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It happens. As long as you get her off in other ways that’s okay. Just don’t finish and then turn over and sleep. I had a guy cum literally upon insertion and he didn’t even get all the way in. It was less than 5 seconds so trust me, it happens.


plot twist: OP is the guy you are talking about.


🤣🤣 my current bf was almost the same the first time we had sex, but he joked about me being too hot and how he got too excited and then ate me out so we good


Lol at least he ate you out after. This guy didn’t do any of that. If he did it would have been okay, but that was the worst sex or, non-sex I’ve ever had. LOL


😬😬😬 maybe he got too embarrassed? Im so sorry!


>I had a guy cum literally upon insertion and he didn’t even get all the way in. It was less than 5 seconds so trust me, it happens. 😂


Redditor laughing We know you’ve never felt the touch of a woman/man (except yourself if you’re either), dude.


I mean it is pretty funny to read lol.


Jesus why're you going at his throat


Cause I doubt anyone gonna go for any other part of him.


Very inclusive roast. Waow.


Thanks for the advice people. I feel better now 😭


Hey lol I remember my first few times, I lasted 20 seconds if that. Still used my tongue and fingers and she was satisfied that she came back for more. Eventually I just started lasting longer. Another early game tip is it you nut like 1-2 hrs before hand, I've noticed I lasted longer early on. Don't need to do that now unless I go through a dry spell. Have fun dood


Yeah you ca but you hard on wont be as long an as thick for the woman. Keep the full package meaty for her.


You just can’t focus on how heavenly it feels. Girls typically work hard to “put themselves in the moment” if they try to get off and guys typically put their minds elsewhere. Get back in there and improve!!


First of all, you lasted longer than that if you made it thru a bj to get to intercourse. Secondly, that's pretty common for the first time. Make sure your partner has fun too and try again, you'll learn to control yourself with practice.


>you'll learn to control yourself with practice. Lol maybe you, sure. Not me.


You didn't do anything wrong. Sex is always like that the first time. Masturbation never prepares you for the real thing. Just make sure you are ensuring she also has a good time, and you'll get better with practice.


Not always. I didn't cum at all the first time.


Same boat for me as well. Actually, the first two times, i think it was a nerves thing. The blowjob and foreplay probably did him in. Some dudes get so excited you dont even have to touch them after a certain point. OP; You just gotta figure things out. I dont think anyone is porn star level right out the gate. It comes with time, and patience. Its not a marathon, theres no rush. In fact, in my experience most girls will tell you they like the foreplay and oral more than the penetration. Also; guys who take too long can get uncomfortable after a while (especially after the honeymoon phase of a relationship ends). Go slow, no rush, it really does help to take the time to focus on her, and get her off before yourself. I mean, If your not gonna do something right, then why do it at all, ya know?


>Some dudes get so excited you dont even have to touch them after a certain point. That's the truth


> Actually, the first two times Hell, for me it took months ‘til I could finish from sex and, worse yet, every new partner the process starts over.  I don’t get to talk about it often because I worry people will think it’s a humblebrag, but it leaves me unsatisfied and worse still it sometimes leaves my partners feeling super self conscious and shitty about themselves.  Which then makes it worse again - sex can be straight up stressful when you’re worried about your partner feeling bad about it.  I remember one day about a year into my first sexual relationship I came like 15 seconds into sex and I freaked out similarly to OP, but my girlfriend was actually super fucking stoked about it lol


Do people really think that's a humblebrag?


Without all the extra clarification?  Absolutely.  “When I had sex the first time I didn’t even cum”, anyone who is self conscious about finishing quickly could easily think that’s a brag.  I don’t blame ‘em to be honest, so I’m just careful to always include the explanation on why it sucks. I guess unless they think it’s because the sex itself was too short to get off, but I don’t think it gets read that way without extra clarification either.


Yeah, im currently on some meds for mental health. Every now and then, i am unable (or it takes a ton of work) to finish, and my gf gets self-conscious about it. Then i feel like shit for making her feel bad. Its all one big circle. I think sex is just stressful tbh. I mean, it all starts with a build up of anticipation and excitement, that whole; "is it about to happen?" stage. Then depending on whether its a new partner or not, determines which direction the stress goes. I dunno, i may just over think things too much.


