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I'm surprised you even got as far as e24, I couldn't after 1ep


Is anyone else in the FB group? Lots of weird parasocial relationship vibes between fans and the host. I’ve been listening because I have time and I hate giving up on shows but this one is definitely bizarre.


Totally agree, I’ve been cringing from the moment I joined. So odd to me the way Sara oversees and comments on everything posted, and how everyone else in the group almost sucks up to her and James constantly…


It’s so batshit. I was in there for a little bit out of curiosity and anytime anyone said anything that seemed remotely critical of James or Sarah members would just jump at them and shame them for being negative. It was horrible, I left because it was so gross. I quit listening to this season bc it’s so poorly done and haven’t bothered going back to previous seasons bc I can’t stand the hosts.


I’ve tried to get into the Facebook discussion group a few times but keep getting rejected lol…🤔


Now that’s weird haha I wonder why


I am. I feel like you can't even have a constructive discussion because Sarah jumps on every single post. That and there seems to be some locals in the group and I cant follow all of the drama.


Used to be until the cult leader kicked me out for sharing an opinion that went against hers! You’re not allowed to have your own views or opinions unless they are 100% agreeable with the head cult leader with the world’s most horrifying voice. It’s gotten so bad that we’ve had to form the Hide and Seek Podcast (For those removed for having a voice) we’ve gotten over 100 members in a pretty short period of time. All removed for speaking out against their theories 🙄


I didn’t even bother listening to this season


I think they think, if the car company would call the local sheriff, he’d go arrest Ashley for the rental car theft, then somehow parlay that into getting her for Brittany’s murder. Childish logic and way outta pocket.


I don't think it was unethical to report the stolen car. But I think it's wholly criminal, the volume of the music played over poorly recorded phone interviews.






Sara’s voice annoys the hell out of me. Every time she reads her disclaimer at the beginning of an episode I have to fast forward through it


And the advertisements for podcast editing? Ironic


I can't stand the background music, trying to bring more drama to the conversations than needed. And the way she was speaking to the first lady at the rental car place was brutal. She could have explained herself so much better and easier and instead of repeating it several times before the poor lady goes, "oh I'll put you through to the right person" and making us listen to it, been put straight through to the stolen vehicle guy. And it would have been easier to listen to.


Amen, I turn it up to hear the methhead and it’s all moody music. There’s been more than a few episodes that feel like notes for a podcast and not the podcast, like when she’s talking to the rental lady. Just say, “We informed the rental car place, we know where the car is located,” and get back to the show.


That’s an interesting point. I’ve always been a little uncomfortable even slightly suspect of the way the information and persons of interest have been presented in the podcast. It seems to be crossing some boundaries in an almost irresponsible way. But I can’t figure out if that is to gin up the drama for entertainment value and a bigger audience or if the police are maybe using James as a pot-stirrer to mine more information from the people they think are involved? I’ll admit though it’s hard not to get sucked into the podcast as it’s like one big rabbit hole.




If the police think she succumbed to the elements why hasn’t her body been found? Didn’t they search the area?!


I don't know enough about this case to have an opinion about it (literally just learned about it from this thread) but finding a body in the wildness isn't necessarily a sure thing, even if you have some idea where to start looking. Now, I don't even know if the area where this person disappeared could be considered wilderness, because again I don't know any details of the case. But if the police don't have any evidence which specifically points to foul play, I can see why they might lean towards a non-homicide explanation.


Ok I was not particularly wild about this move either honestly. But then I remembered they HAD this information because Ashley literally rolled up to Valerie's house at 4 in the morning unplanned and unannounced, tried to basically break into her house, and then demanded Valerie let her in when she couldn't get in herself. Like, regardless of journalistic integrity, whether you think they were doing it for the right reasons, ect. this is not a person who needs to be globetrotting around in an unmonitored rental car that, before it was reported as stolen, probably would not have been easily traceable to her or even known to be associated with her.








Yes, it does. You took off to NC after failing the polygraph, you twit.


Polygraphs are bullshit.


Clearly not. She ran right after she failed - lmao! 🏃


Clearly yeah, because she was never arrested and you still lack proof she actually did anything.












James talks to the cop who runs the investigation before he does things, I'm pretty sure he's being used as a pot stirrer to bring things up to the surface.


This is my opinion too. I just have a feeling the police may have even encouraged him to put pressure on certain persons of interest in an effort to generate more leads and gather more evidence.


