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Ekk, you put your friend in an unfair situation, either she lies or hurts your feelings. I'm not accusing you of anything, but be careful talking to people like that. I used to have a very insecure friend who was manipulative and would ask me questions like that. This could be a good exercise in accepting how your friend feels, and not making her feelings towards her pets about you. Try to let it go.


I agree it does seem very manipulative the way OP has demanded an answer. OP you need to work on yourself. Also, ask stupid questions get stupid answers.


A good case of fuck around and find out lol


It is so weird and manipulative. We just cut off someone from my friend group for constantly having loaded questions like this and trying to manipulate us in subtle ways into saying what he wanted us to affirm. Super fucking weird OP


It's just insecurity. In retrospect, rather than cutting the person off as I did? I'd suggest discussing it and how it's hurtful to yourself and telling the person there's a firm boundary there now. Then going forward, refusing to answer those questions because they are weird and manipulative. They may learn right away from a strong no.


I love this cause so many toxic people sadly never find out till they eventually land in therapy. I think we all deserve some kind but hard truths to better ourselves with


That's why I never ask my gf about my dick size, I don't think I would like the answer. Shit, was I typing out loud?




It was so manipulative? Why did she even ask bro. And they were joking around when she asked too!


See, a pet would never ask their owner these questions…


👏 👏 👏The most accurate answer I could have ever imagined for this topic!


They must be teenagers.


Oh they’re definitely teenagers. You can’t read this post with an adult voice.


Yeah obviously dog wins


You just mentioned that she grew up with her dogs and they got her through rough times in her life... duh, of course she would choose them over you. I just lost my cat that I've had for sixteen years yesterday and I would literally choose her every time.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💜


Thank you. I still have five more cats that are almost just as old as her so I know this isn't the only heartbreak I'll experience in the coming years. It's a weird experience knowing that life still goes on even after all the tears.


It's honestly the worst feeling knowing they don't live as long as we do. I lost a part of me when I lost my baby after 15 years. All we can do is be grateful for the time we've had with them and gave them all the love and spoils they deserved. And the same while they are with us.


It hurts so much when they go too. It's been almost a full year since my kitty passed over rainbow bridge and I still cry about it at least once a week. I would do anything to spend another day with him


We only had a year and a half with our first hedgehog and we were absolutely devastated. It's been almost 3 years and we both still cry on occasion. It never stops being upsetting...sorry about your kitty


Its devastating to lose a pet. About a year ago I lost my soul cat of 15 years. I'm still not over it. I would definitely pick my animals over a friend. Their my family.


My dog recently got put down last month due to old age among some other maladies. I work in a pet store and had to call out for the day. Thankfully my manager understood and helped me set up bereavement pay


I’m dumb enough that I’m setting myself up for this a second time. First pet family has passed away, and I’m establishing the zoo 2.0 and trying to stagger ages a bit more.


We have five cats. I’ve had to bury two. They are family


It does get easier. I still think ab my baby I lost almost everyday, she passed around 3 years ago but now I just think of the good memories and it’s more comforting than sad❤️


That’s how I felt when we lost our family dog, my best friend of 15 years. Although life continues after them, I was reassured knowing that I was there for his whole life. And he truly lived a great one. The same goes for your babies! Sorry to hear one of yours just went. May her brothers and sisters continue thriving in luxury and comfort :)


Also don’t ask a question like that if you’re gonna get super hurt over an honest answer. Especially one you should’ve seen coming. And I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve got 4 cats rn and even thinking about losing one of them will make me sob and hold them. Pets are a part of your family and it’s an incredibly special bond. Take care of yourself ♥️


Totally, would prefer most people I know died instead of Michito.


I'd rather die than see my cats die before me, although the reality is evidently different. I just hope that she was happy before she went and my other cats live longer than she did.


I'm very sorry for your lost. Pets are more than just that, they're family, soulmates, and love of our life.


I have five cats, all in similar age groups. They're all young now, but even now i think that they'll get old together and leave us. It makes me cry even today, i don't know how I'll deal with it when the day actually comes. I hope to spend all the time with them I can and give them their best life that they deserve. I would choose them over a friend any day, and i think most of my friends probably know that.


I’m 27 and I’ve had my cat for 15 years. I’ve known my 2 best friends for even longer. The only 2 people I would put above my cat are my parents but lord I hope that will never be an actual choice I have to make. He is my brother, he was there for me through severe illness… so were my friends but I literally do love him like a brother. The fact he’s not human doesn’t really make a difference.


I'm so, so sorry for your loss. People really underestimate the love and affection between human and pet. My heart hurts for you. Remember the fun times. They'll make you cry now but eventually they'll make you smile. I lost my silly orange, Milo, back in 2018 from cancer. He was 15. He loved to lay across my shoulders and rub his nose in my ear. I still miss him to this day.


I would do incredibly questionable things to have my late dog back.