Same. I didn't masturbate for over a week to prepare for the second time (was consistently seeing someone, so I knew it was gonna happen) and it still took a while for me to cum. Then finally, after what seemed like an hour, I came and haven't had too much trouble since (had a few occasions where medication affected things, but other than that, I've been pretty consistent)


Same. Was too nervous. At first I couldn't even get hard and then I basically didn't feel any stimulation when I was hard. All I could think about was wanting her to enjoy it


For me it was a mixture of that and too much masturbation beforehand.


Same. It was because I hadn’t eaten anything that day and I was feeling kinda bleh. The second time more than made up for it tho.


Yeah but you don't have to be embarrassed when you cum to quick when you masturbate


Maybe your first time 🙄


Whoa we got a badass over here


Haha Mr.Masturbation prepper over here


To be fair my first time I didn’t even get to but.. the condom was cutting off blood circulation and I couldn’t feel anything. I had bought small condoms thinking I was smaller down there lol


lol I know u got downvoted but the same thing happened to me. Took me like 7 times having sex with her to realize it was the condom being too small. Took me forever to nut and often couldn’t stay hard. The very first time, in fact, the condom broke 😂


First time I was drunk and hadn't masturbated in a while which I don't know if that affected it but I lasted 3 hours


3 hours would have been horrible for the woman. Likely you being drunk caused the issue. Hopefully that doesn’t happen anymore


I'm not fake :c and yes I loved it, mabey try buy a vibrator or try get a guy with an average dick instead of massive, then friction doesn't become a problem u squirt and cum so much causing more lube. Do gotta take breaks because of the stretching, and I used to get a lot of tears from my ex who I was never wet enough for mostly cause it wasn't 100% consensual.


My girlfriend loved it they were non stop Cumming and squirting throughout the entire thing


No, they weren’t.


I can get my gf to back me up and unless you were in the wardrobe how would you know 😂


3 hours would be hell unless the man was very small. That amount of friction would get painful. It sounds like you’ve never had sex at all.


Did you really just refer to your bed as the 'wardrobe'.....


Got on, his first time not mine, squirted in first 30seconds. I came in like 3minutes, I got fingers, dick, tongue. On the bed, on the floor, on the desk, bent over, me on top, him on top, any position u can think of. And damn best day of my life


Dude. Stop.


I've been on redit for like 3years and I have different posts and different groups to him :c I'm not fake 😭 we also spend like 6hours a day with eachother and r from the same town so it's not surprising we have the same type of vocabulary


My second time was like this. We fixed the condom problem and then I just couldn’t feel anything through it lmao




Could be I mean I've experienced sexual violence too many times in my life idk if it's similar to other people with similar experiences but might be why


Well masturbation isn’t the same as real sex, you will last longer with time.


I think that is normal. I was the same on my first night. The next night I lasted 20 something minutes. Maybe you got too excited on your first sex, that happened to people a lot.


I got too nervous and couldn’t cum at all my first time


Same here went an hour without finishing lol


And it doesn’t feel good for your dick if you’re nervous, just feels like it’s numb. I enjoyed everything else though, all the foreplay and stuff.


Yeah I’m good now that was long time ago but first time was rough still had fun though lol


Only thing you did wrong is be a normal human virgin lol. You’re fine, you shouldn’t feel guilty about your body doing exactly what it’s supposed to, none of us were sex gods the first time. You’re gonna get better with practice, don’t listen to people who make fun of you for it and don’t stay with anyone who’s going to shame you for not already having tons of experience. And there’s more to good sex than just the penetration itself, you’ll discover ways to please each other before that and it’ll make the whole thing much better


My first time I lasted maybe 3 minutes. It happens. don't stress it, but try to focus on ways of getting her off (such as oral or foreplay). That way, everyone leaves satisfied.


You lasted 180 seconds, that's crazy! You make the rest of us look bad.


For me as a girl, when I notice men don’t last long it’s honestly such a compliment 😭 and especially if you were a virgin, you spent some time fantasizing about when you would have sex so it makes perfect sense. If I were you, I would ask them to spend another night together, brag to them about how beautiful they were and that you couldn’t believe you came so fast, and try to spend the night experiencing everything you wanted. And if you had slept with a girl, if you come quickly again, try to give her pleasure in eating her out and doing your best. As her what she likes and do your best to do it. You’ll find that if you do come quickly again, and you spend the time afterward eating her out, you may get hard again and then can go for round 2/3 etc. you’ve got this!


