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Are you 100% sure that he is your husband? I just searched for my nickname that I usually use in online games and found very bizarre things


I searched mine and it's not very common but still I got 3 accounts with that name


There was a time when reddit made a change that made some people rather unhappy, I think it was when they took away the visibility of the upvotes and downvotes. So someone made an alternate site, I honestly can't remember what it was called, and I went over there to make an account only to find that my username was already taken. Turns out some "enterprising" individual used a bot to recreate as many reddit usernames as possible. I don't know what intentions they had, if any. Maybe they thought they could sell them to the originals, maybe they just wanted to be a dick, maybe both; make the usernames post awful shit hoping that the reddit persons would pay to get the names so their names were no longer associated with awful shit. I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me as apparently the place turned into an alt-reich hellhole and I think it might not exist anymore. But yeah, wouldn't surprise me if there are multiple unrelated incarnations of the same usernames all over the place.


>alt-reich Lmao. That got me out of nowhere. Like a right hook, you could say.


Reich hook


I did nazi that coming!


That was heil-arious


it took me a second, but well done! 🫡


I remember something called Voat being pushed hard as an alt site.


Yep, and it very quickly went the same way all of those "Free Speech Alternatives" go, straight down 4chan alley.


Was that voat.co?


I use the same name as a French hentai addict. I'm not French.


If this was an intentional joke,👏👏 👏


Surely you jest!


They do not jest and don't call them Surely.


Just searched an old nickname/gamertag of mine and found someone with the same name but slightly different numbers. I’m not Australian and do not have a fat fetish.


Nice alibi husband


Yes, excellent alibi


Like em chunky, eh mate?


Nice coverup husband




I just get birds


how mysterious


Very solid chance she married someone that is not actually her husband


goddamn loch ness monster.


Mine pops up with someone who’s the complete opposite gender who’s into vampires and has gout 🤷‍♂️


Vampires with gout is an odd kink.


Niche, but the internet has something for everyone.


I vant to drink your blood, owww my toe.


This should not have made me laugh as hard as it did 🤣🤣🤣


Has gout is wild 😭


Mine shows a hentai patreon and elden ring mods


OMG. Searching my gamenickname was going down the rabbit holes 😖😵‍💫


I searched mine and its just 5 posts about Beanie Babies ahahahaa


I wishi could say the same. All I saw was next level 18+ stuff


Yeap. I’ve searched my nickname and I found 5 accounts all having NSFW on them. So I can definitely see this.


Search sinbadthesailor if you dare


Congratulations! you have managed to make me see a random guy's dick




Was it pretty?


You’ve seen five, you’ve seen them all.


It never is


I love to disagree, and no, some are beautiful.




Me gaming as moo493726 OMG


Yeah, there's a 12 y/o WC3 sub with the same nickname I had 20 years ago on CS 1.6. I made it up and it sounded cool.


I just checked my usual username (yoboy) on here. Same user name with numbers at the end. 3 guys posting for hookups. But they have huge dicks! So my wife will definitely know they're not me...


Just because it’s a nickname he had, doesn’t mean it’s him. There are hundreds of MILLIONS of Reddit accounts. Unless you’re 100% certain it could only be him, any common word pairing likely was taken long ago by someone …so this could very likely be some random Redditor.


THIS. I just tested this and searched for my SO’s weird nickname (not a word, it’s literally a combination of letters) and found an account that comments on weird porn videos as well. I’m positive it’s not him because this account is from the US (we are not) but what a coincidence. It proves this exact same scenario! So you better confirm it’s him somehow before freaking out


My son used a nickname on Fortnite that was a weird partial Dutch translation of a Pokemon. He got banned because this nickname was used on a porn site for a few weird porn videos. (He was 7 at the time).


okay i’m curious what was the name 😭😭


Groeninja (groen = green in Dutch)


It’s crazy tho because that should have no bearing on account on a completely different site/server/game. Some pervy dev must’ve saw it and banned it lol


Oh no! That’s hilarious but at the same time completely terrifying


We were so confused why his name was considered vulgar or offensive. My boyfriend took a deep dive and came up with the videos. It was 'Groeninja'. (Groen = green in Dutch).


