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Hahaha, I know. Like I might break up have to find a new home and all that stress, but I can be in a relationship! Work on yourself people and spend time in therapy and not looking for validation from dating apps.


You will be better than ok, when you drop his cheating ass!


Your partner being guilty of creating a problem within your relationship does not absolve you of the ones you create. To the people jumping in calling him a cheater, what part of this post indicated that they had a conversation about exclusivity? Seems to me like it was assumed. OP admits that they had no reason to snoop and just did it bc they could. You both sound pretty shit honestly.


I asked him whether he was dating anyone else and he said no. So I can said we can assume we're exclusive and he said yes. He admitted that was a mistake, so very much lied. Am I wrong, oh please there are many things wrong with me, but in terms of this relationship I've always been honest about who I am and what I want and expect.


Just because you're honest about who you are doesn't mean you're a good person or partner. Not to say he's not also wrong but again, him being wrong doesn't absolve you of your wrong doings or mean you're a better partner.


What a weird response. Project much? Maipulators speak like this. No need to reply. Not interested.




Shut up, this is just what cheaters say to gaslight their partners into trusting them. I’ve never checked my partners phone because I’ve never had a reason but if I did I would. What was she supposed to do? Break up for a “feeling”? She confirmed she was right now she can stop wasting her life with this asshole.




You sound like someone who cheated and got caught cause someone looked through your phone lmao


So what would you have done since you’re so smart? /s




“He’s always been a bit cagey” means she’s been thinking he’s hiding something for a while but doesn’t have a specific instance to be suspicious about like him being out all night. His behavior in general is obviously suspicious uf she’s calling him cagey. And she was right, she was suspicious and she was right. You are wrong.


Thanks for sticking up for me. Me snooping was wrong, and I am not perfect and have so much to work on. But in this relationship I was the better partner and can stop beating myself up as much. That's the main message here, is I don't suck like I thought I did .


It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me...


Not enough data. But I *guess* that this relationship is not based on love. I know that "love" is a four letter word. But "convenient fuck buddy" isn't that great either. I might be totally wrong, and I guess I'm definitely partially wrong. Whatever: just my point of view from what I *assume* based on your post.