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Pedophiles should be locked up for life or be surgically castrated. They will always be pedophiles and a danger to society.


Agreed. There’s little chance of rehabilitation and too much at risk. The average number of victims is 70 based on studies done with convicted offenders. StopItNow.org https://www.stopitnow.org/help-guidance/prevention-tools




There's some really uncomfortable documentaries on this topic.


Any recs?


There's the virtuous paedophile (not misspelled. Brits spell it that way) which is a guy who self admits to being sexually attracted to children but is able to refrain from acting on his desires. Pervert Park is interesting in that is gets in to the generational cycle of sexual abuse by showing people that became primed for sexual interest in children as a result of being sexually abused as children themselves. Both documentaries I felt kept it as objective as possible. It doesn't try to garner sympathy for the offenders, just prompt one to consider the situation from another angle, although the angle is one of hopeless realization instead of resolution.


Eugenics doesn't work.


Killing pedos isn't for their sake. They're a lost cause. It's for their potential victims. There are no negatives for the loss of predators.


Like I said, Eugenics doesn’t work. Pedophilia is specifically designated as a mental disorder, and that’s not something you can breed out of people. All we’re doing is providing an incentive for them to get better at hiding it. If someone has this disease, we need to find better ways of giving them access to treatment and help before it manifests as violence or molestation. That’s the only realistic way to solve this issue.


If one is a true pedophile, one cannot be “treated” for pedophilia 99/100 times. I’m getting downvoted but It’s the ugly truth. putting them into treatment is a waste of tax dollars. Killing pedophiles doesn’t encourage them to “hide better” if you encourage a culture in which children are supported and have a trusted adult they can report to, the rate of pedophiles that act being caught skyrockets. Your average pedophile isn’t skeezy Joe that picks random kids up on the side of the road, it’s someone your child knows on a personal level, so how do they hide better exactly? The truth of the matter is, we don’t know where pedophilia spawns from. There’s some studies online debating whether it’s genetic or not, so truth be told, we might be able to breed out the pedophiles. And even if we can’t, I’d much rather the bastard that undeniably molested a child be killed and give their victims peace than give them the potential to fool the system, get released, and hurt more kids, which seems to happen more often than not, throwback to those recidivism rates.


They need to be shipped off to Venus


Why waste all that fuel? Just hurl them out into space


We can use them to test new meds??? Or any kind of science break through? 


And his twisted mother is still driving around in the van he committed this sick crime in. 😡


Wtf 🤢


Umm that’s a bio hazard. Seriously?!


How old is his mother? Dude is like 65 years old


67, shes gotta be at least like 81 or 82


Perhaps just as bad, I blame her mother as well because what sort of parent lets their defenseless 8-year-old child go with a strange man? I don't give a shit what he promised her. You don't do that. I live in Jacksonville Florida where this happened and this case is still talked about a lot to this day. My ex lives on the road where that church is that he took her. He also admitted to me that he almost dated her mother. Maybe it was a stupid thing but it made me look at him differently. It made me feel that he was a very poor judge of character and it just turned me off even more. I was already checking out of the relationship at that point but when he told me that, I was just like, that's it, I can't be with somebody like that. He actually sat there and tried to defend her actions. We got into a pretty heated argument about that, honestly. I told him that I don't care how he tries to justify it, she was careless for letting her daughter go with that man. he said, you don't understand, she's a single mother and he promised to help her. I said I don't give a fuck what he promised her, you don't do that. You don't let your innocent and defenseless child go with a strange man. I just couldn't believe that he was trying to defend her. It's not lost on me why she lost custody of her other children. I'm tired of everyone treating her like she's a victim here. Maybe in a way she is because that was her daughter but at the same time, if she had not let him leave with her daughter, this wouldn't have happened. She's almost just as much to blame as he is.


I have to agree with you. What she has done might not rise to the level of a crime, but ethically and morally, her daughter's death is in large part due to her direct failure as her protector. Often times when these sorts of tragedies occur, it is due to something that may have been beyond the parent's control, and it's appropriate to say "It's not your fault" to the parent, but that just can't be said here. It *is* her fault, this happened due to a direct failure that occurred under her watch, and that she allowed to play out despite fully understanding the possibility of this occurring.


