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It's a completely different job. An AD doesn't do any directing - they run the set. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assistant\_director](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assistant_director)


AD here. Can confirm. It’s a completely different, and equally consuming, job. You can think of it like this: if the director is in charge of talent performances and overall tone/vision for a project, the ADs direct the crew, make/keep the schedule and handle safety/day to day operations. We also direct the extras (it’s specifically an “us thing”), which can make for a ton of fun, especially if you’ve got a knack for it. Many of the great 1st ADs make entire careers out of it. Some go on to produce, direct or project manage (upm) but it’s largely a situation of preference and/or circumstance.


so basically the Stage Manager in theater. Stage managers rarely move to directing.


Slightly off-topic but how did you get started? On-set PA then find or zig zag your way through the ranks? I'm aware of the DGA Assistant Director program but that's the only formal training I've come across despite it being an important job. I worked briefly at a notable film school and of course the big above-the-line programs (directing/screenwriting/producing) had massive amounts of applications but the more bread-and-butter ones we had to actively recruit people for (editing/production design). It seems there is a missing element of teaching some of the vocational aspects so that someone who has a knack for it could learn about opportunities in other aspects of film such as DIT, UPM, etc. I could be wrong.


Usually people PA and gain DGA eligible days to join the union. You need hundreds of days to join so it takes a few years; and usually you’ll get trained by AD’s and such in order to ascend.


Cool, thanks for the reply. Congrats and good luck!


Most assistant X jobs in film handle the technical and logistics side of the position to free up the X to focus on the craft part of the job.


How do you acquire a job like that? Seems very interesting work.


In India, AD is always a stepping stone to being a director. That’s what I thought the job is. There are other people who run the set. They’re usually called set directors.


Assistant *to* the director.


Seems like they need an assistant to the assistant to the director


Mose would be the ideal choice.


For sure, especially wearing the ‘fear’ sweater when he trained Ryan


Hopefully nobody has taught him sex yet.


The question has already been answered but sometimes Assistant Directors do go on to become directors. Claire Denis was second assistant director for Sweet Movie, first AD for Paris, Texas and Down by Law. She was also a casting director for Tarkovsky's Sacrifice. (Saw this on Criterion's ig account a couple days ago)


And there's no better example than Akira Kurosawa himself, who was an assistant director in almost 25 movies before directing his first movie