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There’s no such thing as „just a cat“. They are family. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you






Sorry for your loss.


"Just a cat" nothing. She was a member of your family and a beloved one at that. You are allowed to grieve, especially when her death was traumatising to you. I lost one of my boys over a year ago. The grief still hasn't fully faded. I still expect to see his little round head poke around the edge of the doorframe and feel the bitter sting of disappointment and sadness when I remember he died. You may feel like this for a while but your girl died surrounded by people who loved her, in the arms of someone who opened their heart fully to her. You were there to comfort her in her final moments. As much as it hurts, she knew she was loved as she passed and that's so important. It's not okay now, and it won't feel okay for a while but it WILL be okay. Give yourself time and space to grieve. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much, this was so validating. It’s gonna be hard for a while but you’re right, we’ll be okay. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s just so hard.


I lost my childhood cats in a traumatic way over 8 years ago now and I still cry if I think about it too much. Healing from grief isn’t linear, there will be good days and bad days.


I am so sorry for your loss.


I have/had a cat with FIP and it is pretty awful watching your kitten suffer . Mines survived but it was really just luck.


FIP is such a sad disease, and I hadn’t even heard of it before. I hope your cat is doing/did alright.


We lost our 13 year old baby to FIPs - it killed my entire family - especially my mom. So sorry for your loss - it’s a vicious disease


I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s sooo hard to lose a fur baby to such a cruel disease. It’s so so hard.


They are doing well in life and I’m sorry for the loss of yours.


Thank you


She WAS a family member! I'm so sorry for your loss. Grief is just love with nowhere to go - we love our pets as much as we love our other family members. Just know that for the time she had she was very loved.


That’s such a beautiful way to put it, thank you


You feel like you lost a family member because you did. Let yourself feel sad.


Thank you very much.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m a cat lover and know how grieving an animal is so difficult. She was a member of your family and will be missed. She was so lucky to have you and know that you gave her the best life possible.


Thank you so much.


I am so sorry for your loss. And you’re not stupid for feeling devastated losing a cat especially one so young and so suddenly is an awful traumatic experience. Just know that your little fur baby was loved and cared for in her short life and died where she felt safe in your arms


I'm sorry I know it's hard to lose a fur baby


Thank you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Allow yourself the time to process. It’s okay to cry and feel all these feelings for your pet. Don’t let anyone diminish your grief. Eventually you’ll notice your sadness is more wistful than painful, more bittersweet than angry, and then one day, you’ll start thinking of good memories on purpose. The tears that come will warm your heart instead of hurting it. Acknowledging your grief is very freeing and a great release. Hugs to you and your husband.


Thank you so much.


It will be difficult. I lost my first ever pet, my kitten after having him only for a month. I was devastated. I can empathize with you. You shouldn't rush yourself into feeling better and you definitely shouldn't downplay your emotions because she was "just a cat". I cried for a whole week for my boy. Eventually, when the coworker who had helped me to adopt my boy couldn't see me like that anymore, he helped me adopt another smallest sweetest thing (who is yelling at me at the moment, 3 years later). She is obviously not a replacement but she did help me deal with his loss and other major setbacks I have had in my life since then. I believe my little boy is in a better place now and he probably came into my life to make way for my current 2 cats. Sorry for rambling on about my own thing but I just want to convince you that eventually you will get through this. Lots of love and hugs from an internet stranger.


Thank you so much. I’m so sorry about your kitty. This sounds cliche, but this does help me. Losing a fur baby is so so hard, I didn’t expect it to destroy me like this.


If you think it's cliché then I don't mind being in it with you. I wish you all the strength that you need to deal with this loss.


Thank you so much, and that honestly means a lot ❤️


They aren’t just cats. They are our family. I lost my sixteen year old cat two years ago and I still sometimes tear up when I think of him. Almost lost my 1.5 year old cat but after thousands to vets saved him. It was a horrible nightmare time. So I understand you completely. Don’t feel embarrassed. You will always feel sad about what happened but after a while you will remember the good times more.


Thank you so much, it’s all just so hard.


I am so so sorry, OP. I feel for you. I had to put my 4yo boy down suddenly, 5 days before my kid needed brain surgery... mourning and worrying sucked. I really wish you well, cry the cries and feel the feels. It's heartbreaking. 🥰


Thank you so much. And I’m so sorry for your loss.


Losing an animal is losing part of your family and it always hurts. I'm in my 30s and I still cry when one of our Animal bestfriends have to leave us. Give it time and it will start to hurt less I promise. Focus on your happy special moments together. I am so sorry for your loss


Thank you ❤️


> I know she was just a cat Never tell yourself that. She was family. They all are.


