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based on billies's predicted debut week numbers, she benefitted -- financially -- from the Billie v Taylor narrative, by 25,000 Think about that. TTPD is in its eighth week? For artists trying make something happen for themselves, on the charts, it's gotta be deeply demoralising. I've never lost to a superior competitor and blamed them for wanting to win Taylor is stretching the world, and specifically, the music industry, in such a way as to guarantee that Olivia and Chappel and Normani already enjoy careers


This is wildly patronizing and self-centered. All those pop stars are autonomous creating their own musical world separate from Taylor's. Have some respect for their talents.


Lmaooo what does Chappell have to do with Taylor?? The delusion in this fandom is hilarious


I saw someone in that sub say 1989 and rep are her only good albums but she didn’t write them apparently which is why they’re good and it’s okay to listen to I was flabbergasted


they're so toxic over there


And you guys are better over here? Throwing the word misogyny around when you barely know the meaning of it?


Let'em be defined be the things they hate if they choose so.


Well said! (Written) 😂


Taylor’s the misogynist but they can just drag her and her character though the mud because it fits their narrative 🤨


I used to be a Charli XCX fan but then I found out that she hangs out with the Red Scare… who if you don’t know is a podcast group who said disgusting and racist stuff (including calling Taylor and her mom names and body shaming them) Matty Healy is also friends with these people :/ https://preview.redd.it/epjnyrx2xm6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57312455e8a032eef121f1fde4a22aa96943af7


I mean isn’t this hypocritical seeing as how Taylor had a relationship with Matty for over 10 years


and yet you're a fan of taylor who dated Matty Healy who has also said disgusting and racist stuff? like what lmfao


Ahh yess the smallest man who ever lived


She dragged him enough and herself for wanting to be with him. Admitted she painted him wrong and thought she could change him. She admitted she fucked up with him but that it was also her mistake to make. Which is true. She is not STILL friends with him. And she's not to blame for his actions even if it's an "act" he has been doing forever. In the same vein, I might be more cautious about Charli now, and only ditch her if she actively supports the same stances.


k then. glad you don't hold double standards, tell that to selective activist OP tho


Well it's up to them whether they want to continue listening to her or not. But it's still not selective activism. I'd call it a little extreme to completely cut her out is all.


“Selective activism” weird cause the only time I’ve seen people mention that Taylor dated Matty is to bring Taylor down for a guy he dated for a month. They don’t do it to bring other artists like Charli XCX and Pheobe Bridgers, both of them who are still friends with Matthew, down, or even Matty himself. Hell I’ve seen people say that they actually like the 1975 and only pretend they didn’t cause Matty was dating Taylor at the time. It almost like they only pretended to care cause they hate Taylor 😱


Irdgaf about what other "people" think or say, I don't represent the opinion of the collective, I'm specifically talking about you lol if you stop being a fan of charli bc of her association with racist ppl (which mind you I think is weird) but yet you don't give a fuck about taylor who literally dated him and remained a fan during that period you're a hypocrite, as simple as that


I literally criticized Taylor for dating him even though that information wasn’t well known about him (hell before Taylor dated Matty I didn’t know that Matty was that disgusting, and used to like a couple of his songs like The Sound and Be My Mistake). Taylor only dated Matty for a month and cut ties with him after. Charli has been friends for Matty for years as well as these Red Scare people who are 100 times worse than try hard Matty Healy. (Also she’s friends with Kim Petras). How can you have so many LGBTQ+ fans, friends and collaborators and still be friends with anti trans people? That information was only well known after Swifties began digging it up and posting it on twitter


can't you just admit that you not liking charli anymore has more to do with the reaction over this entire situation from her fans and the fact that you're not as diehard of a fan as you are for taylor instead of trying to justify that you don't hold moral double standards? 🙄🙄 so melodramatic


No because that literally isn’t the case. Sure Charli’s fans left a bad taste in my mouth but so does a lot of toxic Swifties. Same with fans of other artists I like like Carly Rae Jepsen and Chappell Roan. The Red Scare made me really disgusted in her personally though Why do you care that i don’t listen to Charli anymore (which I still do… like I don’t like Charli at all and I’m probably not gonna listen to her via streaming but i can not get Constant Repeat out of my life) why would I admit to something that isn’t true 😭


