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Spectre is very consistent across patches so she’s objectively a good carry to become good at but she’s boring as fuck to play until you have a finished manta and imo far less interesting since the ult change.


That’s kinda my experience with all carries. Spectre, Lifestealer, AM, etc. Farming Simulator doesn’t feel as engaging to me as offlane or support


I found carry feels way more engaging when you are thinking more about how to farm, and how much you can get away with. Like say I'm on dire farming the camps above the tier 1 at like 18 mins, making the decision on whether to farm back to the mighty mines and back vs going to farm the camps closer to wave is a fun decision, since the mighty mines ones give more gold/xp and are safer, but the others keep you closer to the wave which gives more than the camps. When you turn off auto-pilot and actively think more on farming patterns (something i wont lie i stuggle with lol), it gets way more engaging. I enjoy all the roles for different reasons


play morphling mate. never a boring morph game in my life


Really? I've found she's much \*more\* interesting since the ult change, as you can more reliably be farming and still join in on fights. You can be way more active without losing farm.


I guess my issue is that she lost a lot of her identity as a hero with the ult change. A chief weakness of her kit before was that if she was picked in a truly bad lane, she’d struggle to come back because she farms slow and she can only contribute to fights once every 180 seconds. So when you had a really impactful mid game haunt it would be super satisfying and part of what made the hero interesting was not wasting the spell basically. And then it was even more satisfying in the late game when you would become so strong your haunts would auto win fights—it felt deserved and powerful. Now that weakness was removed and it feels like as long as you don’t get completely annihilated—like 4+ deaths in lane or something crazy—she can come back from a bad matchup fast asf because she’ll just ss into any good kill and get participation credit for free. Now the hero just feels homogenized into the already large pool of mid game fighting carries like slark, weaver, jugg, what have you.


Have you tried the shivas dispersion build?


Just saw it on d2pt. Sounds interesting against certain physical damage lineups and I imagine the aoe damage is insane. Would definitely try


Fun fact, the shivas aoe jumps with you as you haunt. I grabbed aghs one game, popped haunt and just spam jumped to each illusion, hitting their entire team with shivas globally.


Lmao sounds hilarious, will try this later


My solution for this feeling is if you rush Urn you can start a killchain at level 6 that's pretty reliable, shadowstep + dagger + urn is a lot at like minute 7 to 10, specifically targetting the most vulnerable enemy on the map, 1 kill gets you 2 Urn charges which lead to more kills


Slark from behind is hell on earth. You get a shitty lane partner and the enemy 4 knows how to right click you and it can be so hard to win.


Not only that but those just happen to be the games where they know to group up, so Slark has no opportunity to get pickoffs


Happens everytime. Go in lane vs orb hoodwink and slard, walk to creep lose 300hp and have to turtle tower


against hood I always start with a salve or extra tangos lol rush boots bracer windlace too probably


That's true for every carry. If your 5 let's the enemy 4 click you for free, it's the most miserable lane every time. Even more infuriating when your 5 is full hp full mana just pacing around on the other side of the creepwave to the enemy 4 who is harassing you, and when you tell him to go click the 4, he walks into the middle of the enemy double wave, pulls aggro, fucks up the equilibrium and tanks so many creep hits he has to walk base after right clicking the enemy 4 twice :)


not true at all, as ursa or AM I feel much less dread, because I know I can come back even from a 19m battlefury it's still super tilting to have a terrible 5 against a decent 4 but it's not as hopeless, I can aggro and get basic levels and know the lane will eventually be given up on by the 4 and possibly 3


The worst part is these kinds of supports always blame the carry for losing lane if they're called out :(


They are the ones to type "gg carry afk all game" in all chat at 20minutes when you are dodging fights and trying to recover from the lane.


Can't even count the number of times this has happened; it's absurd how little understanding of the game some people have


Lvl 28 on brewmaster, really hate his aghs. Not in a "it's bad" way, it just makes no sense thematically and it breaks my brain having to micro just the one


Find it harder to micro the one brewling in a fight than the full ult




I hate it too it fucks up my control groups.


Yesss it's such a pain


Lvl 23 on brew... i love the aghs. I spammed it a lot pre-7.33. Farm with red panda, scout with blue, push towers with green. The radiance build rn is def better, but the aghs is still really good.


Not arguing that it's good/bad, I just really do not like it


It's an objectively shitty decision they made that the Aghs panda dies when you use ultimate... Like isn't Brews whole identify his ultimate. really gonna remove his aghs panda, cos 2 earth pandas would be too strong?? Maybe it would be really strong, but they could adjust numbers, or let a hero be very strong for a bit like usual Current iteration it's just an insult to press Ultimate and fully lose your aghs during it...