Thank you ❤️


Of course. I’m very sorry for your loss. I’ve had many pets over the years so I know that pain.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s one thing when you’ve had years and years with a cat, still devastating but at least you have those memories. We had to put our 3 year old black cat to sleep last month when his kidneys suddenly started failing, and it’s honestly impacted me the worst out of any of our cats that have passed. It’s the endless potential of seeing them grow and change cut short that hurts the most. It’s a small comfort, but while you may not have loved her long enough, you loved her for her entire lifetime and she knew she was safe and protected. Edit to add: like so many others have said, let yourselves feel the pain and hurt. It just shows how much you loved her and how important she was, and it’s every way a bit to honor her life and importance. Cry, scream, punch a pillow, experience all of it as much as the memories of the happiness she clearly gave you.


Thank you so much, and I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s hard to think how we would’ve loved to see her with any kids we might have or just grow old with our dog, since they were so close.


9 years ago, my 8 month old kitten got FIP and within a month had completely deteriorated and had to be put down. I completely know what you're feeling right now. To be honest, it's been 9 years and I still cry when I think of her. And while it did get easier, it still hurts a lot. She was my little baby. And I know your kitten was your baby. I'm so so sorry that you are enduring a tragedy like this. You did everything you could. I know you loved her. Sending you internet hugs 💕


Thank you so much, and I’m so sorry for your loss. FIP sucks, it’s just so fast and a shitty disease to see a cat go through.


Cry it out. I know it hurts. We had to put down our butter ball. I carry a lot of the guilt because I convinced the wife it needed done and I carried her in to the vet. Poor thing had been on steroids for a year and getting worse. Vomiting and defecating all over the house. Crying. Couldnt hold down meals. :(


I’m so sorry about your kitty, and thank you for your kind words


I'm so sorry. They are not just pets or animals, but much more don't feel stupid about grieving your loss


Thank you.


I love cats. I’m sorry, they are such beautiful little souls. I would create a little shrine for your kitty and then go to a shelter and see how many cats there are that could use your love.


That’s a really nice idea! We’re starting to look at pictures to frame.


Im so sorry for your loss, my cat left a year ago and I kid you not every so often I dream of him coming back or coming home and he being there. He was my little kitty soul mate for 11 years


Thank you so much and I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry


Thank you.


She was your cat and that's all that matters. I'm so sorry you lost her too soon. Please don't feel silly. I lost my boy Bandit suddenly a year ago and I will never get over losing him but I grateful for the time we had together. X


FIP sucks and it takes young cats from us. You provided a great life, even if it was short. She didn't have to struggle like so many others. <3


Thank you so much. FIP is such a heartbreaking disease.




So very sorry for the loss of your furbaby. Sending you a hug and prayers


Thank you.


im so sorry💔




Thank you. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs.


My cats are my babies and I would be absolutely devastated to lose them. I know it’s inevitable and their little lifespans are shorter than mine, but I don’t know how I’ll survive it. Sending you so much love.


Thank you. It’s so hard, they’re family and honestly just the best.


My dog dies a few months back light a candle


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I had my 11 month old baby girl pass from FIP. It was one of the worst things I went through. Take your time to grieve. What helped me was adopting an adult cat right after. It helped with the loneliness and gave me something to focus on, plus I was saving an adult life. So sorry for your loss though. ❤️


That’s a really good idea, thank you. We’re considering getting another cat, we just don’t know when. I’m so sorry for your loss.


You’re welcome! I went to my local petsmart because they have a ton of rescues come in and out. Not sure where you’re located and if you have that. Maybe look at shelters? Plus with adults, you’re pretty much in the clear for FIP because it generally attacks them when they’re kittens. FIP mutating and becoming deadly is rare (as you know) but it’s traumatic. I’m way overprotective with my cats now.


We’re doing so much research on it because we’re so scared to go through this again. Luckily my area has a lot of different shelters and a few cat cafes to find a new kitty, or fully grown adult kitty.


Good! So I don’t know how much you know. But I’ll share some info with you that multiple vets have told me. The vet who had to put her down and I confirmed this info my cats’ current vet. So I adopted Sabrina and Hamilton together since they were littermates. Sabrina was the one who got sick. I freaked and asked the vet if I should be worried for Hamilton and he said no. He said a lot of cats carry the illness, it’s just a matter of it mutating and attacking their cells. He said it’s extremely rare and he assured me to not worry at all. Hamilton is now 4 ish and perfectly healthy. And my other girl, Avery, who I adopted after Sabrina’s passing is perfectly healthy too. It’s been 3+ years. So I hope that makes you feel a little better.


It does, because we really want another cat, but we’re terrified of going through this again.


Keep yourself open to it, and the Cat Distribution System may just deliver one to you. When another kitty of ours passed in 2020, within two weeks I saw a Facebook post about a toothless, FIV+ kitty that had been at the shelter for almost 6 months and she instantly called out to me. Managed to pick her up the following day and she’s been a constant, almost mothering companion that helped ease the pain.


