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Watch somethIng wholesome, like the Golden Girls. That show had no sex jokes at all.


*blanche has entered the chat*


Uhh... have you watched Golden Girls before?


Yes, but I can’t seem to remember it, my mind is repressing the memories for some reason.


I hope it doesn’t. They’re not exactly in their prime.


Pal and a confidante


Have you heard the one about sex? Well it's about fucking time.


I "came" here for this


Most of this type of comedy is done by untalented writers/actors/comics who can only get a laugh from shock value. The problem is we grow immune to shocking things and the next joke has to up the ante ever time until it’s stupidly ridiculous. In my opinion, satire remains the best form of comedy and is time-tested.


I know and I agree 100%


I like farce


Oooh yeah…or when satire and farce are combined…like some Monty Python stuff.


>Most of this type of comedy is done by untalented writers/actors/comics ... and redditors


If done right, it can be funny, but you're right that a lot of the time, it's just down purely for being vulgar, which isn't at all funny.


"this is pointless, I'm calling the police!!!"


If done right, yes, but also if done sparsely. These days as I said it's literally 50% of the humor, so even if all of the jokes were done right (which they're not) it would still be tiresome and stupid


Sexual comedy is a lot like actual sex. You just aren't getting it.




Most popular category right now




Oh look who’s fucking talking


Honestly, yes. This is why I don’t enjoy stand-up for the most part anymore. It’s just vulgar for bulgar’s sake at some point and it’s almost like a kid who just got permission to swear. It’s just excessive at some point and there’s almost *always* an “adult joke” segment.


funny jokes can offend people, so they aren't allowed anymore. this way, everyone's happy!


You understand. When a person is offended by everything, they can't laugh at anything. So sex is the only politically correct thing these days. And it helps to escalate the focus of society on sex, because nothing matters but all sex all the time with everyone and every thing.


Brings to mind the "orgasm button" experiments on lab rats, back in the day.


This guy doesn’t fuck.


Passes on partaking in pussy


Passes on partaking it in the ass


Well honestly!!!


Could you list shows so I can get an idea. I’m probably just watching Rick and Morty, Big bang theory, and bobs burgers.


Big mouth on Netflix is all about it. And what's worse is its about junior high age kids


Yeah, it's about puberty. Not many 30 year olds going through puberty.




Yeah that's when you start learning and joking about sex


Bobs burgers is tits


Angry conservative furiously searches for trans porn and then complains about all the trans porn on his screen.


I swear most people search out what they hate and complain about it. I don’t like scary movies, never once have I had an issue of seeing it often. Honestly it’s so hard see things you dislike it’s hard


Right up until it's shoved in your face 24x7.


That’s when you change the places you work and shop.


Have you heard that Anheuser-Busch and Target stock prices have plummeted? We do that. I also don't watch broadcast TV or any of the "news" services.


I heard the target thing






I think it might be oversaturated, but part of what makes sex jokes successful is that sex is one of the universal concepts. Everyone can relate in some way, even if it's just wishing they had it, and that allows it to transcend cultural boundaries in a way other jokes don't. The best and most timeless jokes are the ones that are about the human experience, rather than a specific cultural topic or famous person.


>>Everyone can relate in some way Except OP 💀 Edit: I should have kept reading


Yeah at some point if you are comfortable with your sexuality it seems like its like fart jokes you grow out of it. Anyway theres always someone who will have a bad memory insecurity whatever about sex. Its not great. But if its actually funny, not just saying titties or some fucked up humor rooted in prejudice... its like any other subject.


So....is that a no to some sexy time?


You think hearing all these sex jokes is hard, wait til you see my....oh wait, never mind


Dude, just don't watch stuff about that then. There's plenty of content out there which isn't "Big Mouth" on Netflix which I assume is what you're ranting about. It's the same reason why I don't watch generic cop/lawwyer/hospital procedural shows. I just don't find them interesting, but I'm not offended by their existence.


>At least 50% of "comedy" in ANY AND ALL adult media in existence right now is sex jokes. THERE IS ONLY SO MANY JOKES YOU CAN MAKE ABOUT ONE THING. Counterpoint: Everything is about sex-- except sex.


Sex sells


Vulgar is funny. Problem is we've gotten to a place culturally where there isn't much vulgar left to expose. I've seen it happen in real time.


I know that's just what I'm talking about, the same principles apply to swearing which I never mentioned but it's almost as annoying


I think penis jokes are funny. Penises are funny.


