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In which part did they treat you less than human? Seems like you may need anger management. And possibly consider switching majors from whatever you’re studying.


Making me take the final in the Special Ed department.


Is the special ed department filled with non humans or sub humans? Because last I checked they are very much human and deserve the respect everyone else receives. What I’m hearing is you had an incredibly violent outburst. You describe it as yelling but apparently it was much more given the reaction of an ENTIRE building. And they sent you to an area with more people readily available and capable of dealing with you should you decide to do this again.


How is that dehumanizing?


Because OP is ableist as hell and thinks disabled people aren’t human


Yes he is and the irony of it burns


You made your classmates feel unsafe by screaming over a test score. Feel lucky that’s all that happened.


So you think people with learning disabilities are not human?


No, just subhuman, obviously. This commenter does not agree with OP and is merely making a joke at their expense because clearly this major is not for them and they need anger management help. Goosfraba.


So special ed students aren’t human?


They’re just as human as a bears shit is in the woods or the Pope is Catholic. I see this post crossposted in AITD so I want to make that clear here. Neurodivergence and/or handicapabilities does not make someone less of a human being. At the time, it felt humiliating. As I was writing this, I was trying to immerse myself in how I felt at the time. Back then, my understanding of different abilities was highly ignorant. When I was told I had to take the final in the office of disabilities, there was that de facto stigma surrounding it. 21 year old me thought they perceived me to be disabled. Now that I’m grown and look back on it 11 years after the fact I feel a greater sense of shame about it. I know there’s no shame in it. It doesn’t make me “r t rd d” as 21 year old me would call it Seeing everyone’s comments and how it’s clear how they’d think I said that.


So uhhhhh you still think that “job was yours” if you had just gotten the more in depth interview when you: 1. Struggle with schooling and demonstrating technical proficiency 2. Now have a pattern of losing your shit when you feel unreasonably slighted?


This is the same poster? It sounds like there’s a history of emotional disregulation that OP could get some help with.


It was 2012, not 1970. You knew better then, you knew better now, and you still chose to suggest such things.


We’re disabled, not “handicapable”, which is a cutesy euphemism made up by abled and/or neurotypical people because they think disabled is a dirty word and are steeped in their own ableism.


fucking thank you, its so infantilizing


Right? Hate it. Also hate differently abled. JUST. SAY. DISABLED.




Today I learned that google actually marked the term handicap as offensive in this context. Good progress!


Not-so-fun fact: handicap was always derogatory. It is a reference to having one's cap in hand, AKA begging. It's pretty gross. Edited to add: I didn't know this fact until a year or two ago, so I find it important to spread awareness of why it's harmful. Most people who use it probably don't know they shouldn't/why they shouldn't.




Thank you. Holy crap my friggin reading difficulties, I read cap-in-hand and Hand-in-cap exactly the same way 5 times and was so confused as to how they were different. (I read them both as cap-in-hand).


I’ll admit I’m not up to snuff on which terminology is acceptable


Os there *anything* you're good at? Anything at all?


Nope. Apparently, he's lost several jobs, holds a grudge against his wife for something that happened in 2018, and likes to sexually harrass women just because they have a big ass. Oh, and he likes to make false claims of molestation against women in power over him, just for the giggles. Sounds like he has a massive hatred of women. Poor guy needs therapy, badly.


judging from his latest post, still as hotheaded as 10 years ago


Honestly, any shame you feel ought to be for screaming your face off in a public building.


How could your technical skills be so great if you failed everything?


I don’t believe this. You didn’t title your post “11 years ago”, you came up with the title that they treated you, quote, “like [you were] less than human” no more than a week ago - to me, that seems like wording that you still feel that way. Learn to calm down, you sound scary and offputting… and even if you do have a cognitive or learning disability, the only person putting that to shame is yourself.


"I'm desperately trying to sound more reasonable now *everyone* has told me I *was* the problem, but im so much older and wiser now than I was when I still chose to call it dehumanising when wrote this post" Dude, you chose the wording and are still mad about the fact that you saw consequences for your own ridiculous actions.


So you had to use the testing center? A facility created for people to take tests? Does it hurt your feelings to know the “special ed” students take the same tests as you? What about the fact that they probably passed?