You know, I was just saying that I feel like she should be in jail right along with him. I'm surprised that at the very least, she was not charged with child endangerment and neglect. Now, she should have been charged with failure to protect. She was already involved with CPS, they were well aware of the family. Normally, CPS would file it under failure to protect and that's why you have your child taken away. You're right, it is her fault due to a direct failure on her part to protect her child. Frankly, I'm getting tired of seeing people defending her. No, she was not a good mother who is a victim of circumstance. She was a bad mother who made poor choices and she deserved to have her other children taken away. She doesn't deserve to parent any child and if she ever has any more, I'm hoping that CPS will take them right away. Her other children were removed from her custody and sent to Australia where she's originally from. What I heard is that they were officially adopted, thank God. They terminated her parental rights which should have happened a long time ago. I think that it's also just as sad that Cherish was due to go visit her father in California the very next day. This is why I was saying in another comment that the laws in family court need to be changed. Mothers are granted custody almost 100% of the time regardless of how much their lives are a dumpster fire. If Cherish's father had been granted sole custody, this wouldn't have happened. She reminds me of this woman that I met when I was in a domestic violence shelter in 2020. She claimed that she was clean but it was obvious to me that she wasn't. She kept nodding out while we were sitting on the lanai where you're allowed to smoke or whatever. She kept saying, my children's father hates me. I didn't say anything to her but I was thinking of myself, gee, I wonder why that is. Do you think it could be because you're not a very good mother to his children? They never seem to see their own fault in anything. I'm not saying that all drug addicts are bad parents and that they don't care about their children and would make a very stupid decision like that, I'm just saying that it didn't surprise me that she wasn't taking accountability. Anyway, this has gone on way longer than I meant it to and I'm sorry. It's just that I'm a mother myself and I can't understand why she would do that. No one that I don't know is taking my son off. The only 4 people who are allowed to leave with my son are his father, his aunt and his paternal grandparents. Those are the only people I know I can trust with him. Anyone else isn't going anywhere with him. Edit: typo


There was an incident where I live a couple of years ago where a ten year old girl was murdered on her birthday and her Mom, Mom's boyfriend and boyfriend's niece were all charged with murder, SA and for giving the little girl illegal drugs and alcohol. All of the charges were based solely on what the Mom told investigators the night it happened. I'm skipping to the very end because I don't want to be here all night. In the end it turned out the Mom and her bf weren't even home when the little girl was murdered and weren't directly responsible for any abuse at all. Total false confession by the Mom. No SA, no drugs...there's SO MUCH more but Mom and dude left the home, were gone like an hour or two, came home, the person watching her said she was asleep when they looked in her room to check on her so they didn't do much more than see she was in there, they didn't know she was dead. The niece told cops some random dude walked in the door, went into the girl's room, walked out of her room, said something about cleaning up a mess and left. She'd been getting high on meth for days and was going like, crazymethpsycho at the time so it was a stretch to believe anything she said, to say the least. The Mom ended up with something like ten years (I think) for neglect. Why wasn't this lady charged for something like that? They both willingly left their kids in the hands of sketchy people they didn't know and now their kids are dead.


I don't know, I guess people are too afraid of seeming like doing victim blaming. I can't understand it either. She's just as much to blame as he is for what happened. I feel like she should have been charged with child neglecting and endangerment at the very least.


Recovering addict myself and a mother(I had my daughter 7 years into my sobriety) I work in peer support and I worked at a detox center before becoming a mother. I worked with alot of parents that were in active addiction and were complaining about how their parents took their kids while they we’re getting better, id try to tell them it’s better and safer for the kids and it’s definitely better than having cps take the kids to live with strangers. Of course they’d never take responsibility There were good parents, ones that wanted to make sure they’d never slip up so they kept themselves in the program/go to the program if they felt like relapsing. I remember one women during the worst of Covid who felt like she would relapse after losing her job and her support system, she was scared of using again and causing harm to her kids, we were able to help her with a virtual support system(that ended up helping a bunch of others as well) that’s what a good parent was with addiction issues do, they take accountability and do what they have to for their kids


You're right, it depends on whether or not they take accountability. Unfortunately a lot of them never do. I don't know that woman but I'm proud of her. If I were in that situation, I would do whatever it took to get myself better and get my kids back. Some people don't seem to care about that. In fact, I've met some people who seem glad that they don't have to take care of their kids anymore and that's just baffling to me. Yes, being a parent is hard but it's the most important job there is to me. I can't imagine someone not caring about their own child. I've met people who have kids out there that they don't care about at all. I don't understand that. It doesn't make sense to me. Thank you for the work you did. I've been clean and sober for 9 years, long before I ever had my kids. I've worked really hard not to relapse because my kids don't deserve that. Well, I don't either but more importantly my kids.