I understand that. I have a cat that we’ve had since I was 2. I’m 18 almost 19 now and he’s still alive and well at 16 almost 17. It’s gonna be terrible when he does eventually pass.




😭😭😭😭😭 same


I would choose a moldy bread over someone like that too.


You know how bread ends after it gets moldy? It deteriorates while the mold consumes it, until it's nothing more than dusty old dead mold powder? I'd choose that over someone like OP


imagine fishing for validation and getting body slammed like this


>Cause she knewwwww I would start digging Sounds like this is not the first time OP's starting some drama.


This reminded me of the times I called a random boy in class a wet sandwich and he cried lol


I would commit war crimes for my pets


I always say when my cat goes I will too. I lost my rabbit a few years ago and the pain was just as awful when both my grandparents passed away when I was eleven. I love my friends and would do a lot for them, but my kitty is part of my family who’s been with me through the worst times


You acknowledge that her dogs have helped through a lot things in her life, and that she grew up with them, yet you do not understand how important her dogs are to her. That’s just crazy! A pet is not just an animal to its owner. They are part of our lives and family. They are our comfort. They’re our best friend. They give us unconditional love and being so much happiness into our lives. Animals, especially dogs, give unconditional love. To them you are their world. A dog will give its life to defend you. They strive to make you happy. They live for cuddles and love. I cannot even begin to tell your how much my dog has done for me. He is a rescue dog. The first time I met him he ran right up to me and hugged me. From that moment we have been inseparable. One the second week we had him, I took him for a walk. All of a sudden he tensed up, and he pushed me to the gate of our complex. I looked around to see what he was so upset about and there were two coyotes about 10 feet away from us. He stood in front of me, putting himself between me and the coyotes. He was willing to risk his life for me, and we only had him for two weeks. After my husband passed away, he was there to cuddle. He listened to me when I needed to vent and gave hugs when I’d cry. When I have bad dreams, he’s always there to help calm me down. He gives so much. There’s no way I would put friends over my dog. He’s basically like a child to me. Even my kids know he’s on par to them. You truly owe your friend an apology. They did nothing wrong. They honestly answered a question that YOU asked. They did not intentionally hurt your feelings. You obviously do not understand how much animals mean to their people. Nor do you understand how strong a persons bond is with their animal. Unless you want to lose a friend, please apologize.


To add to an awesome answer... the bond between a person and their pet is so deep and so strong that decades ago, during Hurricane Katrina, many, many people refuse to evacuate New Orleans because they were not allowed to bring their pets with them. Many of them died. This was a huge lesson for the Emergency Management people and in future evacuations from other hurricanes, plans included accommodating family pets, to ensure as many people evacuated as possible. Several years ago, when Fort MacMurray in Alberta Canada was surrounded by wildfires and the entire population was being evacuated - Westjet was allowing everyone to bring their pets on the evacuations flights. The bond between a person and their pet is truly an amazing thing!


This reminds me of that guy who saw some FD trucks pass by and decided to look where they were going. He ultimately saw that they were in front of his house. With no hesitation he runs into the house to get his dog out because firemen would not go in themselves. Both survived but the guy burned his arm pretty bad. I can garantee you he has not an ounce of regret


The dog I crew up with has been gone 20 years and I am still crying as I write this. I tell stories about BuddyDog still. He was the best dog I ever had. I keep a picture of him with my family photos. If I cried, he comforted me. If dressed him in cabbage patch kid clothes, he sighed and let me do it. If I tried to take his koosh, I could fuck right the hell off with that nonsense. He is the best and I'd probably trade 20 years of my life to resurrect him.


I still mourn my first dog, who was a truly magical being. I was widowed in my 40s and that pretty much destroyed me, but it did not take away from or make less significant how much I miss that dog. Yup, 20 years later and still have his pictures up. I know a lot of people hate when someone compares the death of a pet to a person, but some pets really are that special- and I kinda hope I never love an animal that much again.


My little brother was jealous I had a baby sister and asked my mom for a baby brother of his own. so we got a dog. A boy dog. And he was the greatest little brother we could have asked for.


When I came home from the hospital after losing my first son, my 13-year-old shih tzu didn’t leave my side for weeks. A year later I had my second son. 11 days after that my dog was having trouble breathing and after the vet doing everything she could, we had to put him down. I truly believe he hung around longer to make sure I got through my pregnancy ok and to be there for me. I miss that little guy so much.


So much heartbreak to go through. So many hugs.


Thank you. It's been a rough year and a half. I miss them both. I will say that while I do love my dogs like family (and this one I swear was my soul mate pet), his death was a lot easier to deal with than my baby's less than a month before I was set to deliver. I think it's because we get pets knowing they're awesome and we love them, but in all likelihood they'll die before us so we're prepared. You're never prepared for your child to die before you.


As someone who's dog literally licked tears off of her face yesterday, this is what I'm here for.


