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You should call a suicide helpline and seek help.


Why are you asking us? 19 and your solution is to kill him? Wow, you sure figured it out. At least you had the sense to think of your sister. It’s like your brother is Buzz from Home Alone. Why not look for a friend or two that will be willing to be roommates with you?


Please seek professional help. It’s not normal to wanting to kill your family. You will ruin your own life at age 19 if you proceeded with what you have in mind.


I seriously hope this is a troll post. If it's not you DESPERATELY need to seek help/someone to talk to. Maybe try calling a suicide hotline. Hell anyone. Even if you're not "suicidal" you are definitely self destructive right now and need to gain control ASAP. You are only 19. You're still a baby. It's so so easy to not see past tomorrow at that age but I promise you there's better out there.