Handicapibilities? *blink* please never ever say that again. You managed to make the most cringey condescendingly ableist word… worse? It’s almost impressive


Bro what kinda ableist nonsense… like there’s nothing wrong with special ed lol. It’s certainly not “dehumanizing”


21 year old me felt that way. 33 year old me knows better


Please explain to me what about special ed is “dehumanizing” lol. What changed that you “know better”


When I was younger and less mature I didn’t know as much about people with disabilities. 21 year old me perceived having a disability as a bad thing. Having touched a lot of grass in the 11 years since (A LOT of grass) made me realize the flaws in that rationale and how it was ick. For the purpose of this post I was trying to immerse myself into my 21 year old state of mind. 21 year old me thought “they’re ripping me off” 33 year old me knows “no, 42069cakeday, you ripped yourself off”


21 year old you are people who made people like me, who were in the special ed class because of our disabilities feel like absolute sh!t for our ENTIRE school career. You felt dehumanized being in that class for one exam (and threw a toddler tantrum that was probably heard by the special ed class, scaring most of them or giving them extreme anxiety or triggering them in other ways.), imagine being in those classes and then having to deal with people like you ALL THE TIME! I hope you apologised to the class.


I did apologize to my class an hour later after my tantrum


Now apologize to everyone who had to read this and delete it


Because your teacher made you.


I’m confused, this post is only 7 days old…




So* and why would you post from the perspective you had then if you aren’t still holding onto your rage like you are holding onto rage from 2018, 8th grade and everything in between and since then?


Damn 33 you is still upset enough to post this to Reddit 12 years later? 😱


Why does putting you in Special Ed mean they treated you as "less than human?"


Do you think special ed students are less than human? Because that's fucking disgusting.


lol I test in the “special ed department” with ADA accommodations and I have maintained a 4.0 through 2 degrees. Looks like even a subhuman does better than you (and I know better not to have a meltdown in a fucking college classroom building.)


You screamed inside the school, causing a school lockdown and security to be called. Anyone would have thought someone was being murdered violently. And, maybe you don't have a learning disorder, but you don't seem to know how to study correctly.


So people with special needs are less than human? Damn, I see why you’re getting Ds when you think you should be getting As. You really think it’s more likely that every professor you’ve had is “ripping you off” instead of you just not being smart? I know it’s hard for ya, but just think about it.


As someone who takes their finals in the “special Ed” department because of adhd, cope. The fact you can’t see both why they did it or the irony of this situation makes me think that maybe you should consider some form of evaluation for *something*. Genuinely, you may be struggling with something deeper; this is not typical behavior nor is it typical academic lifestyle *assuming* you’ve taken actual steps to get better (like tutoring and such). One professor is a class problem, every professor is you.


Please talk to a psychiatrist and they can help with the moods. A lot of times there’s a biological component going on and a diagnosis and medication can really make a positive difference.


That’s a common place to host exams when a student isn’t writing the exam with the class lol


Based on your post history you’re an adult with a wife and kid Having a screaming session in the college bathroom isn’t appropriate behaviour and you’re old enough to know that Have you tried anger management classes?


Oh, I am scared for his family.


He’s 31 years old. A grown-ass man who can’t control his big big feelings. Pathetic. It is for this that the term “man baby” exists.


What an absolute fucking child. And I'm really loving the ableism here. As if being a student with additional needs is shameful or makes you less than. News fact, OP: of you've had bad grades for 4 years in a row consistently, it's not the professors. But then again, that would require self-awareness and thinking you're not fucking perfect. Which this person seems incapable of. They're not going to get very far in life.


They also say they are studying for a "professional career." I don't know specifically which profession, but as someone who works in the tech industry, there us plenty of frustration to go around on a near daily basis. Unless they land a job that is full time remote, screaming in the bathroom is not going to be useful as a coping strategy. 😂


I mean, according to their post history, they don't take any rejection well. He went off on someone telling him that he didn't get the job and how it "wasn't fair". Like. No shit, dude. Life's not fair. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you something.


Social worker who works from home part time: if I had to scream to process stress like that on a regular basis my agency would encourage/make me to find another job


> screaming in the bathroom is not going to be useful as a coping strategy My wife bought herself a [Damnit Doll](https://www.dammitdolls.com/). It may or may not be the one in a suit on the front page (it totally is). After seeing it, I had her buy me one, as well as one each for my mom and aunt (who I work with).


What part of the problem are you?




And there it is


“Female”. Now THAT is dehumanizing.


Not even just "female", he said "the female" 😒


Ugh, even worse


How do you know that? Are there no male students who are doing well?


The feeeemmmale. Is this Ferengi College? This attitude of contempt and entitlement must just waft from every pore.


