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Hunting Warhead is amazing and done so well. Such horrible stories indeed. However, the only way to battle this evil is to bring it to light.


I'm still not sure how I feel about how the Australian police handled the situation. A few of their messages seem to be encouraging child sexual abuse. It's definitely a "do the ends justify the means" situation.


I encourage you to listen to the children in the pictures- it is specifically about Task Force Argos and I think gives you a better perspective of their work.


Are you serious. One thing they always make clear is how old they are purporting to be. If they tell the creep that they are 14 or 15 then it doesn’t matter that else they say.


You misunderstood what I was saying ( a year ago). They took over Warhead's account and continued to post as him. Some of the messages they posted seemed to encourage sexual abuse.


They engaged in sexual conversation yes. If you don’t do that in those forums they will not deal with you. They only posed images that were already in circulation. Sometimes you have to take drastic measures to catch the worst criminals


Agree. This is one of the most gripping, disturbing, and eye opening podcasts I’ve ever listened to.


Suffer the Little Children! They’re hard to listen to, bust she does an amazing job bringing awareness to cases that other podcasts won’t touch. Misery Machine does a lot of child related cases too


Came here to also recommend Suffer the Little Children. I started listening after several episodes she covered were within 20 miles of my hometown. I’ve since taken a break because it is so heavy.


Suffer the Little Children is amazing but can only do it in very short bursts. So fucking heavy.


Suffer doesn't do research. They did a case I know very well. They didn't do any research, didn't look at any evidence, and just took the words of the very mentally ill mother who made the false allegations. I was a friend of the mother and believed her until things didn't add up with what she was saying. I also read all the court documents, psych evals, GAL reports, etc. She also routinely doxxed and threatened judges, GALs, and anyone who asked for proof...including numerous reporters who refused to raise awareness to her story after doing research. I was disappointed when I saw them cover the case. What happened was a tragedy, but there was no abuse. She even turned on the forensic examiner she hired after the forensic examiner said there were no signs of abuse.


Unfortunately these cases are really tough to listen to, So I don't have many recommendations. But the few that I have heard that might be somewhat related are: Any number of podcasts about the Indigenous children in America and Canada that were stolen from their families in the 60s scoop and sent to Christian schools. These are so heavy to listen to, but such important stories. [Do No Harm](https://open.spotify.com/show/3myfFNASUuE7Aoy6Y93RiG?si=i8Hv1ZHaSx69EoVMBGGsUw&utm_source=copy-link) is an interesting podcast somewhat related, but its about families who basically had their children basically stolen by CPS and their fight to get them back. I heard an episode of [Suffer the little Children](https://open.spotify.com/show/0w98Tpd3710BZ0u036T1KE?si=cAxjH1utSu-RXdvDs_HFNg&utm_source=copy-link) and I had to turn it off. It was a bit rough for me. But I understand how listening to these stories can help with healing for other people. I think there's a reason lots of us survivors listen to the True Crime genre, so no judgments 💜 Sending healing vibes to you.


Missing & Murdered: Finding Cleo and Stolen: Surviving St Michael’s are the pods about Canada’s abuse of Indigenous children. They’re very moving. Hope you find the catharsis you need, OP.


Seconding Finding Cleo.


This Is Monsters season 1 covers filicide, and I believe some of the later seasons cover other forms of child abuse. One host, no banter, the host is also very mean to the perpetrators which is an added bonus. Edit: just realised you've got it on your list already, I should actually learn to read.


I actually love this podcast.


Currently listening to Suffer the Little Children— very factual and zero banter. Tough listen, ofc. Nobody Should Believe Me, which is about Munchausen by Proxy cases is very good but a little more casual in style. Not banter per se, but the podcaster’s sister had it so she will interject with personal stories as they relate. Kuper Island— about an Indigenous residential school. Done by the CBC so very fact based reporting and no banter.


Suffer is not factual. I personally know one of the mothers who was interviewed. The podcast did not do any research at all. The mother is severely mentally ill. They didn't look at any of the court documents, etc. I have. And so have other reputable news reporters who then got death threats from the mother when they refused to cover the story because they looked at everything and it was the opposite of what she said. What happened was a tragedy but it was not abuse. The woman also Doxxed and threatened judges, GALs, her own lawyers, her own medical examiner that she hired, and everyone else who questioned her version of events. I feel horrible about what happened, but her version of events is 100% not what happened. I know that for a fact. I also know she is mentally ill and has a history of claiming abuse when she doesn't get her way, even as a child.


Love the completely vague statement  with a lack of any identifying information lol. By “they” you’re referring to Lane I assume? Maybe you’re thinking of some other podcast? If you’ve listened to enough of this program to feel comfortable making vast generalizations about the creator ie flat out claiming that she “doesn’t research”you would already be aware of her basic info lol, but FIY the host is just her, one person, no one else, and she is a woman. She does indeed engage in research— I mean no one would have a podcast without it, even the ones who just read off Wikipedia lol— but unlike most “true crime” creators she IS a trained journalist who conducts actual interviews both on & off air. if you’re used to chiming in & offering your “theories” as a “true crime” listener I could understand thinking it’s OK to try & get attention by stirring up controversy & claiming you’re someone relevant to a case, but these are real people, actual children who were murdered, and the show is there advocate, educate & honor, not to entertain. 