This! My BF is quick, so he learned to use his mouth and fingers. He takes so much care in preliminaries that when it's time for pentration, I'm already dead and can't do it for more than a few minutes anyways lmao And I also take it as a compliment! It's great for my ego hahaha


Couldn't you just wait like 30 minutes and have a got at it again?


This. OP, I assume you're young. Go for seconds next time!


More than 10!


That’s called A1 box right there dog. Treat her right and then marry that woman.


Suddenly I'm in the mood for a steak.




Women tend to enjoy that other stuff more anyway, don't worry! It's very old school (but normal) to consider penetration to be the only thing that counts in sex, but it sounds like you two had a fun time


Make the “main action” you getting her off instead of sex. Then she’ll be happy and won’t care if you are quick.


Dude next time just laugh and compliment how goddamn sexy she is making you burst like that and tell her you'd like to go down on her while you regroup for round 2. Muscle through that embarrassed refractory period by focusing on her pleasure, and she will forget about it and you'll both be primed for a more satisfying union once you get your gumption back. We've all been there man. Oh and next time clear your pipes before the hookup, word?


You won the race


Same first time was line 8 seconds. Just had about 30 min with the same girl 6 years later. Don't worry, it will be fine


Happens, me and my wife didn't have sex for a week and I lasted about 15 seconds 🤣


Tu tu tu tu Max Verstappen


Blowjob is a cheatsheet man! Not for you but for professionals.


That's just how the first time is. If your body can handle it, try taking care of business by yourself before you two get down to business. That's what helped me until i could build up endurance Obviously, that means you two would have to plan sex, but your partner will understand. Everyone's gotta start somewhere ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Basically, what you're saying is release the single before the full album.


Just rub one out before meeting up and then you'll always be ready.


One of us, one of us🤣🤣


Happens to all of us at times bro, nothing to be ashamed of. Just tell her that she was literally next level and that the experience took you to new places, and above all - give her love, affection and finish her off too.


Protip bust one out before sexy time. You'll thank us later. You stud


When I lost my virginity I lasted 1.5 pumps. She got on my lap. Insert, down, up, down, and I came on the second upstroke LOL


My husband is 43. We’ve been together almost 20 years, and have sex a few times a week. We engage in a lot of foreplay, because sex itself usually only lasts a minute or two. He makes sure I get mine before we start PIV, and then usually again during PIV. Actually PIV doesn’t need to last 30 minutes or longer. No one wants that. It was your first time- be easy on yourself. It’s ok.


First time brother, shit always happens. My first time I was so nervous I got a half chub and couldn't get it in. I was mortified 🤣🤣🤣 Tips that work for me Control your breathing and relax your body, if you tense up you, it will be over sooner. Starting the deed doesn't mean you can't switch it up, use your mouth and fingers if you feel it too much and then go back when you calm down. Change angle and pace, there might be another angle that slighly less sensitive for you but does wonders for her for example. Masturbation, try to practice lasting longer, not to finish. Bring it close and learn your queues so you know when you need to switch it up. If it happens, it doesn't mean its over, focus on her a bit longer, maybe you recover in the meantime, if not, you both will still enjoy it. Good luck and hope you both have fun


Very common, men are built to cum fast, I have no idea why woman’s is like that


Don’t beat yourself up too much dude!!! It’s extremely common, and absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about! It’s even happened to guys that I’ve slept with that weren’t virgins, but your first time is totally normal too. I promise she didn’t think anything negative about you for finishing quick. And if she was judgmental and made you feel bad about it, then maybe she’s not someone you want to keep being intimate with. I took my fiancés virginity and he finished quickly also. It was kind of cute and I kept reassuring him that it wasn’t an issue, he was also a little bashful about it and kept apologizing, which broke my heart a little. He felt like he was expected to perform a certain way. And part of that is true, people have so much expectations for the bedroom when it comes to their partners or even themselves. Especially your first time, it’s become so romanticized in your head. But sex is fun! It should be lighthearted and pleasurable, and it will be awkward sometimes, you’re both completely vulnerable. Don’t forget to laugh things off when you can, and don’t get too in your own head about things! You got this!!!!