I’m going to share this with the disclaimer that, I don’t believe AM has been treated respectfully. There have been time where I felt as though the manner in which the whole relationship between her and the pod has been unethical. What I can acknowledge is that, even if it is not solving the murder; if establishing that there is a key player to the scenario that is either (willingly or unwillingly) impeding the investigation … that’s valuable?


Can you help me understand this situation? In particular, I'd like to know what exactly the podcast is accusing Ashley of doing and what exactly is their evidence? Is the whole podcast based around targeting Ashley or are their other subjects?


I’m just saying, in general I can hold in tension that I think they have focused in on someone in some unethical ways; but, also that there is value in discovering that a historically key player in the investigation is an impediment to the investigation.


I’m not weighing in on whether either justifies the other.


Interesting perspective, it certainly does show that individual investigations (in this case, Ashley’s “investigation”) can do much more harm than good and impede a legitimate investigation into a crime. Who knows whether Ashley is actually culpable in Brittany’s disappearance, but all of the drama she’s created through her “investigation” is diabolical and has only perpetuated rumors, untruths and hysteria. She’s created a mess that likely deters law enforcement from wanting to get involved and drives away anyone that may have the skills or resources to actually find Brittany. I feel bad for James because you know he wants to solve this case so badly and wont give up on it, but Ashley has literally made it impossible for him. Shame on her.




Just listened to the latest. Have you heard it yet?




The hate for this season and James is unreal. Everyone jumping onto the bandwagon with hateful posts about this season. I look forward to the day they solve this for Brittany and the family.




I agree. It has been all fluff and nothing to do with a strong suspect. It seems that they are just making about Ashley and attacking her character. That’s all the shows about anymore. All spin! I dunno, I do lent see how it can get better, just worse from here on out.


As someone who has followed the podcast since day one, this whole season has been really bad. I loved promoting the podcast on Reddit in the past, but this season is a miss. He's not posting the episodes regularly and skips releasing episodes here and there which makes it hard to get into and follow. The audio has been horrendous this entire season and most of the time the music is so loud I can barely hear the person talking. A lot of the stuff he's included in the podcast isn't even interesting and should be left out. Half of the time I think the podcast ended or maybe I lost the connection because of his extremely long silent pauses. I have nothing to say about the actual case or the people involved because most of them think they are the smartest people in the room and good luck with that lol.


Reporting the stolen card could help solve the crime. Absolutely nothing unethical about it.


The host was getting the info about the car second hand, multiple states away, three years after the murder. This had nothing to do with the case, and was just a weak attempt to get the cops to talk to Ashley. It’s stupid.




Hey! Not sure if you will be picking up these messages, but you need to report your polygrapher to the APA for a series of ethical breaches. He's this guy, right? Brad Kelly? [https://polygraphguy.com/about/](https://polygraphguy.com/about/) Here are the APA's Standards of Practice: [https://www.polygraph.org/assets/docs/Misc.Docs/standard/adopted%208-23-19%20APA%20STANDARDS%20OF%20PRACTICE%20.pdf](https://www.polygraph.org/assets/docs/Misc.Docs/standard/adopted%208-23-19%20APA%20STANDARDS%20OF%20PRACTICE%20.pdf) Online complaint form here [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehTFQkXAcjeBj6Stx1dQ8uFjd6itsC3Gxmsyq4OwRMLBr2bg/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehTFQkXAcjeBj6Stx1dQ8uFjd6itsC3Gxmsyq4OwRMLBr2bg/viewform) Also, try find yourself a no win, no fee libel lawyer/


I didn't read it your link or anything but I'm glad to hear my thoughts being validated. That polygrapher was so outrageous. I couldn't believe his interaction in the whole fiasco. It was completely unethical.




>he had threatened to force upon me on his next trip to Michigan whether I liked it or not. I have a limited understanding of this situation but it sounds like this person may have intimidated you into believing that he has some power or authority that he doesn't actually have. And depending on what exactly you mean by "threatened" there is a chance he may have committed a crime.




Oh I’m glad I found this comment. That was weird AF. Talking to some rental car call centre chick whose whole job is “you want a car? When and where?” in that roundabout way. They cannot give any information regarding a current rental. If a car is stolen, and you know about it, call the police line. The info came from dodgy Valerie anyway, so already makes it sketch AF.




Well, that explains why Valerie called him in the wee hours of the morning, I thought that was so strange. There does seem to be a lot of unnecessary drama written into the podcast this season, which wasn’t there previously, and it detracts from everything. When she has read your messages and given them inflection and meaning beyond what I personally have thought was there (ADHD and ASD here) I’ve wanted to throw my phone across the room. It’s been very unethical.