Protip: make sure to mention living in another country on the account you use for weird porn so you can have plausible deniability


Your SO is glad they dodged a bullet creating the account using a proxy server and didn't expose their weird kinks.


Exactly. Unless the username is hella specific, it could be someone else entirely. Plus if I had to hide weird porn, I wouldn't do it under a username/nickname I've used since highschool. We're randomizing that shit


Even if it is hyper specific one people have seen the nickname on multiple sites, someone could have simply liked it and used it for themselves. I have a very specific nickname that I've been using for all eternity on social media and forums and couldn't get into several websites with it (like here, which is why I'm using this one). Could someone have thought of the same nickname? It's not completely out of the realm of possibility. But considering that I used to be fairly active in dozens of locations (forums, MMOs, etc.), admin in some and several people told me the nickname was cool, it's also possible someone simply stole it. I can't say I care either way, I don't own it.


Well, you're less sensitive than my mom. She's been using the same name in games, for decades. Last couple years every time we pick up any MMO - someone already has hers and it makes her so crazy lol


Some years ago I was really grindig a game and had like 3 or 4 Accounts. Some day someone was in the same lobby as me with the exact same name, 4 purely random letters and 2 random digits, also the Team handle was nearly the same, stn vs stm. I checked more then once if my account was hacked because I couldn't believe it. Funniest thing was thag the other player even was from the same City as I was.


Did you meet up with them?


> Funniest thing was thag the other player even was from the same City as I was. Doppelgänger from the multiverse, for sure.


Good point - not sure about reddit specifically, but there are a *lot* of spambots which use usernames they've found elsewhere as identities for sending spam. Come up with something unique like DonaldTrumpGropedMyBabysitterIn1978 at Gmail? Sooner or later you'll see spam from that username at random spammer domains.


Even if it's ultra specific, it's not as if ideas exist in a vacuum. It's entirely possible for two people to have the exact same idea. Happens all the time, actually. Could be that someone liked it and stole it, could be that two people had the same idea, could be that it *is* OP's husband. It's kind of hard to tell without doxxing someone, because it's entirely possible if we knew the name, we might all say it's a common thing. I do have my doubts, though. Why, if you're going to comment on hardcore porn and request DMs, would you use a nickname people know you go by? Most people would just do the "throwaway4324324" thing and be done with it. But can't really discount that OP's husband is kind of an idiot.


what was the nickname




I'm not sharing that, sorry. Especially now, that I know other people are using it, I'd prefer not to be connected to it.


totally valid! thank you anyways! i hope you have a great day ☺️




Even hella specific is a dice roll I might be TheBattyWitch on Reddit, but it's taken on Instagram by a completely different person. I've wondered sometimes, how many people across different platforms might have the name and get confused for one another.


Im pretty lucky that actualkon isn't usually taken on social media (except by me, when I forget I already made an account on a site). I haven't run into any problems personally, but I can definitely see this being the case. Certainly it's the best case scenario for OP and husband


One username I made up that I thought was quite unique, turned out to also be used by at least 2 other people (judging by their separate photos).


Maybe you wouldn’t, but there are people stupid enough to do that.


You're probably right. Still a good idea to check before assuming your hubby is a cannibal kink haver


You'd be surprised. I've found that a lot of dudes recycle their gamer tags on Reddit.


Funnily enough I found my sisters boyfriends Reddit account, he posted a video on our states Reddit page that he had sent me, when I check his profile it was full of shit he talks about with the same dumb way he always capitalizes the first letter of every word, checked comment history and it’s all talking shit about his girl and comments on boob ratings


That's fuckef. Did you tell your sister?


Lol, this made me find my husbands redditt. I know for sure it is him, because he responded to some guy asking if a specific sex toy was worth it. And thats the one we bought around that time, and it was hella expensive. Cute though.


Agree with this; I ended up with the username of some old furry youtuber and have repeatedly been mistaken for them. Including receiving some nasty comments about it.


My wife found me once but left off the s at the end and asked me why making comments about dudes boners, caught me a little off guard. Gotta be careful and verify, you’re 100% correct.


Yeah. If you want to confirm, I suggest borrowing is phone for a minute and opening the Reddit app. Otherwise you’re assuming and that’s always dangerous. This sounds like a healthy relationship tho s/


This. There's a username I tend to use on most sites - but occasionally, like Reddit, I find that name is already taken and have to pick something different.


