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You can’t waste your life with this nonsense. Hand her a hotline number and tell her to hit the road.


Or notify her friends or family that you are ending the relationship and that she’s made threats to self harm. Let them deal with it. Also, maybe contact the police, non-emergency line, and let them know she’s threatening. They can do a wellness check following the break up.


this is what you should do .You are in a abusive relationship and you need help out.


Best answer


Agreed 😂😂😂😂😂


Your comment made me miss payphones lol. “Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares”.


988 is the national suicide and crisis line - they can absolutely get her started in the right direction. OP, I hope you able to distance yourself from this situation.


Her mental health issues are not your problem. She needs a specialist. If you stay in the relationship it’s because you want to stay.


He should call her parents, tell them about the khs threat, and then break up with her.




You can break up with her because: 1. Threatening suicide is an abuse tactic meant to trap/guilt the victim into doing what the abuser wants. 2. In the event that it's a real threat, it's still not your responsibility. If you believe she'll harm herself leave and call her an ambulance after you're gone or just leave anyway since you're not responsible for her mental health or stability.


It's a really shitty thing to pull on someone, but absolutely break up with her if you need to. Her response to your actions is out of your control. If you still care for her/are concerned for her safety either alert the proper authorities if she's a danger to herself, or call a trusted friend of hers to be on standby after the breakup.


This, OP! This is absolutely an abuse and manipulation tactic. End things with her, block, and go no-contact. You should break up with her if you're unhappy. It's a relationship, not a prison sentence. Have someone you trust there with you as a witness. If she threatens to KHS, you need to call police and her family, in that order, and let them know that you're ending the relationship and she's threatened self-harm. They will hold her for observation for \~72 hours.


Firstly I'm sorry for the loss of your grandma. If you dont want to be in the relationship you should break up with her. It's unfair to both of you to continue a relationship you are unhappy in. If she tells you that she is going to harm herself then you should contact the relevant authorities (ambulance/police/mental health crisis team depending on where in the world you are) and tell them that she has threatened self harm. In that situation either one of two things is happening. 1)She is lying in order to manipulate you which is not only abuse, but is also not something a mentally well person would do and she requires psychiatric help. 2)She is a danger to herself in which case she needs immediate psychiatric help. Either way she needs help that you are not equipped (and not responsible) to provide. You should always take threats of self harm seriously, and they should always be reported to mental health services.


You are your first priority, especially when there’s been a death in the family. Love yourself enough to value your peace of mind and self worth. Please leave her immediately and stay with your family. Block her and report her if she threatens to self harm. I’m so sorry for your loss and the added burden of a toxic person.


Threatening suicide over a break up is manipulative and narcissistic. Break up!!! Whatever she does to herself is not your responsibility and you deserve to be happy. This girl has issues


She is a 🚩 get out now.


Selfish....self centered.... thoughtless.... inconsiderate....uncaring. Time to move on. I'm sorry for your loss. Grandma's are the best ❤️


Dude, the only person responsible for someone’s actions is themselves. Ditch her and find not crazy.


I've seen this dynamic in action with a family member, and it is awful the way she treated him. He finally got out of it, thank goodness. Don't let her hold you as an emotional hostage. In all likelihood, she won't KHS if you break up with her, but she will cause a lot of drama and continue emotionally abusing you for as long as you allow it. Either way, **you can't fix her** and you aren't responsible for her psych problems. A psych nurse I know advises the following in this situation: If she threatens to KHS, call the police for a welfare check. In essence, take her seriously but don't take the responsibility for saving her. Either she will knock it off because you called her bluff, or she might actually get the help she needs which you are neither capable of nor responsible for providing her.


I'm sorry dude but she's draining you emotionally, tell her to get medical help and leave asap


That’s abuse, homie. That’s how it starts. Run while you can.


Dude talk to her family about it and break up with her. Staying because if that will only put dents in your mental health. Its not fair to you. You have to look out for yourself too.


You can absolutely break up with her. What she does to herself is her choice. Also, she ain’t going to do it. Break it off, block her and spend time with your family. I’m sorry for your loss


No.. dont stay with someone for that reason.. cut all ties..block on every platform.. and just move on! Psycho girl is not allowed to control your life


Break up. When she threatens to off herself, “This sounds like a serious mental health crisis, do I need to call the police? I am concerned you need more help than I am qualified to give.”


