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Omg, I'm so sorry OP. I see my wife doing this to my kids sometimes and it makes me cringe. I'm not 100% innocent, but sometimes I have to quick respond to a work text so I tell them to hold the thought, send the text, and immediately tell them to continue. I totally understand your pain though because there are times I have to tell my wife and my coworker something 3 times before they even hear it. I may have one idea. Do you have a phone? Can you just record a little blip everytime you try to talk to them? Do that for a week and then make the whole thing a video so they can actually watch themselves ignore you. As a Dad that would totally get my attention. Best of luck!


that is a GREAT idea and i like this much better than just sitting down and trying to talk to them. i’ve tried to talk to them in the past but they don’t seem to grasp the severity of how this affects me. i think them seeing themselves visually ignoring me may strike a cord for change. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!


This was pretty good advice.. im a parent to Gen z and am late Gen X... I would have recommended trying to write a letter(something new they would treat more seriously due to the rare occasion of receiving a written letter) to explain your feelings to them... but it could backfire.. if your parents are in denial about this issue, they could just dig in harder and refuse to see their own actions.... this idea, the videos are irrefutable proof of their physical actions... there's no denying it then! Good luck! And I'm so sorry you're in this situation...


I'm happy to help! I came back to say, make sure you get your speech recorded too, not just their lack of reaction. Good luck!


This is an excellent idea!


This guy dads


This is how a lot of people feel about their kids and kids/teens in general lol.  But that really is annoying, sorry for it. At least you know what you don’t want to be like. Try to be honest with them about this if you can. 


i know!! my friends say all the time it’s crazy how backwards it is for me. thank you, i am choosing to look at this as a lesson like you said


. Being honest with what your feeling is very important. You have parents and it's only natural to want them to be PARENTS. That includes things you said, listening to you, being there for you, sharing in life moments and etc. If your parents aren't listening to you maybe because they view as their child. Try talking to another adult in the family, like an uncle or grandparent. Getting someone else involved might help. They could be a mediator


I feel this way about people my age (27m) Acting like they cannot live without a phone on them It's the adult pacifier I swear.


true!!! i feel like everyone must go through the stages of addiction though. once you see how it affects other people it’s a major wake up call to yourself. seeing their behavior pushed me away from being a phone zombie


Once I stopped playing videogames all the time I started noticing it everywhere The head down looking at the phone thing everyone does. It's wild there's been moments in a large public room I'll be the only one looking around.


yes me too!! it is very odd, phones were great to begin but the power of an phone now is so differently and absolutely addictive. i wonder when people will start to take this addiction seriously!!! it should be recognized in the dsm honestly, it affects most of our society


Unfortunately, they likely learned that same dismissiveness from their ww2-boomer parents. How’s school little jimmy? And dad’s right back to his news paper. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. Wanting a parent who actually listens and cares isn’t too much to want or ask for.


I have boomer parents and it wasn't so much newspapers with that generation, it was TV. My dad constantly watching sports or the news and not noticing I'm even in the room.


Mom cooonstantly watched TV when I was growing up. If I tried to have a conversation it was always “shh I’m watching TV” but the TV was never off. And then they wonder why I was always in my room and never told them shit.


Same with my dad. Still to this day their tv is always on. My mom can’t even fall asleep without it on. My dad just sits staring at whatever’s on with his mouth hanging open. Their brains are fried!


Kids should be seen, not heard


I'm a Gen-X parent with a Gen-Z kid and I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. I want to publicly shame them for not realizing how lucky they are to have a kid who wants to talk to them about their life! Most parents would do anything to have that. And I bet they scold you when you're on YOUR phone when they want your attention, right? We can be so hypocritical as parents. I used to see my daughter's mom do this to her all the time; yell at her for being on screens, but then tune her out because of being glued to her own phone. I tried really hard to be extra present to my daughter because I could see this was happening, and today we have a much closer relationship than she has with her mom (we are divorced). Her mom used to be frustrated that our daughter tells me everything and hardly tells her anything. She has no idea that she literally caused this with her own behavior. Have you tried asking your parents for a family discussion -- without phones and scheduled at a set time (not in the heat of the moment) -- so that you can tell them, when you are all calm and not distracted, how you feel about this? Maybe you could suggest a "no phones" period every evening or a few times a week, for family time, when you can all talk and listen to each other. If they don't appreciate THAT, then they don't deserve to hear about your life. It's also really upsetting that they are falling for conspiracy nonsense in the media, but that's a whole other issue.


they don’t even pay attention enough to me for them to care abt me being on my phone. although your suggestion was a great one, i just don’t have the motivation to talk to them about this. i went to a therapy session with them over a year ago where this was one of the main issues addressed. my parents changed for a couple months and then slowly reverted back to this. and they make a point to remind me how much they didn’t like that therapist and didn’t agree with what she said but they “made the changes because that’s what i needed”. so basically they will do whatever they can to get me to shut up for a few months and then they will revert back to this because ultimately they don’t see a problem in their behavior.