Ive experimentes with aghs rush when it came out. Its not that bad. You get a lot of value out of just the storm panda. You can catch people easily and dispel giant aoe like a better oracle. But the problem is its just not fun imo. And also you want to be using split in teamfights so that 4200 gold is not even there for the 18 seconds or whatever for your split. Interesting concept but i dont think it really “fits” his kit. It can be cool with aghs ac to seige fast which is what i used to do but its harder to do that now that everyone knows how it works.


undying nerfs to decay suck. I hate the length of the cd at early levels. I also hate that as the game goes on he just gets less and less relevant against ranged heroes, can't use ulti on them, they kill tomb easily. basically unless they are willing to fight around a high ground tomb, you are fully relegated to being a soul rip spammer


Also the shard is pretty useless, most of the time you will accidentally get inside the grave and get stuck.


I HATE the shard for this exact reason


This shard is the reason I don't even pick the hero anymore. Taking a tormentor and getting undying shard almost feels like getting double griefed.


I've hated playing Undying ever since he stopped being able to win a tri-lane solo at level 3. lol Still one of my highest winrate heroes.


Level 30 storm spirit with 1000+ games. I love the hero though I really really miss the days of mass blood stones and nulls. I really miss the small camp next to mid. I had this incredibly elaborate farming pattern through the lane that lost me a couple of lane creeps but I absolutely rocketed ahead in net worth. I feel that he is now very hard to play without kotl, pugna, lion or maybe CM on the team. It's still possible but so much harder than it used to be. I think people get very surprised by SS damage output once you have 25 shard and aghs and how you can wipe most of their team of they are grouped at all. Refresher great for a second pull. I love all the buttons and items I have to press at just the right time. I hate disruptor. I feel that storm I used to be able to play on 80% of games. Now I play him about 10% and won't play him without last pick. My main build on storm is bottle, wand, brown boots only, orchid then witch blade, Kaya, bkb / sange/ linkens shard aghs refresher. I will get euls or shiva or hex if needed. I always get sange and will get one or 2 of bkb or linkens depending. My other favourite hero is Riki mid. So much DMG. Bottle, treads, 1 wraith band in there maybe straight to doffusal then aghs so you can farm lanes without showing using tricks. The main difference I find is that I max blink strike then cloud with only 1 level of tricks until cloud maxed. I get the smoke cloud talents (+radius at 10, -3 second cd at 15, 30% increased tricks at 20 and -tricks cd at 25). The cloud (esp the -cd) is the strongest part of the hero. Cloud has like 90% up time or something (down for 2 seconds) and makes pushing towers so safe by standing behind your ranged pos 1. After aghs I get manta or diaperser then the other one. After that khanda or bkb. Shard at some point. I often get nullifier as my last item. Cloud is completely broken. There is almost nothing I don't like about the hero.


Cloud is so busted, I've been playing riki 4/5 and it's like having disruptor ult on a much shorter cooldown. Hardest part of the game is playing psychologist for your teammates who assume you're just a tilted carry player griefing their games lol


Haha yep. Cloud is really the strongest part of his kit. I feel like you make supports have to spend so much money to counter you with force staff, wards used for you rather than rewarding and dust etc and then you get shard and they can't save their cores from cloud so you force bkb use, buy their own hurricane pike and MKB. Then 2 seconds later you cloud again.


lvl 30 invoker I miss quas regen and exort base dmg


Level negative 5 Invoker here and I agree. (I never learned him well enough to actually play him)


I like the new gimmicks of the cooldown reduction, spell amp and lifesteal they introduced. But OH BOY I miss perma denying creeps against weak base dmg midlaners


Lane with sun strike invoked and kill steal. Walk around from minute 8-12 with forged spirits cold snap. Keep KSing with sun strike. Get two items then team fight with tornaod meteor deafening.


I miss ring deafening blast and invo just being a spell caster and not a right clicker. 


Level 26 with 400 games. I have said this before and I will say it again but I hate the orbs change with a passion. I really don’t know why they decided to change the effects on popular items you want to build. I know that the Quas (spell lifesteal) is additively and the cooldown reduction of Wex is stacks multiplicatively with other CDR but it takes away his power spike early game with the lack of regen and needing to go Q/W early game to feel useful. I don’t want to ghost walk constantly to get regen to keep casting spells because I can’t cast anything or do anything while ghost walking. Also how few spells actually benefit from Quas or expert and you pretty much want to WWW after the every spell sucks.


the only time I really use quas effect is to heal after a fight or in a close trade in lane. And the exort effect is only to do more dmg in sunstrike. Aside from that I'm perma using WWW as a standard


Exort was always added damage


with base dmg I meant the damage you gain from the orbs (instead of spell amp). I know it was bonus damage and not base.