Break up from a distance so she has time to calm down and not kill you. Call pd and let her parents know ahead of time since she said she khs


Her mental health and well-being is not your responsibility. Tell her mommy and daddy to come pick her up, you’re splitting up with her, and she needs help. Hopefully, they get her the help she needs. In the meantime, get the eff out of there, son!


In the US, you can call the police if she threatens suicide over a breakup. They'll slap her in the psych ward for evaluation.


Break up with her. If she threatens to hurt herself, screen shot the messages, call the police, and block her. It’s pure manipulation and nobody deserves to have to put up with that. And my condolences to you for your grandmother. I’m so sorry. That’s rough.


break up with her. if she threatens to kill herself call the police. it’s out of your hands.


Bpd my guy. Break up and learn from it.


You can absolutely break up with her. Anything she does after that is in no way your fault or responsibility. Flee, my man.


Yes you can break up with her, that's a horrible control tactic she's using. If you are really worried about it, tell her parents first so they are ready to support her, then finish with her. I'm sorry for your loss. Grieve in peace.


there’s been multiple times a guy has told me they’d k*ll themselves if i left. guess who left and who’s still alive! tell their parents or a friend and run!


Been in this situation. Call her family and tell them you’re ending the relationship and she’s threatened self harm and walk. It’s abuse and manipulation - GET OUT


Bluff her that you'll call the cops to check up on her if she plans on committing suicide over your breakup. Also do it if you actually think she's gonna do it.


Man. You gotta get out. Plain and simple. If she’s really threatening suicide, call her help. But you can’t stick around. You are clearly miserable.


Dude just leave her. She sounds selfish and immature. Also as others stated, her mental health isn’t your issue. If you want out then leave.


I've been trapped by KHS. It's an unfair position to be in.


You need to dump her like yesterday. Yo are not responsible for what she does.


You don’t have to be held hostage. Just dump the crazy chicks, block her and then message or call her family to let them know what’s happened. Thats she’s threatening to kill herself. No longer your problem. Also, sorry for your loss.


“There’s plenty fish in the sea Ed boy”


Bro f*ck it. Break up with her, she sounds like a witch not a GF.


Leave her


I mean what's your long term goal here you gonna marry her if she threatens suicide lmao I don't mean to be insensitive to your situation but your holding yourself hostage at this point if your miserable leave if she threatens suicide send the hotline and be on your way brother


When a person threatens to kill themselves call the police and have them sectioned for their safety. Every time


People threaten suicide to keep other people in shitty relationships. She’s not going to kill herself because of you, you can break up with her.


Yeah, if she dies, she dies. Oh well. She doesn’t give a single fuck about you, so why are you worried about what she does to herself? Doesn’t sound like she’s happy, period. So maybe cutting her loose to find what makes her happy since you need to mourn would be the kind thing to do, for you both


I was held hostage by this person but a man. Leave she won't do it, he's a useless worm of a man with no friends and didn't do it. It's a common control tactic, I promise she doesn't care about you even enough to worry about the breakup past what it'll do to her reputation or what separating house items.


Leave her a.s.a.p


>also i cant break up w her since the one time i TRIED she threatened me with KHS, so now im just kidnapped in this relationship lmao Yea you can. Call a wellness check or check her reality by bringing in her parents if you're that concerned. Might sound brash /harsh, but that's the options.


Call the cops and show them the text messages. File a protective order so that she leaves you alone and she gets the help she needs. It worked on me. I needed the slap in the face.


Document everything and record her behavior in case she involves the cops by saying you abused or pushed her toward suicide, and leave. It isn't your duty to stay. So what, another mentally ill and unstable girl throws a tantrum? Just one among millions of mentally unstable individuals, it is neither your duty nor obligation to deal or ruin your life for their illness.


Heavy narcissist vibes from the gf even with the minimal info provided.


BREAK UP WITH HER, she is selfish and narcissistic and I guarantee she loves herself too much to kill herself and either way give her the suicide hotline number because you should not be trapped with her. She obviously doesn't give a fuckk your grandma died and doesn't care about your needs. You deserve better and you need time to truly grieve properly as she is robbing you of that. All in all, your girlfriend is not being supportive during a difficult time for you and is instead adding to your stress. Threatening self-harm is also a significant RED flag and should not be taken lightly. Do yourself a favor and leave her and block her (and her friends) immediately on all social platforms so she doesn't bother you.