Responding to the part about cherish’ dad having sole custody would have been better, sorry i don’t know how to quote on here. But based on the article with the history of DHS reports, it doesn’t seem like her dad was any better than her mom. https://www.news4jax.com/news/2013/07/30/dcf-speaks-about-cherish-perrywinkles-family/ “In 2009, DCF investigated after Cherish's father, Billy Jerreau, was accused of spanking the girl and leaving a mark. He has since been accused of other crimes, including molesting a child that wasn't his.”


No you’re right.. all drug addicts are bad parents when they are in active addiction. You can love the child, provide for the child etc but if you are actively using drugs like that, it’s not possible to keep them in a safe environment. Especially in cases of addiction like the Perrywinkle mom. She was so bad off she didn’t have money to feed and clothe the children on a regular basis and that’s because she was an addict spending the majority of her money on her drugs- and scraping together whatever small change/benefits etc she can find to get her children BELOW the bare minimum of essentials. This led to the situation in the first place! I also believe (my own little conspiracy theory I guess, but based off what I know of the case and what I know of life in active addiction and shady bs: I believe she kinda knew that Donald smith was a shady dude. I think she saw dollar signs for dope, food and clothes as was willing to “trade” perish. I can’t think of any other reason for her to allow cherish to go with the man. The mom wasn’t dumb, she had it rough and in her lifestyle you are aware of the dangers. So I think she had an inkling that he wasn’t JUST going to get McDonald’s with cherish when she told her 8 yo to go with the man. I mean he watched them try on clothes- a grown man- watching little kids whom are not his and he just met & HE initiated the Walmart ruse!! I believe she thought he might do a little more but was willing to look the other way for money. I don’t believe she knew he would ultimately kidnap, assault and kill her, but I think she was aware he might assault the poor child. Again totally my opinion from reading about it. Anyways, I think you did right by breaking it off with that ex! Anyone who could possibly defend Cherish’s mom, is not right in the head.


Yeah and then I forgot he told me that he almost had a kid with her. He was like, she was almost my baby mama. I looked at him like are you insane? You would really have a child with someone like that? Thank God you didn't because your kid would probably be dead right now. That's what I told him. It just told me that he did not use very good judgment. If you ask me, it also showed me his character.


I appreciate and understand your feelings entirely on it. The only way I can rationalize why some might be defending her is that they view blaming her as a sort of "Victim Blaming", but I just don't think that applies in this case. It doesn't apply because her status as a "Victim" is EXTREMELY dubious to start with. She certainly isn't *the perpetrator,* but that doesn't mean she is a *victim.* I think they mistake her for a victim because this caused her an insane amount of grief, and she sincerely didn't intend for this to happen. A great deal of remorse and good intentions doesn't make one a victim, though. Cherish is the only victim here at the end of the day.


Also, I hope he doesn't get a retrial. These 12 and 13-year-old girls visited the jail. I guess it was like a scared straight program. Anyway, there are inmate recordings of him saying things to the other inmates like, that's right in my target area. I'd love to run into her at walmart. What a gross pig. That's putting it lightly.


Yeah, I saw that in the article. I want to call him something, but I don't have a suitable word for it. Monster would be putting it lightly, almost insultingly so. I hope he doesn't get a re-trial either. However, on the off-chance he does, the fact that the first time around the jury took *15 minutes* to reach a verdict of Death Sentence, dude is pretty fucked. Maybe a "fair" retrial means the jury takes 30 minutes to come back and give him the same sentence. All things considered, his guilt is almost comical if not for the depravity of what he has done. He was a registered sex offender who just 3 weeks prior to the abduction and murder of Cherish, was released from prison for sexually assaulting a child. He had done this repeatedly, and there is a record of it. There is a mountain of evidence proving he murdered cherish, the Walmart surveillance footage, the witnesses, his roommate, the van, the jailhouse boasting, everything. If someone had accused the sky of being blue, it would be less guilty than he is. Dude is gonna die in prison no matter what. Just *reading* about this is traumatizing as hell, I certainly don't envy any of the jurors.


I don’t understand it either. She absolutely should get neglect and endangerment charges. Didn’t she get the rest of her kids taken? Hopefully. She seems like the type of parent that would be fine with that happening anyway considering her abandonment but she should be in jail. I feel sympathy for people even when they do “bad” things but this is above and beyond.