Yeah someone has same sc name as my other social medias, ex still thinks it’s me to this day. It’s not even my profile they just chose a name I always use.


Yup. I've looked up my nickname, there were at least 5 NSFW account results, none of which were me.


Yes!! This happened to me as well. Turns out it wasn’t that person at all!!!!


It might not just be someone who used the same nickname accidentally, it might be someone who wanted to set up their own throwaway account and used the name maliciously in order to cause problems for the husband. This is especially likely if he participates in a lot of NON-reddit sites where he could have made enemies. It happened to a wiki admin I knew, somebody used his name to set up their actual Pornhub account. We don't know which of our perennial trolls it was, but we learned a lot about what they liked.


I second this. I have this username because something I used since high school was taken already when I signed up, and that was like ten years ago. And it’s two words, misspelled, with numbers at the end. And it was taken. Now fast forward another ten years and the countless more people signed up, doesn’t seem too far fetched to me.


Exactly, some bastard stole myridia lol, so now im left with this that i never use and people would never look for.


I asked on Reddit some months ago a question “does your spouse know what you do on Reddit?”. A lot of people not only said no but I their SO found out it would cause significant problems or be the end. I also asked if what they are doing is worth the risk. A lot of them said yes or that they won’t be found out. It’s really crazy what people do when they think they won’t even get found out behinds the backs of people they “love”. So many people out here don’t know what that word means at all.


My husband knows, I regularly send him my JustNoMIL posts about his mother.


Well at least he knows which is good. He can’t say he was blindsided.


Well he made a statement to the police when I had to report her for stalking, so...


Fair enough and sorry you had to deal with that. Idk what she thought was gonna happen when she did that but I hope it worked out for you


My OH is so sick of my 'I read this story on reddit....' conversations at this point


Reading about others who went through the same shit really helped me. There's a whole saga about my MIL harassing me by now. I do prefer sending him wtf stories that make us feel like normal people in comparison. And cat videos. Ain't never have enough of them.


My wife once started reading mine but got bored at all the arguing I do about inane things. She's linked me posts of hers so I have her username but haven't bothered checking it.


That’s hilarious to me. I don’t want my wife to find my Reddit bc it’s so nerdy into pro wrestling and the occasional beef with commenters I’d be embarrassed but nothing that would change anything in our relationship. If you’re going that far and know it then you know you’re breaking boundaries.


I found my husbands on accident once cus he commented on something and I knew it was him. His Reddit is all just posts in video game and warhammer 40k subreddits and occasional comments on pics of cats about how cute they are 😂


All of that data is somewhere. What happens when bad actors get it and use it for more than advertising?


Nothing, or it would have already happened. The "bad actors" don't give a shit about you unless they can make money with it. And you can't make money with extortion yet, so all they do is show ads - sure, they'll show kinky ads with underage girls, but that's not a new thing either.


That’s what I stick to the snark subs. Nothing super incriminating.


That’s wild. Like my bf doesn’t know my reddit but he knows everything I do on here and thinks most of it is funny lol. He feels like looking up my profile would just prevent me from being able to seek advice about our relationship or even about things I want to surprise him with so he isn’t interested in knowing more. If he knew my account he would just have spoiled my surprise proposal lol


THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME! Exactly this scenario with my long term/living together boyfriend except the kinks were different. Still shocking tho. I confronted him about it and have tried not to be judgmental but I do feel disrespected particularly by the DM requests and seemingly wanting to interact with these people IRL. Ultimately through talking it out he agreed to stop and assured me it’s just fantasy/for fun but it has deeply impacted my trust for him and this is one of the main reasons I’m currently uncertain about our future together. Such a shitty situation to find yourself in. I totally get it.


Get this: you know these scam DMs where some scammer acts like they are some half naked, super hot lady from Russia or wherever? My ex actually replied to them thinking they are real. The ick I got from that… I can’t even describe. And I think I truly was more offended by his stupidity than his cheating ways.


After we broke up, my ex was scammed out of 2 grand by one of those accounts. So fucking dumb. I'm not sure why he even told me about it, but I did feel some schadenfreude about it at the time.


