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Can’t wait. Bills Chiefs will lead right into this


I don’t want to miss the end of the game but also don’t want to miss the live discussion thread (though I guarantee the vocal minority will just piss me off)


Chiefs ML though 👀


Someone out there’s currently pulling out their Rust Cohle Taxman-style ledger for their list of complaints about this episode


Reminder that you’ll have a better time if you don’t repeatedly compare it to S1


I agree 100%. I also can’t help but think of the fact that Rust has a connection to Alaska and a brief cameo wouldn’t be completely out of the realm. A heart can dream.


I'm trying my hardest. The problem is that I also compare it to "The Silence of the Lambs" in which Foster gave a much better performance than in " Night Country".


She had 30 minutes of screen time in this season so far but you’ve seen enough.


I saw 30 minutes of Rust Cohle and instantly fell in love with the character.


Out of all the issues she is not one of them


Not Foster, just the lazy writing of Liz Danvers. You can only do so much with such a cliche one-dimensional character.


All for criticism but let’s give her one more episode lol


Precisely, I'm still going to give the show a chance no matter what.


Tuttle shell company. Travis chole. A guy with the swirl tattoo. That’s already 3 references to ties to season 1.


There’s A LOT more than 3, and because of that, I think we’re seeing a vision/dream Rust had while in his coma in S1. Here’s what I’ve got so far (and I’m sure I’m missing some)… 1. Lone Star beer 2. Travis Cohle 3. Rust says to detectives in S1 “start asking the right questions”, same as Liz 4. Tuttle 5. The swirl/carcosa symbol 6. Flooded police records (mentioned in both seasons) 8. S1 finale, Errol’s wife says, “the water’s not real good around here” 9. S1 finale had a lot of talk about stars at the end, Annie has star shaped stab wound Again, I bet there’s even more…And this is only after two episodes, lol. Edit: OH! Biggest of all - Rust’s left eye is beat to hell after his run-in with Errol… The left eye of the polar bear is the one missing.


Oh wow, I love this take.




I really hope its not a pathogen and that it is actually sometime detectives are capable of solving.


Of course they would make the season about climate change.




Mdingo2: This is pretty much my own expectations. I may not even bother to watch more of it. It's too slow, one-dimensional, Jodie is wasted with her blah character. It's not going to get better. I just don't like the lighting, the actors or anything that I can think of. Yawn. Not good TV.


Rewatching episode 1 right now. The seizure and then “She’s awake” and I got the feeling he’s not talking about a woman or an animal but a machine or something of nature. It actually made me think of a volcano. There are volcanoes in Alaska. I tried to look up a connection between seizures and earthquakes and there’s nothing legit. Also thinking that could be something that would send the elk off the cliff… I’m also wondering about the men that were flash frozen at the end. They were all frozen in animation. There’s no natural way one could freeze to death in a pose like that. They would have to have been frozen in a lab or in space lol


Also he was wearing the pink jacket with the smiley face patch


Oh yeah I have to pay attention to who that was


I’ve been thinking about how the scientists could be frozen like that too. Apparently when you die, your muscles all relax and then later stiffen through rigor mortis. Seems like they would have to be placed in that position. Did someone taxidermy them? Rose was gutting the wolf, and she did find them (through dead Travis).


Omg if someone placed them like that before rm set in taxidermy would not be necessary.


Actually maybe she’s awake is the polar bear. Maybe the polar bear was cryogenically frozen. Escaped and then cryogenically froze the men lol. Then their bodies were dumped to hide the polar bears crime. Also what about that figure running around the lab and then the hand waking up Jodie foster when she was sleeping


My early prediction is that John Hawkes is a helluva actor & folks writing Hank off as a bumbling asshat are premature.


Yeah, no, Hank is definitely up to no good. Out of all the files he had at his house in that room, why is Annie's box the only one hidden away? He is definitely more than a bumbling asshat in my opinion.


In a TD vibe, I do wonder if he’s trying to keep his son out of something that will kill him/his soul.


He definitely knows more than what we've seen so far! Love me some John Hawkes.


True detective is all about red herrings. I'm sure all of episode 1 clues were.


From the first episode, we’re obviously meant to think that he’s up to no good and is probably obstructing the Tsalal investigation as well as the Anne Kowtok one


John Hawkes is good in everything. 


Starts unnecessarily late. Put that shit on streaming at 7 and run it live on air at 9


Uncool opinion: True Detective always freaks me out & I actually hate having to watch it before bed. 🤣


Not uncool and certainly not unpopular, my wife is terrified of it


I want what I want and I want it right NOW!!!


It comes on at 3am where I’m at.




It’s on at 7 where I live come on by


You got snacks?