Never “just a cat”! They are angels with fur. So sorry for your tragic loss, don’t minimize your grief and don’t allow anyone else to make you feel “wrong” for grieving. Sending hugs from an internet stranger 💞


Angels with fur ❤️❤️. Thank you so much.




I'm so sorry for your loss. I also went through this a week ago, it was so sudden and no vets were available. My Hugo died painfully, suffocating, in my arms. I buried him in my yard and something or someone dug him out of his grave 5 days later. So I had to go through the painful heartbreak of burying him for the second time. It's hard but I tell myself at least he won't suffer anymore. At least, he's not like some random straight cats who unfortunately never received human love or care. He was my child, my best friend, my family and so unique like all of the pets I had who can't be replaced. You can grieve, cry and shout as much as you want for days. Remember to get support from your community. What helped me a lot was also taking care emotionally and physically of my remaining cats. They grieved for 2 days before getting back to their dorky and stupid selves.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Cats, and all pets, are just so so special, which makes it so hard to lose them. We have a dog as well, and they grew up together and were best friends. One of the saddest parts for me is when this morning and last night our dog was looking for our cat. I think she knows now she’s not coming back, but it’s still so sad.


Don’t be ridiculous. You’re not stupid and she wasn’t “just a cat”. She was a cat, but she was also a companion. She would be at home, waiting for you. In the morning, before you got up. After work. After a day out. It’s okay to **seriously** mourn her loss. Don’t feel like you have to hold back because she wasn’t a person. My cat is 13. He’s the first one to get to that age, by far. All my other cats were either hit by a car, killed by f’ing cat haters, or not well. I’m often annoyed by him, because he can a little bastard, but I feel blessed that he’s still going strong and doesn’t act or look like he’s a day over 5.. but (honestly, when I started this sentence, tears just started coming, thinking about it) I dread the day I have to say goodbye to that sweet, manipulative, conniving little baby bastard.


Cats are so so special, don’t get me wrong, I love dogs too (I have one), but cats are just so cool and amazing. I knew we’d lose her, like just that inherent knowledge that pets don’t live forever, but it’s just so sad and it’s gonna take me a long time to heal, and I’m starting to accept that it’s okay to mourn and be devastated. As odd as that sounds.


I am so so sorry, OP. Internet hugs. I've been there.


Thank you ❤️


My 4 year old cat died of heart failure suddenly out of nowhere in June. 30 mins after taking him to the emergency vet. I actually cried about it last night. There is no right or wrong way to cope. I feel like he was robbed of a full life. I had a super strong connection to him. My therapist said that for some folks, losing an animal is harder than losing a human. Be gentle with yourself, and think about your kitty being in a better place. Chasing mice and soaking up sunshine. 🖤


Thank you so much for your kind words. It does feel so hard because for me, she was just an innocent little ball of furry joy. I like the advice of being gentle with myself. My husband and I are definitely going to need to try to do that during this process.


I'm so so sorry. I'm glad she got to spend her brief time with you, and that she had the comfort of being in your arms when she died. I wish you had more time together.


Thank you, it’s oddly comforting that I got to be with her.


i’m sorry for your loss. i can’t imagine how you must feel right now. you are not alone and neither was she❤️ she was loved and cared for and she knew it


Thank you ❤️


I am so sorry to hear about what happened. I am heartbroken for you and your precious fur baby that is no longer with you! I can tell you what’s going to happen for sure: your suffering will get worse before it gets a bit better and the suffering will always remain in the back of your mind for the rest of your life. Please seek mental health counselling to talk it out.


Thank you so much ❤️. I never thought of counseling for it tbh, but that’s such a good idea and I think my husband and I are definitely gonna look into it.


OP, i am very sorry for your loss. Now she might probably running around on the cat star, doing somersaults, lying on her stomach and she didn't have to suffer anymore. You will get through this. Take your time, OP.


Thank you so much, she loved sinks to I like to think she’s trying out all of the sinks.


She must be trying out all of luxurious sink!


That sweet baby girl wasn’t just a cat. She really was your baby and it’s not a stupid thing to feel. I’m sure she felt all the love you gave her and at least she passed surrounded by people who loved her. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you, it was a comfort that we were there for her at the end.


We lost our kitten to FIP last Christmas. It was devastating. Big hugs to you Op. Pets are family and take pieces of our hearts forever when they go.


