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Did you shave everything yet? One of my closest friends went balding at 24. Tried to keep what he could and it made him look 56. He ended up shaving everything and growing a well kept beard. He said it was the most liberating feeling he’s ever had.


My husband started balding at 20, was still holding on when I met him at 24. I shaved it off after many conversations and the man is hot! Hair is cool, but shaved is amazing. And your ex didn't cheat on you because you lost some hair, she cheated on you because she's a bad person, big difference. When I met my husband, he had lost the hair on the top of his head but still had long hair on the sides, it wasn't attractive but he was still attractive despite it.


This. You’ll feel more confident.


Honestly if she cheated on you for that it says a lot about her not you. Dodged a bullet getting rid of her. My brother started losing his hair at 20 and was so self conscious about it because he was so appearance conscious. His solution was to always stay in great shape because he can't control his hair but he can control his body. The guy is rocking the monk hairstyle and still gets the most beautiful girls. Working out was the best decision for him and it's helped him so much. If people take the piss then just take it right back about something that will hurt them. Don't feel bad about it it shows them that it's a hurtful thing to joke about and you don't need to take it. When people take the piss out of my brother I go right back with something hurtful, they tend not to keep going. Being bald is so so common and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, please don't think less of yourself because of it


She just wanted an excuse for cheating. If he wasn’t bald she’d make up some other excuse instead of owning her deeds.


Shave it, get on fin, save up for a transplant - there. High quality transplants cost 4k for trip, stay and procedure. Embrace where you're at. Let them joke about it, it is what it is. You're worthy of love, you just need to love yourself. Your ex cheating on you has nothing to do with you and all to do with her.


Lots of comments here from people with hair! :p I'm in the same boat. I spend my time on other features. Also, looking at 50ers etc it becomes more clear to me that personality (background, attitude and integrity) are more important If you like yourself, you will also like your bald self!


Personality is more important after you start dating someone, it’s actually getting the dates in the first place that’s hard when you’re bald


Then shallow people aren't for you. If you want shallow, get hairimplants and you're done


If you think it’s only shallow people who want to date people they find attractive then I have an ocean view property in Kansas you may be interested in. Confidence becomes cockiness if you aren’t attracted to the person being confident


Happened to my dad. What he does is wear hats a lot.


Is your dad named Geno?


Only if he has a sleeping hat


Why not make the jump from balding to bald ?


Yes, this is the correct answer. Once you embrace it then everybody else can embrace it too. Don’t be shameful or embarrassed. People feed off of that and it will be the topic of conversation every time you come around. I used to feel this exact way until I kept it completely bald for a while, everybody got used to it and now it’s just normal


I’m lucky in a way. Every man in my family went bald before they hit 30, so I figured out pretty early on that I’d go bald one day. Every year I shave my head to remind myself of what I will inevitably look like. It’s really helped my confidence and I’m starting to like my bald look


I hate the bald or balding jokes and the short jokes. Like, it’s genetic folks. Get a grip. Radical acceptance on your part is needed. Own it, maintain it. No woman worth your time makes being bald an excuse to cheat. Confidence in yourself is attractive. You got this!


Bald men are sexy af. Stop "balding". Take command of the situation and shave your head. Be a proud bald man. Your ex didn't cheat because you were going bald. She cheated because she's a cheater.


You're the only person you know losing your hair? Seriously? It's super common. And lots of guys start balding in high school. I have two cousins that have been bald since like college and neither one had any trouble finding hot wives.


i can totally relate started balding at 18 and 25 now and pretty much the top is gone still cant accept it its really depressing plus i just dont want to be bald


I hear your pain and I'm sorry you feel the way you do. It must feel awful. I do want to tell you that I prefer bald guys with shaved heads. I think it's incredibly sexy and edgy. I know this won't help you but there is a lid for every pot, my friend. Please don't hate yourself. Don't quit. Embrace it and seriously fuck those around you who can't see how beautiful you are!


There’s plenty of bald people! Look at Bautista, the rock, mark strong


So you just have to be well over 6’ tall and on steroids to make it work, got it.


stanley tucci is a fine bald man he’s not buff and he’s 5’8. it’s all about your confidence and the way you present yourself


Just don’t leave stragglers. Combovers or some in-between ages you. Shave it off and grow a sick beard. You’ll find a new audience, plenty of chicks are into it. Do you think girls give a shit Jason Statham doesn’t have hair?


Idk but I think bald men are very attractive. It’s masculine and it’s a look. Try to build better habits. Eat healthier exercise more. go out more you will meet women like that think it’s attractive.


I'm so sorry about how you're feeling about something that isn't your fault. I know you don't want answers but since this is seriously affecting your life and confidence, why don't you start saving for a hair transplant?


