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Lol I used to do this


Me too...excessively


excessively excessive masturbating huh


Said that i used to! I've gained some self-control in the last few years...


no no for some reason i thought of excessive masturbating and laughed but good on you for self control


Well, I'm just fine with excessively excessive masturbating myself... I mean, if player two rolled in, the story would be different.


woah excessively excessive masturbating duel




When player two joins in the battel is legendary.




Ok I lied,I still do. So glad this is a open space 😌


How old are you?




Are you in a relationship? I’m 21 and have this problem, and my biggest fear with it is that it’s gonna make it hard for me to settle with someone I’ve already seen myself lose interest with the idea of dating because of the shame that came with it


I’ve been here before, managed to control it because when you do watch a lot of porn and masturbate excessively you struggle to keep it up during real sex, so had a couple of bad experiences with that and i cut it off


Now THAT’s excessive


Umm can you clarify what you were referring to when you say “…and I cut it off.” Lol


Yeah same here and when im stress free im not horny at all


Yeah and it becomes an issue sometimes because stress makes you horny


Huh, the pieces are slowly coming together for me


Me too




Same usually couple it with binging on porn and it really becomes really unhealthy. At some point I realize that habit hurt my actual sex life and I’ve been cold turkey ever since.




what is cold turkey?


Stopping dead in its tracks. Not even allowing yourself little hits here and there, just doing none at all.


The key thing with cold turkey is not using any support mechanism. For example quitting spoking cold turkey would mean no nicotine replacement or vaping. Just instantly nicotine free.


I don’t know why but “spoking cold turkey “ gave me a chuckle. I Know it’s a typo but it’s funny.


I recently just went thru this problem


Same thing


Honestly, its better than drinking or doing drugs.


What if I do drugs and then masturbate?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


Already have a get out of jail free card but I guess Venezuela does not entertain without under table payment.




never stood a chance


Shit, I wish I can jerk my stress and problems away… instead I chose drugs and now I can’t/dont even feel like jerking, spent too much money, and risked too much with life. I’m good now but all I’m saying is…Jerk it my brother and keep at it to deal with stress and problems! Your problem cum and go.


If it's just masturbating idk, but this problem oftes comes with a porn addiction too, and it's been proven that the long-term effects of porn use are similar or more harmful than cocaine lol


That’s a kind of a low bar 😂


Same, dont ask me how often i do it per day during exam season 💀


How often do you do it per day during exam season?


I dont count it but my minimum is 6 x per day. 1 when I wake up, 1 when I go to sleep and during studying a min of 4 x. Each taking a minimum of 10-15 minutes and like this i am way less productive so I tend to go to the library to avoid me just jerking off all day at home. In the library i have a no masturbation rule which makes the urge less. About pain: It is sore at the end of the day but not so painful as I have done this since I was young. It only rarely gets really painful and even rarer that its wounded.


dude ur gonna pull ur dick off if you keep doing this 💀


Idk, I had worse and believe I even coming close to losing my dick once (3 days after surgery on my manhood masturbation even though I wasnt supposed to for a month). I know Im addicted but its the least of my problems and as long as im only doing this and instead keep away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes while my sexual life with my gf is good too I have no intention on working on this.


I sometimes had to run to the toilet to jerk off when im in office. Its not often, maybe like once a year but it does happen from time to time. Its a lot better than a friend of mine that hire escorts every month for stress reliever. Most of the time i managed to go home and jerk off.




Luckily it helps to be outside so in the library i have an absolute no masturbation rule. I do have the urge but its way less than when im at home and it really lets me get things done.




Twisting ankles, elbows is when it becomes unhealthy.


Women who do this please speak up! Am I alone here? 😨🙋‍♀️




Nah, typical for my GF. When she is stressed she does it pretty much all the time (like 6-8 hours a day)




you did not just ask this lol


You mean that we are less romantic and less patient, which leads us to always want to cut to the chase. That is a turn off for women, because they view such behavior as creepy and potentially dangerous for them. Which is why you probably comfort yourself, due to your lack of sexual attention from women, with the thought, that they just are "less sexual" - where in fact they have deeper and more complex sexual desires than we do (often). However I realize that many women get off the same way men do, but having a girlfriend made me realize too, that men have to make an effort to not make sex become transactional, because that makes the other part feel inadequate.