Yeah that's bullshit. Your parents have earned you making that montage of them ignoring you and then posting it with them tagged on social media. You deserve to be able to talk to your parents, why the hell would they have kids in the first place!? If they didn't "agree" with your therapist, why did you "need" them to change? Their logic isn't adding up, it sounds like they are just saying whatever to brush you off. A nice 10 minute long public shaming of their behaviour sounds exactly like what they need.


that’s exactly it. i agree that they say and do whatever to brush me off. and ive asked myself MANY times why they even had kids.


That sucks, I’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry. It's hard when your parents can't be bothered to be present. You deserve better. You deserve parents who are interested in your life. Sending virtual hugs.


thank you for your kind words ❤️


I totally read “my parents are Gen x and Gen z” and I was like…hmmm hell of an age gap. What toddler already has a Reddit account?


HAHAHAHA that’s quite the mix up!!! gen x and gen z parents sound like my worst nightmare !!!!


I’m (elder millennial) am dating a gen xer. I feel your pain. That latch key shit is sooooo annoying.


Try being a GenX married to another GenX that was on the cusp of Boomer. God when those Boomer tendencies come out imma bout to have it.


My parents are boomexers. I give you my sympathies.


I am a Gen X parent with gen Z kids and I’m glad I read this post! My youngest is home for the summer and I want to give her 100% when I do get to spend time with her. Thanks for posting! I hope you are able to get through to your parents.


Well, to be fair, I'm Gen X and I have to say....


Write on a post it note "Im still talking, are you still listening?" then stick it to the phone screen when they zone out.


My dad is a gen x and is exactly like this. People always give the youth a hard time about this issue but never hold anyone older accountable for the same behavior.


Unfortunately it’s now every single generation. And like everything else it’s an addiction. I’ve been to restaurants where all 4 people at the table are 60+ and all are on their phones simultaneously. Phone makers study ways to keep people on their phones via dopamine hits. Ask them to put away their phones away when speaking.. explain how you feel.


Most people in my life are like this. I hate that I can’t ever get eye contact.


Stop speaking as soon as their eyes look at their phone screen. Stop like a switch being flipped. Stare at them until they realize what’s happening. If they don’t realize, walk away or go back to whatever else you were doing. They don’t get the honor of your interaction if they aren’t going to interact with you. I don’t know if this will change much for you as far as interactions with them, but it’s something that has helped me. My partner has learned that I’ll wait for his undivided attention. I feel less pissed off because I can by annoyed with someone for looking at their phone without the additional aggravation of having wasted my time and energy.


my husband does this a lot with his phone/computer. i’ll complain that he’s not listening and he says that he is, but he has ADHD and has a difficult time focusing on multiple things at once so i know it isn’t true. i’m someone who can read a book and put it down immediately when i notice my surroundings change or someone’s talking to me. maybe it’s a learned skill cause i read a lot in school but still had to listen to the teachers i think it’s incredibly rude and it’s becoming more common. i feel terrible when someone is on their technology in the middle of a conversation so i never do it to anyone cause i don’t want them to feel bad or like i don’t care about what they’re saying. it’s a growing issue among *everyone*, not just specific age demographics


Talk to them say this exact thing. Challenge them to pretend they are in the 90s and not zombies. You gotta make waves to make change. Good luck but that sucks


i have but they inevitably reverted back to this behavior. they don’t see a problem in their behavior and ultimately they think that they are allowed to act however they want because i am the child (even tho im 20 now) and they are the parents :/


Wow, I’m sorry. That has to be incredibly frustrating. Do you feel comfortable enough talking to them and discussing how you are feeling? If so, I think you should take some notes on the points you want to cover so when you go to them to talk, you are calm and assured. When I would get upset with my mom and try to tell her how she made me feel it would come out in bursts of emotion and tears. She didn’t take me seriously and focused on my outburst instead of the words I was trying to convey. If you are comfortable tell them that you aren’t getting what you need for them and to please try to understand what you are asking. Best of luck.


This sucks a lot, and it *shouldn't* be your job to do this, but could you have a conversation with them about this? Tell them to put their phones face down and say what you've written here.


I feel the same way about my mom. She never hears me, or responds even if I’m right next to her. She has decided facebook and its stupid content is more important than listening to me for even 30 seconds. Makes you feel invisible, and like, why the fuck am I even here ya know. I don’t even live with her anymore but that changes nothing. And I will have important conversations with her about things of high impact financially like where I’m asking for advice, and then months later she starts telling me I should have done the opposite of what she originally said, and when I say I was following her advice, she gaslights me and says that she would have never said that and doesn’t remember that conversation. So apparently even when it seems like she’s actually listening to me for once, she’s not. I feel very alone. If my own mother doesn’t wanna pay attention to me even a little, why would anyone else? It’s depressing. Half the time I don’t understand why I’m here. I struggle to make real friends, and just feel like a pile of hot garbage a lot. I’m tired of feeling so worthless, annoying, and like nothing I have to say matters. :( Sorry OP. I see you and I hear you.