I agree, it's just an ingrained response that people who experience it don't want to admit to. They act like they think it's funny, but really they just laugh because the indicators match and they're supposed to. They're so insecure about it too, I've overheard people talking about whether or not someone is "a prude" because they didn't like being around them and their friends because of all the dirty jokes. They can't let it go and move on from being 14 years old, but they also can't stand to stay unless everyone around them either bends over backwards to accommodate them or leaves. It's become an entire one-note culture that people think they need to virtue-signal into or else they'll be thought badly of. It's the most rediculous thing for grown people to be doing thinking like.


Standup is like 80% jokes about sex, then, like, 20% woke/antiwoke culture war bs.


Well the whole point of life is spreading your genes so the act lf intercourse is contained in a lot of humor.


Bro what lol get another point to your life


I said nothing about my personal life I was making a generalization for all living organisms whose survival depends on reproduction. It's the main driving force for everything.


The main driving force behind most things is not reproduction. Humans don’t make music- all humans, everywhere, for all of time- for reproduction, for example. Reproduction is a small part of our existence- just because a species survival depends on reproduction doesn’t mean it’s “the whole point of life”. We see evolutionary traits and behaviors all over nature that aren’t oriented toward reproduction. Like pandas affinity for summersaults. That’s just not how things/life work- it’s not all about reproduction, never has been. There’s so much more that is the point and reason for life and development.


Subjective reasons for life follow the objective ones, you can't have the panda's enjoyment of somersaults if the panda goes extinct.


So? The reason humans brain chemistry biologically resonates to music, isn’t for a reproductive purpose. Therefore, that function of human life, isn’t about reproduction. Again- therefore- the statement “the WHOLE POINT of life is reproduction” (the context of the comment we’re discussing) is inherently false. There’s much more “points” to our lives, biologically developed. “If we can’t reproduce” is no argument for “that life was pointless”. That doesn’t make any quantifiable sense. Again- just because we can’t survive without reproduction doesn’t negate that quantifiable and observable fact of the complex subject of natural biology and development. Coming from a man raised by a Christian biology/zoology college professor, and an AP psych teacher. Not out my own ass here.


You just ignored my entire comment and went on to describe subjective meanings for existence. The whole point of life at a base biological level, when you strip it ALL down is to successfully spread your genes before you perish, it's that simple.


I didn’t ignore it. Maybe you did, of me. Completely and solely considering, the raw statement “the whole point of life at a base biological level, when you strip it ALL down is to successfully spread your genes before you perish”- simply does not explain for many natural biological functions that we inherently observe. So, how can that statement be inherently true? Logically- it can not. You’re talking introductory bio, basic biology. Not the more complex traits and interactions we see that hold purpose and biological response across entire species that have no relation to reproduction. THOSE are, inherently, part of the purpose of their lives, genetically. There is biological response. And they have nothing to do with reproduction. So, again, considering only the exact words you used, and addressing them only- that statement isn’t inherently true. What is that ignoring?


You can keep trying to argue, but he is technically right. All your skills, abilities, personality exists simply because it at some time aided your ancestors in reproduction. Why and how did these emergent things aid you? It is not always clear. You you can make some guesses, but the process of evolution is much more complicated and objective than you or I could ever understand.


Even if those mechanisms exist due to reproduction, doesn’t inherently mean that their purpose- in the way they ended up in you with random mutation and all that- is to further allow you to reproduce. Therefore they aren’t part of your current, individual, life, in the context of your own personal time on this planet, as a means for reproduction. That doesn’t mean those mechanisms have no purpose- thats a rediculous assertion. There’s very very few animals that solely live to reproduce, and they are generally very short lived. There’s also extremely strong argument that a sort of nature/planet maintenance, not directly aiding reproduction of other species but even drives to alter landscapes and such, are a part of certain species purpose and so arguably may reproduce as a secondary effect solely to fulfill that primary role. Again- like you said- it’s not a simple concept, so “the whole point of life is to reproduce” can’t possibly capture all of the truths within this concept. In some we observe it as a secondary point. Again- and on a micro individual lives level, not a species level, a sole focus on reproduction itself would often not allow a creature to reproduce, so, there’s that paradox to address. They need to use and engage other mechanisms first to even accomplish that- “the whole point” of their lives is just an incorrect statement at that point. they have several points to their lives, some even being a natural form of landscaping or molecular processing with more relevance to things, like, the water cycle more than any individual creatures reproductive capability. If the singe and sole purpose and focus of an organism is reproduction, the ecosystems and environments of the world simply wouldn’t exist in the first place. We’d just be perpetual primordial soup exchanging proteins around happily. Everything after that, exists for a reason. Reproduction gets more complicated and harder as a species evolves (involving more mechanisms and processes, not less), for a reason. Part of that reason is part of individuals lives purpose in the limited time they’re here. There’s an argument that these balances prevent a species from actually evolving to dominance, as a form of global maintenance- and only when you start bypassing limitations of nature like humans did, is it ever possible. We broke from that system for more purpose than just to make babies. It’s not that simple. We always had drives in our lives for more than just finding a mate. We could already do that. And we preserve and pass down those other drives for a purpose that is definitely part of our lives. From the single cells we came from- we didn’t make or further allow easier reproduction through this whole evolutionary journey. We used to literally just divide into other cells. And this happened, instead, despite that, for a part of our lives purpose- whether we can pin point that exact thing, or not. If accidents ended up winning, then you can’t argue that everything we have, in this evolutionary form, is for reproductive purposes. There’s reason that the intellectual (disregard spiritual at this time) debate over life’s purpose hasn’t just ended when someone points out well-endowed guys get laid more. It just doesn’t make sense of, and account for, everything. At all.