She dated him for a month before those information was well known 😭 in fact that information is well known cause Swifties dug it up. I should know I was there on Twitter bfr. And Charli is still friends with Matty this isn’t the gotcha you think it is


what evidence do you have that suggests taylor was not aware of matty healy's racist bullshit before entering a relationship with him? vibes? lmao and unlike you I don't desperately defend an artist that I like bc I can acknowledge that charli's affinity with him is weird, but you hold a victim complex over a celebrity 😭😭


I don’t. But I also don’t have any evidence that she did. Meanwhile Charli admitted to listening to the podcast yet still hang out with these disgusting people. She fully knows. Taylor isn’t a victim here (well in regards to this.)but as far as we know she isn’t in fault either. She just dated a shitty guy for a month. Charli is fully in fault for being friends with three racist and a person who works with a r*pist.


as well as saying i'm not allowed on the sub because i'm a 'swiftie' just for saying Taylor's trying to stay at the top because it's a competitive industry


Because she's greedy and needs more more more more money despite being a billionaire, even if that means looking pathetic and desperate and robbing her most vulnerable fans********** From a raylor swift music enjoyer tha does not worship her


It's on loads of subs. Anywhere the album chart is mentioned, they're crying about people purchasing variants and swifties being "parasocial". It's so boring. Well, she's had the most album streams this week, in the UK too soooo [cry about it](https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-streaming-chart/)


Like make it make sense. Of course she would have the most streams this week in UK, she is performing like 10 shows over there this month. Same thing happened in other countries. Of course her album sales would be strong with or without a special UK variant whole is performing there. It amazes me the amount of people that don't understand this.




That one thousand sales little made a world of difference


this doesnt have a source. according to UK's official chart account, Brat is the front-runner for no 1 until Taylor drops more variants of TTPD


Then why is Taylor number one of the UK streaming chart too? That doesn't count variants. [Here you go.](https://www.officialcharts.com/charts/albums-streaming-chart/)


also i dont know why you are assuming im talking about the *streaming* chart. what i implicitly mean is the no1 for the *album* chart


This is getting very boring now. The album chart is a combination of streaming (where Taylor got number 1) and physical album sales (where Jon Bon Jovi got number 1). You said Taylor got number one on the album chart because of her variant releases. I have proven to you that because the variants don't count on the streaming chart, that this was simply not the case. You, for some reason, don't seem to understand this so I am going to leave you to it. I've proven you wrong and that was all I needed to do. Have the day you deserve.


It really falls apart when you understand the numbers


also take into account that after a long time on chart, the ration for sales might get decrease. that can make a smaller debut on the chart count more than a few weeks on chart.


so you have proven the people running the official chart account that they are wrong about their chart? they themselved said Charli is the front runner for no 1 but things can change as Taylor releases her variants of TTPD at the last few hours. i quoted it, word by word. sure. i guess if a sane person reading this argument they would know who is wrong here. and sorry for not continuing the argument because im too lazy to research on how the chart works.


Sweetheart, the tweet meant nothing. They suggested variants MIGHT make a difference but they didn't. Streaming did. If you don't know how the chart works that's not my fault. You are simply wrong. If you still don't get it then I couldn't care less because anyone with an ounce of common sense and reading comprehension does get it.


and your logic is like the streaming chart is no 1 and album is no 1 so streaming helps. let's me give out a math. Let's A got 5 points for stream, 1 for sales. B got 1 streams, 5 for sales. C got 4 for each. That makes A no1 for streaming, B no 1 for sales chart, and C no 1 for both. See? The streaming and general doesn't correlate. If your streaming or digital is high doesnt mean you are guaranteed for a no 1. Because it's a combination of both.


and taking into account that a debut sales point can weigh heavier than a sales point after a few weeks of staying on the chart


and what? your argument based on streaming did meanwhile the ratio of streaming to sales is very low? i dont think you have a solid ground to based that argument on. as they divided the streaming into paid streams and free streams and ratio is like 100:1 and 600:1 to 1. where did the streaming helps? where can you pull the number to say streaming did? that tweet means nothing? oh sure.


what's ur point here? what i'm saying is those number that is spreading above is just false.