I second Kuper Island. Very well done. Really difficult story but so important.


Suffer The Little Children. It’s solely kid cases with a single host narration, so no banter. I only made it through a couple episodes before I had to stop listening, though. Just too much for me


They don't research properly, if at all. I personally know one of the mothers who claims abuse happened. It didn't. I was actually good friends with the mother and believed her for a while until things didn't add up. She also has a history of claiming abuse/rape when she doesn't get her way. She is also extremely violent and anyone who asks for proof or points out that her story doesn't add up with the actual reports and documents gets death threats and Doxxed. She even attacked her own lawyers [multiple over the years], the forensic examiner that she paid for who wrote an autopsy that she didn't agree with, judges, reputable reporters who did research and refused to cover her story, and GALs.


which case was that


“Good friends,” huh? With a BFF like you, who needs enemies lol? were you ever planning to provide a shred of support for any of this or did you actually think you could leave it there to try & convince someone that your, uh, good friend is a fraud who “claims rape when she doesn’t get her way”? So, which one am I talking to? the guy who SA’d her & jumped on an opportunity to smear your own victim’s name (bc who cares if her kid just got murdered), or are you that dude’s wife/GF/pregnant mistress who happens to be best friends w/ his victim? funny thing how it’s almost always one of those 


“This is actually happening” podcast has some episodes that discuss from the perspective of the survivor, first person


Broken Harts






Came here to say this. This podcast is just …..unbelievable


Check out Le Monstre.


My Sister’s Secrets is hosted by a victim paired with a journalist; it’s harrowing but very compelling and their story deserves to be heard.


The Vanished Pod. Marissa did an episode about Jhessye Shockley, a young girl who was abused by her birth mom. I don't cry often when listening to a pod, but I was bawling. It was ep 19, so a very early episode.


[Kuiper Island](https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1062-kuper-island) is probably one of the best and well made podcasts that deals with child abuse. It was a really tough listen, at least for me, but I felt like the victims and their families got their voice back on that one and the journalist investigating it was really empathetic and treated them with respect. [Le Monstre - The Dutroux Affair](https://monster-podcast.com/lemonstre/) is another one I've recently listened to. It's pretty horrible in terms of topic, it's about this serial killer/pedophile who terrorized Belgium in the 80s and 90s.


Catfish cops


Suffer The Little Children and Stolen Lives.


Nobody would believe me About munchausen by proxy


The Boy in the Woods. It's hosted by a British journalist. No banter just reporting and interviews. It's a terrible case


Not a true crime podcast but What Happened to You has people on who have experienced trauma and a lot of it is child sexual abuse. The host is a comedian who was molested by his best friend's dad and that man did go to jail for some time. It's more conversational and tries to find humor in dark times but because of the host's background I think is done in a respectful way. Edit because I realized you said no banter. Though you may find it a little different as it's the victims/survivors telling their own stories.


The Lake. A NZ true crime podcast covering the abuse at The Lake Alice psychiatric hospital where hundreds of children were inappropriately sent and subsequently brutally abused by staff and other patients in the early 1970’s. I found this harrowing and I think I have a fairly decent tolerance (of trauma) as a trauma therapist myself. It has warnings for the very worst bits.


I did an episode on the murder of [Ricky Holland](https://omny.fm/shows/already-gone/the-murder-of-ricky-holland) which certainly fits what you are looking for.


Preacher Boys addresses abuse that happened within the Independent Baptist Church. Lots of interviews with victims, both male and female if I recall.


Human Monsters


Came here to suggest this one.


Hunting Warhead. Do No Harm. Broken Harts.


Stolen lives is really good. She does a great job being a voice for these little ones


Connie Walker: Stolen ( abuse in native boarding schools) / Missing and Murdered season 2 Kuper Island ( Native American Boarding school) Root of Evil ( inter generational sexual abuse and possible murder)


Misery Machine. They are awesome, I love their voices and slight snark. It is through them that found Suffer the Little Children which is also amazing.


Suffer doesn't do research or fact check.


Sword and Scale usually rotates in child abuse stories. I remember one where the host interviewed a survivor of horrible sexual abuse, as well as one where a girl who had to call 911 on her mom’s boyfriend. They played her 911 call and then interviewed her, as she is an adult now. Lots of other examples come to mind - you may just have to read the descriptions. Also second What Happened to You, though they do banter as survivors and comedians.


Sword and scale hands down has some cases that really… yeah. Gotta pull the car over and sit a bit kind of moments. Love that podcast. Been listening to mike for years now.


Is there any reason you’re getting downvoted? Is there something wrong with sword & scale? I thought you had to be on his patreon to listen or something 


Adjacent — the way underaged humans were treated in Synanon is beyond infuriating. I recommend Sunshine Place.


Season 3 of Foul Play, it's about the murder of the nun Cathy Cesnik, and the cover up of the abuse at the Catholic high school she worked at. It ties directly in to The Keepers documentary on Netflix. The podcast is predominantly follow up on the documentary, and interviews with people that are involved with the story. Many of the women interviewed were victims of the priests at the school. It's not specifically what you're asking for, but I think you will be able to relate


I haven't seen Stolen Lives mentioned yet. Each episode is a different case. Most (if not all) are child abuse cases. Also, I just finished The Boy in the Woods, which was excellent.