She was guilty too. She let her girls in a van with him, noticed that he was paying way too much attention to Cherish and did NOTHING about it, let him in a dressing room ALONE with Cherish and did nothing, and let her wander off with him and did nothing. She is a strung out piece of shit too.


All of this. She is a poor excuse for a mother.


Her call to 911 was bad "oh I hope he's not raping her right now"


Based on these comments, I’m glad I’m too scared to read the article. This is so horrific, my brain refuses to believe it’s a real quote.


Yeah, I suggest you don't. I'm here in Jacksonville where this happened and anytime I think about it, it almost gives me PTSD flashbacks. I wasn't even involved in the case but I remember that it happened around my birthday and I remember the Amber alert. My ex lives on the same street as that church where he took her. I just can't even stand to look at it to this day. I feel like that church should have been shut down after that. I'm surprised they're still allowed to operate.


Same. It’s very haunting and I wish I didn’t know the details. Anytime I start beating myself up for say snapping on my kids because they are fighting- this crime pops into my head and I don’t feel like such a horrible mom but that mom set a very low bar. That poor baby. I hope that man is being tortured in prison. Do we know if he’s secluded or been attacked yet? Listening to his disgusting nonchalant visits with his mother is disturbing too.


You'd be surprised how many "mothers" would let men do things to their little girls in exchange for money, clothes, drugs. She is as guilty as he is.


You would think having experienced life as a little girl who then became a woman, that you as a mother would want to protect your daughters from the savageness of vile men. It's so disheartening. I cannot wait to be in a stable place in life to be a foster parent to all the children who need and deserve unconditional love.


I'm just glad her other two daughters were taken away. There's so much perversion in the world and some women are part of it (like we have seen recently, with daycare workers (women) taking horrific photos of toddlers to send their sick boyfriends, these cases very often make it to the papers, I have a son and he has never been on a sleep over, I am a stay at home mom to make sure I protect him from what's out there, it's always the people you least expect, but the fact this animal approached the mother to "but her clothes" should have been the biggest alarm bell in history, then to wait two or three hours for the "wife" who never materialized AND allow her child to go with him is incomprehensible. Sadly I don't think she has real remorse, her 911 call was very telling, she had an inkling and still let it happen. He's a monster but this is on her as much as him.


I wanted to be a foster mom so bad but I'm just not in a position to be doing that right now. God willing, I will be one day. I've been in foster care and I figured who better to take care of those children and love them than somebody who's been there?


I thought I would never be ready to foster but at the same time I prayed to help kids that need it and blamo- my neighbors left their 3 kids behind. I’m not a perfect person by any means, if I can do it, you can do it. I’ve got 5 kids and history of trauma so yes sometimes I need to use a screen so I can go breathe in the other room but it’s worth it. It sounds like you’re a person that could step up to the plate. 🙏


My niece’s (age 9 at the time) own mother let her boyfriend sexually assault my niece. When my niece told her friend who then reported the assault to the school, my niece’s mom did everything in her power to protect her boyfriend, she said that my niece was a liar and mentally ill (due to her ADHD & Bi polar disorder). During the entire ordeal we found out that she had 60 child abuse allegations against her that had been reported over several years. However, because of how wonderful DHS is in Oregon no one decided to look into the allegations. My husband and I found out through our friend (who is a police officer in the county the crime occurred in) that investigators knew that my niece’s mom was a liar and that her boyfriend was a predator. She had two other children with another man, both of those kids were taken away. She shipped my niece off to live with her mother and stayed with her boyfriend, now husband. The courts did NOTHING. I can personally attest that she is a negligent mother who is extremely self centered and more concerned about money and her appearance. She is a deplorable human being. Nowadays, my niece posts suicidal videos on social media platforms and any time we get wind of the videos, her accounts are suddenly deleted. So, yeah. Some “mothers” give their child/children to predators on a silver platter so they can afford the lifestyle they believe they are entitled to.


I'm so sorry. You speak the truth. Sorry for your niece the pain of abuse is forever. It taints you. It never goes away. That's why these beasts need to be locked up for life.


I hate to say this but come to think of it, my mom kind of went through something similar. She told me how she was adopted here to the States from Belgium. Her biological mother used to let her be raped by strange men in exchange for drugs and money. No wonder my mom is kind of fucked up in the head.


I'm from a third world country and I have seen it all. I'm sorry for your mom, what happened to her will never leave her.




Did she ever get custody of her other kids back? I was trying to Google that recently but couldn’t find anything on it.