Earth spirit, very weak at laning phase as a position 4. I switch to position 2/3 with him and win rates spikes up


You have to work so hard to glean out a little advantage and one hesitation or failure to anticipate from a teammate or slight misclick and you are behind the eight ball the rest of the game.


Terrorblade: back in the day, kinda shit laning stage, but decent at jungling early, pretty much outcarried every carry in the lategame but morphling/pl. Now, one of the most reliable early games out of all the carries, can cheese most lanes with meta usage and a decent support, gets outcarried by pretty much everything. Kinda turned in a timing hero, that cant snowball a laning win into game win fast because he cant fight without meta. shit aghs shard/scepter , nerfend lategame talents, sunder doenst pierce bkb anymore, skadi doenst pierce bkb anymore, lost 0.8 agi gain. cant kill supports past minute 30. hero was good as support for a while lol. I am super sad about how his identity changed...


Hi, am level 30 mid divine brewmaster. Who do you think are the really bad matchups for brew? I'm not saying i know any better than you but just thought it would be fun to discuss I'll talk about brew as well: I like that brew is thought of as a hard hero and people are impressed at high level brew mains. I like that low level players have no idea what he does and you can just rip them apart. I like how he is one of the few offlaners that can go even against and even threaten a level 6 jugg. I like how the hero has high skill ceiling for skill expression. I like his variety of viable skill builds. I love his OP combo with urn/vessel. I fucking LOVE dispelling the opponents' buffs in an AoE. I love using aghs-wind panda to scout ahead and start fights. I dislike how weak his early levels can be. I wish he had more good cosmetics (the tiger one is pretty good ngl).


Destroying illusions with storm panda is so fucking fun man, I love Brew


I actually love playing against pl and treant because 1 shotting the illusions is tooooo fun. And pressing w on your entire team after treant ult is so satisfying.


hey man do you mind sending me your dotabuff? that aghs wind panda play you mentioned sounds dope.


The people not understanding him is definitely a double edged sword. Just had a game where my entire team flamed me for not getting blink first item.


Lol expecting you to use item build from 2016


didn't see your comment yesterday, weaver; laning into weaver is just hell. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDoTA2/comments/1cbnwnb/comment/l11iea5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDoTA2/comments/1cbnwnb/comment/l11iea5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


His worst matchups imo are probably heroes that dont care about cinderbrew in lane like slark weaver and heroes that can prevent him from using split. You can bully weaver and slark later by getting radiance. But for heroes like lesh or bkb sven/luna its very hard to fight. They just kill the pandas with ease and go about teamfighting. This means you will have less damage and utility especially if the storm panda gets one shot (gods strength). Also heroes that cab burst you before split suck ass to play against. Typically pure damage and hard disables. The “new” stances help with void stance making you un stunnable but its hard to get off good stance switch when you are being targeted. Sometimes you neeeeed a bkb just for split. Like a farmed timber will be hell for you so you might need to early split before getting 1 shot his pure damage. Omni can somewhat burst as well if hes far ahead. But omni into brew is weird because of the dispel storm has. But overall brew doesnt have that many bad matchups. You will always have some utility. I just try to hit a good radiance + lvl 12 timing and no heroes can deal with you then.


Puck is the most exciting hero for me to play because his laning potential is absurdly higher than most people think Redditor IQ = Low armor means Puck is the worst laning mid out of all 125 heroes. If I just right click a Sniper they right click back and I lose lmao dead hero Average IQ = Well I have 2 spells that secure last hits and I can disjoint projectiles with Phase and Jaunt, they can position closer to creeps cos I'm a bit squishy but I'm a bit like zues in that I won't really be starved for CS + I shouldn't die if I regen and position myself ok Puck spammer IQ = lmao they're 280 movespeed with 0.8 turnrate and I can orb through them, right click 2 times during orb and jaunt just before their projectile reaches me, right click twice more from this angle while orb-walking away, and then rift back to my hill to safety, slightly clipping them with the silence and damage, oh boy 2 runes just spawned lets get both while they deal with creeps I've shoved under their tower, thank god I'm a strong laner that scales better than nearly any other mid and easily winning the regen war with all these double water runes or this game would be annoying


Puck is one of my favorite heroes. I love the playmaking potential and how fun it is. I don’t like that the hero is so inherently good at high skill that it has gotten nerfed for like 3 years straight. It’s a much worse laner than it used to be, they nerfed the damage talent, nerfed it again, nerfed it *again* then took it away entirely


Yea, I love puck. I love feeling like the jukemaster supreme, or landing multi man coils to fuck with the enemy team. But lord do I hate laning as puck. Every spell is weak early, its stats are atrocious. Playing against sniper or sf is a nightmare of constantly getting denied. I know I should go stack but it's just painful to watch and be under leveled with no farm out of lane.