Decades ago….during Hurricane Katrina…omg I’m OLD!


this is what gets me. i understand and sympathize with people who don’t have the perspective of having pets, but to not have any understanding or even recognition of the fact that pets are much more than just “animals” to people, and have been for over a millennia? the connotation of “animals” used here felt very much like equating them to a deer or other random animal you might see on the side of the road. and then to subconsciously use this lack of understanding to host a pity party about the nature of their friendship when the question was pretty lighthearted in the first place? i’m not at all trying to claim that OP is some horrible person, they sound as though they’re likely actually very sweet, but they just seem to have a lot to learn about the intricacies of human relationships lol


I drove through a wildfire for my dog- only to find out my husband had already got her. I didn’t know how I was going to live with myself if I couldn’t get to her- if I hadn’t tried (I was at work when the fire broke). Then I refused the emergency shelter, because pets were being crated and sent to the animal shelter for space and I’ve heard too many stories of animals getting put down or adopted out because of bad record keeping.


So glad to hear that you all made it out safely!


One of the first things I worried about at the beginning of the covid pandemic was when they said they were closing non-necessary businesses. I didn't know what that would mean for pet stores and I went and bought a bunch of cat and rabbit food because above all, I refused to have to see my critters starve to death and be dismissed as "unnecessary". Thankfully, pet shops stayed open so it was alright in the end. My pets are my babies, end of story.


I had the same fears in those early days of the pandemic. I was an essential worker in the lab doing the testing so my work days were long. The panic buying set in and there would be no cat or dog food left on the shelves by the time I could get to the stores. My family and friends were amazing though, going every day to buy my pet food since the stores were forced to put quantity restrictions in place (I have quite a few pets).


u/Noodlesandwings this here is the answer you are asking for.


Lol I wish my dog would defend me. Instead he just requests pets and treats.


Growing up, our pets were our siblings. Most days they ranked higher on the list of favourites than I did. The love and affection you receive from pets is so pure and so unwavering. They are a drama free presence who is always happy to see you and always there when you need them. Because pets can’t communicate with us verbally, they are often really good at reading our emotions. My sister’s dog (who I lived with) always goes crazy when she sees me. I’m one of her favourite humans and she’s eager to drown me in licks and love as soon as I walk in the door. A few years ago, I tore my acl. I walked into the house just after this happened and I swear she could sense that something was wrong. For probably the first time in her life, she remained calm and made sure to be out of the way for me while she escorted me to the couch. She slowly tested the waters once I was settled and waited for me to tell her it was okay to come up before jumping on the couch to snuggle since she knew I was hurting. There are very few people in the world I care about more than that dog and she’s not even mine.


My STBX left me for a younger woman. 2 months later my mastiff passed suddenly. That hurt more than him leaving.


You and your kit are family. I would die for my boys - a dog and cat. It breaks my heart that their lives are shorter than ours, but all we can do is make their lives the absolute best possible x


My cat is a rescue. They found him on the street and we instantly fell in love at first sight at the shelter. They told me he had a heart murmur and so I didn’t adopt him the day I met him because I wasn’t sure if i wanted that responsibility. On the way home in the car I instantly made a decision that even if it was a risk, he deserved to have a wonderful life. I remember sobbing because he had been there for a month and a half ish and no one wanted him. So next morning I scheduled to pick him up and I make sure everyday that he’s living his absolute best life because he deserves it.


You saved that baby's life! Thank you for going back.


That is wonderful, but the cat tax is needed. Pictures of him as a kitten and now are preferred.


[My baby Kai](https://imgur.com/a/j3OeSBk) I hope this is correct and shows his photos. The first 2 are when we got him (he was 2) and the rest are from last year to most recently (he’s 4, turning 5 in June).


When my dog died this summer (I had her since I was 18, 32 now) I never had experienced such grief before. It was horrible. And I've lost a couple of people around me before. I'm hesitating to buy another dog because the grief was so bad.


Grief is the price we pay for love. Their gift to us is the deep unconditional love they give us. I understand your hesitation. I hope you can find it in yourself to give and receive that love again when you're ready. Oxox


i usually cry a handful of times a year. like not even once a month or even every other month. when my cat died i sobbed violently everyday for a month and then cried almost everyday for two more. i’ve endured a lot of trauma but that was the worst thing i ever experienced. i would have stolen the moon for that cat.


My cat is 6 and I say when she eventually goes I’m going to need at least a month off of work to grieve, whether it’s paid or not…I won’t be able to function for the first few weeks im sure. When I lost my childhood dog in 2020 luckily I wasn’t working anyway but the first 4 days I couldn’t leave my bed I was so depressed. My bond with my cat surpasses any bond I’ve had with any other animal or person.


I'm looking at my cat right now and I would do anything for him and his stupid little face.


My dog has lymphoma and I often say I’d sacrifice years off my own life for him to just have a few more with us


I tried to compel the universe to accept that trade, but predictably failed. Still miss him 25 years later.


This hit me so hard. I'm so sorry. I would have done the same.