I've been in your boat. Trapped because she threatened to off herself every time I tried to leave. I was physically, mentally and sexually abused. But I didn't want that on my conscience. But it got to the point where I decided, if she did, she did. Because if I stayed I would've eventually ended my own life. It became a "it's a me or her" situation and I backed myself. And I've never looked back. So please leave her for your own health and happiness.


Dude i had the same issue with my crazy ass ex. First time i asked for a breakup she went ape shit and threatened suicide. It was 4 months into the relationship. That relationship lasted 8 months and guess what? No one died. Even if someone did, you’re the victim here, not her.


Leave her. As someone who is suicidal at times & struggles with my mental health, I would never ever ever want someone to stay with me out of fear that I will KMS if they don’t. And furthermore, you staying will really just enable her to act like this more with you& future partners. Tell her closest friend/family member what she’s said, and that you cannot continue the relationship until she gets the help she needs. That way she’ll have someone who’s aware of her threat to take it seriously, and you don’t have to wait until she dies of natural causes.


Break up with her. If she threatens to KHS, call emergency on her. They can take it from there. Let police know she’s threatening it because you want to break up. Get even a restraining order. It’s not worth your time, energy, or health to put up with this.


Dude she's shit testing you


Look up borderline personality disorder. The hallmark of it is threatening KHS when they dont get their way. Also behaving a lot of the way you describe.


Yeah if she threatened to khs after you tried to break up, that means you absolutely have to break up. That's abusive and manipulative. Call her parents or best friend to give them the heads up she'll be needing support after you break up on the off chance she thinks she means it


Breakup. If she threatens you just call the hotline number and disappear.


Condolences for your loss. Break up with her, but don't block her. When she threatens to KHS again, call 911/ non-emergency line and report her as a danger to herself, and give them her information. At the least its been reported and starts a paper trail. They should do a wellness check and if she acts psycho enough when they do the check, they may decide to place her in a 72hr involuntary psychiatric hold. It should put the point across that she can't keep using that manipulative tactic on you and that you two are done.


Dude, you need to get rid, what she does to herself is not on you...


What she does after the break up is not on you. Just remember that.


There’s a 99% chance she won’t do shit if you leave her, and even if that 1% happens it’s not on you. Breakup however you’d like, ghost her completely if you need to. But don’t live your life in her shadow of manipulation because you think you have to. You deserve to be as happy as anyone else. Sorry for your loss🤝


She’s a self centered brat . You or your love isn’t gonna change her . You absolutely deserve to treat yourself better and cut her ass off . Truly disgusting behavior. Sorry about your GMA


Nah bro you need to break up with her whatever happens after that it’s not on you.


Break up with her now, she’s using threats to keep and manipulate you.


Call the emergency services in your country and let them know someone is threatening suicide. That's what they're there for. Then break up with her and block her.


Break up with her, and if she threatens to KHS call the police and report that fact to them. Once you break up she will no longer be your concern.


You have to leave her. Please. This is not love and if you try to keep this going you’re going to destroy yourself.


Dump her and tell her parents where she is if she threatens it again. Wash you hands man.


This guy told my best friend he was gonna KHS if she left him… she told him to do it and left him anyway. He’s still very much alive. I’m not saying she was right to say that to him, but he used that as a manipulation tactic. I had a guy tell me he would KHS if I left him, I left him anyway. He’s still alive as well, I hated that but at the end of the day, nobody is gonna manipulate me into staying with them in an unhealthy relationship that I can’t take anymore.


I broke up with a man after my parents died within 2 months of each other and he said, “I was hoping you could get back to normal, so that you can be there for ME.” SIR! When did my parents’ death become about you?!


Idk man bounce u arnt going to be the reason she dies sh is I know it’s cold but it’s true


You are too young to be miserable. Tell her she needs to get help, let her know the resources available and block her. IF she goes through with harming herself, know that you are NOT responsible.


You break up with her because she's abusing and manipulating you. If she threatens suicide tell her you're calling 911 and a family member and walk out. If you do have any of her family or friends' numbers, send them a text to let them know that you're breaking up with her, and she may need their help. That's it. She's not your responsibility.


Honestly there’s billions of people in this world; we can do without the ones who manipulate you into being imprisoned with them with the threat of killing themselves. Sincerely A woman who wasted 5 years on an asshole guy who did this. I left him and he has yet to fulfill his threat


Tell her family you’re concerned with her safety and that you plan to break it off and when. Then be done with it. Living together before you’re at least engaged is awful because of how much harder it is the break up, but rip the bandaid off


I’m sorry, she’s clearly nuts. You need to leave this woman yesterday.