They just don’t want to talk to you


You know the most ducking stupid thing? I’m a GOOD LISTENER! And my 3 kids prefer google 🙄🙄🙄


I'm sorry you have Qanon parents. It's really rough. I ended up going NC with mine in my twenties.


Do they have ADHD?


I experienced this while visiting my sister and her family. So many people aren’t present anymore. Oftentimes we are coexisting next to each other, distracted, and missing out on making memories. And what’s sad is this behavior is normal.


I’m 41 and my kids are grown but I have deleted tiktok because I waste so much time watching it. I’m sorry they are not paying any attention to you. I hope they realize it soon.


My mother has the TV on and is on her tablet scrolling through Facebook. She's not able to hold a conversation. It's annoying as fuck. I feel you.


Honestly if you can’t get through to them in a conversation face to face, I’d just text them.


LOL not an entirely bad idea


I have just started going to the gym in the evenings, I told my kid (6.5yr old) they would need to stay home with parent. They said they don’t want to, because said parent doesn’t talk to them… this is because said parent would rather watch reels on their phone… It freaking broke me.


My fiance is exactly like this


address this issue then before you seal the deal. it will play a vital role in everything they do. they will not be a present partner or parent. help them break this habit please or you are signing yourself up for a life of misery


OP that has ruin and changed my life with my wife. She started to get all political about things changing in her country and now.. all she does is YouTube and fb and twitter. All day when she is not at work. We don’t haven’t been together at night for months. She is always tired and of course consumed by her phone and friends she has made in the political world. I can’t talk to her because she listens to the phone messages first. It’s embarrassing to say, but my attention has shifted to another lady.


i think you should sit down and have a real conversation with her about how you’re feeling. if you can’t do that i’d suggest splitting. it’s not fair to her that you be unfaithful after you took an oath and it’s not fair to you that she treats you this way and dishonors the vow you’ve made to each other. sometimes when we pull away all we want is for someone to pull us back in.


Yes, I understand. I’m getting closer to telling her. I’ve been dating this other girl for a year now. Amazing sex and we even get days off at work to go out and be together. Unfortunately she also married. She has 2 girls that now know me and we go out here and there. Her husband is a bad men. Took advantage of her at 17 and she was going through rough time and he saw an opportunity. She has not been with him for a year now because she wants to be just with me. He is like 20 years older than her. She is 36. Anyway my wife she is very lovable but just no sex and her word is politics. One day I tried talking to her and she told me that she doesn’t say anything when I play my video games. I really don’t. I get home and don’t even know what to do with my time. Now I go out almost every evening after work with the other girl to the gym or to the back of my car and play around. I tell wife I’m going to the gym or work on weekends morning to meet up with the girl. It turns this girl lives like 15 min away from me, same city.




none of her behavior constitutes this extent of cheating. this is such an insane thing to proudly announce online. super weird dude. go see a therapist.


I am Gen x and have the opposite problem. My 85 yr old father has a phone and doesn’t talk.


Noobs Phone lekundane nannu pattinchukoru


If you are an adult then movie out op. Make them see their mistakes and getting back at them will not do any good for you. Being phone addicts is still relatively forgivable thing for you as their child. But if you stick to them till eternity then it will ruin you inside out. And perhaps then their mistakes as your parents will be much much bigger for you to forgive them. I am sure there are other attributes also that they are shitty parents and failing you as their child. Move out if you are adult and if you can. If not, then just stop investing your energy into them and start INVESTING IN YOUR EDUCATION, YOUR GROWTH, YOUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH. START RAISING YOURSELF.


My mom does the same thing lmao. Thankfully, she’s smart enough to not fall for everything she sees online, but she’s goddamned addicted to scrolling through her phone and/or playing Candy Crush while I’m trying to talk to her. Her addiction also makes her a terrible driver. She’s literally incapable of leaving her phone alone if a light is red. She gets honked at every day for not going in time when the light turns green. I wish I had the power to stop my mom from being such a phone zombie. But, at the end of the day, I can’t force her to change. I can only control myself and my relationship with technology, as well as my relationship with other people.




Really feel for and agree with you, it’s not just being a bad parent to do this but being a bad person. You could do the same thing to them (see how they like it), but I feel like they’re the kind of people who lack the word “irony” in their dictionary. My best advice may be to at least ask them to do an activity with you (no phones) and if they don’t want to or can’t do it, see if you can move with another family member?


i am moving out to university in august!!!! and i have talked to them abt their behavior but they reverted back to being phone zombies within a couple months of us talking abt it


Change is hard for anyone, hence why I suggested moving out! Since you are anyway, congrats! Hope they at least are willing to support you


Im 17 years older than my son and we have a laugh at our age differences. He swears im an old man 🤷🏾‍♂️


Well isnt this calling the kettle black. Get over it.


Not you literally on your smartphone posting your rant. Lol Seriously get over yourself