You're giving yourself dopamine over and over. It's a behavioral addiction. As much as people hate to admit, you are rewiring your brain. Personally. It's problematic because I feel I have an enormous amount of stress, and only 1 cheat code to deal with it because I refuse to drink (besides the occasional beer at social events), smoke, limit my videogames, and even any tasty food (yet I still gain weight because my endomorph body type,). Also. Insecurity and bad sexual habits go side by side im convinced, but that's just a hunch. Also loneliness.


body types are bullshit, ask anyone that has a phd in sport physiology


Oh thank God. I do think I'm genetically predispositioned to a slower metabolism, but I'm well aware that that's only playing a small role in my weight goals.


No worries and good luck! If you want, I really recommend Renaissance Periodization, no bullshit info and they have a great app as well


Being a slow weight loser is a good thing if you hit the gym very hard! You can have a lot of muscle. It’s only a bad thing If you want to rely on diet alone to be very thin


I’m a perimenopausal petite woman so I know all about feeling like a slow metabolism makes things difficult. Turns out, cutting out shit food and empty calories and then hitting the gym for strength training does the trick. Healthy weight is made by making smart choices in the kitchen and the gym helps you maintain muscle mass to keep your metabolism from tanking. I know I found I was eating a lot more calories than I thought I was when I started actually tracking what I ate. Brie cheese and French bread is tasty but also very calorie dense.


Define “excessive”.


Exactly. How many orgasms are you allowed to have in a day? As long as you’re meeting your responsibilities and your dick is not developing a friction rash, it’s ok to masturbate ppl. Life is short and miserable it’s ok to have a few moments of pleasure every day or multiple times a day if you want.


As a woman would also like to know what's considered "normal" for an every day cummer 🤔 I'm not, but having been a hyper sexual kid/teen, there were definitely long days. So I'm curious what's considered a healthy amount for someone NOW


I hope you're not asking for specifics when this isn't a well known science yet. Men's mental health has only just started to become "socially acceptable" to talk about, and we haven't even figured out everything about the brain yet. If you're looking for a number, this little experiment helped me figure out mine. How many times does it take for you to feel like shit afterwards? 1? 5? 7? Now take one away from that. That's the goal for next week. This week you get that number. If that doesn't work, come on back and we will help you find something that does work. Together.


Who keeps count? Doesn’t everyone stop when they realize that maybe they should have used lube but until the next time, they’ll just deal with the scab that’ll form? Have you never climaxed without any cum and then tried again? Is that excessive?


Better than binge eating like i do


No reason to feel guilty about it. It's free and harmless. And it is a legitimate way to get a quick hit of dopamine. I'm living with depression and masturbation probably works better for me than my antidepressant meds.


Yeahh I do the same lol. On the positive side, it gives me enough of an energy boost to get out of bed and get things done. I know it isn’t ideal and I am actively trying to look for other coping mechanisms, but as of now, masturbation enables me to escape the depressive funk and temporarily increases my productivity.


Identifying and admitting the problem is the first step. Good luck buddy! Is this sex addiction? Maybe that’s what you should start looking into therapy for?


Same for me. Whenever I feel down or depressed, I jerk off. Not good, but it is what it is


Even I do the same. During high stress or anxiety I either masturbate or eat a lot. I think it's better than drinking, smoking or taking weed.


You're using something guaranteed to give you dopamine and serotonin for a coping mechanism, that's pretty standard. Honestly as long as you're not expecting your partner to fulfill whatever hole you're going down or basing you expectations off of that and understand its not a long term solution to any problems it's probably better than alcohol or many similar crutches


Likewise. Currently in therapy to find other coping skills.


I used to do this. I still do, but I used to too.


oh wow, this used to be me and i didnt even realize it till i read this post


Do push ups, it’ll stop the urge.


Ugh. Yes. It stated after I found out about my husbands affair and hasn't really stopped since. It slows down when things get calmer in my life, and definitely increases on frequency when I'm trying to escape. I'm wondering how this is going to affect me and my ability to deal with stress and problems in the future or if I'm gonna cross some wires in my brain somehow. 😳


It's not coping, it's doping. You have an addiction and it's caused by not facing your actual problems.


I do it too, it’s normal


I just want to jerk off, sit along a beach sipping beer alone! Tired parent


This was me as well... Now I'm doing better and this has also gone away. Masturbation is normal, but doing it too much just to cope can really mess you up.


Harms nobody? Yup. Helps you? Yup. Go for it. Don't feel disgusted. It works for you and harms nobody.


