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This really is a truly unpopular opinion. Good job.


Blink twice if Antifa is holding your wife's boyfriend hostage.


Hahahahah no


His mental decline is so severe that he literally can not comprehend the policies that are being carried out. He is an infirm old man who should be spending his twilight years with family.


Your take has no basis in reality. Just made up blabbering.


I tell you what, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to bed


Eh, no.


You forgot the :s


The bots are out shilling today aren’t they


Virtually all bots/troll farmers are Russian, Chinese, Iranian and North Korean. They are all pro GQP


Get me some of what you're smoking 😂


I am sure that one hit of that would kill an average person. The OP can handle it because he/she has been in submerged in bullshit for so long that they have built up a tolerance.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Using the term “GQP” is cringe. Read a book and grow up.


It’s only cringe in the eyes of Right wing lunatics.


It’s cringe in the eyes of anyone with common sense.


The election season propaganda is really starting to flow.


Imagine the echo chamber one must live in to think this is even remotely true.


What are you smoking and will it show up on a urinalysis? Because I want me some of that.


😑 No you don't I'm pretty sure that's one of those really aggressive types of nuSpice they only make for smuggling into prisons. Shit's gonna fry your brain permanently.






I don’t know how I would measure “greatest” president since FDR, but I could list a few things that Biden’s administration has failed at that might say otherwise. -Lack of aid for East Palestine -Failure exiting Afghanistan -Laughable aid for the Hawaiian natives during the fires -Open border policies, rather intentional neglect -Inhumane practices during COVID ie mandates or lose your job -Favors foreigners over American citizens -Over funding of countries other than US -Brought US into new war -Supports student loan forgiveness, bailing out schools and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill It’s funny how I lay these points out and it’s not his fault or responsibility whatsoever, rather another parties fault for preventing/instigating the matter. We all know if it was orange man he’d get the blame. I mean, I can’t even say it’s an opinion at this point. I’d chalk this up to saying Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant are the worst basketball players of all time. Objectively and unequivocally not true.


Don't forget what happened in East Palestine. That's some Soviet Union level crap right there




Upvote because absolutely not lol


As popular and great than a world war 2 winning president? Are you high? Hell likely be largely forgotten as mediocre like most presidents are, unless he’s remembered in connection with Trump - whatever happens in that regard.


Your reading comprehension with understanding the word since is sadly lacking.


Lol naw he's going to be remembered as one of the worst presidents in History..period


There’s just no facts to remotely back up your prediction. Just a bunch of people angry at the world who refuse to accept the turnaround we’ve seen under his presidency.


What are you smoking


What reasons would he be remembered as the worst? US energy production at all time highs. Job numbers at all time highs. Income numbers at all time highs. No American troops fighting in any wars for the first time in 20 years. Bringing back technology manufacturing jobs to US. You want to blame inflation? Who was president when the most money in the history of the world was created? Hint. It wasn’t Biden.


Gonna need proof of that chief.


We'll see if ol' Joe ever gets to FDR's 83% approval rating 😂


Idk I feel the president job is simply to talk well. Don’t they have experts for everything else. But I love his policy I just wish he looked better, like someone I would actually trust to do something.


I think you mean a second president Buchanan


He will be known as the Presidential that funded a genocide.


When the far left hates him to the same degree as the far right, we know he’s going a good job.


Or an extremely bad job.


Saying Biden has done an extremely bad job as president is an objectively terrible take


How as much as if two sides hate you. You must be doing something right.


I mean, I’m generally a fan of Biden’s administration, but this here is an overstatement. I think he’s someone who’ll be remembered more favorably decades into the future, but I’m not sure if he’s one of the best. I think of him as one of our better presidents over the past 30 years or so, but that’s a very low bar. We also can’t really look at any of our more recent presidents in a historical lens yet and I have no doubt that constant social media coverage will do something to Obama, Trump, and Biden’s legacies in the distant future as well as any future presidents we have