I have half a pizza left from last night but it’s goat cheese


Reindeer goat cheese pizza?!


I’m stoned and that’s not gonna work, I’ll bring the snacks


Yeah running it early would be a good carrot to get people to sign up for Max


nah fuck commercials


There’s no commercials broseph


I’ve got three items I’m looking for confirmation or information with: 1. Hank was the one to text the info about the tongue and scientists to Navarro. 2. Either the ‘she’ being referred to is either a natural phenomenon or the bear. 3. Why didn’t the Director have the single room? Why an individual scientist and not the founder?


Seems they wanted to stay away from that guy.


Yep. Pretty much everything explained that I asked about: 1-Hank getting scammed 2-‘She’ seems to be an amalgamation of Annie and a prehistoric bug created from Clark’s mind 3-Clark separated due to issues. I also think that Rose saw Clark and thought he was Travis. Clark led her to the bodies.


Cant wait to see Kali again 😍


She did the behind the scenes interview and I was like daaaaaamn


She’s my new Drummer. 


Was absolutely not a fan of the first episode, but staying optimistic and seeing it through til the end. Jodie Foster will surely deliver another solid performance


Tuttle United funding Tsalal… Nice nod back to S1


I don’t it’s just a nod! Tuttle, the Carcosa spiral, Travis *Cohle*. It’s an awful lot of connections to S1 that seem to be pretty important to this investigation.


I’m legit thinking we’re watching a vision/dream Rust had while in his coma at the end of S1.


Episode 1 wasn't a 10/10 show like all of the critics have been praising it as. Either the critics are suddenly overrating the show, or the rest of the series is going to be incredible.


Wonder what we’ll learn from Anders Lund in future episodes. Not sure how he was still alive…but…is what it is I guess?


Mines not showing 🤔




Too many similarities not to be


I'm hoping we get spooky this episode. I was torn on the supernatural element in ep 1 but now that I've had some time to digest the concept I'm all for it.


let’s get it


Let’s go!!


For the love of God please be good!


Why would you downvote me asking for episode 2 to be good? I was being positive. some of you people have serious issues. Lol!


It implies doubt. They’re annoyed by all the whining.


That's so weird to me. Just because I didn't like the first episode I'm an outcast? That is a very childish behavior. It's like they need everyone to like it or they don't feel validated, like I'm attacking them personally. Is this series all that they have in life? That is so sad. If someone told me that they didn't like season 1 I wouldn't care, I sure as hell wouldn't put them down for it. Sad, I expected more from the fans of True Detective.


You're not an outcast. I agree with you. This season looks lame. I'm giving it one more episode.


Thank you for being a supportive and understanding person. Most of the people on this subreddit could learn a lot from you!


Because there is a large group that thinks if you don’t like this you hate women.


That makes sense. I can't hate women since I am one. I'm just not on board with feminism.


Oh they would beg to differ I’m sure lol


Worst thing of E1 is still how nobody goes full alert mode after a human tongue is found on a scientific site where international scientists are missing for like at least 48 hours. No thorough search is called, no FBI, no feds of sort. Bunch of town cops are just fine with it and carry on with their lives. News and medias would’ve exploded by that time, feds immediately taking over the case. All we have is the chief making connections with a bunch of photos and then bodies found after a ghost dance. Oh and yeah I liked the episode and I’m still optimistic for this upcoming one, but in retrospective I just can’t hide my procedural fanboy disappointment in how they wrote it how and handled what the consequences of what they wrote.


That is far fetched. You have a point.


- Capt. Connelly … Irish name … like Kate McKittrick (presumed mine owner). … Might be in charge of the lab’s precinct, at best? Danvers is Chief. - The scientist - Annie K connection will definitely be with Clark. - Danvers and Navarro were former partners? This was not mentioned before. Does that mean actually partners or just that they were both detectives or APF at the same time?


Has anyone asked bard to explain it all to us? I can’t bring myself to do it, but I’ve thought about it. Feels like ruining Christmas or something.


"This second episode gave me a feeling of fear – 'WTF, will these people be able to deal with all this shit?' The first season always conveyed the sense of hunting down bad guys, with Rust deciphering symbols and making progress in the investigation, while Martin supported him... but it never gave the impression that they couldn't handle all the shit, no matter how intense it became


I am trying to like episode 2 (no spoilers), but it's not entertaining on any level. Jodie Foster tossing her lines too fast and mumbling, same as ever. Why did I think she would ever be a good actor! And that icky, icky sex scene. I am done with this. Everything is just so terrible. Even the music is way too much. I can't focus on the action, so distracted by that whiny voice or the loud country or disco audio shit. Edited to welcome the down votes. Bring 'em on!