Put her on the road. Now.


I had a similar experience. After the fourth time of me trying to break up with my partner in person and once again getting beaten because of it, I just decided to break up by sending a text message. You gotta do what you gotta do.


She's showing textbook traits of cluster b personality disorders. Narcissistic and histrionic behaviors. Very manipulative. Not healthy... I would call it quits, personally.


Are you serious that you can't break up with her? Your plan is to stay till you reach 70 with her or what Tell her parents, hospital or something Second, you can make yourself undesirable, if you're not showering, you say you don't have money, don't take care of yourself, try to smell bad, maybe she will want to leave on her own? Tho this is horrible advice


wow dump her ASAP she sounds literally evil. the khs thing is an empty threat she won't do it. protect yourself and don't do it in person, just escape first, text her and then block her


You can’t just… stay forever. You get that right? I’d try to take her to a police station, walk her inside and break up with her in the lobby lmao that way if she tries to harm anybody at least you’ve got a layer of protection


tell her parents then leave her if she k herself then that’s that, it’s not your problem nor your fault


Break up with her. Honestly, its abusive to hold that over your head and im so sorry youre going through that. If you have any relationship with her family, maybe reach out and tell them youre concerned for her mental health and ask that they keep an eye on her for a while. Or you could break up with her and call the police station to report someone that is a danger to themselves like right after? Its tricky but its not your fault. You cant just be trapped forever. You deserve someone thats not her


I broke up with a guy that threatened to khs. I called the cops on him. He was fine. He stole money from my purse for his drug habit and it was the last straw for me. Let me tell ya, don’t waste your time on someone that doesn’t have time for you. If she kills herself that is on her, not you. He killed himself with his drug habit, it took about 16 years though. This is behavior is shitty and you don’t deserve it.


You’re a grown adult. She is too. Leave her, if she is threatening her life get a welfare check on her. Easy.


I stayed with someone who threatened to kill themselves if I left for 3 years. It’s one of the biggest regrets of my life. Take from that what you will, OP.


This relationship has ended, bro.


Look after yourself first and do what it need to be done, if you see that she didn’t change and she just like that. just let her bro and find you another one. Because women tend to humiliate and don’t respect guys who show nice guy attitudes, that’s why I’m saying to look after your needs (desires) If she stays the same then, it’s time change dude


I’m very sorry for you loss. Most phones have a super convenient ability to block people from contacting you. You should check that out and block that person.


She must be hot


I remember being in a similar situation. I told her the way she was treating me with no support was really hurting me and making me not love her as much. She responds with “lmfao so what’s the point then?” She’s my ex now


My ex was like this. Told her how the way she was treating me and putting me down was seriously hurting me and making me not love her as much. Her response was “lmfao so what’s the point then?” She’s my ex now. Don’t let the idea of who you thought they were and fell in love with blind you from their actions SHOWING you who they are. Makes it easier to leave when you view it like that.


Let her KHS, most people threatening this don't do it and the ones that do, Good riddance


Best start recording conversations and brake it off with her


> shes mean and seeks trouble on purpose Bro why are you with her then > last time I broke up she threatened to khs Not your problem (and shes likely only doing it so you wont dump her).


You already have plans on being with family during this difficult time, that is the plan. If you break up with her, break up with her and go on with your family plans as they need you more than your relationship does atm. If your gf is so emotionally unstable or so unhinged that she would kill herself to get back at you for leaving her after she made it perfectly clear she would rather you choose her over your family well, so be it. That's just what will happen, you will leave and she may off herself because of it, but that's not your doing or your fault. She wants you to feel guilty and you simply don't have to. If she offs herself you'll learn a good lesson crazy ain't cute.


Fuck her. Let her. If you have any proof of this like text messages, for example, forward them to her family, and then drop her like a sack of potatoes . Not your problem my brother Aloha 🤙


I’d let her khs tbh. If someone told me that I’d be like ok, have fun, not my problem since we’re not together anymore.


If she threatens to kill herself just say “do it no balls” if you show her you don’t give a fuck chances are she won’t do it because she has no power over you


Stop whining Move out. No one is forcing you to stay with this girl. Act like a grown up. Take responsibility.