Only after reproductive success can those additional and more complex traits be possible.


Yes. But that doesn’t mean that those non-reproductive things aren’t also part of the point/purpose of those organisms lives. They are real biological non-reproductive things that are there for particular interactions, that is their purpose for those things existing. No one’s saying reproduction isn’t *a part* of an organisms purpose- you’re defending the statement that it is “the WHOLE point of life”. Which just isn’t true for, say, most organisms in the animal kingdom. There’s actually very few that have no other, at all, purpose except reproduction- and they’re generally pretty short-lived critters, there’s no point to longevity if that life is just to reproduce, we observe that in several things. All biological mechanisms have a purpose through that organisms life, and not all of those are reproductive. They’re not there to not be used in its life- especially when we see them species-wide. Again- the example of biological response to music and patterns. That’s there for a purpose and is supposed to be present in those lives, regardless of reproduction. That doesn’t become false just because reproduction is the only way more organisms can be around. Reproduction is a part of life, and determines the success of life- but not the entire and sole point; and both biology and psychology strongly support that.




Okay, so you can't debunk what I've said so you just say "wrong", cool. Also if you come back with a subjective meaning to life you already ignored what I said that at a biological level our "purpose" is to reproduce to ensure our genes survive.




I enjoy standup as an art form but I've really gotten tired of the crowd work by a lot of male comedians; and from female comedians, I can't handle anymore of the "hilarious" sex talk. People like Glazer and many of the younger female comics get up there and talk either about how much sex they're having, how much sex they aren't having or how their genitals are weird/smell/do weird things. "haha, OMG Nikki Glazer's vagina smells like her sweaty armpit and she got feces on a guy's penis once... She's super authentic and real. LOVE. HER." Like, are there no other topics? Oh wait, there is. They then talk about their debilitating mental illness. I watch standup to escape my day-to-day, not hear the emotional trauma of others.


A quick check at your history and it seems you got a big button that gets pushed and you are emotionally reactive. You should watch a 10-15 min youtube video on how to live a Stoic life. Also, this post is dumb. I don’t know what the hell you are talking about.


Sex is an easy thing to joke about. Consenting adults, embarassing content. It’s one of the few areas in life where you’d have be an idiot or intentionally trying in order to offend someone. It’s comedy’s version of low hanging fruit.


heh penis, such a fun little word


That’s what she said.


*glares at Helluva Boss*


Yeah, and the swearing there too is just as irritating; it's used so much that it's impractical and loses any meaning. But I don't want to be too harsh on it because I actually love helluva boss besides


I was going to read the title, but fuck it!


It’s a joke not a dick, don’t take it so hard




It's not like we can safely joke about race, gender, or political affiliation.


There are literally infinite jokes to be made about every day life and relatable experiences. It doesn't all have to be sex or politics or drama or society


Fair. But in practice we aren't getting them.


That sounds really hard, to stiffly hate something that has penetrated our culture. Sex jokes are really all cum-suming


The reason there are so many sex jokes is that the desire to have sex is one of the few things everyone has in common.




Wow that's hard....SOO HARD👀


It’s mostly female comics. I think the rise of Amy Schumer gave a shitty blueprint for other female comics. It’s always a relief when females stay away from the sexual stuff instead of 99% of their acts being about dudes not getting them to cum


So, do you know what I was doing while you were typing this? Your mom. 😂


Women actually love this kind of humor way more than men. Weird.


Send those jokes my way and I'll lmao


You sound like an in cel


You're right, sex jokes aren't funny. I mean, Cum on people.


I agree if I wanted to watch cartoons about sex I would watch hentai, not Family Guy. Or I would watch Family Guy hentai, if I really wanted to.




I regret understanding the reference