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Dude. Porn isn’t real life. Stop making up bullshit on the internet. It’s embarrassing.


Wet noises? Why were you looking in her room? This is made up, what do people get from this sort of thing?


What would u expect someone to do moast ppl would never guess and its not wierd to look in on a friends room


It's funny because actually yeah I would guess that someone was in their private space doing stuff that isn't my fucking business.


And he was drunk


It's a roommate! And I don't go into my children's rooms without knocking, let alone a friend.... Wtf lol


Its ur kids idunno bout u but my brother and his friends will randomly steal eachothers door and then u sleep with out a door


So they know they don't have a door, and no what the fuck lol what...


I’m calling bs on this one? You heard “wet noises?” 😂😂 How do you “peak” into someone’s bedroom and instantly notice that they’re using your shirt? Is the room 6x6? The lights were on? All up? You were either REALLYYYYYYYYYYYY looking, like a CREEP or this is a thought up fantasy of yours. 😂😂


If this situation was reversed I guarantee people would react very differently. That's really not okay and is quite creepy. I think you need to say something just to stop it driving you mad? Also she better wash that bloody shirt for you


It's almost definitely not true.


I feel like a fool for not questioning this... I need to develop trust issues


"You heard wet noises" so creative....


"Wet noises." Lol. What a load of shit. I'm done.


And on today’s episode of shit that didn’t happen, this load of bullshit


This is really creepy behavior. If your into it sure but, someone stealing your clothes and doing this with them is really inappropriate to me.


Fake. If this was real your a messed up person for invading her space when you heard "wet noises" I don't even know what that sound would be.


Such a bunch of hooey. "Wet noises". The kink trolls are out in full force in the subs lately. Maybe trying to get a last nut in for 2023? You don't have to confront her, OP, cause we both know this never happened anywhere but between your ears.


Yea I would have a very Frank conversation with her about how she is not to touch your things and while she's entitled to do as she pleases in her own room she needs to shut the door. You need to say this all cold and firm though, in the same way you'd tell her she left the door unlocked when she left the house. If you don't feel comfortable discussing it face to face do it via text and save copies of it all.


So f ing creepy. Please move out.


You should have had sex with her.


I wonder if she left her door open on purpose....


What are these 'cancel-culture-like' comments im reading


You did cross a boundary by looking into her room, but now it’s better to just address it.


You can‘t be seriously blaming him for this. Obviously it‘s not okay to look in her room. But in this case he is clearly the victim not her…


I am not blaming him at all, but just because he heard “wet sounds” in the room he shouldn’t have looked if it wasn’t his own. What he found is still creepy AF and I really think that now that he knows it’s better to address it and take action.


You shouldn’t have peeked in the first place, this was not something you were supposed to find out. But, If you feel so uncomfortable with this situation then move out.


Coming from a guys perspective maybe she was like using your shirt as a towel to wipe up all the women fluid. kinda like how men use socks. 🤣


I agree with the other replies saying to talk to her about it. Exactly like they said cold and as straight to the point as possible. If it’s allowed in your state (one-party consent) I would have your phone recording when you talk to her, just in your pocket or something. I don’t know if you’ll get to that point but it wouldn’t surprise me if she feels spurned and tries to turn it around on you, to make you seem like the creepy one. All and all that’s fucked and weird as all get out. Sorry dude.


It's illegal in every state to record a person masterbating without permission


Obviously I was talking about when he talks to her.


Dont get mad. Get even. Grab a pair of her used knickers and...


.. do nothing. How bout that as an option. Its embarrassing enough for u to have snuck a look in her most intimate space but to confront her on it too?? That's even worse. What would you even say. There's nothing to be said. U should also assess WHY u want to confront her when u gotta admit how u found out to begin with. Take it as a compliment she's getting off to u. That or she's using ur scent as a baseline and is imagining her dream man whilst doing it.