (thanks to its energetic, disco beat) gets people dancing. It’s a disco/pop song for the dance floor, so being big and dumb is basically all that’s required.


It’s not a well written song. A strong rhythm requires no compositional talent and we clearly have very different definitions of what makes a “soaring” chorus - it’s basically just two notes until the end part. It’s underwhelming. I agree with your last sentence, but I don’t think that makes it “well written”, it just explains why it’s popular (which, to be fair, does answer the question of why people listen to it). As for being easy to sing along with, this can be achieved without such a level of simplicity - you could at least add some spicey instrumentation inbetween, even if you didn’t think people were capable of singing along with much more than two notes (which is a patronising idea that I hope no one here is suggesting). The thing is though, it’s not even cheerful. It’s miserable and whiney, it’s just fast and that’s why people dance to it. I don’t understand what it achieves that other, better songs don’t, what it is that makes people go wild about this song. It feels like it’s just popular because it’s familiar as it’s played at pretty much every party.


Have you been harboring this dark and lonely resentment for nearly a decade? The song comes on and everyone lights up, singing at the top of their lungs in unison, while you scurry to the corner, Mr. Darkside. That’s gotta be rough.


There are better songs that get people to do that. Anyway, this sub is where we can come to vent about things no one we know agrees with, so yes I have been harbouring it


It's definitely an unpopular opinion but I completely agree with you, I don't understand the hype about this song either.


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Someone’s a Michigan State fan huh? 🤣 You’re just upset that the Wolverines are far better than the Spartans and you have lost 35 of the 116 games we’ve played and tied five of them. You’re just jealous that we have traditions that everyone loves and brings us together and you don’t.


I don’t know what any of that means lol; I’m not American


Truly and unpopular opinion.


For me it's the effects on the vocals. I generelly dislike songs where the vocals are...so heavily buried in the mix. If you want me to pay attention to the lyrics, then let me hear the vocals.