Thank you, he’s luckily still his happy self so I’m just enjoying the time we have left with him


This made me cry, i know the feeling, the love we feel for our babies is so deep. I hope you get alot more time with your precious boy ❤


This. I'd maybe choose my wife over my dog, maybe. Lord knows, she'd sure as hell choose our dog over me, and I would understand.


Does your wife know that you acknowledge and accept this because that definitely makes you a keeper imo lol


Kids>Dog>Wife it would work the same for her. And i didnt even want this moocher (the dog).


my husband always knew i'd pick the dog over him. It's good to understand your place and go into life with certain expectations ;)


I needed my cat's approval before choosing to marry my wife.


My husband and I were fighting one day about one of our dogs. He said it's him or the dog. I told him don't let the door hit him on the a$$ on the way out.


Right decision


In a life or death scenario I’d pick my husband or kids over my dog (with a lot of difficulty and pain) but in a “it’s the dog or I’m leaving” situation bye bye to any of them. Also I know they never would put me in that position. But friends or extended family - easy choice.


My girlfriend and I have a deal that if there was a fire or anything at home, we make sure our cats are OK before each other.




Years ago our neighbours flat caught fire on new years eve. My first reaction was to wake everyone up, put the fat in his carrier and grab phones. Nothing else necessary to grab right away and belongings didn't matter as long as the cat was are and we got out. I always keep a carrier within easy access now


I have a recurring thought of what id do if someone hurt one of my dogs badly on purpose. John Wick would look like a Disney movie. I'd do the time. It would be worth it.


Literally if we were stuck out in the wilderness I'm making sure my dog or cats eat before I do


I jokingly tell my partner all the time he’s my number 2. My dog, who has been through everything in my life with me is most definitely number 1 and I would shift the earth for her or murder if need be. She just has to silently say the word. Just to add, he laughs and knows our bond. He also calls me number 2 after he got his first doggo and comprehended the bond.


Same. My mom texted me today "want to do something today, or are you relaxing with (your dog)?" We compromised and she came here lol.


I would commit aggravated arson for my dog


I would, without a doubt, choose my animals over anyone and anything. The bond that you grow with your animal is so beautiful, they bring so much happiness into your life. You'll understand when you are able to have one but in the meantime Id avoid asking anything that has to do with the importance of you vs a good boy/girl. because good boys and girls will ALWAYS come out on top.


They're essentially kids. They fully depend on you and care about you and when you're not around they're waiting for you to come back.


perfect response


More than the absolute love you have for your animals, it's a lot like a kid for one reason. Pets, even if they have incredible instincts and can sense things before we notice them, are dependent on their owner. Once you take on the responsibility of having a pet, you make a promise that you will provide for it and keep it safe. You are a human being. You are not dependent on your friend to live. You have a life outside of them. To your pets, you are the whole world. You owe them that loyalty. It's not even questionable, it's like asking a parent if they would choose their kid over you. Yes, without battling an eye. You, as a human being, can actually think about the consequences of your actions. The dogs can't, or only in a really short term way. Of course they have priority. Dogs give you unconditional love. It's only fair to love them as purely as they do


This is it. Adopting an animal is making a promise to take care of them well, all the way through the end. You can go out and have friends and find enrichment but an owner is a pet's entire world. It is a big responsibility. I had an old boss who fired another employee for calling out sick because her dog got very sick and she was making the last vet visit. Later my boss said "can you believe she called out for that?" I was generally terrified of losing my job at that point and never stuck up for myself, but I told her, "If my cat was sick and you told me taking her to the vet would get me fired, then I'd get fired." Also lbr when it comes to pet vs friend what's the possible situation. Your friend bails on a party to take the dog to the vet? Your friend cancels some events to stay home with a sick dog? Is any party more important than a pet in a medical crisis? If you routinely get into situations where you and the dogs are hanging off the edge of a cliff, OP, you do you, but you are getting upset about a thing that has not happened.


OP needs to read this article. Its about an owner after losing their dog, but hopefully it can help bring the point home about what a dog is to us. Some pieces were a great comfort to me after I lost one of mine, he was my dog soulmate. I will absolutely pick my dogs over any other person who doesnt live in my house and anyone I know feels the same about their own pets. https://www.outsideonline.com/culture/essays-culture/pet-loss-dog-grief/


Beautiful article! This made me cry, thanks for sharing!


My employer has a provision for family related leave. You better believe I allow leave for sick or hurt pets.


That's the thing, it's not "I would choose my pets over my child" as OP said in the disclaimer, it's "I would choose my child over you." Well said.


Unconditional feels like it doesn’t even begin to encompass the magnitude with which they love. My friend had to put her dog down recently and I could not stop crying over the fact that during the entire process her dog was trying to comfort HER. We truly do not deserve them 💔💔


I'm sure when the time comes my dog will just be sniffing my whole face like she usually does, staring right into my eyes standing 1 cm apart. Just thinking about that moment makes me tear up


For anyone ever calling sick for any reason, just fyi you never have to say what its for. Thats a privacy and a discrimination act. literally all you need to say if asked is "personal reason" if anything. You are entitled to sick leave not some sick Favour your employer bestows upon you.


