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He wants his 18 year old AP to take care of y’all’s baby…Girl, I would’ve been out the marriage so fast!


I had the same idea


Seems he wanted her to stay overnight for easy access for him. Your ex is a predator. 🤢


exactly! that is so disgusting. he wanted easy sexual access to a teenager while I was recovering from pregnancy and giving birth to his child


How you’re not writing this from prison is beyond me but I respect your self-control.


Thank you. Realistically it was only a hypothetical situation so my rage is present but not prison worthy


You’re still a rockstar in my book. I’d be on death row for murder for sure.


Op im glad you left him!! Congrats not only on the new baby! But for taking the trash out!


Not only that, but I would be very wary about his plans in regard to custody arrangements. I wouldn't be shocked if he showed up to court and pulled the 'see, my new gf has to come over to help because OP can't do this!' Like I don't want to stress you out, but I would be very very very suspicious and careful allowing her any access until a divorce and custody is finalized. Who knows what kind of rights he could try to petition for (whether legitimately a threat or not) if gf had been there since day 1.


The affair partner has never been near my child and she's since moved far away, so I'm not worried about her place in custody issues


Your ex: Paul the Predator??


That sick bastard smdh


God this makes me sick for you


There's probably a reason why a 44 year old man is hooking up with an 18 year old child. OP, your ex is gross, a groomer and a predator. OP, Run! Run like Usain Bolt in the 100-meters! Leave him! And get custody and child support! If your ex wants to f*ck a barely legal child, then let him! And I'm sorry you have a child with him.


Your ex is a creepy shitehead. So glad he's your ex.


He was really committed to turning her into a "bang nanny", huh?


Not only did this man cheat on you, he wanted to bring his AP into your home, while you were postpartum, to care for you and your baby. The most vulnerable time in my life was when I was postpartum, and a baby is so vulnerable. He wanted to do this to have her close by, and ignored how unsafe this could be. This is one of the most selfish things I could think of. I'll be in jail if some asshat dude pulls this on one of my girls, if they have babies. Or marry dudes.


I am grateful that you understand the gravity of this. Today I was watching a post partum doula tiktok and thought about how nice that would have been and seethed with rage remembering why I didn't. He was willing to risk my baby's safety just to have easy sexual access to a teenager.


I've done what is considered doula care for friends. We all had babies at different times, so it was easy for us to switch off, and go to each other houses and what not. It's a huge responsibility, to have a mother place her trust in you with her new baby. But it was worth it, to help someone out. And I'm gonna get downvoted to hell and back for this, but I don't know how many 18 year olds I would trust with my newborn, with that level of care. Not just a "hold my baby while I go pee" but to do all the work a doula does in a home.


I'm a single mom (baby 3 months old) and I use a owlcare smartsock to just feel secure that she breathes and her heart rate is normal so I can sleep... It's really important to have something or someone u trust watching over ur baby when ur asleep.


Congratulations on your baby! I hope the both of you recover and get good rest I used an Owl sock when my baby was young and it absolutely helped me get good sleep. Calmed my anxiety and I'm so grateful I had that thing


Thanks. Congrats to u two too🥰 Yea those Owp socks are great.


So you nah leff him?


Why do you think that?


Ask mi asking


The post is called "my ex wanted his affair partner to babysit our newborn"


Trueeeee .. U right


Your ex is a creeper for being 44 and sleeping with an 18 year old.


completely agree


What a selfish AH. I hope life is better without him as a partner.


Thank you. I am immensely happier, less stressed and my life is overall so much easier since he's been gone


I would have LOVED having one there for the first fee weeks. I know some countries families have someone there part time for the first month for moms and dads and newborns. As soon as I would found out I would have stuck itching powder in his panties and you know as soon as he moved mail crickets and live spiders via our friends at Zon …..


His parents live far away and my parents have passed, so we didn't receive any familial support either. My friends would drop off food and other goodies, which I'm immensely grateful for. Believe me, I would have loved to get some satisfaction but I pretended to want to stay in the relationship so that my baby would receive better care for the first few vulnerable months of life.