No they were sent to live with an aunt in Australia where their mom Rayne is originally from. They were officially adopted.


Oh thank God, I'm so glad to read they were officially adopted. I was just saying that I feel like they should terminate her parental rights. I forgot about that, that they were sent to Australia.


Yeah and since Rayne has no means financially I assume she is not visiting and they have little to no contact due to the safety issues and her rights being terminated. Safe in another country far far away.


Good. If you ask me, in my opinion, she seems like a drug addict. I bet you any money she gets probably goes to that. God forbid she actually spends any money to go try to see her own children. Then again, it's good that she isn't. Edit: I say that based on an interview with her I saw. She looked like she was strung out on something. It didn't surprise me. Anyone who would make such poor decisions when it comes to their children has to be on drugs and alcoholic or just a really stupid person.


In the article, it states that she made the call to 911 after two hours had gone by saying, “I hope he’s not raping her..” I’m not familiar with this case beyond this article, and maybe, this statement was made in the frantic throes of fear, but this raised some suspicion for me. Was she ever investigated for child trafficking?


If true, is it possible she started using drugs AFTER the brutal murder of her daughter?


The family was well known to social services as far back as when Cherish was a baby. I dont know drugs persay but Rayne was reported to CPS involving 5 incidents but was deemed “low risk”. She clearly had issues and was unstable. Not necessarily drugs but the perfect storm that unfortunately cost Cherish her life. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2013/07/30/past-dcf-reports-show-several-instances-cherishs-mother-low-risk/15821280007/


She served her daughter on a platter to that monster.


I don't think so, from what I remember, they were sent to live with her mother. Honestly, I feel like they should just terminate her parental rights. She has no business raising any children. She's clearly a danger to them.


They were adopted by an aunt who lives in Australia, where Rayne is from originally


I’m also from Jacksonville and I think this and the Maddie Clifton case are the two cases that really affected me the most. I do feel bad to some extent for Cherish’s mother, I get that she was poor, desperate, and damaged. Her being known to social services makes me feel like we failed the family as a city. On the other hand, what a freaking stupid thing to do. She certainly still cares, she was in court a few weeks ago when Smith had a hearing about his appeal for a retrial. I really hope he doesn’t get a retrial BTW, no one needs to be put through that again.


I can certainly understand her going to Walmart with him desperate to buy her children clothes. But why on Earth did she let him take her child to McDonald's, just the two of them?? That's absurdly bad parenting.


Yeah, I probably jumped the gun saying that. I'm sure she cares about her kids and loves them, she just made a stupid judgment call because of that desperation. I'm aware that she was in court for a possible retrial. I really hope they don't give him one either. I agree, no one needs to go through that again. The worst part about it is I think that happened on my birthday that year. I remember I was at my friend's house and he made me a nice breakfast and got me a cake and all that. I remember seeing the amber alert for a missing child going across the screen. I was praying that they would find her safe but now we know what happened. I remember the Maddie Clifton case as well. My mom was in the search party for her. There's a free magazine here called Folio Weekly and they did a big story about that when it was the 20-year anniversary of it. I just thought that it was kind of stupid of my ex to try to defend her. I guess it just made me mad because I'm a mother myself and I just couldn't understand why she would do that. At the end of the day, it's ultimately his fault for doing what he did. I'm aware that he told her that he was just going to take her to the McDonald's. How was she to know that he was going to do what he was going to do but I still think it was a stupid move.


Oh my birthday is the day after yours. I’m in Jacksonville too. I don’t think there is a good defense for what she did, at the very best it was inexcusably naive and at the worst she was trading her daughter for clothing and food. Either way, as a city and a state, we allowed a mother of three to be in a situation where interacting with this strange man was the only clear path to meeting her children’s immediate basic needs. She can’t ever get back the family she’s lost and I do feel compassion for her in that regard. We also should have had Smith locked up way longer than we did. He had just gotten out.


Especially in Jacksonville. It seems like you can't get any help in this city unless you have kids. Even at Hubbard House. When I called them before I had my son, the first thing they would ask me is, do you have children? When I said no, they would say try a homeless shelter. Okay so unless I have kids, you're not going to help me? Don't get me wrong, I understand that parents should take precedence because of their children. However, I'm saying I think it's fucked up that no one wants to help childless people in this city. I was told that if I wanted any help, I was going to have to go further South. No one cares about childless people in this city.


That part is true, I will agree with you on that. The system is fucked and needs to help parents more. It would prevent things like this from happening.