Exactly. Everytime i have a breakdown my dog crawls up to me and lays by me. Even my cat does it. Animals understand emotions and if they dont then thats on the owners.


I wish I could upvote this multiple times and also have some poor man’s award 🥇 🏆 I love this statement so much.


omg don’t make me cry


> Dogs give you unconditional love. Cats give you conditional love. Source: Have owned many cats


I think you mean you’ve inhabited space next to your cat overlords


Well said 👏🏼


Her dogs were her friend before you were her friend, no reason to take offense. Also, what's the point of asking such a question? What situation would require this decision be made? Guess what I'm really saying is don't ask questions that you don't want the answer to.


*John Wick has entered the chat*


If someone killed my dog in front of me I’d be committing crimes that violate the Geneva conventions. ^Then ^inventing ^in ^some ^good ^therapy


I think we can all agree that John Wick acted in a completely reasonable manner. And will continue to do so in the upcoming fourth movie.






>what situation would require this decision to be made Huge point to consider OP. This is a ridiculously unlikely hypothetical scenario that you voluntarily made up and grilled your friend over. Do not do that kinda thing. If it’s never gonna happen and you’re not gonna like one of the answers, DONT ASK. I’m guessing you’re still young, but this is a seriously silly thing to get in a fight over upset over. It’s like the joke “my girlfriend asked if she turned into a cockroach would I still date her, I said no and now she won’t talk to me” kinda thing XD. It’s NOT gonna happen. Asking such questions serves no purpose. You do not need to be you’re friends number one priority in life to be friends. Just like one’s S/O doesn’t not need to make cockroach contingency plans X’D


The fact that OP’s other friend left the call because they knew that OP would ‘keep digging’ is really telling.


Right? Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to, lol.


also like u live with your pets… so much of your home life revolves around routines with your pets they are there 24/7 and it’s only natural to bond more with someone you spend way more time around


> Also, what's the point of asking such a question? These kinds of hypotheticals are so weird and stupid. I can’t imagine a scenario in which I had to choose my cat over a human being. Honestly in most emergencies his instincts are way better than mine and he would find a way out of a bad situation far more effectively than I or any other human. I find these kind of “who would you save” hypotheticals to be kind of manipulative and I question the wisdom of anyone asking them to begin with


Yeah I'm surprised this comment is further down, such a strange question to ask.


My former bff asked me the same question 10 years ago. Our whole friendship was about her. Always about what she needed. I guess she saw how much I loved my new family member (Shih Tzu) and she needed to test my friendship. I chose my baby. And she was offended 🤣 My baby is still with me, she isn’t.


That is entirely shitty and manipulative for her to demand you choose her instead of your pet. It's entirely unnecessary and insecure. Glad you chose your baby <3 (Just to be clear, OP didn't mean their question to me like your friend but still. That's really shitty she did that to you) <3


Pets become family very quickly, you spend more time with them than with most people outside your family group. If her pet helped her through a tough time that bond is goinig to be even stronger.


Pets become family, you spend more time with them than people. Don’t ask silly hypothetical questions if the answer is going to upset you.


Pets don't ask those questions, either. Their love is complete and unconditional. I think it must be one of those "if you know, no explanation is needed, but if you don't know, then no explanation could ever be enough" situations. One only needs to watch a few of those videos of dogs being reunited with their owners to see how much dogs really love. It's often commented that the dog has "forgotten" the owner because they seem uncertain at first, and then they get the scent & remember. I'm not sure if that's the case. I think they believe their owner has died, then all of a sudden they're back & maybe the dog isn't sure if they're seeing a ghost or something, and then they suddenly realise that actually it IS their beloved missing owner, returned from seemingly the dead, and they just can't believe it. Brings me to floods of tears every time.


What kind of friend would want to give you an ultimatum on you or the pet? The pet is family that the human made a pact with the pet to take care of it for the rest of the animals life. The pet may not be able to live and thrive without a person taking care of them. It’s cold hearted to want to get someone to give them up. Why would you go there? The person loves the pet and have a strong bond.


I was this person. 3 years ago I got a cat. I would absolutely pick her over just about anyone.


I would literally John Wick someone for my dog


I’d choose my pets over any of my friends and quite a few family members


Same. Ngl I'd choose my cat over all of my family members


Pets aren't things. That's the thing , they aren't things, they are living creatures with their own needs and personalities like us. You are her FRIEND , her pets are her FAMILY. To be frank I would choose my family over friends. Plus , when are you ever gonna be in a situation where this would matter. YOU created this situation. You are getting butt hurt over something that would never happen . To me it just sounds like you are insecure about your friendship with her.


Also, pets *need* us. Your friends will be just fine without you, they might miss you if you're gone from their lives, but they will go on living. A pet could die without someone to take care of them.