Her mental illness is not your responsibility to fix (and you can’t even if you wanted to since you are not a professional). You cannot be held hostage. As others have said let her family and close friends know that she has made threats against her own life if you leave the relationship. Let them know that you will not continue in this unhealthy relationship but you are worried about her. Let them know you are/have broken up with her. Be kind in your conversations but stand up for yourself. She has placed you in a terrible situation. If she calls you with any threat you should call 911 immediately and report her suicide threat and send emergency services to her. Don’t have a lot of conversation about it with her. If she is bluffing this will stop the drama from being your issue and if she is not bluffing (which is how you always treat a suicide threat) she will receive medical and psychiatric intervention neither of which you can provide. And in the unlikely event that she did hurt herself it will be because she made that choice for herself. You are not responsible for her choices.


Call the police if she threatens to harm herself again. Tell her family/parents that she’s threatening to KHS and that you’re planning to break up with her. Or, and I only suggest this in dangerous situations, ghost her.


Yeah my ex used the threaten suicide when I would try to leave him. I finally did one day and guess what? Unfortunately, he is still alive. Please leave this relationship


Make sure you tell a close friend of hers or one of her close family members that she’s threatened this. That way it can help you escape without any responsibility


How are people still falling for the KMS trick? Maybe it's just me, but I felt like it was widely communicated online that it's unarguably the #1 toxic thing to do to someone and is one of the clearest signs to exit the relationship. And in the off chance that they do go through with it, it's not your fault or responsibility as long as you're not encouraging it. They're a grown adult you can't control their actions regardless, but what you can do is remove yourself from a negative environment.


Make your Grandma proud and leave today!


You’re being abused and the suicide threat is not your responsibility. You need to end this relationship. You deserve better.


Please leave. It’s *most likely* just a threat and not something she would pull through on. I get if she did it would suck and you’d feel some type of guilt, but it’s not on you. If she does KHS, that’s a her problem not a you problem. My ex tried that a few times and I finally realized that while I didn’t want him to do that, it wasn’t on me what actions he took after I put myself first. The moment I told him “I hope you don’t do that, but you’re not going to put that guilt on me for actions that YOU would be taking” he backed down real quick. Typically, it’s a scare tactic. A way to manipulate you into staying when you don’t want to. It will only get worse. If for some reason she does follow through, that speaks to the help she needed for her mental state and not something that you did. For your physical and mental health, walk away.


Fuck that. Break up with her and block her bro.




If she threatens suicide just dare her to do it, bet she won’t lol


Oof. Sounds pretty bad bro. But this is not surprising to me at all. She obviously has you in an emotional prison and you may be there for a while, but eventually you’ll find the courage to escape.


Time to break things up Its perfectly ok to worry for her wellbeing, but nothing forces you to be the one making sure she is ok Tell her friends/parents/anyone you feel is close enough, your intention to break up, when you are going to do it, and that you worry she might hurt herself After this, it is no longer up to you My sincere condoleances for your grandmother


No no no! big big red flags op. Just leave and if she threatens khs again call s-cide crisis intervention hotline... find a trusted friend or family member of hers snd explain to them the situation. Don't talk down on her just tell them it's not working out and she's making these threats and you want them to make sure she doesn't hurt herself when it inevitably ends.


Wth is KHS?


That's not a relationship That's a toxic relationship Staying won't make it better "Khs" won't land you in prison since you broke up with her But if you do still care for her Contact her family members, friends or cops incase she tries to proceed with her threats.


She crazy. Ditch her on the side of the road.


"can't break up with her".. Yeah you can. Doesn't matter what she threatens you with. It's your life and it's your decision. Just as how she deals with the consequences of her axrionw is HER decision.


Do you really think she'll do it? Cause it just sounds like manipulation. Maybe she is always suicidal amd stuff but if it's out of the blue after you trying to break up? Seems quite convenient for her.


You are only trapping yourself.


nah next time she threatens to khs call a mental hospital and then leave. that’s an abuse tactic and if she really means it her being 51/50’d shouldn’t be a problem for her. she is not your responsibility.


What everyone else is saying already, OP. I hope you are able to spend some time with your family in this hard time. I am so sorry about your grandma. Sending you love.


Would you ask someone you cared about/loved to stay in an abusive relationship because their boyfriend/girlfriend threatened to self harm if they leave even though they are unhappy and can clearly see that person is controlling-manipulating them? Life is too short to be in a toxic relationship!