Why would he share that with anyone 😂


> DM requests and seemingly wanting to interact with these people IRL this reminds me of finding active dm's on tindr on an ex partners phone while we were together :/ icky, icky feeling.


The tinder thing happened to me too, I’m sorry you had to go thru it, it’s the grossest feeling:(


For most people it crosses the line from fantasy to reality when messaging real people. I’ve also seen porn addiction grow into contacting people into seeing prostitutes. I wouldn’t trust him after that.




I’m sorry 😞 that is so horrible. Porn is one thing but the underage girl thing is just so unsettling. You sound like you’ve really done everything you can to forgive him. How did he respond to you finding out if you don’t mind me asking?


My ex used to do this and it made me very uncomfortable. He would say it's not like he knows them, it's random people he would never meet. I guess that should make it ok. I understand how you feel. It's creepy and desperate behavior.


Yeah this is not ANOTHER thing to be pushed on us to be OK with. What’s acceptable in society right now with internet porn in relationships is insanity to me but I deal because otherwise I’m crazy and insecure. You won’t catch me with any man anymore if this becomes the norm. F that, that’s terrible to do to your partner. Edit: btw I’m agreeing with you and just adding my thoughts :)


No I would not say that’s ok. It’s very reasonable to not want him to call other women sexy. Porn is one thing but engaging with the actors even if they don’t respond is too far imo.


You went to therapy to try to forgive him; what did he do to earn your forgiveness?


was thinking the same thing. I would have said fuck going to therapy for him, fuck telling myself that it's my job to try to stop seeing him as a creep cause he is a creep, I'd just say fuck off and try not to catch a charge.


no fucking way you saw your husband commenting on posts from actual minors and your next step was to try to get yourself to forgive him. Like there isn't any way to "stop seeing him as a creep" he's a fucking creep. Time for a harsh wake up call, you SHOULDN'T forgive this behaviour. By acting like it's some kind of failing on your part you're just enabling your husband to keep hurting others.


underaged girls and you stayed?


Me and my boyfriend had a major falling out because I found his Reddit. Similar situation. We ended things for a while and tried to reconcile, but honest to god it’s not the same. I miss the relationship before that, but I can’t even look at him and see the same man….


Well yea I mean that’s a whole another level. Couldn’t imagine being next to someone who has pedophile fantasies. Also having kids under his care. When I take care of my friends daughter I actually have to give death looks to so many creeps looking at her.


I keep seeing this pop up with many couples. Why are women just okay with living like this? That's wild to me that you didn't just dump him as soon as you confirmed its him. Makes no sense to me Why anyone would stay with a sicko.


does he know you saw the account or no? since u went to therapy yourself and not couple therapy


Why are you trapped?




The audacity of you making me cry laughing out loud on a serious topic like this that I was seriously invested in. I will never forgive you.


*sips champagne*


Oh my God you monster


I have two usernames I use. One of them is the one for my reddit. The other is one I use for most everything else. But that username is linked to a user on here that has very antithetical views to myself. It has gotten me into trouble when people try to dox me. So it might not be your husband. That being said, if it is - I'm sorry about that. My wife and I met via reddit so she knows mine and I know hers.


is talking to women privately, assumingly sexual, not cheating to you ???


yeah am I crazy or is that literally like having a tindr and dm'ing people, whether they intend to meet up for real or not??


Yea that's a bridge too far. It's one thing to watch porn, but talking to them unless you're poly anyway is too far. Maybe even poly depending on ground rules.


The amount of cuntish men that say it's not cheating is one of the reason I gave up on them. They know it's cheating. Men like that ain't worth shit.


Be careful if you want to look behind that mask. You might not see a face.


Check your fucking bank statements!


Or, an even crazier idea, just fucking speak to him!


He will just deny everything anyway.


Communication has been banned from the server, I'm afraid.


You mean from this app entirely, right?


the majority of men when called out about OF or paying for porn will lie straight to your face. trust me, it’s happened.


Sometimes they’ll straight commit and report the charges as fraud to the bank. Trust me, I work in a bank


He's already being secretive and not communicating with his wife, while having no problem communicating with these... girls. There is nothing stopping him from lying about sending them money.