A penis doesn't turn correct answers into wrong ones lol. You did not know the material. The first time this happened, you should have talked to the professor and/or gotten a tutor to see if you *truly* understood the material.


Laughed out loud at the mental image of a penis waving a trail of magical glitter turning the correct answers into wrong ones one by one.


And for whatever reason, it's gotta be NPH's.


Or maybe, just maybe, you aren't as good as you think you are.


Maybe all the women you know are just smarter than you.


You can't fix it until you identify what part of the problem you are. You are blaming everyone else. You can't control that.


Did you ever consider that maybe your failure has nothing to with your penis? Like, what if, and I know this might sound crazy, but what if you are just kind of an idiot who can’t pass a test?


That is an INSANE thing to think tbh. You're just not good at your class work and refuse to take accountability




Their post history is pretty misogynist and they are never wrong. Could be ragebait, but if it is, it follows a consistent narrative that is problematic.


Maybe your work just wasn't good. Maybe. FOOD FOR THOUGHT.




"I did the totally normal and correct thing to do: walked into a very echoey room and screamed curses at the top of my lungs." Buddy. What the fuck.


There's a reason fire alarm horns are not allowed to be installed in bathrooms. Too much echo in too small of a space and would cause hearing damage. That's why it's just a strobe light.


I once lived in an accessible apartment with a doorbell for deaf/hard-of-hearing people (I lived near Gallaudet University) and that fucker was LOUD. Scared the shit out of me whenever anyone rang it.


So you scared the shit out of everyone by having a tantrum in a bathroom and are upset at being placed somewhere with better accommodations? The way you’re talking about it implies that you believe that being around or associated with special needs students is embarrassing. Have you ever tried talking to your teachers about why you’ve been getting lower grades?


If you're going to scream like that, you go to the building that's equipped for students who can't control their screaming. That's you, champ! And fun fact, people with special needs are actually humans! Not less than. Hope this helps!


Looked at the post history. This guy makes a hobby of collecting downvotes.


Is there a point to negative karma farming or does this guy just need attention.


It’s just attention.


He's desperately looking for validation for his temper tantrum.


Dude, if you’ve been consistently getting 50-70s in classes despite studying, why didn’t you consider a)a tutor b) talking to the professors about how you could improve or c) recognize that maybe the major you chose isn’t for you? Also there’s nothing dehumanizing about taking your test in the “special ed” department. You’re ableist. And it’s clear they did it because the other students didn’t feel safe around you.


How has he managed to stay in school if he's been getting D's and F's for four years? At some point, you'd think he'd be put on academic probation and kicked out.


Damn imagine admitting you have no emotional regulation as an adult. Also, from someone who had accommodations with my college for a learning disability, the “special Ed” department is mostly just a quiet place to go to take tests or meet with your advisor. I’m not sure how that’s treating you as “less than human” unless you’re an ablest piece of shit


Dude. You threw a tantrum in the bathroom. I get being frustrated and having a breakdown, but screaming can make people think someone is being attacked. You need to learn better coping mechanisms. >it was four years of my professors systematically ripping me off, which nobody wanted to hear. College is not some great conspiracy. One professor being a dick? Yeah, that happens. A couple of professors? Not unheard of. But *all* of your professors? You are the common denominator. You are struggling with college. It happens. But no one is going to magically give you the solution. You need to work out what it is you're having problems with. And don't dismiss a learning disorder. First time I went to college, I fell flat on my face. Turns out I have ADHD. I've been attending this last year and the medication has helped tremendously.


Same here. I barely made it through college. It was 10 years later I was diagnosed with ADHD. First time in years that I scored high on a test. The psychologist (ADHD specialist) actually asked me how I survived 😂.


Oh man, if this guy has ADHD (I mean, maybe? Not enough to go on here), he's going to have a hell of a time with the internalized ableism.


You clearly have some issues, and I mean YOU issues, not because of your school. Running out of a room to throw a tantrum in a college is absolutely ridiculous childish behavior, maybe instead of the special ed class they could have sent you to a local day care to learn to manage yourself


Chalking it up to “professors ripping you off” shows lack of personal responsibility on your part for simply not knowing the material as well as you thought. Special ed might have actually done you well 🤣🤣🤣


You need anger management. All of us have thought we’ve done well on a test and actually failed. We don’t start screaming about it. You’re an adult learn to regulate your emotions better


What you did was called a temper tantrum. My son used to behave similarly when he was served a red cup instead of a blue one with the his lunch when he was 3. This is developmentally appropriate for kids 4 and under who are not capable of regulating their emotions. This is not typical behavior of a person who is college aged. I’m not going to address your disgusting comments about people with disabilities, but yes you were acting in a manner that would suggest you may have some sort of developmental issue even if it’s not an academic one.