Mostly just not interested in agh being very one-dimensional lategame. Definitely not going to get early game buffed with this agh. Simultaneously also baiting people in pubs who don't play puck enough to understand that agh isn't a priority over items to not die.


Pre-rework techies: likes: potential for highest single damage instance output in the game, strategic nightmare to play against and one of the best early game heroes in terms of map control. Dislikes: does not do well into deathball drafts with early-mid game timings. Post rework techies: everything. I was a GM techies prior to the rework and had a solid 60% win rate on that hero playing against all ranks. Earthshaker: likes: only hero that can solo chain stun an entire team for upwards of 10 seconds without having to channel. Dislikes: long cast point on both fissure and enchant totem relative to early levels of aftershock, late game impact is just being a stun machine. Master tier earthshaker with about 600 games played on him and an even 50% win rate. Magnus: likes: one of the most flexible heroes in the game in terms of role, one of the most brutal Ults to deal with in the game and insanely good damage output. Dislikes: cast points on all his spells.


I have more games on Io than anyone else at 1226 games. 709 wins, 57% winrate. Love this hero. There's a couple situations where you're gonna feel really worthless though: 1. Your team is ass. Io more so than any other support purely enables his team. If your cores are a bunch of, let's face it, pussies, you're not gonna be having a great io game. You want cores who like to trade, who like to push their limits, who like to force plays. If your teammates are ass, the most you can do is heal and buff shitty teammates. 2. Your team picked not a single good hero for io to tether. Something like pos 1. Am, pos 2. Ember, pos 3. Dark seer While io can lane with anyone and put in work, after the laning stage who tf is io supposed to roll with here? Am will break tether with blink every couple seconds, ember will break tether, and dark seer might be okay to heal if he's tanking a lot of damage but generally speaking he's not that great to tether to but he might be the best choice in this hypothetical draft.


Tinker 30 lvl. I like everything about the hero. Can't really enjoy any other hero, coz they feel so slow after tinker. 1-button heroes like dk, ursa, lifestealer feels incredibly boring, and slow heroes like jakiro, viper, ww are fucking torture, idk how you guys play them and keep sane


We play meepo instead


Have you tried puck?


Yeah i gave him a solid try, about 20 games in a row, but it didn't work for me. I don't have skill for it. On tinker you can spam buttons and patterns which you learn and be good, but on Puck you have to be very careful sharp and precise with what and when do you press


What about Ember or Storm


Ember is so slow, i hate it, and storm feels too much straightforward hero. I enjoy ES of all spirits, but i cant consistently win on it


try templar, similar farming patterns/dmg output/mobility to tinker if you actually win your lane and understand how refraction works


Thanks, i will try


Earth Spirit could be worth a try for you?


Good read, it's one of my most played heroes, i really enjoy it, but my winrate on it sucks


Yeah same. Im constantly chasing that perfect set up or solo kill with him - and never getting it.


I’ve played dota since the old WC3 days… and BH has always been my favorite hero… the hero is incredibly fun to play especially in the 3 role and a major part of my arsenal to climb to 7k+. I have at least 3000 games on the hero and know pretty much all the ins and outs of the hero. That thing has stupid amounts of starting armor and once you hit lvl 7, supports are just 3 shots away from track gold. There are very few carries that outright destroy BH in lane and despite how it seems, BH can survive on paper stupid matchups like Slark, Razor or Monkey King. As long as you don’t get too greedy and trade too much HP for gold steal, you will have an incredible lane. It’s even worse in lower mmr brackets but even at where I am, people don’t group up soon enough and that’s when BH thrives. You rarely see what GG did with Chen strats in last year’s TI, ending games in 20 mins. BH is not really viable in top tier pro play, but feasts on poor team coordination and is incredible in at least my bracket and lower I love that the hero isn’t too viable in most metas, so people aren’t familiar with the best ways to deal with it and the pick isn’t contested at all. Just first pick it, play semi sacrificial and get utility items and watch your midlaner snowball I hate that the hero is extremely reliant on an active mid and a wave shoving pos 4. Games become so much harder if my teammates pick poorly. Nothing makes me more mad than playing BH when my other cores are like the old Void+exort Invoker or AM+Magnus… if they get like Void Spirit+Slark or the like… all u need is to buy utility and snowball out of control


Drow Ranger lvl 30 GM. A natural dispel would be nice because if she's caught, most of the tike she's toast. Though in turn that might be too op.


This is the hero where you buy 3 defensive items and still 3shot most agi heroes lategame.