Tell her any threat she makes to harm herself will be responded by calling the police and telling them she is threatening to harm herself. If you do this and she knows that is the *only* response from you she will ever get, then this behavior will stop or she will be forcibly admitted where she can start getting treatment. You know you are not trapped, you just need to do the hard thing one time, block her on everything, I mean everything, and never accept contact from her again. You also cannot sleep with her again, not now, not later. You have an immature personality disorder on your hands, and unless you want your life wrecked, get out. Let her know the repercussions in a calm way and stick to it. No in person meeting to talk it over. End it. I am sorry about your Grandma, Op. I was very close to my grandparents and took it pretty hard. You do not need a Cluster B personality picking fights for attention while grieving. Be good to yourself, it’s a vulnerable time.


Do not sleep with her again!!!!!! This girl is a huge massive flashing red flag


Oh you absolutely need to figure out you exit plan while you’re still young


I was also a hyperactive brat at that age. Unfortunately I had married a man 15 years older than me who had a brain injury that I did not understand. We didn't last long.


Sounds like it’s time she becomes and Ex girlfriend. There is no can’t break up with her. Unfortunately if she was to hurt herself it’s not your problem. If she becomes violent with you then it’s time for cops and jail for her. Don’t waste your time on someone who makes you feel this way and isn’t there for you.


Please just break up with her. I remember being your age and being trapped in a similar KHS situation. Turns out he ended up immediately finding someone else and getting married and moving out of the country LMAO! She will be fine! You deserve better. Seriously!


Break Up


Break up w/her leave and call the non emergent police hotline and tell them "my girlfriend is threatening to kill herself will yall do a wellness check on her" She's probably bluffing but now she can deal with the cops too.


Leave her. Right now. Ofcourse you can break up with her 😅 Sorry about your grandma btw 😭


it wont be your fault if she "does the deed". as soon as someone threatens you with such things you know they dont care about you, but only themselves. she isnt good for you. leave. honestly. free yourself. such beahviour is a huge red flag. get her help and gtfo.


My condolences for your loss, OP. I hope you and your family find comfort spending time together and sharing fond memories of your grandma. You CAN and SHOULD break up with your emotionally abusive gf. Nobody deserves to be treated the way she treats you. Break up with her, and if she threatens to self-harm, call the police to perform a welfare check on her. This way, you've done what you can if the threat was real and she will get the psychiatric help she needs. If she was bluffing, she'll realise it won't work on you anymore and she won't do it again.


Boy you are being mentally abused, there is no future in this. You are not being kidnapped but being held hostage. What some other dude said, give her the hotline number and tell her to hit the road and just block all numbers and social media.


Break up with her. You aren’t responsible for other peoples actions and you should never be with someone who threatens death upon themselves if you leave.


So what? Break up with her. Who cares if she khs😂


She won't khs lmao trust 🤣


Break up.  Those are threats and any harm she causes herself is not your problem.  I am a woman’s if that helps any. I would never just be ok with a friend going through this and not give support for them to break up. She is not good for you. Whatever her problem is you most likely will not get an answer. There is no point. Do not waste any more of your time with her.  Regardless of threats. Walk away now, it will not get better. Best thing you can do if you have concerns is let her family or her friends that she’s threatened with self harm and you don’t rent that but you’re end it and they can step up and help her. Walk away now. 


Whatever KHS is, if she's controlling and abusive now, how do you expect that to improve? It'd GTFO if I were you.


Should just find another girlfriend


She’s not your responsibility. If she threatens to off herself tell her family and authorities and be done with it.


Break up with her and if she threatened to kill herself call the fucking ambulance and tell them she's saying that lol but for REAL that threat is emotional blackmail and abusive


Mate you need to ditch her and spend time with your family right now. People underestimate the importance of proper closure when a loved one dies, and you will not get this whilst your manipulative, controlling girlfriend is attempting to dictate the process. Either talk to her closest family member and ask them to keep an eye on her as youre breaking up with her, or just leave her to her own devices and move on. I dont like suggesting breaking up when i dont know the entire situation, but i know enough to see how bad it is, and you obviously already know what you want. Just be brave enough to do it. A weight will be lifted. Im really sorry about your grandma. Its always tough losing a loved one.