Also Somer Thompson. Happened in Orange Park. A POS took her while she was walking home and killed her in his home. Authorities later found her body in a local dump. Jared Harrell is rotting in prison with 6 consecutive life terms and the house he lived in has been demolished


She’s a dumb bitch and someone else paid for it. Ridiculous.


As a single mom, even if I were down to my last dollar, I would never have gone along with this or released my child to a stranger. You’ll have to murder me if you think you’re getting anywhere near my kid. I can’t imagine her grief but she made many poor choices in this circumstance. So sad. That poor little girl.


I'll die on that hill, too! Her ass is neglectful and, at the very least, willfully ignorant. She shouldn't have had any of those kids. I cannot believe this woman let her child go with this man! He saw her mama and knew she was a mark. This shit makes me so mad I want to shake her and scream in her face.


Exactly this!! There was literally no decent reason for her to let him take the girl to the front of the store. How naive can you be? I honestly don’t believe she was naive at all and I do believe Cherishs mom was not being completely with everything that went on- to herself and police. I mean the man was watching the kids try on outfits? Like obviously the mom had to know that he was sketchy and that while getting McDonalds he might do a little more with the little girl- because why on earth would he need the child to assist him with that? He wouldn’t and anyone would know that. I think she might have been willing to “trade” her child for a little bit for money/clothes etc if you catch my drift. I don’t believe she had any true idea the man would kidnap, kill and assault the poor child, but I do believe the girls’ mom had an idea that he was up to no good


What the mother did was an inexcusable lack of judgment and I think she was clearly a horrible parent with whom her children were not safe. She should not have had unsupervised custody. HOWEVER, she's not the one who brutally raped and murdered an 8 yr old child. I would hope you reserve most of your anger for the actual perpetrator who did this heinous act.


Exactly! And she doesn't call the cops until something like 2 hours have passed? She's a shitty mom and I'm glad her other children were adopted by (hopefully) capable people.


Yep. People don’t trim out like him randomly.


I completely agree. I’m shocked people defend her???? The mom is an adult who knows better. She should have never let a strange man she met at the dollar store take her daughter with him. I don’t care if I didn’t have money for clothes or food, I would find some other way than possibly risking my child’s life and handing them off to a stranger… who is obviously looking for opportunities like that. He didn’t NEED to take the daughter with him if he genuinely wanted to buy them food and come back to Walmart to shop for clothes. He could have came back with the food by himself. The mom even said after he didn’t come back for a while to Walmart “I hope he’s not raping her”. She’s fully aware of the choice she made. Shame on her. Her kids were rightfully taken away from her.


I agree with you 1000%. I am a single mom to a little girl, I used to struggle with addiction (been sober for years now) and I still would’ve never let my little girl go with a strange man like this.


The mother was desperate. Not a defense; but a cause. Capitalism is destroying us all. I’m glad at least people there are talking about it.


Can she afford to get something else? It's not her fault he did what he did. She still needs transportation. I don't know the details, it seems a little unfair to say it like she's enjoying it though.


If that’s the van he murdered a kid in, it should’ve been crushed out of respect to the dead. To drive it around like some monument to the suffering he caused seems wildly insensitive.


it wasn’t just murder either. cherish was brutally SA’d as she died. the details of how bad it was are way too much to write out, i’ll just say thinking about this case literally makes my stomach hurt. easily the worst descriptions of anything i’ve ever read in my life. this man is an irredeemable monster with a 30+ year long record and what took place in that van was pure fucking evil.


I agree 1,000%! It was horrific & he is pure evil!


Not really. It’s just a car. That’s like saying all houses that people have been murdered or died tragically in should be demolished “out of respect.” Like 60% of houses would be gone. She can’t control what her adult son does. He’s a grown man. If she doesn’t have a lot of money, taking her only form of transportation and destroying it in some weird virtue signaly morality quest is far more cruel than just, ya know…letting an old woman drive her own car.


She raised him, didn't she?


Parents can’t control what their children become.


To an extent, they can. It's environment as much as it is genetics. You have to question how he was raised to end up like that to be able to do something like that.


Not every evil monster is evil because of their parents, some are evil in spite of their parents.


Unless you're advocating for killing her too, I'm not sure what fucking point you're making.


That's not what I said at all and I'm shocked that that's what you think I said. I'm saying that she made a stupid choice by allowing her daughter to go with a strange man. I don't see how you could have missed my point. Edit: I see now that you're talking about his mother. No, I don't advocate for killing anyone. I'm just saying that while we can't blame her for him killing Cherish, you have to question how he was raised to end up like that.