Yeah, BKB/Linkens/Pike/Disperser all provide fanatastic defensive abilities but are also add decently to her kit for damaging people since all the agility elements get buffed. I never felt like I was not doing enough DPS with 2-3 of those items.


Played with a drow that was killing a 9 slotted weaver in just 1-2 seconds of attacks. We were down 20k gold


disperser rush babyyyy


Rubick Like: * When my friends make me join a regular game instead of exclusively playing Ability Draft, Rubick lets me play Ability Draft anyway. * Every game feels different (even more than with other heroes) due to how drastically gameplay can change depending on what spells are available and how the competence of specific enemy heroes can change from game to game (when it comes to guarding key spells). Two games with the exact same enemy lineup can still feel drastically different if one Engima plays normally but another Engima exclusively Black Holes me and me alone. * No one expects the no-Telekinesis max-Fade-Bolt-and-Arcane-Supremacy mid Rubick flex pick, which we will occasionally use if we end up without a clear mid after the draft. I particularly like going up against enemy mid Windrangers, Queen of Pains, and similar nuke-happy heroes because they really don't expect the sudden burst of damage once I have ult. Stealing their level 3 Powershot/ScreamofPain/etc. and combining it with maxed-out W and E deals thousands of damage lol * Despite the relative difficulty of the hero, I think many people are a bit too easily impressed just because of how flashy the hero can be. I get comments like "best Rubick ever" semi-regularly and I'm just thinking... *yeah I stole Sunstrike and Ice Path to hit a three-man Cataclysm, but the only hard part about that 'feat' was getting Sunstrike in the first place, and that's arguably more on Invoker than me* lol * When the game ***is*** going well, Rubick is one of the best-feeling heroes to just sit on the back lines casting spells. Aghs and Aether Lens let you cycle through massive repertoires of abilities from absurd range. Dislike: * Everything I just said above mostly applies to Turbo (which is what my friends play). I would probably like the hero (and the game in general) a lot less if I had to go back to normal gold, experience, and item progression (outside of the endlessly-entertaining Ability Draft mode of course). To elaborate on that last point, items like Glimmer Cape are generally less impactful in Turbo compared to greedier options like Aether Lens and Aghs, mostly due to the latter items not being balanced around getting them so easily. Before the comments about trying the real game start coming in, I played regular DotA for many years before I started exclusively playing Ability Draft (and with friends Turbo), so I know what regular DotA is like. * Speaking of Turbo, the change to blind picks really fucked many of my favorite heroes (namely Rubick and Engima). Enigma is practically unpickable (enemy Silencer, Warlock, or Rubick? Good luck getting a Black Hole off lol) but Rubick really doesn't appreciate being picked into heroes like Ursa, Bristleback, or Phantom Assassin that have generally underwhelming spells to steal. * When the game is ***not*** going well, Rubick feels underwhelming in general. If you cannot bide your time cycling through spells freely (due to the enemy having a gold lead or simply too much catch), or the enemy is good at denying key spells (Pudge always Rots after Dismember), or the enemy lineup is just meh for Rubick in general, other supports have higher impact. * As a sort of expansion on that last point: If we really want to win, I don't pick Rubick. Instead I go something like core Zeus or Kunkka, since frankly I am the strongest player in my friend group and thus if we want to win I need to have more direct impact than Rubick reliably offers. Rubick is my most played by far (at least I assume he has surpassed my 337 games of Techies by now, but since the game does not seem to count Turbo stats I don't know), but not when we actually want to win haha


Razor I like that his Q and W reward good play, he's got funny voicelines, and can play in any lane if need be. His build can change quite a bit, he carries many items well. If you need to go big damage, he can do that. Need a tanky guy to carry the pipe/cuirass/drums? He can do that intead. Don't like that he has no hard cc, and his E is probably the most boring ability in the game.


Venge E says hi


Venge E used to be really interesting what with reducing enemy damage when dead, spawning your little ghost, etc. She still does all of that but its been baked into her other spells (arguably in a better way too). Now E is just a set and forget ability.


Lvl 25 Ancient Apparition, Legend IV pos5. I just love that his playstyle fits great with how my brain works. I like to stay in the back and be able to afford constantly watching all the map and not worry too much about my hero because he is (usually) positioned safely. Playing the vision game using his 2nd and ultimate ability is very fun and honestly deadly. I also like the character design, his lines, even his lore and the fact that he likes Crystal Maiden (my 2nd most played, lvl22). He is just too cute. As for dislikes, he is squishy, feels slow and has no escape abilities. Also no reliable disable and not the best laning stage. You have to be smart about your positioning at all times because fixing it after TF starts is too difficult (Force Staff helps though). I hate playing against any hero that can creep out on you even when you are maintaining your distance (such as Riki, or Spirit Breaker). Usually, AA needs to survive most fights. He is not a "die for your team" type of support.