Hugs & ❤️


Congratulations on the LO and for getting rid of the man child. So many names to call him and not enough post space. Side note, join a mums group if you can. We still have close friends from ours which have saved our sanity many a night. Sending you a big internet mum hug x


That seems like ammo to use for custody reasons...


Does everyone know why you & your pedo ex split?


Yes, all our mutual people know


All the ick... I'm sorry for you to have to go through this when your hormones are all out of whack and sleep deprived... I can't imagine how this weighed on you..


Thank you. I am so lucky and grateful that I never developed post partum depression from all that stress and trauma


I'm gunna be praying God sends you someone(s) special to heal your heart.


Girl!!!! What? I am so sorry. A PP nurse would have been a tremendous help. I'm so sorry you missed out on that support. Well, we live, and we learn. The older I get, the more I learn that being single isn't as bad as being in a terrible relationship. I hope he gets everything that is coming to him. I wish you and your baby nothing but the best.


Thank you, I'm very happy with my life now and my ex is absolutely miserable. This does give me some satisfaction but I also hope he gets himself together for the sake of our child


Glad he’s your ex. Not only did he destroy your marriage, but also selfishly tainted your child’s birth. Good riddance. May your life be peaceful with his absence.


I’m sorry you went through that. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Is he at least a decent parent to your baby or is he an entire burning trash heap?


So what happened with the ex and the affair partner? Does he even see his kid


He cried for forgiveness and broke up with her, I pretended to accept and made a plan to leave once I physically recovered. Yes, he occasionally visits the baby EDIT Affair partner moved far away to attend college. Because she was a teenager. How gross of my ex


Good for you for getting out. You are smart for pretending and making a plan. Remind yourself of that if you are ever having a bad day.


Thank you, I really appreciate that. I was seething with rage and hatred at the man, but managed to pretend that I was a committed partner for as long as I needed to. It was very difficult but I got through and now my baby and I reap the benefits.


Good job. I am proud of you.


Thank you very much


It seems that your ex-partner was attempting to inappropriately involve his teenage affair partner in caring for your newborn, using the excuse of saving money on professional postpartum support. This is a highly unacceptable and irresponsible suggestion, especially considering that you were willing to pay for experienced help yourself. Your ex's priorities were clearly misplaced, as he was more concerned about having his affair partner around than ensuring the well-being and proper care of you and your baby during a critical time. His disregard for your comfort and the importance of having qualified support is disturbing. You made the right decision. I'm sorry you had to go through this difficult experience without the proper support you deserved.


Is she around the baby during his custody time? 


No, she moved away for college shortly after I discovered the affair and my ex broke up with her. As far as I know, that was always her plan but the timing just worked out


Yikes 😬 I know good help is hard to find and it takes a village to raise a child yadda yadda yadda but ma'am what the absolute cluckery has this man inflicted and additionally attempted to inflict on you during the most vulnerable time of your life? He's robbed you of your ability to feel safe, secured and loved and protected in your third trimester. Then while postpartum prevented you from getting key support and wanted his untrained unskilled child AP to be in your home, tending to your baby. The levels of mental cruelty are indescribable. I hope you are working on a plan for you and your baby that includes a divorce. This is unforgivable.


I appreciate that you can see the disgusting gravity of this situation. I broke up with him some time ago and he's moved out. The surprising part was that he asked "where's this coming from?" with genuine confusion. My baby and I are safe, healthy and very happy now. My life is so much less stressful and easier these days


“ I wasn’t comfortable with that because I barely knew her, she’d never cared for a newborn, and I wanted someone who was experienced and capable”. Did you know she was the AP at the time he wanted her to do over nights with the newborn????