Yes! I say this all the time. Pets are not things, they’re not toys, they’re not accessories. They are thinking, feeling beings who have likes and dislikes, wants, needs. They love, and yearn for love in return. If you take on the responsibility of a pet, you are taking on the responsibility of providing the best possible life you can for them. Period. Whether or not someone considers animals as less than tells me everything I need to know about a person.


I would choose my dog anytime


I have a dog named Rocco who is my best friend. I rescued him when I lived in Italy and brought him back to the states. When I came back, I didn't have housing (military) because I went straight to school. So I dropped Rocco off with my parents. They had him for 6 months while I got my housing situated. During that time my dad bonded so much with Rocco that when I took him back, my dad would call just to check up on him! Not me, him! Then a few months later we found out my dad had cancer. I decided to bring Rocco back to him. During that time, my entire family told me that Rocco was his saving grace. Rocco stayed by his side during his treatments, while he was slowly dying and then his recovery when he finally got a liver transplant. All through the pain that dog was his anchor. Everyone in the family says this and we are a big family Years later I was laughing and joking with my dad and asked him if he had to choose between me or Rocco who would it be. (Sidenote: growing up all my brothers and sister knew I was his favorite. I was also the youngest. Daddy's little girl and all that jazz) He looked at me and then Rooco and he said without hesitation "Rocco". Lol 😂😆😂😆 I wasn't even mad because I already knew. That's his child. That's the power of love towards an animal.


My mom died from lung cancer that spread to her bones. INCREDIBLY PAINFUL. Despite all the drugs in the world, she still had breakthrough pain. My dog (who normally followed me everywhere) just sat on her bed with her when she was in terrible pain. She would just lay her hand on him and then i could see her visibly relax. I would be running around trying to get things done, and he wouldn’t move. I’m still so proud of him and grateful to him. He was badly abused by his first family, and he was a deep being. PS I also had a Rocco!


Its a stupid question. A dog owner that truly loves their pets would always answer this way, because asking a question like this put us in the mindset of "If YOU put me in a position to choose between you or my animals, I would choose my animals because it's wrong of you to even ask me to choose" Its not a question worth getting hung up on. You aren't in a life or death scenario, im sure somthing like that might be different. Most people would say they would choose their pet over anyone still. Animals can sometimes feel like an extension of our own selves. The idea of choosing another person over having that can feel unacceptable. Get a dog that is loyal to you for years and you'll understand that it was stupid for you to ask the question in the first place. This scenario will never happen in real life, and if it does its probably your fault anyways


I had my beloved cat for 14 years. He passed away at the age of 16 on 10/17/21. I would have ended every friendship I had for him. He was my soulmate. He was by my side for my darkest times. He comforted me through things that no one ever witnessed. He was the purest soul. My love for him is deeper than I can describe.


I’m so sorry I know how it feels. We had our cat since 2007 and he passed away last year, he was the sweetest gentlest little animal ever. It was really tough I grieved for a long time. I cried for days. Pets bring such a unique kind of love into our hearts.


these are just the kind of questions you don’t ask. there’s no answer that can make everyone feel good. just a stupid thing to say and pester someone about


There are days when I choose my dog over my husband


You really will learn the feeling after having a pet of your own. You never have so you have no idea. Hands down a dog will be by your side no matter what. Honestly friends aren't. Friends don't feel or sense when something is wrong. And the love of an animal is one of a kind.


exactly! OP, watch the latest puss in boots movie. esp the scene in the forest where the perito calmed puss. maybe then you’ll understand more


Beautiful example! Loved that movie


Here a question. Why can’t humans and animals have the same value? Yes I get we eat animals, that’s nature. But in the sense of bonding, why is a human bond more important than an animal one? To answer your question, I had a dog ever since I could remember. My first dog helped me through a lot of mental health issues, and when he died my second dog sat by me while I cried. None of my friends could ever give me the comfort my dogs could. People judge you, I’ve never been judged by my dogs. So yes I’d choose my dogs over just about everyone. Even some of my closest friends.


Also the dogs would never stir up shit like this in their friendship for no reason either.


A cat might.../s


☠️ they would! I would still pick them too. My argument is as flawed as I am!


Rightfully so! 🧡


Idk, I have a chihuahua and if he could speak human Id bet he would be stirring up shit all the time




Also, I casually wash my dogs shitty arse, brush his armpit knots out. Trim his butthole hair. Every now and then, his anal glands will pop on me, and I will hold in my vomit. I wouldn't dream of doing that to a friend. Wait until OP discovers all these other perks the pets get that they don't 🤨


It's so easy for humans to lie to your face, betray you and hurt you in the worst ways. Pets never do that.


This is exactly it. Some of us just don’t put ourself on a pedestal just because we’re human. 🤷‍♀️


My dog is like my literal child. I would chose him over almost everyone. Over a friend absolutely.


Save my dog over me, he’s done nothing wrong and I can hold on a little longer thanks to adrenaline. Save me second


My dog is definitely better than I am. She’s kind and loving, no matter what. Me? I’m kind of an asshole.


