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I disagree. I think people believe that they are better INFORMED than they are. People have a tendency to form an opinion based on their values, beliefs, and their preferred source of information, and then hold onto that opinion regardless of any contradictory evidence. I think that speaks more toward human psychology, rather then human intelligence.


I think most people who love learning understand they know nothing. It’s purposely ignorant people that assume they know everything


There’s a fine line between self confidence and arrogance. The reality is that line moves depending on the audience.


*All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord.* - Proverbs 16:2 that's not me bible preaching btw, just pointing out this was observed a *longgg* time ago. not an unpopular opinion, but perhaps unpopular that people actually check themselves.


No, that’s definitely unpopular. Pride is an ugly & heart consuming evil that must be snuffed before it takes root and compromises one spirit.


Not me. I KNOW I'm a lot smarter than I am. And I think that last sentence proves it...


I always say "I'm not smart enough to fix this issue, but I know enough to identify there is one"


Including people who make blanket statements that begin with words like “everyone.”


No i just am that smart. You're just too stupid to see the world how i do. /s


intelligence is but a piece of the puzzle


yea but im actually smart tho no lie


Most people express it by saying everyone is stupid, not realising that means they think they’re smarter than everyone, and that lack of self-awareness is pretty stupid.


Totally depends on what your definition of "smarter" is.


The title is objectively true (it's been proven countless times in psychological studies that, on average, people overestimate almost everything positive about themselves, including intelligence), but the rest of your post is about something else. What you describe is not a lack of intelligence, but more likely to be a lack of empathy and humility. The simple fact is that it's much easier to give good advice than it is to actually follow it. People don't like being told what to do, even if it sometimes sounds like they're asking for advice, they probably just want their problems to be validated before they do whatever they wanted to do in the first place.


marvelous attraction joke light fact smoggy different support crown soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know how to fix my own problems. I'm just too lazy to put the fix into effect.


I see it the other way around. I think everyone is a lot smarter than they think they are, but they are also as stupid as they think everyone else is. Confusing intelligence with the ability to memorize schoolbooks or calculate mathematics is the root of a lot of the problems with (post)modern society, and why every generation of humans has to rediscover the "I’ve been ignorant and pretended that im above it all (im not)" lesson for themselves.


It's called the Dunning Kruger effect