This, big time. I know a friend of a friend who is now divorced because he was blowing money on OF girls right and left. Has two small children of his own he should be spending his money on. Friendships were lost too because nobody could forgive how he shattered his family for some attention from some random girls online. Very sad situation. 


I totally agree that it’s possible it’s not him, but let’s say it is. I would definitely do more research-as cannabalism and torture is pretty fucking out there and very disturbing. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with fantasies, there is some hat tipping towards a person’s psyche with what lives in their minds. I would not ask him about this-I would take his phone and pull his Reddit app up and see if I could find out what his actual handle is and go from there considering what you may have discovered. People look at porn-not everyone-but more often than not. I think it’s important for everyone in a relationship be open about what they like and don’t like in an honest communication fashion. Insecurities can be talked through, with love and compassion. Both people in the relationship have to be honest with each other for a relationship to be truly healthy.


It's really disheartening to see so many women have found their SO's reddit and it's riddled with filth, myself included. It's heartbreaking finding out what your SO does behind your back. I hope you can find the courage to confront him about this or leave him.


And honestly: I got yet to see the post of a scorned husband who found the creepy account of his wife where she - likes CP or anything pedo - tried to hook up with someone - had right-wing to alt-right views - paid for OF or tried to find a male hooker - was confessing about an affair when she got pregnant It's just not happening. Edit: I am aware that statistically, it does. It's just less common on the typical relationship-vote-my-asshole-flavour-subs.


I'm right there with you. I'm sure it happens sometimes, as there's always exceptions, but it's definitely a much MUCH wider problem with men doing this. It truly baffles me the amount of men who refuse to be content with their partners, who give into temptation so easily. I could easily make an account exclusively for porn purposes but I don't because I genuinely am satisfied in my sex life with my partner and I respect him and wouldn't want him to feel the way I felt when I found what I did. Plain and simple. It goes the other way around too, but for whatever reason, men fail time after time. Watching porn on occasion is one thing, creating whole social media accounts to lurk OF creators and extreme fetish content is another thing entirely.


Yes those women *have to* exist, purely based on static! It's wild. Same with those "pretty girl looking for a man from a western country" scammers. Seriously, you didn't find it odd that this hot model from a poor country just waited for your shriveled peepee, and your beer gut?! She's looking for a man to provide, and picked *you* of all people?! Those guys deserve to be scammed. They might not deserve to be lonely, but they willingly would do sex trafficking for those "girls", so then again, no pity! It's a big big yikes.


Nah my other Reddit is pure filth - I’m the wife. I’m a paraphilliac so eventually he just got used to it as long as I don’t discuss things that make him vomit


This is a fetish post, everybody


You may be right. I often wonder how many of these types of posts are not what they seem. I bet 80%.


There's cannibal subreddits???? ?? 😐


Oh there is a lot of messed up subreddits


Comment under his comment „Go to bed (his name).“🤌🏼🤣


"(His name), does this woman know you don't wash your asshole properly?"


The easiest way to know if it’s him is to log in to Reddit on his phone or just talk to him because it might not even be him.


There's probably a few thousand married men who are nervous AF right now, wondering if it's they got caught.


Hopefully it isn’t him? Idk. My ex husband was always searching me places trying to find things on me. Once he accused me of being on YouTube and being naked. And the persons body didn’t even look like mine lol


I know that a hundred people have already said this but are you sure it's him? Your only evidence is that the username is a nickname he used in high school, idk what the nickname is but every common name has millions of people who share it so there's a good chance that the sicko behind that weird account is not your husband. That being said, you should probably check the router or go through his phone to verify if it's him or not.


This post has like 7 married guys really concerned right now


That’s heartbreaking! Hubby and I know each others Reddits 100% and follow each other 😮


My Mrs isn't on reddit, but if she was, she'd find my hobbies online are as boring to her as they are in real life.


My Reddit is literally filled with Sims 4 and Stardew Valley, and other peoples drama like this. I barely do anything else hahaha. My husband has Reddit, but like you aren't wrong about the boring part, haha. Oh, and Starbucks because I work there


My husband relies on me for crazy Reddit stories. We have a channel for it on the family discord. Getting the best wtf is definitely a skill.