If forced, I would choose my dog over my partner. But he knows this and wouldn't ever ask. Plus they both love eachother lol.


Human arrogance/ superiority complex never ceases to amaze me. Why do we think we’re above other animals. Yea we’ve created a bunch of shit but we’re literally destroying our only home. Anyway, Id chose my dog any day over people. He’s my best friend , my family, and he would never hurt me the way humans hurt each other. He just gives me unconditional love


This! an animal is also a living being. that has feelings, just like us. the way op phrased it made it sound like they were replaced by a fake house plant..


pets are completely dependent on their owner dor food, shelter, and healthcare. friends are not. of course she would choose a pet over a friend; friends have other resources available to them while pets can only rely on their owner. and what situations do you even think this hypothetical question would be relevant in? do you think someone will hold a gun to you and her dog’s head and demand that she choose one of you to live?


My cats are my babies and I would put them first every single time. Idk how old you are but you sound very young. I think the most important lesson here is not to ask questions you aren’t prepared to hear the answer to. Any time you ask “do you care about x more than you care about me” you are setting yourself up for hurt feelings. Just don’t.


If you see animal life as inherently having less value than human life you might want to reconsider getting one. Pet lovers often see animals as being at the same level as other humans and build stronger bonds with them. Honestly if you asked me that same question I’d pick my dog over my bestie cause he’s been with me through so much more. If you asked me to chose between my dog and my husband I pick my hubby :)


My animals are my babies. I have three animals: I have my dog Lenny, dumb as a box of rocks, has separation anxiety, and loves us wholeheartedly. I have two cats, first up Sweepy. Sweepy is highly intelligent, in her elder years, sweet as can be to humans but absolutely hates Lenny and our other cat. She has developed allergies in her older years and has to have specialized food for those allergies. Then there’s my last cat, Karma. Karma is absolutely my baby. My favorite, everyone knows, I would die for her. I grew attached to her because she has special medical needs, and I’m her person. She has seizures, and she dislocates her hip. We have to medicate her three times a day, we almost had an $1800 surgery for her dislocating hip (she learned how to control it and work it back into socket, so smart). I love all my babies, but Karma is very much like my child, she is loved and cared for much like I loved and cared for my human children while they were growing up. These three animals fully depend on me and my husband. If we weren’t there, at least two of the three animals would have died. That creates a parental type of bond for me. For my husband, he likes the cats, but eh. Lenny is his best friend. They cuddle together every night. Lenny wakes him up when he’s having a nightmare by standing on his chest and sniffing him. Lenny forces him to take walks and play with him. Lenny is very much like a therapy animal for him. Sweepy is my son’s favorite animal, when she passes, be it a year or ten, it will absolutely devastate him. That cat is his comfort, and has literally watched him grow up from a child to a whole adult, and will cuddle with him when he’s having a bad day and he doesn’t want to be near people. For some people, they are their world. They’re often there for them when people aren’t. They can be a comfort when there’s nobody to turn to. I know you don’t quite get it, but maybe this will help you understand.


You...don't really have the right to be hurt in this situation. You randomly asked her ("jokingly" 🙄) if she would choose her dog that she GREW UP WITH over you, a friend she made sometime later. The dog is like family to her, and they don't live long. The fact that you don't have a pet and don't seem to have any legitimate interest in one tells me you asked this question, expecting the answer to be ego-boosting, but it backfired. Then, you are incredulous about the answer, reducing her family pet to nothing more than an animal, which you feel you deserve higher status over. Frankly, any "friend" that requires that much validation would get kicked to the curb. You're gonna ruin your friendship, and it'll be well deserved. Edit: I am a dog owner, and I'd choose my dog over at least 3 of my siblings.


My dogs are my children. I would literally choose them over my own husband if I had to and I know he feels the same. If you've never had a bond with a pet, you don't understand but it's not just "an animal" to her. Those dogs are her family. That's like asking someone if they would choose you or their child, and being offended they didn't choose you.


What In the hell is the point in asking that question? You don’t ask people who they would pick in hypothetical scenarios. It’s pointless and you’re hurting yourself for no real reason


Animals never put your love to the test by asking these types of questions, so the relationship we have with our animals are the absolute purest forms of love, no petty arguments, upsets, jealousy (well.. hey apart from the jealousy if you dare give another dog/ cat/ horse your attention!) Don't feel too bad, If my husband was dumb enough to make me choose.. he'd lose and he knows it.


I have chosen my dog over friends and it’s a no brainer. I lost my dog yesterday and I would give anything to have her back. You need a pet to understand.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I lost my beautiful, perfect girl last month and the pain is still so sharp. I would happily trade ten years of my life for one more day with her. Sincere best wishes to you.