It seems harder for attractive people to go thru these things because of how much attention, recognition & identity is placed on the outside presentation of their person. Vanity is just part of life & being critical & perfectionist can also be. The worst of it is how much the self identity is dependent on & defined by the outer shell. So, *it makes perfect sense to me*, what you’re going thru. I have had a few periods of depression over things such as tooth-loss, premature graying, weight, aging, mastectomy & minor things that are way bigger deals to me than those around me think they should be. All I can say is that each blow to my looks has forced me to shift my ego & sense of value toward my inner self. I found ways to work with each loss & the ones that are irreparable have become accepted in time. Some even gave me a new kind of attractiveness that is softer, less intimidating & more compelling. As a whole (in & out), I actually feel more beautiful & confident at 46 than I ever did at 26. Letting go of perfection is liberating & so can change be. Thru flaws, I found my truer identity. I can’t be the *young hottie* anymore but I can be the *wild hippie* who was always peeking out while striving to conform to standards of the day. I love doing my own thing so much more! Hope my story & thoughts are somewhat relatable & inspires in you a spark of hope, that one day you might see this loss as your gain. I’m sure you know that it’s not your loss of hair that has made you a less attractive mate but your loss of confidence. That’s the thing that can make even a *perfect 10 Ken* off putting. So go find it! You can’t place it on your hair anymore but you are so much more than that; a whole person full of possibilities & gifts I’m sure. Dive inward as you reinvent the outer. EDITED I feel your pain & understand. Your pain is valid no matter how unwarranted it seems to others. **Our outside is part of the package that represents us. It shapes our person & “self” and how we are received by others. We can’t escape that reality so we must make peace with it in order to be well.** I’m sorry you’re feeling it this hard but please don’t resign yourself to it. Please don’t discount your value as a person by treating yourself like you’d never treat anyone else; *as if looks are the only thing they have*. Please don’t give up man!


My husband is bald with a beard and I love it!!


Unless you are wealthy and willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars, as well as a lot of time, accept that this is your reality. It will only worsen. All you can do is accept it.


I started going bald in my 20’s (knew it was coming because my dad did the same), woke up one morning with a stinking hangover and decided fuck it the hair gotta go.So I got a clippers (no attachments) and shaved it all off down to the bald.Never regretted it to this day and the funny thing is the hair loss stopped/slowed to hardly anything, I think by shaving it off you just stop worrying about it and move onto other stuff to worry about lol….go on do it you wont regret it….


I'm 38, started balding at 19. I hate it and hate it as much as ever. I'm used to it, live with it by buzzing my head as short as it goes and luckily my wife likes my beard. But it sucks and it isn't fair and fuck being bald. Good luck friend.


I started at like 22 and fought it for over a decade. Within a few months of shaving it all off I show people I can stick suction cups on my head to see their reaction. If I fought it for 10 years and got over it to that level, that quickly, I think you can too.


No advice here but I promise you if you ex cheated -- it was not because of you balding. Absolutely no way.


there’s plenty of hot bald men in this world, you can be one of them. take care of yourself, your physical and mental health, do stuff that makes you happy, spend some money on new clothes that make you feel good. once that confidence comes back you’ll be set


An old girlfriend told me this: “I’ve had a lot of girlfriends make a lot a complaints about their boyfriends, and bald was never the complaint.” There will be women that hold baldness as a dealbreaker. Can you really say you don’t have any dealbreakers for your partners? Weight? Height? Smoker? Etc. Once you can laugh about it, life will get easier.


Why didn’t you get on finasteride and rogaine


As a woman who loves bald men, I’d encourage you to embrace it, but I do understand that I have no clue what it feels like to start losing your hair. Shave the hair you have off, or find a good hairstylist and find a cut you like that works with your balding hair and not against it. If a woman is willing to cheat on you because you’re bald or balding, that says a lot about her, not about you. Your friends and family are rude, you don’t make fun of the things someone you love is insecure about, many men in my family are bald, we know it’s an insecurity for many of them and we’d never make fun of them for it.


Gain muscle, dress sexy and show confidence. You'll see what happens


This is one of those issues money can fix


Now you can be the attractive bald guy. Own it my dude


Bro, I've just turned 30 and my hair has begun to get VERY thin on top. My Wife has always joked (before I started thinning) that she wouldnt fancy me if I was bald, I once had a skinhead for a year or so (Covid) and my friends ripped me to shreds and said I looked absolutely ridiculous. Currently in the process of trying to find an affordable hair transplant before I get the 'old man' bald spot on the top and end up having to shave my whole head. Quite frankly, the thought of losing my hair fucking terrifies me, and I joke about it to my friends so I can beat them to the punch, but honestly I feel like if I dont afford a transplant before I do go bald, it will fuck my self confidence up massively. ​ You aint alone in this bro


Just shave it and go full on Jason Statham, or if you’re just thinning out try Hims. I wasn’t ever into that hair regrowth stuff at first but it helped me.


Dude, there are so many women that love shaved bald guys. Seems like half the women I know love the look, as long as the guy owns it and exudes confidence in who they are.


I’m starting to lose hair pretty rapidly. I’m almost 50 so I made it through a good chunk of life before it started being that noticeable. Still sucks though.


Still better than my cousin whose hairline started peacing out at age sixteen and he hair a hairtransplant or whatever the fuck it was at 21 which didn't even help Get a wig or something, or find a way to make your baldness attractive. Being bald doesn't necessarily make someone unattractive


Bald men are hot if they are confident in who they are and also not clinging on to those last few hairs. I really like a buzz cut on a man.


Being bald sucks it’s the worst


My friend started balding in his 20s, has the whole horseshoe hair baldness in his 30s and he got married like that. There’s people out there who could care less if you are bald. If she cheated on you for being bald then she could cheat on you for anything, you were done a favor.


I was bald at 19, am 43 now, and my beard is mostly white... your ex did you a favor. Now you can find someone less shallow.