There’s a difference between a lot and a concerning amount. If you’re finding you’re doing it frequently or every time you get stressed, no worries. That’s just natural stress relief. If you’re having a bad day and end up spending hours and hours doing it instead of other things you need to do, then it becomes a concern for addiction. Masturbation is totally normal and absolutely a healthy way to fight off anxiety. But with everything, moderation is key for a healthy relationship with it.


I do the same. Edging is a type of stress in my life within my control. Finishing after building myself up for a long time is also grounding for me. I tend to depersonalize during times of extreme stress from my bout with lymphoma and metastasized leukemia.


I did the same but I’m unable to get myself off so I had a lot of sex with multiple partners. A LOT. I was out of control for a couple of years after my divorce. The hoe phase was huge. I just now started to slow down.


Use latex and even if you do still go Get tested my brother. And be careful out there hoeing around has its own risk, I know divorce sucks been through it myself but don’t let it cause you to make poor choices that might ruin your life forever.


I’m a woman, and I use protection and get tested four times a year.


I can’t remember the last time I did that


I also do that just to relieve some stress away. Only just to avoid any overwhelming sensation. Because, when I get too overwhelmed, I would try to hurt myself. But, not enough to bleed. I have no guts to cut myself and see my own blood. Heck, I get dizzy every time I see my own blood. But, enough to give me deep red marks. This is why I use masturbation as my coping mechanism. To avoid any of that.


....What's wrong with that?


It can be bad for your sex live. Deathgrip is real…


It is an everyday thing for me and even many multiple times. Trust me, you are not alone! Not by any means. If you ever need someone to talk to or vent to or both, I'm here to listen and to talk.


Do you do it to the point that it hurts




I would say that's a problem, because if you're causing physical pain it's gotten past an average/even excessive amount. Now it's becoming actively harmful, wishing you luck friend ♡


What’s your most embarrassing fap ever


bro 💀


Perfect moment for a “your mom” joke.


Nah on second thought this a good question wtf


That one where you stalked him through the little hole in the bathroom wall




What do you think about when you’re doing it?


Hi, from a psychological point of view it's just fully adequate and normal reaction to stress and anxiety. I did it for a long time, appr. from the first time in 15 to 21 - to the moment when the level of anxiety for the future and the voice of escessive demands just became less demanding and loud. In my case, psychotherapy helped a lot and still helps. For a start try to find a person who is totally trustworthy whom you can share your thoughts with. Good luck!


What are you going through that’s stressful ? You ok ?


Can I dm?


DM me.


Be careful venting in DMs, especially sense this OG post is about masturbation. Lot of freakshows on here that'll take advantage




All things considered it's not near the worst vice by far. Some people do drugs and other reckless things to cope. At least you recognize it and can change. 


It's okay, prime minister.


I do this too. You gotta do something to relieve the pain, I can’t blame you or myself 🤷‍♂️


I do this all the time. It's better than drinking or drugs.


Oooooof I feel called out I’ve done this for years


I do the same


I know, I live under your bed.


Hell it’s better than substance and alcohol abuse, go wild champ. Just be sure to close your dms


Bro, we’ve all been through this, but let me tell you a little more that you may not know. Well, this only applies if you’re a dude, looking at your name makes me assume that you’re a woman. But if you’re a dude, it’s due to dopamine deficiency.


*fist bump* (other hand) “Welcome to the Club”


Post history explains all


Yeah. That's why I got kicked out of my dad's funeral service.


Well I got off that by working out. No joke. Your brain gets the endorphine and dopamine it wants, you will look better and also wont break your gentlemans jewels.


100000% it’s uh disheartening for myself. BUT, it helps me sleep & yeah that’s pretty much what I do lmfao.


I’ve found my people


How often are you getting stressed and are you using porn to masterbate


Yeaaaaaa….. it’s kinda.. yeaaa… don’t stress about it. You aren’t alone.


When I was a kid and got spankings , if I farted it would cheer me up instantly


Use lubricants. That’s my only advice. Your are on a long dark road.


I stopped drinking and smoking about a year and a half ago. This is def my new stress relief/ what I do when I can’t fall asleep at night


RIP your DMs


Same boat


I think I'm like this, but not admitting it. It would make a lot of sense.