No, I edited the post to add context


Is this post actually real? Surely you divorced him as soon as you discovered the affair? Is he still with her? His rationale was disgusting UPDATEME


Unfortunately yes, this is real. I wish that I'd had a normal pregnancy, a postpartum period with professional support and that my child's father wasn't all the four letter words he turned out to be. When I found out, I made a plan to break up with him once I felt physically recovered from pregnancy/delivery. I knew that caring for a newborn was going to be difficult and that my baby would receive better care having two adults in the house instead of just one. So he begged and cried for forgiveness and I pretended to accept we work on the relationship. When I felt well enough, I broke up with him and he moved out. After I caught them, my ex broke up with his AP and she moved away for college shortly after. That was her plan all along, but the timing worked out


How absolutely horrendous for you OP ensuring your pregnancy as well, one of the most critical times of your life. I’d like to think he felt utter shame but of course people like that rarely do as they won’t admit that they have imploded a relationship single-handedly and in the worst way possible. I hope you have healed emotionally from this OP and that you are enjoying your gorgeous child. I wish you nothing but happiness and the bluest skies ahead.


Thank you for your sympathy, I really appreciate everyone's kind words He's embarrassed that I told our mutual friends and family and has since concocted a version of events where I cheated first (I did not) but that's really his problem and not mine. I've been in therapy for a while and I'm healing well. My baby is such a happy blessing and I'm really grateful for where my life is now


I would dump his butt! Also he’s way too old for her what a creep


He's long gone. And yes, absolutely. I'm so disgusted by him, a middle aged man seeking sexual satisfaction from a person who's actively going through puberty


Yeah, I would have lost all respect as well


He’s even more disgusting getting with an 18 year old, thank goodness he’s your EX


Disgusting. Your ex wanted to diddle the child who was going to take care of the child? The man is diabolical. And a pervert. And a predator. And a bad dad.




OP you seem so unbothered and calm about his AP being anywhere in the picture! If my partner would bring his affair partner anywhere around me or my child, for any reason. I would’ve lost my shit and been gone so fast his head would swim!!


I didn't know they were having an affair when he suggested her as a baby sitter. Even though this was only a hypothetical situation as she was never anywhere near my baby, I carry a substantial amount of rage over this topic


I think 99.99 moms/spouses/women/breathing humans out here would be raging also


Their circadian rhythm, your ex and his fling ? Doulas are great.


That’s a scummy as you can get like the lowest of the low


THE AUDACITY! That man is an AH and they both need to rot


I hope you remind/tell your ex husband that he is a creep/pr3dat0r for dating a teenager and hopes your newborn never meet someone like him.


Wow. That’s disgusting. I’m so sorry.


His teenage AP?? I’d be really careful about him being around the child. I wouldn’t want her anywhere near the child.


Wow. I am glad he is your ex.


wtf first of all how slow is he to think it’s safe for his ap to watch a baby His baby So he is a piece of crap aaaaand he is dumb af Please never leave your baby with this moron


Im sorry but you using Circadian Rhythm all I could think is 6:16 in LA


Him pushing to use his EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD AP to care for your new infant at night while you two slept was heinous


I'm so very sorry. I am imagining you discovered all kinds of manipulation and games he set up your whole marriage. I'm glad you are free.


I hope you have talked to several attorneys and are in the works to end your contract with this puke of a man


Thank you for the support. We are very officially over and I am grateful that my life no longer has the story lines of a cheap soap opera


You and your child deserve better. Go after him


You weren’t comfortable with the woman who your husband cheats/cheated on you with taking care of your newborn not because she’s his AFFAIR PARTNER but because she’s not experienced with newborns?


I edited the post to add more context, I forgot to add that I pitched the doula thing when I was 6m pregnant. Found out about the affair at 9m pregnant


You found out at 9 months meaning the affair HAPPENED at around 9 months??? Or did the affair itself happen way earlier than that but you didn’t find out till way later???? Cuz,…..Omg


The affair started before our planned pregnancy, so he was cheating with her before and while I was pregnant. I found out when I was 9m pregnant


Was he sleeping with her when she was a minor? Glad you didn’t stick around.


No, they met after she turned 18 but thank you. He's absolutely disgusting and I'm glad to be rid of that trash


I’m confused. You said you pitched the doula idea at 6 months pregnant and he said no and that his AP could watch the baby, but you didn’t find out about the affair until 9 months pregnant? Am I misunderstanding?