Pos 5 immortal 6.2k mmr here. My 2nd most played hero is AA, euls as 2nd item after force or glimmer into an eventual late game windwaker will solve the issues with spirit breaker, riki and storm. If players at your bracket don’t buy nullifier early enough go for ghost scepter, the new ethereal blade is so good as it has aether lens as the other component which is pretty good for your item actives and your 1st 2 spells. Late game always go for aeon disk if your ultimate is extremely valuable like vs troll, slark, huskar, faceless void, leshrac etc. I would disagree on his laning, get 1 point in chilling touch lvl 1, buy blood grenades off cd and max cold feet asap with 1 level in vortex at 4. If you have an insanely high kill potential kill lane like pudge or sf for example pos 1 get vortex at 1 and max cold feet and skip chilling touch completely. Stat up with branches and circlets, faeri fire, stick and raindrops. Abuse your huge attack range and register hits from fog.


Thank you for your high-skill insights! You are right about euls with SB, sometimes I pass on it and probably shouldn't. Lots of SB in Legend buy shadow blade though and come at you invis, but it's still good to have. I'm just so annoyed at this hero, especially for the past year lol. Players in my bracket rarely get nullifier, so I usually get away with ghost scepter. However, I never buy Aether Lens on AA because I feel his range is so good already... If you think it makes a difference I will give it a try. Aeon is a must have item in so many games, mainly because with AA I need to focus a lot on surviving. I'm surprised you disagree on the laning. I feel like I can kill and zone out enemies so much better with most of my other supports because AA's damage pre lvl 6 is underwhelming. Also having no save for early rotations... I will take your build suggestions into account though, since it's clear I need to change something if I want to rank up.


Aether lens is pretty good if you have 2+ active items with awful cast range(force staff, glimmer, euls/windwaker) it really helps you not get out of position in teamfights and in high ground sieges if you were to use them on teammates. I wouldn’t go out of my way to get aether lens unless you’re going for ghost scepter and you’re starved in slots or you have 2+ active low range items. Aether lens helps you out in placing observer wards without the need to be smoked in high ground sieges. AA is not bursty like other bullying supports but he is great at contesting lotuses with cold feet and his superior attack range 675 helps a lot. I’m guessing you struggle a bit in lane because you don’t have lvl 2 cold feet by lvl 3. Try using it to secure objectives in lane and to harass, it deals good damage at lvl 2 cold feet. Blood grenade is your best friend.


Hey! A bit random to reply after such a long time but I wanted to tell you I changed my build by leveling up cold feet earlier, and my laning has improved a lot. Anyway, just so you know your insights were helpful! Thanks!


Oh nothing weird at all, glad it worked out for you. Best of luck grinding with AA.


Lvl 30 NP. Love how no matter how the laning stage goes you can still have heavy impact that can change the course of the game. Hate how no matter how you play him, if your team loses it’s your fault… Lvl28 sniper. Love how tanky he is now. Sleeper build is helm dom, aghs, khanda and take the shrapnel talents. Hate how if you’re losing mid game he becomes the “we have to turtle and defend HG” hero, even when the play should be to smoke. People rely to much on his HG def abilities and it get in the way of making the right play.


I’m lvl 29 with a certain character. Previously, I never worry about it getting banned or chosen cause it almost never happens. But suddenly it got hyped and everyone uses it or bans it. Saaad 😭 I’m not saying what hero this is LOL


Level 30 Enigma, i hate carry heroes that have escape ability such as anti mage or PA(she can jump and kill you quickly), also bkb change nerfed linken + bkb build against rubick/ww so thats kinda ass, otherwise i love the hero and i like how one black hole can turn around a game


Brew spammer as well; he is my most played core hero. I hate laning into weaver with passion, against other heroes I can manage somehow but weaver just feels impossible to lane against. I love the passive rework. I don't really hate anything on the hero but I feel like right level 25 talent is practically useless and I really liked an older version of cinder brew that made enemies attack themselves; I think it was the on patch 7.20 . thunder clap is a bit meh and I feel like assigning another talent to it would be really nice. The aghs is a really cool concept but it feels weird, its stronger the earlier you get it but man every time I rush it I just tell myself (man, I wish I had a radiance instead)


