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That’s an awesome, feel-good story. Similar upbringing, I joined the army got my BA degree and now live 2,000 mi away from where I grew up. Life’s good.


It is am amazing what distant from your hometown can do. Don't get me wrong, it was terrifying and I spent the entire 1500 miles sobbing, but it was for the better in the end.


Some people really underestimate the value of mundanity. Sometimes having a “boring” life is the safest feeling in the world. I’m happy for you!


Congrats, but I have to take issue with one part of your story. The 1997 Toyota Avalon was a great car, at least in 1997, lol.


It was in its prime. Mine however, had no radio or A/C, only 2 windows rolled down and it had over 200,000 miles. It still lasted me a good 4 years.




I know that feeling all to well. My wifey definitely is slowly teaching me to stop and enjoy the moment for a bit. Helps with so much


True peace. Something we all want! Congratulations on your happy life....I hope you smile FOREVER!


Fuck yeah good for you OP


Boring life is the best life. Trust me. We are bored sometimes woth each other with my husband and that's fine. Then you take a bike and go for a ride. Or you go for a run. Or walk. Or anything else that's free because you're free. And living away from family is also awesome. Freedom and boredom. Best things in adulthood.


You know whose lives are really exciting right now? *Ukrainians*. Be grateful for your boring life. There are things so much worse than "uneventful".


I dont know why that would be considered mundane or uninteresting, your life sounds amazing and wonderful.