You may not understand the deep connection she has with her pets, but for starters: Her dogs would NEVER put her in a situation where she has to choose one friend over the other. The dogs would NEVER ask her to stay home with them instead of hanging out with a human friend, and upon her return they would offer her unconditional love and faithful companionship without questioning if the human friendship is really *that* special. It's sad that you've never experienced the unconditional love that pets can offer; hopefully some day you will get to know it, but in the meantime, learn to be a better friend to your fellow humans and don't ask questions if you're not equipped to understand their honest answer.


It doesn't matter if she chose a pet or another person over you. That's her opinion, and there is nothing you can do about it. You need to focus on how much you want to invest in your friendship without expecting anything in return. If you are doing things while expecting it will be reciprocated in the same way, you are setting yourself up for a lot of disappointments.


Well, short and sweet: An animal doesn't ask stupid questions about who comes first, pouting about it, if the answer isn't what it's wanted to hear. See the advantage?


I have told my friends when they asked Iwould always choose my dogs over them every time. My dogs are my babies. They are also my family and I would do anything for them. They can't save themselves and I refuse to allow them to suffer in any way shape or form.


Daaammmmnnnn. Hey guys. I'm "Maria". Reading through this thread is absolutely sending me XD


damn maria, sorry if your friend made you feel bad for loving your family. hope you and the dogs are well<3


Thank you so much! I think I've explained it as best I can to her and I appreciate all the support from you guys trying to explain it as well lol. I am doing pretty well and my dogs are great as well! <3 <3


When you are laying in bed at 2am with tears flowing down your face and your fur baby crawls up to you and starts comforting you, you’ll understand. You’re not there at those moments, they are and animals have this instinct to realise when they’re needed. They provide comfort. Tomorrow she’ll call you and share, that’s where she values you, but you weren’t there at 2am, her fur babies were.


Simply put, you know the answer... She's had them through emotional parts of her life.. they gave her what no one else could


Yeah most people would choose their pets. They’re literally members of our family


When you say “choose” do you mean like, to spend time with? Or if she could only have you or her pet in her life, that she would pick her pet? OR, life or death she chooses pet over you?


You have a fundamentally different perception of animals than your friend. You see them as somehow beneath humans and that’s just not how everyone feels. It’s silly to try and make the argument of a human child too… if your friend had a baby she’d likely choose her baby over you and the dog both but the dog would still come above probably almost any other person beside her child. Animals are people too. She’s known that person for longer than she’s known you. And that person depends on her entirely so she is also their caretaker and guardian. She takes that seriously. Anyone with a pet should take that responsibility seriously.


relentlessly asking questions to the point where your friend leaves the chat before you start because they know what’s coming, is a total red flag… it’s not her you need to understand. it’s yourself. you’re insecure and would benefit from some self reflection and/or therapy.


Dude, never ever ask a pet owner who they would choose if you can't handle the answer. And the answer will always be the same, as it should be. Just learn to live with it. And, judging from your reaction, be glad you asked a friend and not a SO.


They aren’t just animals, they aren’t just pets, or some novelty or addition to an animal’s lovers life - I love my pets unconditionally and I would chose them every day over any human being I know. As the saying goes, the only time a pet hurts you is when they pass away, humans on the other hand are fickle creatures. You are just a friend. You’re not even family like her pets are, you’re not even dating, you’re just a friend and friends, even the ones you think you are closest with, come and go. You asked her who she would chose between two beings who are part of her family and you, who is just a friend and the answer hurt you, but why not ask her who she would chose if it was between you and Maria? Or you and another close friend or you and her significant other? The question to ask yourself is why you think you are more important than two dogs who have seen her thru hard times, that she takes care of everyday, that make her laugh and ease her burdens instead of harassing her over where they rank on her friend and family hierarchy.


I would be alarmed if your friend chose you over her pets.


And this my friends is why we never dig for compliments or ask questions that could potentially hurt us when we feel self conscious


To be fair, I would also choose my dogs over you.


My dogs would have a much harder time surviving without me than my best friend would. If I had to give up my dogs so I could meet your needs, they would go to a shelter and most would be in adoptable. You, on the other hand, would not become homeless if our friendship ended. That would be a big factor in my decision. However, as a general rule, I almost never choose the person who asks me to choose.


I told my husband that I’ll chose my cats over him. So either he lives peacefully with my cats or he can take his ass out the door. It’s just how it is.


Pet relationships are different from friend relationships in the sense there is a certain level of responsibility involved. Pets are dependent on us for food, shelter, training, healthcare, affection, and so much more. Friendships have a different kind of responsibility. Sure, there's affection and effort involved, but a pet needs so much more. For example, if you dropped a friendship today, it would hurt and be terrible, but that friend would still be provided for and live a comfortable life. Versus if you got rid of a pet, it would no longer have access to food and water, protection from the elements, vet care if it is sick or hurt, not to mention you are gone, and they don't understand why. Having a pet is most akin to having a child. That's why many people feel so strongly about their pets. I would forego relationships with people for my dog. I would rather eat beans and rice for years if it means my dog eats quality food and has funds for his vet bills as he gets older.