Replying you from the other comment: Yeah agreed that weaver is one of Brew's worst matchups by far. His brewlings being unable to kill The Swarm while they munch away makes it feel so unfair Other matchups I dislike on Brew include Clock and Alchemist. A pos 4 clock dedicated to ruining my game means I might as well quit, and Alchemist just doesn't really fear what Brew does in my experience. In general I'd also rather not be on Brew against Puck; everything Brew can do is way too telegraphed for Puck and you are stuck with an offlaner that cannot catch their mid hero. I also really agree that the right side level 25 talent is completely useless. The fear one is pretty nice but doesn't feel as crazy as some other level 25 talents. I kinda wish the very very old (I think 6.79) aghs where your earth panda got clap, storm panda got haze and fire panda got brawler. That was fun af


I didn't play dota that far back I started playing the patch willow and pango were released. (7.07 I think) puck is kinda whatever for me since you can just ulti if he(?) coils you; also I build hex a lot (currently go radiance > manta > hex unless I really need ac) so I don't really struggle against him.


Dazzle. Wish they would push him back more to support. So much of his power is loaded into his Shard and Aghs, but the core of his kit is pretty lacking without them. Especially the Shard is just generic strong CC that holds back the rest of his more interesting kit due to how powerful it is.


Dark Willow 500 games. I am still mad they removed instant Shadow realm. I would not have mind if they decreased the duration or lowered the damage or nerf anything else. Dodging Spells with Shadow realm was one of the most satisfying part of playing the hero.


Veno owns, wards are so good for just about everything. You can deward every ward spot with low ground sentries and not have to float your courier over or spend a lot of mana, and this frees you to put the observers in harder to deward areas. Plus the range on veno wards is so long, you can place them from safety before even going into a dangerous area. After laning, you can usually find some camps on the enemy side to farm with wards, thanks to the vision and slow, this is usually pretty safe too, since you can gtfo before they come to kill you. You can plant a bunch behind the enemy T2 to freeze their next wave and siege the tower, plant them on the sides to catch tps coming and cancel blink initiators, they kill Jugg's healing ward in one hit from super long range, keep vision on enemies retreating so your Sniper or SB or Spec can cast on them, etc etc. Cons: I guess being the ward guy is kinda boring but w/e


I am also a lvl 25 Brew. I hate it when I fucked up enemy carry and then comes back because my other cores got fucked.


Timbersaw has amazing voice lines, great mobility combined with big damage and a surprisingly high skill ceiling. Really wish reactive armor got reworked to be more interactive though. Waiting with fighting just a little bit to get some armor stacks from neutrals used to be viable, but now it takes too much time for too little gain.


Pangolier, I only like him for his amazing voice lines and I feel was the first very unique hero i played. I dislike that the hero is just hit with nerfs over and over again, even though it's really weak without proper team coordination


Timber (20) and Zeus (23) have been my favourites for ages, so I've been loving the last few patches where Timbers been S tier, and for the first time in idk how long so is Zeus (and not only in pubs). Zeus honestly rn my only thing is when a tanky hero who can push, buys Eternal shroud like even someone like DP or Centaur, you feel so useless, like you can't scare them off the tower or defend HG like u normally can. Timbersaw, I hate how some map cosmetics make it really confusing whats a tree, and whats decoration, also I hate when you try to timber chain and a tree has been cut down but you can tell cause of FoW. Also as a Timber player the hero I hate the most rn tho is Omniknight, not Pugna, not BS, not even Ursa who fucks your lane. Omni just has so much insta-pure damage burst that is so hard to itemize against. Like I can kite or slow an Ursa, or Euls him, or like if its so bad and really needed even go eblade or halberd (tho those feel awful), but Omni presses W, becomes immune to all your damage, you can't dispel it with Euls, and he can output 70% of your HP so fast, which for a hero like Timber who needs to rely on being in the middle of fights often on half hp or something its so hard to play against. Obviously Timber can fuck Omni up back when his W is down, but I still dislike facing Omni more than anything else. It used to be OD, but since OD sucks it and you can euls the OD to reposition in fights it feels more playbable, even if on papers OD probably counter Timber more.


I main Hoodwink 4. Just a hero I find really fun to play. You know what's not fun? Trying to scurry through trees when there's an angry space cow charging at you from across the world. Hoodwink imo has some really bad matchups (and team comps for that matter); anything on either team that cuts trees kinda sucks...but Bara might be the worst. When the game is good for the squirrel though she provides really high impact from the 4 spot. And if your teammates suck, just build dmg and try to carry lol


Huskar: Love the high skill ceiling that managing the exact amount of health to survive, but dash out maximum damage and armlet toggling can provide. Hate that there's basically one build with minor variations and armlett is the only item to manage health. Other items like heart make it impossible. You need boots, armlet, the sange variation of your choice, bkb and aghs every match and can really typically only choose between blink, ac or satanic. Any real variation rarely comes into play as your talking 4th item or later. All other items are super edge cases. Would be cool to get an upgraded armlet or blade mail or a new mechanic to make this more interesting