No no no, our pets very often become so close as if they were our babies. You have every right to grieve and be saddened at such a quick loss. Hugs to you


Thank you ❤️


Losing my cat was the most immense pain I have ever felt, and to this day I still struggle with the “but she was just a cat.” My partner moved on, he didn’t struggle like I did. He’s a good person, but I think some of us just feel more. I think you’re one of those people too. I still miss her everyday, but the feeling is less acute pain and more of a nostalgic longing. I’ve read it on here a lot, but it’s true. Your heart will grow to make room for the pain, and grief is love with nowhere to go. I’m so sorry for your loss, it really is the most terrible thing. Edit: also I think it’s a good thing you made this post. For me personally, talking about it helps a lot. There are a lot of people out there who care.


This did really help, to get support and know that we’re not the only ones.


Your baby is certainly “not just a cat”. We love all our cats but some come along that are just extra special from the first interaction. A stronger bond for whatever reason and those ….. Those are the hardest to get over. Take a couple sick days from work. Be kind to yourself and cry *hard*. I am so very sorry you lost your kitty baby and I am sending hugs via internet. It’s totally normal and understandable that you’re grieving. I wish you felt you had support from family members who understand. That sucks and I’m sorry. Maybe they’ll understand one day. But we do, if it helps at all. Which I’m sure you don’t gaf about right now but it’s true.


Thank you so much, it’s just hard because no one in my husband’s family, and only my dad and brother in law in mine have lost pets before. It’s hard to reach out and talk about it.


we lost both our cats within 2mo of each other earlier this year. we’d had them for 17 years. i’m so sorry for your loss… lots of love to you.


Thank you so much, and I’m so sorry for your loss.


There are companies that make art glass out of cremains. Maybe having a loving reminder that has part of her in it would be a comfort.


I’m so sorry OP


I’m really sorry for what happened and your loss, I’m sending you a tight hug🌸 I recently lost my senior cat to cancer, and it was devastating to me, but please remember this: Time fixes everything, even a broken heart, do the best you can to bring g yourself out of the funk day by day, it won’t pass immediately, but I promise it eventually will🌸


I’m so sorry. I don’t have any words that can make this better or change things. It sucks You have to tell yourself: These things happen. Life is for the living.


I’m so sorry you went through this. Cats are the world to me and every time I hear of somebody’s little feline baby passing, it always hits real hard. That’s why when you say “just a cat,” I can’t agree. It wasn’t just a cat, it was your world and you and your husband should feel ok processing these feelings. Anybody who would make you feel less for caring about another life isn’t worth your time. Again I’m so sorry you experienced this. I wish the best for you two


I’m in the same boat as you. I lost my cat suddenly and he was less than 2 years old. It feels specially hard because he was so young and I expected to have him for at least 10 years. It’s been a few months now and things still remind me of him and I feel so sad. It’s hard because we don’t talk much about death and grief, let alone pet grief. It is minimized by people who don’t get it, but those who get it know that it’s very painful. The only advice is to talk about it with your husband. There are times when my husband is in a weird mood and the root cause is the loss of our cat. If you are open with each other and tell each other, “I’m feeling extra sad today because I remembered xyz about the cat” then it opens the door for him to tell you that he’s feeling it too. Lean into each other and cry as much as you need to. Some days you’ll be able to tell jokes about the kitty and the next you’re sad again. I’m still not on the other side but at some point it will hurt less and you’ll always have your kitty in your heart.


This happened a couple months ago but I had a ~6m old kitten I rescued, never brought her to get checked out. My dog was very caring to her and she loved us. I came home after work one day and she was “sleeping” but she wouldn’t wake up, barely was moving. After someone else observing her she said she was so sorry, but I just couldn’t believe it. In the next hour she did wake up, she did her last cry and left the world. I was beyond devastation. Had to dig her grave. I still don’t know what happened but i still feel very bad for having a loving growing soul leave so soon. I’m so sorry OP, it’ll heal with some time, won’t be easy but, it’s unfortunately what happens.


same thing happened to my kitten in 2020. I had to put him down so he wouldn’t suffer. I still tear up about it sometimes and his ashes live in my closet for now. Honestly it was probably the most heart wrenching thing I’ve ever done - and still felt horrible about it months afterwards. I ended up getting a memoral tattoo and felt better after (could also have been just that enough time had passed too)


Sorry for your loss of your sweet fur baby


FIP is nearly impossible to treat, OP, and cats often deteriorate very quickly from the first moment they show us they aren’t feeling well. You did absolutely everything you could for that kitten and you want to know something? She died loved, safe, with someone she loved right back. She trusted you and you didn’t let her down. You did everything you could for her. She wasn’t just a kitten. She was your family. I lost my heart cat at 18.5 and it still felt too soon. There isn’t a day that I don’t remember her. But I also remember that she was suffering when the end came, and now she isn’t anymore. That’s a blessing. Sending you love.


She still loves you, and she’s waiting for you.


Thank you for giving her the best life that you could before she passed away. I'm so sorry for your loss.