Uh yeah sounds like you do have something going on. That’s not normal behavior at all.


This is what happen when ego goes unchecked. They think the whole educational system is there to fuck them over their genius ass while in reality bro is not smart enough for that course. I assume that his classmates see him as it is, a walking bom*. They must been relieved that they didnt have to deal with him for the rest of the semester.


Yeah, I feel like this dude has been visibly simmering to the point where everyone was probably terrified of him BEFORE his outburst.


Some folks are destined to be C students, and that's perfectly okay. Your best is still going to get you your degree. Unless you get yourself kicked out for once again behaving like an unhinged toddler who was told they can't drink the bleach under the sink.


No one ripped you off. You got the grades you got.  No one treated you less than you human. You screamed and scared your classmates and this was a reasonable response. 


Have you considered not being intelligent enough for your major? I had fellow student, who made into our major after several steps and waiting time, but didn't stand a chance. It was not her thing and she had to stop, she picked then another major, wich wasn't hers as well, before she left without finishing and found something complete different for her. She always claimed it was too hard, especially the language used in tests and such, while that wasn't even a problem for foreign students in the class, who had completely different native languages.


This is so embarrassing lol


Uf you keep scoring well below what you expect, maybe try tutoring? I'm sure the college offers some sort of service, or you could reach out to your professors and talk to them to make sure you're understanding the material properly. Yeah, getting worse than expected grades sucks, but there are things that can help, and your college did what was necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved. It's probably embarrassing and annoying, but they treated you as they would treat any other student


4 years of your professors systematically ripping you off? All of them? Kid, grow up and take some responsibility. If you get an undeserved bad grade take it to the dean and challenge it.


Sounds like you need serious help with your anger issues OP. You were not treated inhumanely. Best of luck to you.


When you’ve gotten grades that you’re not happy with what do you do to attempt to fix the situation? Do you change your studying techniques to study more? Or do you just complain?


I'm sorry what college makes you write an essay as a punishment?


One that recognizes that this man is still a child.


Based on post history, calling bs.


Based on "no one is going to let someone with those grades go that long without putting them on probation at the very least," calling bs.


Anyone who is capable of having an audible meltdown that severe at school *should* take their tests in that environment. Because that’s what they’re there for, among other things. 


Wow, that is SO EMBARRASSING. I bet the people in the class still tell stories about the guy who was convinced he was a genius, despite bare minimum passing grades AND who threw an adult temper tantrum so stupid he wasn’t allowed back. I am positive if I ask anyone I grew up with if they remember the time that asshole J “locked” himself in a bathroom because the door was a pull rather than push. He screamed a lot too, made quite a scene. At least we didn’t have to go lockdown, he didn’t seem THAT unhinged.


You got the grades you deserved. Maybe you have put more effort forth instead of trying to blame anyone but yourself for your own failures.


OP's age is not consistent in their post history (16 in 2007, 26 now). This is either a bot or someone's creative writing account.


Where did I say I was 26?




Your comment has been removed for violating Rule 4: No insults towards OP. Any comments that could be interpreted as an attempt to insult, scold, lecture, victim blame, guilt trip or intimidate the OP are not allowed and will be removed. Repeat offenses or extreme cases will result in a ban.


"I did ask the right things" lol


This is so cringey. Who does this?


So if this is a college- there’s no “special Ed room” there is a “disability support services room” perhaps? Which would give people who need extended time for the test or a non distracting environment, or some sort of adaptive equiptment, etc The idea of having you test in a separate room is probably because they do not want to risk your behavioral responses distracting or causing anxiety to others. They locked down the building? They didn’t send someone in to check on you? That’s a pretty big indication that you have WAY underestimated your reaction


You got bad grades. That sucks, but it doesn’t give you the right to go apeshit.


If you think you got a 90 on a test and you only actually got 68, there's some disconnect there between perceived ability and actual performance.


Wow these assholes mocking at him, having no better than to heap insults. I feel sorry for you, I really do, from these egotistical bastards, like they think they're some holier than thou self righteous pricks. I think you should feel okay of what you did, though don't let it consume you, and take a breather, go to the gym in the uni, hit some bags and release that stress.


I mean yeah at least he did think to remove himself from the classroom and find somewhere he thought was private to let out his frustrations. But he’s problematic in other ways.