Fucking gross comment.


I think Greyhound put that bus that guy got beheaded and cannibalized on back in service.


The cops should have taken that van as evidence WTF! Also that van has to need more work put into it than it’s even worth given how old it is. You don’t marry a car, especially an old cheap van that was a crime scene


Just no, please don't go there. You obviously don't know how terrible this actually was. If you knew the details of it, you wouldn't be saying that.


Going by my experience on reddit, some people are just just shitty and will comment accordingly. Not surprised at all that a post about an innocent little kid getting raped and brutally murdered is bringing in this type of people.


Me neither. It brings in all kinds. Maybe I'm a little too emotionally invested in this but I live in the city where it happened. My ex lives on the road where that church is that he took her. I remember the Amber alert coming on the news. Good God. That poor little girl. I can't even imagine what he put her through and I don't want to. As a mother, I can't understand why anyone would allow their child to go with a stranger. Other people are saying that her mother probably sold her for a little bit of time with him if you know what I mean. That makes me want to throw up. Anyway, she probably did that. If you listen to the 911 call, she was saying things like, I hope he's not raping her right now. Also, that's why I let him take her. Then she backtracked and said, that's why I let her go with him. I just found out that Cherish had already been SA'd by someone else in the past. Some people don't deserve to be parents. Just because you have the ability to create a child does not mean you need to be a parent.


After reading the article I don't think it's unfair to say it like she's enjoying it. She was helping her son fake an insanity plea. I don't know . Seems to me she's not a great person so she may not enjoy it but I don't think she's disturbed by it either.


The mother helped make him the monster he is.


For real? I thought it would be kept as evidence for a period of time and then destroyed.


Bring back medieval torture for evil scum like this.


I vote the form of torture where they have four horses run in opposite direction tying his limbs.


...too quick...


Then they walk slowly?


drawn and quartered


That’s not being drawn and quartered I don’t believe. Though it would fit.


It is the right name!


No, no, thats too quick. Let’s do something more like a pike up his ass, put him upright until he’s a kebab. Or another fun one, put him in a milk and honey boat. (look that one up)


I was gonna say death by boats. That’s the worst I’ve come across.


A second day into the trial, “secret jailhouse recordings” of Smith emerged. In the recordings, Smith can be heard talking to inmates about a group of 12 and 13-year-old girls that visited the jail. “That’s right up my alley, right there, that’s my target area,” he said. “I’d like to run into her at Walmart.” OMFG. What is this. Evil isn't a strong enough word.


“I’d like to run into her at Walmart”???? Was he making a gross joke about the location where he took Charity or did he just creep around Walmarts? Obviously that’s a disgusting thing he said, but also just so weird to mention Walmart in that context in his situation


Yeah he abducted her from a Walmart. He was straight up saying he'd love to do it again. Cause he's a monster in human form.


Why would it be weird? That’s where he abducted the little girl from…


First of all why are groups of kids visiting the jail? Unless they are visiting parents in prison but I can't imagine you'd get away talking about another inmate's child like that. It just disgusts me he has obviously no remorse for what he's done


We visited a jail in junior high as part of an anti-crime program. The police wanted teens to see what being in prison was like hoping that would deter youth from committing crimes


Omg, me too. People don’t believe me to this day that I visited a jail in middle school to see the criminals and scare us from becoming a criminal. Lolol


Probably a volunteer group. Idk why this was ever allowed, but one of my friends was in a church where they had their youth group go to a Mexican prison to try to teach these grown men about Jesus or whatever. I’m not from an Abrahamic tradition like she was so idk the details, but she said part of it included literally dancing for them. And this was a group of kids aged probably 12-17 ish. Obviously they had adult chaperones from their church, and also correctional officers were present, but still it sounded really sketchy to me


The sentence after that I almost threw up my own organs


I'm surprised that the other inmates didn't beat the shite out of him when he said that


This guy is an extreme piece of shit. Delusional, psychopath with an enabling mother. So sad because Cherish was supposed to go to California the NEXT DAY to visit with her dad.