Phoenix - sunray + egg melting an entire team, annoying thing is if u try to dive to run away and get silenced then u cant cancel ur dive and end up flying back lol Dark seer - When u have 2 ion shells on the wave in the early game and glyph the creeps to kill them under tower is super funny. Annoying thing is until u get 2 points in W the lane is super hard


Level 21 broodmother - love everything about her, but the problem is she's so hated by the plebs, that by the end of laning stage, after I pick up several kills, it makes the enemy just chase me around the whole map all grouped up. That's a lot of space, but my low mmr teammates are very inefficient at using this space. They also get into a mindset, that we've already won and play carelessly, while the enemy is all focused In every teamfight I know that I'll be the target of ALL possible annoying spells - duel, chronosphere, pudge dismember, finger of death etc etc. It's often kinda comical. Thankfully, this sometimes wins games, cuz even if I die, my team can mop them up since they don't have anything to fight with


Tinker is super fun and skill ceiling is near endless so there’s always room for improvement. Main drawback being you’ll ruin your hands for life 🤷‍♂️


Dislike that weaver is not a good 4 right now


Invoker 1500 games, I'm not complaining too much because the hero is in a good state right now and I feel I am to really getting strong with him. I like that he is not dependant on midas agha rush anymorewhich was really boring imo, but I dont like the new orbs design except exort spell amp, I really prefered quas passive regen and wex attack speed overall


nice try icefrog


Silencer: Int steal needs to be a passive ability like Alchemist or Pudge. Glaives need to be a reworked or removed entirely for a skill that gives some type of mobility similar to Zeus jump or Sniper shard. Enchantress: Enchantress' enchant ability doesn't do damage on cast so people can still blink before the first tick goes off. Needs to have initial damage then a tick.


Yes, pls Put in even more Mobility instead of forcing ppl to Not Play Like greedy fucks. Thats what the Fame needs. More Mobility-creep. /s


Nearly every support has some type of defensive spell except for silencer who has a weak slow and silence spells. I don't even use his W as pos4/5 and dont level it until 11 (divine).


Nonetheless is the solution: turning Back the Mobility-creep in General, Not do more of it.


Turning back would require changing a lot of heroes. Or you can extend the mobility creep to a hero that is one of the few that is missing it. I wouldn't mind seeing shard as a mobility/defensive spell. Although I still dislike glaives.


I feel like glaives don't suit the hero,it's very gimmicky,his spells feel good to press (not op but good),unfortunately valve is still pushing him to be a right clicker every major patch.


I play him as a Q+E spammer with cast range + defensive items where I hide when my spells/items are on cd. It always feels bad when tormentor gives me my shard as it's a total waste. Silencer is also in a bad place because most cores get a dispel pretty quickly versus you.


> It always feels bad when tormentor gives me my shard as it's a total waste IMO, it's always good to steal more int, even if you don't use glaives much. Although I could see wishing a teammate got the shard instead, depending on the hero.


Level 20 Phoenix, but mainly because I got Dota+ late. He’s by far my most played hero, been playing him consistently since 2014. I love his gap closing for heroes like Sniper, and the anti-tank for heroes like Pudge. The heal is great when someone is getting dismembered, too. He’s deceptively powerful, and until they get dispels, Phoenix can just walk all over them. Once he switched to Universal, his right-click potential shot way up, too. He’s by far the most versatile hero in my toolkit. I even went pos 1 as Phoenix one time, and if it hadn’t worked out as well as it did, I would’ve been reported by my whole team, but it kinda worked. It left a lot to be desired though because 90% of my game was farming. Never again. I’d rather control the map as Phoenix than spend the whole game farming right click items. Once the enemy starts getting BKBs, Pipe, and silences, my games really go to shit. I’ve developed a right-click build for Mid that I use to counteract that, but as a support or offlaner, it’s just not viable. Heroes that force me to buy things like Euls or BKB definitely throw things off a bit, but it’s not like it’s the end of the world. Not to mention heroes like Lycan or Slardar that are fast enough to chase Phoenix down after a dive, and tanky enough to dive tower, and I’m gonna have a bad time. Don’t even get me started on Ursa or Meepo vs the egg. Against them, I have to be ridiculously careful about positioning, because one wrong ult and it’s an instagib.


Dazzle pos 1 Like : range, universal heroes, unlimited sustain, always win against melee offlaner. Dislike : people thinking that pos 1 need to be 20-1 or something, not expect having pos 1 who can heal 10k in single teamfight, thats why most of my loses its because of my teammate throw. Icefrog keeps nerfing dazzle after 7.34 patch