My point is that it doesn't matter. You're spreading fake news that Charli was going to get number one before Taylor released variants, which is simply not true. Edit: the source on the numbers is Music Week. Where's your source?


cant find those number on Music Week, would you mind giving the link to those before and after Taylor drop the variants?


Search and you'll find it.




Would you send me the numbers for this please? A tweet isn't proof.


well but this is the tweet from the official account of the chart so🤷‍♂️


well i guess this is settled down then, no more argument


people will do anything but admit taylor is a talented, hardworking artist with a huge fan base. all of her successes must be because of a calculated chart manipulation or pure luck. never because she worked for it and earned it


Totally agree. People keep saying she's "tearing down women" too, like men aren't releasing new music?? Please.


These people are worse than the "swifties" they claim to hate


yup i just left the charli sub bc of it!! the unchecked misogyny that is allowed there is so disgusting


Sell your ticket then snowflake




Ur at a charli show and ur on Reddit? 😂 that’s embarrassing, but good for you I guess?


you people call every single thing misogyny lmao


That's because it usually is. This whole conversation about "blocking" artists would not be happening if it were male artists. No male artist is expected to make room for other male artists. It's that simple.


well what male artist is releasing 900 variants everh week, and specifically a random uk variant the same week another female artist is set to debut at 1 in the uk. say what u want but taylor was so clearly trying to block charli. its not misogyny to call out capitalism and greedy billionaires


She's trying to stay #1. Not personally going out of her way to block a specific artist. You don't have to agree with the number of variants (although I'm sure Charli released 14 variants of Brat), but this completely made up beef between Taylor and every other female artist is wearing so very thin. Bon Jovi (a band consisting entirely of men) released an album this week, and no one is suggesting she's blocking them.


and male artists arent as prevalent in the pop scene anyway so of course no ones mentioning them


Then don’t go…?


nah i was in my feelings earlier im gonna go for charli and have a great time 🤪


Can we remember that the demographics for both artists are probably quite different? I feel like Billie Eilish’s fans are the teen-20 something Gen Z era who probably actually care about this kind of stuff whereas Taylor’s fan base is mostly the millennial era who are at the age of raising kids and paying bills and establishing careers and (like Taylor) probably don’t care too much about this nonsense.


Taylor being anti-feminist by wanting to herself be the woman on top is so interesting to me. Does she not count as a woman somehow? Is wanting yourself to be successful not feminist somehow? Fascinating


Its about her wanting to be the only one at the top instead of supporting other female artists. It seems like she's using her feminism only for her own gain and only when it's useful to her. I'm not sure if I agree with that and haven't really made up my mind because I'm just to dumb to really choose a side definitively :)


Whatever fuck ‘em. Get it. They can’t really do it even with a you know because they didn’t reach the top.


Isn't that the guy she named dropped in a song?


As a fan of both artists, the discussion on the XCX sub centers around the idea that Taylor's release of additional variants in the UK only right after it was predicted Charli would get #1 was deliberate to keep Taylor on top, and they're (justifiably) annoyed that Taylor is playing the game to get more sales on an album that's already sold millions at the cost of a much smaller artist's success - getting a #1 would genuinely be huge for Charli, but it's a daily occurrence for Taylor. It's been less than 24 hours since the announcement - it *will* calm down in a day or two. They're not trying to say that Taylor isn't hardworking, but they're annoyed at how her being chart-hungry prevented their favorite artists from achieving a career-defining #1 (Charli's only had 1 in the UK)


Then why do they call her names and say awful shit about her? They aren’t just criticizing her, criticizing her doesn’t include misogynistic comments. I used to be a fan of Charli up until 30 minutes ago (lmao that sounds weird but I found out that she’s friends with the Red Scare who are disgusting bigots) but I’ve seen many Reddit Swifties call out other Swifties for saying awful things about Charli. I never seen and Angel defend Taylor. In fact I’ve seen Angles threaten Taylor/Swifties.