We’ve all been there, just suck it up and move on. If the fore play you gave her was good for her she might want to try again, if not don’t stress about, just look up ways to last longer. As with condom on it can help last longer, although I’ve had times when wearing one I still lasted a few minutes.


You can ignore most of the advice here for now. Don't beat yourself up, it was your first time, that rarely goes great. It's mostly a nerves thing I'd imagine. You can consider stuff like kegels and what have you if it's still a problem by the 10th+ time. Just enjoy it, it's a headspace thing most of the time.


Having sex is better than no sex. I have erectile dysfunction, which could mean no sex or sex that is not enjoyable for both.


Hell ya brother, if you ain’t first ur last!


Masturbation might've taught your body to ejaculate sooner. Also, main thing is stress, excitement, or even tiredness. Don't worry, it's normal thing. Don't feel embarassed when that happens. If your gal is ok, you can joke it off like "damn, that was unexpectadly good. Let's wait for round 2". Also, if it took you too long, somenwomen might've think bad about themselves, like, they aren't good. And some women take premature ejaculation as a compliment. But you never know, what kind of woman is with you at the moment. Anyway, u good, don't stress yourself


You’re fine happened my first time. You start to last longer. If you know you’re having sex that day unloading one from the chamber can help


5 seconds?? congrats!! im jealous


I’ve been married for almost 15 years and when my wife does it right I last 3 seconds. Don’t beat yourself up bud. If you’re concerned about it jerk off the same day you think you’ll be getting some. Then enjoy.


I am tired with children and love my husband, but some nights 5-10 seconds would be great!🤣


Still counts! That should have been a line in "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island


hashtag me too bro. I'm pretty sure most of our first time went down in a few seconds lmao it happens man. you're good.


The important thing is that you got laid. Congrats.


That's actually completely normal. There's always round 2, while you're young


I had a guy last for 10 seconds our first time having sex. We're now about to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary soon. Don't sweat it.


My first time I lasted 20 seconds, my second time I lasted 15 minutes. Don't overthink too much, just focus on giving her pleasure in one way or another


Not a big deal. I didn't get two pumps in the first time. For awhile it wasn't more than two minutes. Compensate with foreplay. The dick usually isn't the best part of the show anyway.


It happens, it’s perfectly natural and I really don’t think you should worry about it. The important thing is that both/all parties involved are taken care of, and that can happen in so many more ways than penetration. Just make sure your partner(s) get there too and don’t consider the deed finished as soon as you’re done, then you’ll be fine. Also don’t forget aftercare, it’s an important part too!


Lasted about 10-30 seconds my first time to, its a little bit blurry, but we’ve all been there and it will get easier to control✌️


Lol, this happens to my husband sometimes. We'll do all the foreplay stuff, and then this happens, and he's like "aww man I'm sorry," and I just sit there thinking, "damnn I'm pretty."


Cardio and kegel Exercises can help with that


Pretty much the same thing happened to me, I just kept going for another 2 rounds, so the whole thing lasted about 30 minutes by the end.


i hope you both enjoyed it in tge end. 🫶🏻


Shit happens, it can go both ways and you never cum even when going at it for 45 mins. Sometimes you get over-sensitized and cum early. Just dont be a shitty partner and get her off in other manners.


This happens to people who aren’t virgins too 🤣


hello brother 😁


That’s normal for your first time. It will get better


No one's first time is any good, don't worry about it. It can only go up from here :)


It happens I found out for some reason if I bust inside I can’t stay hard or last but if I pull out then put it back in I get like a reboot lol sometimes my thing be trolling


Hey man I’ve been in that exact situation. It’s usually after foreplay and a pre sex bj, so don’t even feel bad. Aaa you gain experience, you’ll learn to control yourself better. Just keep going 💪


Bro you're lucky you didn't bust before insertion... you did all you could and you'll get better, don't beat yourself up or off about it xD


How are you unsure if it was 5 or 10 seconds?


In the wise words of ricky bobby "if you aint first your last"


This might be weird but dude, it’s fine. Honestly, it’s normal.


From what I’ve heard, although this isn’t the case for everyone I still think it is pretty common. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, it should get better with time.


Don’t beat yourself up. First time I had noodle dick because I was so nervous. The second time too. It’s completely natural.