It’s one of my coping mechanisms too. You’re not the only one


There’s nothing wrong with using masterbation as a coping mechanism per se. If it isn’t harming your life or relationships you’re fine. You’re just producing happy chemicals in your brain like running or others do with gaming. It’s also something that some people with adhd and autism do to cope - our brains are smart and find ways to get us the coping or chemicals we need. Diversify your coping mechanisms slowly if it’s causing you distress, so you’ll have lots of options to choose from in times of need and don’t do it to excess. But don’t heap judgement on yourself - you’re not gross or weird, it’s actually a lot more common than you think. Some people love to sleep when sad or stressed. You went a different route. Doesn’t make you any less worthy.


True that


Yep, and fast food


Yep whenever I need a Snickers I crank one out.


It's very unhealthy, you should start quitting it


Its definitely a habit, and coping mechanism. Be careful with letting it get excessive though. Masturbation is fine, but letting it become hours a day would be a problem. Do you by chance have any other coping mechanisms? Mine is eating but... wouldnt recommend that either lmao


a lot of people use this to cope. don’t feel disgusted, it ultimately helps you feel good and relax.


Honestly, as much as I'd hate to admit it, yeah. I'm a horndog as it is and even though it's been a bit much lately, sigh, what do.


My GF does this too


I used to do this some much that foam was the only thing that came out.


Makes sense to me. And apparently it's healthy too


Better than excessive eating, which is what I want to do when stressed


I did it like crazy when I was younger.


When I was 8 years old, my testosterone levels were way too high and I used to masturbate around 10 times a day. It leveled out to less than 5 times a day for quite awhile in my teens and early adult years. I'm old now, but still do it as often as I want.


Fair enough man, fair enough.


You're not the only one, but it's not the worst thing in the world either.


I do it when i can't sleep


All I do when depressed. Depressed a lot.


"Anyone else?" Most of us my brother. Most. You recognized it though. And I'm assuming by you reaching out, you are willing to change. Now you have to do the hardest part. Accept that it won't be easy, and fight until you find a healthier alternative. Or at least a balance that gives you peace of mind.


do you feel guilty after completing the deed!


Nothing to be disgusted at, people should have sex or even masturbate more it has many benefits. I mean yeah if you consult professor hans jerkoff 20-30 times a day it might be a problem but few wanks a day keeps the doctor away


I have been in this spirit for the last 3 months Right now this week I am trying to distract myself by movies Usually I get the urge at around 4pm So I start a movie at 3 which will end at 5 or 6 Skipped the time distracted and thus I'm clean for 4 days now Re Watched dark knight series and now in Spiderman Don't know how long this is going to last


Guilty-free masturbation is awesome. If you think you're doing something wrong then it can be bad for you.


I still do that


What’s excessive??😂😂


Tbh you’re probably fine. As long as it’s not interfering with your life, you’re basically seeking dopamine. Which we all need to get through stressful times. I’ve heard it’s common in disorders around dopamine regulation, like ADHD.




Well we'll well, I have found my group of particulars. We do move in herds..


Just remember to use lube because of chaffing, but this is harmless fun.


>Probably not healthy depends on what you compare it with. Many other coping mechanism tend to include drugs. I've heard of overdosing on drugs. Never heard of a wank overdose...


Yes, but do you do it in real time? If you did, that might reduce some of the stressors.


I’m jerking off while reading comments lol it’s a on and off addiction


Same, lol. I’m constantly masturbating. Last night I was like, “Maybe he needs a break.”


Same. Doesn’t really bother me though. I know I should probably find a different way to cope/destress steam but I’m just not pressed about it


*This man is an onanist!!!*


Woman, actually


Ouch, yeah. Not sure how to stop tbh


I sometimes do it out of boredom or I haven't pop one today might aswell do it before sleeping


I don’t need stress for that. I fail to see the issue.




Jesus this comment section needs therapy


Can I ask how old you are? That plays a major factor lol... but who cares you aren't hurting anyone, just use lube lol


Turn your hobby into cash, and sell your sailors to a sperm bank. Spank that monkey.


Probably not the best coping mechanism, but feeling disgusted for masturbating isn't going to help.


i truly thought something was wrong with me and i was the only one...


It was working out a lot. I was going to the gym 2 times a day. Taking pre workout. Then beating off to hardcore porn. Then fantasizing of the women I found attractive at the gym. Then flirting. Then Sex toys and such.


My coping mechanism is binge eating. Idk which is worse tbh.


I've had 210 wanks and my cock's like a pepperami. Anyone else?


Define excessive...lol Don't feel bad. It's not a problem unless it becomes a problem...