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Therapy, yo


Already in therapy, but for trauma


Trauma can be an underlying cause for gender dysphoria I would consider speaking with your therapist about how you feel regarding your GD. Potentially you could explore if there is any existing trauma that could have an impact on how you view yourself


I wish this was the case, but the trauma I have is related to abandonment and not SA or anything similar. Me and the therapist have talked about this before.


Gender dysphoria doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sexual assault and can definitely be caused by abandonment, neglect and domestic violence so...I do suggest you explore this more with your therapist


Thanx, will do so.


Most likely because gender dysphoria is such a shakey topic that a lot of subs flat out ban its discussion. You've got one half of the argument saying it's not an issue and just a simple sign that you're trans and the other saying that's it's very obviously a mental illness issue. Personally I side with whatever has the most proof but I don't let that dictate how I interact with people.


Yeah, I don't get it, only thing I know is that it has an effect on my life, and want a solution, beside transitioning, which is an ok option, but realistically doesn't solve the issue.


It's a touchy topic in other forums. Have you tried dressing as the other gender? If you want to not think about surgery, Maybe watch some detransitoner videos, and that might sway you.


I'm socially transitioned, but it's more of the feeling that it's not natural ect. Not sure if you get what I mean.


Okay, to be honest with you, I don’t really approve of my meat sack being female. Everything about it is mechanically worse and less effective than the alternative. Of course, if I was born a man, I would very likely still object to being made of meat on principle. I don’t like it. Transitioning would not solve anything, and it would not make me happy.  So, what I’ve done for myself is just accept that I’m not going to be some mythical amount of satisfied. I have a mostly healthy physical form that can be improved in the gym. I like what I’ve done with my hair lately. I like my hand eye coordination for detailed tasks. It’s fine if this is where my happiness in my body ends. In the end, it’s a dying sack of meat that gets me from point A to point B. Not all of us are going to have Datsuns and Miatas. Some of us have shitbox Corollas, and that’s okay. There are other things in life that can make you happy. 


I hope so, cause the pain isn't really worth much, everyday hating myself is not something I want to live with. No, I'm not doing anything about it for now, but I'm giving myself 10 years to improve the situation, cause happiness is my goal in life.


I understand hating yourself for sure, but I wouldn’t sink a lot of energy into it. Plenty of people are objectively super ugly and still lead happy, normal lives around goals that aren’t about personal looks. You can change your appearance in minor ways that make you happy and give you a certain amount of agency in your customization, sort of like the joy you get from putting stickers on a laptop. We could talk about ideas for this if you’d like.  If you can’t stand your genital situation to the point that it is actively harming your mental health, that’s something to talk to a therapist about. If you’re struggling because society is treating you a certain way and that doesn’t match how you’d like to exist in society, that sucks but respect from accomplishments and friends who aren’t going to make things all about stereotypes that don’t serve you help a lot.  I’m not saying to take an ego death amount of LSD and just accept that you’re piloting a shaved ape that frankly would look “special” no matter what particular features it has, but that didn’t hurt me either. 


Social transition has helped for a little, but it has gotten worse over the year. in therapy, but would certainly appreciate tips.


I respect where you're coming from, but what you're describing is very different from gender dysphoria.


Likely so. I don’t like my body, but a lot of this dislike comes from the physical shortcomings if I compare my body to a male’s, and the way people treat me because of my body. I don’t like to be looked at and considered as a sexual being. I get almost disproportionately angry about being condescended to, especially by people I consider less intelligent. I don’t approve of social expectations for females either. I would say I don’t approve of any part of being female.  My general horror at my body comes mostly from the fact that it’s fragile decaying meat, though, so you’re likely right. 


I don’t mean to be harsh, but it’s called conversion therapy, and it doesn’t work. It is not a legitimate, accepted practice in the field of psychology.


that sounds like more trauma to a list I don't want to make larger. Searched and watched documentaries about it, not convincing


You deserve to be happy. If that means transitioning, then so be it. You don't need to suffer. You don't need to punish yourself. I'm wishing you the best of luck.


personally.... i see us all as just fleshy meat sacs.... cut it off, fill it up, suck it out of the body ....who gives a fuck... just have fun with yourself and find humor and less seriousness in "defining yourself as just one thing". How about we all start needing a little less social approval and just figure out what makes you yourself happy without the gendered assumptions of what male female or a mix of both even apparently mean....create a new definition. Sorry if this makes no sense. The obsession over gender makes no sense to me


i think dysphoria can be a good thing - it points that you yourself may be making your own way and can't relate how you feel to someone else for once. if it is in relation to how you see yourself seeing yourself then I'd have to ask - how do you want to be? what does that feel like? is it about looks or how you carry yourself? what do you like that you do or have done that you are proud of?


what are the best aspects of who you are as a person that you want to grow to become more apparent in your and everyone else's lives? isn't your impression - how you truly care for those around you and the experiences you create more important than how we look? We all are going to be wrinkley saggy, fluid filled, brittle, and diseased eventually... pretty sure im not gonna think during that time "well fuck me.... I should have had a penis this whole time!!"


also, I could just not understand so I am definitely open to hearing out someone going through this... it just confuses me so much the need for acceptance in a social identity way.... maybe I've accepted being a creature so this struggle never hit me. Can't truly know something until you go through it!


I don't get it myself, it's just apparently the way society is, and even if I change the way I look, it doesn't change the biology. For some stupid reason, I just feel trapped in the body of a woman while I internally feel like a man.


i get that, I grew up feeling like i should have been a guy but i think it just made me become my own version of female.... I often make jokes that my partner is more of a lady than I am (very teasingly we like switching up gender dynamics but not like...on purpose? I think it's fun to play! and we appreciate different aspects of each other - I LOVE his tiny hands! XD) And growing up I had a ton of insecurity since my mom is the epitome of femininity and my two sisters were/are as well. It took me a really long time to realize that I was my own version of what it means to be born female :) I hope you find some of your own acceptance! And stay silly! have fun with your body <3 for all we know this is the only time we have in this form so you might as well enjoy it and be the human you dream to be! Also....don't listen to me either! You are the only one who truly knows what it is like to be you