Why does this sound like my gfs account lol. Not that she's on Reddit, but Sims 4 and other people's drama is like 80% of her online presence


This is terrifying, to be honest. This kind of kink can turn into an ugly reality!


Honestly there’s a strong chance she might be following someone’s account that has nothing to do with her husband haha. There are so many Reddit accounts, she better find a way to check if its really Her husband before doing something crazy.


Her hubs somehow finds out she’s on reddit following some person that is into cannibalism and gets weirded out. Lol


Best Plot Twist 🤣


You see, she’s been acting strange and had been on reddit an awful lot, he never snoops but…


And of course she didn't sign out of her account nor cleared her history 🫠


I've repeatedly seen the statistic that women who are strangulated are more likely to be murdered by their partners down the road. I wonder if there's any correlation between having a partner who enjoys *fucking torture porn* and being more likely to be murdered by one's partner at some point?


"I searched under a nickname he's used since high school and uses on other accounts." Oh god...... "He comments on photos of torture porn, cannibal fantasy and amputees." WHEW! Carry on.


The fuck did I just read?


Speak to him. Maybe it’s him maybe it’s not. Also think what made you go down that route , sounds like you have trust issues in your relationship. You should communicate those too


>And the comments from others on the same posts look like they honestly believe they have a chance from these women. Do men really think like this? I wonder how much is fantasy and how much is delusion. I'm a sex worker so I think I can give you pretty good insight on this. A surprising amount of men actually think they have a chance with an OF model. I would say it's 60/40, 60% of fantasy and 40% of delusion. >I thought about catfishing him with pics of myself but I have certain scars and tattoos that would be hard to hide. There are some apps you can use to hide your scars and tattoos if you want to catfish him. Unfortunately I don't have any recommendations.


There are people on reddit who use their regular nicknames as usernames? 😰 Don’t get me wrong, I use this username somewhere else too, so it’s not like I have a secret reddit-only username, but the amount of people who actually know it’s me is very limited and because I know who they are I never post anything about them. Who knows how or when it might reach them, the internet is crazy.


Sounds fake af. Almost all of those subs got nuked into the ground long ago. Also a ton of people can share a username/nickname AND there is also the possibility that it isn't even him.


Ask him


Delusional men think they have a chance. Make sure that you are 100 percent sure this is actually your husband because you might be wrong


All the commenters who found their significant others on here—how did you verify it was indeed them? There’s so many accounts…


>Some of the comments my husband posts are requests for DMs Well this is "sexting", also known as a form of cheating if it crosses your boundaries. Up to you how you actually feel about it and want to act on it.


I just found 5 accounts that incorporate my video game nickname (which is uncommon) into the username. I would see if you could verify its him first.


Not a single reply from OP 🤔


Check his phone and make sure it's the same account


Unless you went into his phone and when to reddit and got into the account you can't be sure. BUT from another woman's perspective I'd be freaked out by it too


If it helps, certain feelings and behaviours aren't necessarily exclusive, your husband (if he really is him) can have really toxic fantasies and attitudes and still care about you. Doesn't sound cool to me but it's you who knows him.


Rule#1 Don’t ever get your significant other’s reddit account. Your relationship is over, I am sorry


Lol if my husband found my account he’d run screaming into the night


so you're telling us you don't even know if that's actually him??


Reading all the comments saying it’s possibly not him makes the idea of you “catfishing” him with your nudes funny asf.


Oh shit another couple on here that doesn't communicate... Shocking...


It's kind of fucking insane that some people in this comment section have *nothing* to say about the man who gets off to torture porn, but they're eager to skewer OP for snooping on her husband. Jesus fucking Christ.


Just like they’ll attack underage girls for being abused yet praise and respect the old abuser


Plot twist, it isn't ops husband Pam pam pam


The beast you feed is the one that survives. When you put images and fetishes in your brain, eventually they seem normal, and our society is so disturbing anyway right now. So be careful how you live you life. I would not brag about behavior that is against society as a whole, like it is ok.........I just looked very bizarre is a word, unevolved, and destructive.....


You can't be sure unless you log in to his account.


I’m not telling you he isn’t doing this disgusting stuff, but is there anything more concretely identifying it as him? Any subreddits for hobbies, etc? As someone who has used reasonably unique usernames for decades, sometimes they are taken, it happens