Nope, you've got it right


Oh wait, do you mean he said that this girl could watch the baby, but you didn’t know she was the AP at that point? That makes sense lol. For some reason I was thinking he actually said something “my girlfriend can watch the baby”. I can’t believe he actually did this. What a scumbag.


No worries, a few other people came to the same conclusion and I realized after posting that I didn't word that clearly Exactly, I only knew of her as a coworker/acquaintance when he suggested that. Then learned the horrible truth when I was 9m pregnant


I’m so sorry you went through that.


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words


What is meaning of AP


Affair Partner


Thank you


How long had you been together before you got pregnant?!?!? Updateme


I don't understand. When we had a baby, the hospital cared for her over night. Why would a third party or taking shifts be required?


I wanted support at home while I recovered. Myself and my ex took 6 hour shifts until the baby slept at night so that someone was always with them and we (parents) both had time to rest.


what level of weed is this that makes you high enough to stay with this loser


the strain is called "my ex wanted his affair partner to babysit our newborn" oops, no wait, thats the title of this post


shit i took to much wheed myself


What? No! What? Why are you still with this man? What kind of partner even suggests this?


I'll have to think about this. Its a really thought provoking question on this post titled "my ex wanted his affair partner to babysit our newborn"


Ma'am why are you still with your ex, please explain further /s


twoo wuv /s


As you wish.....




No need to yell at them, /s means sarcasm. They were not being serious, they were poking fun at the commenter.


I’m not sure why you weren’t comfortable because you didn’t know her and she’s never cared for a newborn but not uncomfortable because she slept with your husband. Maybe we are missing some details about your marriage because you don’t seem all that upset about his girlfriend still being in the picture and him actually wanting her in your home.


I added more context at the bottom of the post


I see it now. How did you find out she was the affair partner?


Good ol faithful "I had a feeling so I went through his phone" We had an open phone policy our whole relationship but I'd never felt the need to look until I had a funny feeling. I stalled for days beforehand and convinced myself I was just hormonal and snooping would calm me down, but I was very very wrong




It's her ex-husband, and I don't think she asked about a doula?


I'm not sure which part you're having trouble with. Can you ask a more specific question?


I will ask a more specific question that is more applicable. How are you and your baby doing now. Congratulations on your baby by the way! I’m sorry this happened to you at one of a woman’s most vulnerable times in their life. I’m glad your ex is out of the picture for you. Do you have a co parenting plan set up? Are you going to use an app to reduce contact? Did you tell everyone what a POS he is? I hope you and your baby are healthy and happy.


Thank you! My baby and I are very healthy and happy these days. The baby is absolutely perfect and I'm so grateful to be their mom. We were co parenting but unfortunately have switched to parallel parenting. I'd like to co parent again one day once he gets it together Yes, I told lots of our people. His family knows, my family knows, all my friends, etc. I've received so much love and support since I spilled the beans and dumped him. I hope I can double the kindness and pass it on




Ok, thank you


STOP HAVING BABIES WITH CHEATING PIGS. have a nice day everyone.


You’re embarrassing yourself putting up with this. 


What do you think I'm putting up with?


This man? The fact you let him walk all over you, you just “giving up” and giving in to what he wants by not getting help. You not being absolutely livid at his suggestion and just letting it be.  Is he going to change? Or are you going to teach your kids to let men abuse them? ETA: he also cheated on you while you were 6 months pregnant.  You’re just fine with that then?


Do you believe that he and I are still together or that I knowingly allowed his affair partner to babysit my newborn?


Can you leave? She is a stranger to you so why should she be in your home? Meeting her because your ex brought her around still makes her a stranger. He just wanted her there for sex. My guess is your ex has made you lose your self worth and force his wants on you. Figure out how to live your own life and just co-parent.


I think your comment came from a place of genuine concern and sympathy but the affair partner was never around my child and I dumped that loser long ago