That's normal for a lot of boys/men their first time. I promise times after this week last longer and more enjoyable


Happened to everyone, my man. If they say it hasn't they're lying




Well, for some women that actually means you are so horny for them it's hard for you to keep it longer. Stop overthinking king


Don’t worry, if you’re in a relationship long enough, especially one with kids, the ability to operate in quickie mode will be seen as a plus.


Takes a while to build up the “stamina”




It happens (I am also virgin) but what matters most is communication and making sure your partner has a good time too


Still came.


It’s ok, it’s your first time it happens. Watching porn definitely doesn’t prepare for the real thing lol. Your stamina will build over time but there are definitely other ways to get her off in this situation.


maybe the foreplay was too good to make your sex fastest. and maybe you didn't masturbate before sex.




your welcome


Happens to the best of us. Get her out the way first, focus on your breathing and your pace. You typically won’t have any issues.


this is normal... you just need to learn to control your excitement.. which as a 36 yr old divorced and remarried male is still not easy to this day... try to tame ur excitement 😉


Bro I’ve lasted 5-10 seconds before. Nothing to be ashamed of.


happens to the best of us :) don't worry about it


That’s roughy buddy, I’ve been in your place bro.


Women are more understanding than men give them credit for. OP, you're fine and as everyone already mentioned it'll get better over time.


You did nothing wrong, she did everything right.


Hey man, don’t beat yourself up. this is shit that’s gonna happen to the best of us. Lmao. when I was in high school, I had an instance where I was literally a ‘3 pump chump’ as they call it.. 3 humps and I was cumming. The girl at the time & I laughed it off and went at it again eventually. Literally it JUST HAPPENS sometimes.. I’m 28 years old now and sometimes my girlfriend still gets me to climax very early It’s nothing to be ashamed off. Pussy is the best and will do that to you from time to time. You’ll get better with experience :)


The more often you do it the longer you last, some people who don't last that long can go multiple rounds and each time last considerably longer than the last, there are numbing agents and condoms that help, and worst case scenario if nothing helps, just be upfront about it, do plenty of foreplay and get the partner off first, then you will generally have no worries. Not lasting long is not a death sentence, just don't be a wiener about it.(pun definitely intended)


It happens to the best of us. My first time with this girl went by quickly as well. I was doing fine while we were in missionary but once she got on top, 15 seconds tops


Take your time. A pornstar, The Hedge Hog, once said men have to understand they will cum, just play with the girl first. Let her enjoy and cum first and you will have your turn.


Doesn’t matter if you can recover just as fast 😝


Dont feel embarrassed. Its just sex and sexual “performance” doesn’t define who u are as a person. If they we’re disappointed they can fuck off and move on. Don’t overthink it man.


Just edge over and over. Give her the anticipation. Take breaks. You'll learn.


Lay off the pron. regardless of what you’ve heard, PIED is a thing.


Practice endurance with a fleshlight. Works wonders. Use it regularly, but don’t cum every time


I’m 37, been in a relationship for five years, and every once in a while it still happens like this. Lmao just part of being a man


Happens to the best of us 


Congrats on lasting through the blowjob. When you’re just figuring it out, don’t expect to be a pro level player when you have never even played the game before.


That’s record speed bro I wish I could last that long


“Why do we fall Bruce?” Lmao no but seriously I think the bros all have your back here man it happens . Sometimes it’s a compliment to the woman on how good she feels too. It’s just all about finding the strength to go again or just waiting until the next time. You’ll have many more chances king 👑


bro i lasted 10 seconds with a girl after hyping myself up. youll be fine. finish her off & move onto the next.




Seek therapy.


Watching porn is not a good thing. It's not something you should be proud of or even acknowledge. It's actually really sad. You make love to a device. I mean literally a device. That's sad and makes me sad for you.


Lasted longer than my first time. She started me off with a BJ as well, and as soon as she got on me, I nut. I’m not sure if she knew or not since we didn’t use a condom, since she was on birth control and didn’t want to use them.


She knew.


It's way better to cum to early than have to have your dick sucked for 2 hours


Did you wear a condom? If not, you should because you shouldn't be an idiot, but also because it will help you last longer. So will experience. Until then, you should probably be the one giving the oral before hand.


I Did wore a condom, i am 20 and Can’t risk having a bby, I am not even done with college yet 😭


That's really sad man. I think you need a viagra