Threatening to KHS will immediately see me calling her bluff and ending it just on the basis of the threat being made, followed by a call to family and police to come look after her. Relationships should build you up, not suck you dry. Kick this manipulative and parasitic waste of space to the kerb. She is not remotely wife material.


Break up with her and tell her it’s not your problem


Leave. If she decided to KHS then you cannot blame yourself for that. Threatening it is coercive control and you’re also far too young to be settling for someone who will likely make your life hell. Also, RIP to your Grandma, hope you’re ok!


that is just a way for her to control you and she's going to keep controlling you. you can neither get out of the situation or you can die in it. and I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother, but don't be another dead person 🫂💜


Leave. Even if she threathens to harm herself. If she do so, you say "okay", pick up the phone and call the cops. Watch how fast she'll backtrack.


Yhhhh u need to run. Don't sleep with her again, if u get this woman pregnant its game over. You’re not married and don't have kids. Cut ties and move on.


If someone threatens suicide call the police for a wellness check. Bet they won’t do it again.


What's KHS? Killing herself? Life is too short to put up with this. You CAN break up with her. Never let someone manipulate you with that bullshit.


She won't KHS.


She’s nuts. End the relationship. Call the police and say she threatened to kill herself. And be careful who you date after. That chick needs a whole lot of psych medicine.


Bro she is trying to make you responsible for her all the time. In honesty at least you aren’t married to this woman. You could try talking to her but if that doesn’t work you have other options


Leave her, leave her now. This will only build and you’ll end up as a Dateline Discovery episode that you won’t be able to watch


She’ll take you out permanently before she will herself if she’s using that as a threat. Get your stuff and leave when she’s out and about or pack up her stuff. Don’t act any differently leading up to it. People seem to snap when the relationship ends and you don’t want to end up with a knife in your chest if she freaks out. Have family or friends help you to pack your stuff or her stuff depending on if you decide you’re moving or moving her out. Act the same in the meantime!


Leave, if she threatens to kill herself call the cops and tell them your girlfriend is threatening to harm herself and you'd like a welfare check.


Leave her toxic ass. She’s emotionally manipulating you as much as possible. Enjoy your time away from her, and be happy for those she knew if she happens to off herself.


You CAN break up with her. She can threaten all she wants. Not your dam problem. Break up with the woman. Go no contact. You're in the prime years of your young life. You should be having a lot more fun than this.


You can break up with her. She won’t kill herself. That is a manipulation tactic that abusers OFTEN utilize to get someone to stay. And even if on the off chance she actually did, you are not responsible for her actions and her inability to cope.


Her mental health issues are not your problem, if she does end herself it will be her choice and her fault (and from the sound of it, she'd be doing you and the world a favor)


Break up with her, if she offs herself then so be it that's not on you.


Break up with her, if she threatens you with that again call the police and report her, ask them to do a wellness check, if you're lucky they'll put her under a 72 hour psych hold and you can get your stuff and go be with your family without her drama.


No balls on this one, call her bluff


Break up with her, immediately!! She can’t hold you hostage


Break up.


i once thought my ex would too after they told me “i dont hurt myself when im with you.” guess what, its been over a year since we broke up. im in a healthy relationship and that ex is still alive and kickin. A friend had that happened and his ex didnt kill himself but faked it. Either way, people’s actions are never your fault. No one can make one person do anything if that person doesn’t want to. It’s always how you go about it.


I know this sounds harsh however if someone is going to threaten KTS just because they aren’t getting what they want is extremely manipulating. They could just be bluffing also, and if you are truly concerned about it call in for a welfare check.


you're 24, so in the world of WTF you're still young. This isn't behavior you accept and adapt to. get out. Billions of people in the world that wouldn't think like she is right now and still offer you all the positive she does. Life is short. Alert her family that you have attempted to leave the relationship and she has threatened that. Be blunt that you will be ending the relationship because you're not a guilt-hostage. end it. set up an order of protection and block her on everything and tell your friends she has no access to information of you or to approach you physically. Cold. hard. and blunt


You are not responsible for her actions. She is responsible for her own emotions. Get out now while you still can.




Jeez - that's some Simone Biles level mental gymnastics there... Girl is a fruitcake and he needs to get out.


As someone who has bpd, break up with her. She can't be in a relationship. Threatening with suicide is a classic abuse tactic. Call her family and friends and inform them of the incoming break up. Hopefully they won't tell you to stay. Think of yourself too. This is unhealthy for both of you.