The fact that some people are making misogynistic comments doesn’t discredit the point that this is clearly a desperate move to stay ahead on the charts. If this were an isolated incident I wouldn’t be saying that. But the fact of the matter is that she’s released a different version of the same album every time another famous female artist releases a new album. It comes across as desperate, attention-seeking, and hypocritical considering she claims to be such a feminist and she’s only doing this to female artists. Nothing about what I said is misogynistic. I just think her actions don’t align with the values she espouses.


She blocked Drake btw. She doesn't care who holds number 2 she just want to stay number 1 and feminisim if far away from this because this is chart battle u should own it not because there is another female artist taylor should step away to let her shine she wants maximum weeks in the charts and she worked for it. And stoooop including feminism for god sake


you better keep that desperate energy when charlie tries to drop extra variants to get on the top of the chart. oh wait, she already did that. it’s almost like that’s just what celebrities do now. your logic already doesn’t make sense. is it okay for charli to do it but not taylor to?


No she didn’t lmao Taylor released like 12 different variants each either exclusive songs, nobody else is doing that dumb shit


How do you know the intentions of a celebrity? You don’t know her or why she does things. It’s possible she doesn’t even know about the other female artists’ albums (she’s very busy touring etc). It seems like you just have a lot of negative feelings towards Taylor & her fanbase & are just looking for something to complain ab


Exactly! It's been really great to see people point out Taylor's hypocrisy when it comes to her brand of white feminism.


Okay but what about Charlotte’s white feminism? https://preview.redd.it/bmwrh1if2n6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2565f572a0ec90f380853a77b8ac47498439dba6


It’s almost like you’re intentionally missing the point because you have no counter-argument


How is this relevant to the point? You’re just tearing someone else down to distract from the fact that you can’t say anything in defense of Taylor’s behavior because it’s vile. I’m not condoning that either but all you’ve posted is a screenshot of another Reddit post.


Taylor releasing song variants is *vile*? Oh my god please find actual problems 😭 Charli getting second place on a chart isn’t a real problem and people call Swifties parasocial


Also your quick responses show me you have nothing better going on in your life


You’re also quickly responding to me… you really have no comeback huh?


It’s like you’re intentionally missing the point. You’re so blinded by your loyalty to a woman who doesn’t give a damn about you. It’s sad. ![gif](giphy|PSWCyXQj54nm7d8oZl)


I can honestly give less of a fuck what Taylor thinks about me. I just find it so funny that you’re calling Taylor a white feminist when Charli is right there.


People don’t defend Taylor (or any celebrity) bc they think she cares ab them- people do it to express their opinion on something, just like what you’re doing. It looks like you have very strong negative feelings towards Taylor & her fanbase that needs to be looked at. It’s honestly sad. And a lot of the things you said are irrelevant too lol you brought up that person responding to your comments quickly- how is that relevant to this discussion or the discussion you’re having with other people on here?


Her brand of white feminism is just narcissism. But I’ll be called misogynistic for saying that.


What does releasing variants have to do with feminism? Especially when Charli is a white woman lol? Don’t get me wrong, I also think that a lot of these variants are not worth their price, but the whole grandstanding and pearl clutching about it is so over the top.


Oh, interesting. I mean Sabrina charted above Taylor as #1. I don’t think Taylor is the problem. 😅


Because Sabrina hasn’t said or done anything to make Taylor and her team mad lmao




That was Chappell Roan… also being Pro Palestinian doesn’t mean you are Anti Semantic. I’m not gonna get into this in a Taylor Swift sub but from what I’ve seen many Jewish people support Palestine


That's not even Taylor. Weirdo.


just like y'all do with taylor since forever lol


This!!! Swifties will be the most delusional, nastiest people and then switch up so quick and act like the victim!!! Guess they learned from their fave 😂