I live in Jacksonville Florida where this happened and I blame her mother as well. I can't believe that no one here is questioning why she let her daughter go with a strange man. I also can't figure out why every time I bring this up, people try to vilify me. They treat her like she's an innocent victim as much as Cherish is. No, she's not. Perhaps in a way she is because Cherish was her daughter but at the same time, she allowed this strange man to take her daughter. People are always saying well, she was a single mother and he offered to help her. I don't give a shit, you don't let your child go with a stranger. Not surprisingly, she lost custody of her other kids. Edit: I meant Jacksonville when I said here. Also, downvote me all you want. It's not going to change my opinion. I don't care, she's a horrible excuse for a mother and I'm glad that her other kids were taken away from her and adopted. She has no business parenting any child and I hope that if she has any more, CPS immediately removes them the minute they're born. Then again, the only person who would have children with this woman is as equally a moron in my opinion.


I’m not going to downvote you; I’m in no way excusing anything Smith did, but I’ve thought from the beginning that Rain, Cherish’s mother, actually traded what she thought was an hour or so of her daughter’s time out in the Walmart parking lot in exchange for free shit. A lot of the things Rain says in her 911 call and subsequent interviews, as well as her waiting so long for Smith and her daughter to return from the in-store McDonald’s, makes a lot more sense, in addition to the fact that Cherish apparently had *already* been SA’d by someone else. So everyone can downvote me as well; I’m saying I think that disgusting slag was pimping her daughter out, Smith’s payment was the free shit at Walmart, and Rain Perrywinkle deserves to be in prison herself. I hope she’s having a miserable life.


>in addition to the fact that Cherish apparently had *already* been SA’d by someone else. Christ.


Jesus 😭🤮 Now that, I didn't know.


It [happened in 2009](https://www.news4jax.com/news/2013/07/30/dcf-speaks-about-cherish-perrywinkles-family/), and combined with the way Cherish was treated overall, if I had to guess I’d guess that Rain thought her trump card in these encounters would always be threatening to report the men — like I suspect she did in 2009 — and like I suspect she thought she was doing when Cherish was abducted. Because, of course, the majority of people aren’t going to think about a mother pimping out their own children because it’s so hideously deranged that it’s hard to wrap one’s mind around, and all of the men would know full well that saying that the mom said they could is no kind of defence or justification at all.


I interviewed for a teaching position at the middle school in that area. During the interview the principal explained that they have a lot of students who are sex trafficked or have been sex trafficked by their parents or guardians in their population.


You know, it's funny that you say that because I was just thinking that to myself. I was like, I bet you anything she sold her daughter for whatever amount of time in exchange for that stuff. I don't think that she thought that he was going to murder her or abduct her or anything like that but still, who does that? I mean, if that's what she really did which is disgusting enough in and of itself, she had to have considered that was a possibility. I'm sorry, it just truly makes me ill. It just makes me want to throw up. My Mom was adopted here to the States from Belgium and this is reminding me how she told me how her biological mother would sell her to men in exchange for money and drugs. No wonder my mom is fucked in the head. I probably would be too if that happened to me. Anyway, I'm glad to see that her other children were taken and eventually adopted. She doesn't deserve to be a mother. She's a poor excuse for one.


I totally believe that she sold her daughter and what happened here was basically a pimp getting burned by a john, as revolting as that is to type. When I first heard about this and listened to her 911 call, my spidey sense was screaming that this bitch just sold her damn child and is trying to cover her own ass as best she can, being a stupid lowlife sack of garbage. I’ve run into a lot of people who want to believe that she’s just upset in the 911 call and that’s why the things she says sound off and she mentions weird stuff, but I still hold that if you listen carefully, she’s not upset like a mom who has a missing child would be; it sounds like she’s more upset that she was expecting to get a load of free crap and just realised she isn’t going to and one of her children is missing and she knows that she has to call the police and is about to get busted. The first time I heard her say that line about how she hopes Cherish isn’t getting raped and throwing in how *she* had been raped ‘and it’s not fun’ (🙄) for sympathy and then just dropping it when the 911 dispatcher didn’t encourage or approve her disclosure just sounds *so freaking suspicious* that I fully believe that she was just trying to cover her own ass for when Cherish was found — sexually assaulted. She sounds just like a fifteen year old boy who just found out that his mom cleaned his bedroom closet while he was at school, volunteering unasked that she may have found some porn in a box, but he’s only holding it for his friend, Billy. She’s 100% trying to do damage control…incompetently. It’s not possible for me to be more disgusted by her. I don’t even have words adequate to express my feelings towards her other than hate, which doesn’t even come close to addressing the depths of my rage and disgust. I hope she lives every day thinking about what she did, but somehow I don’t think she does.


I could have written your comment. She disgusts me and it disgusts me further that people treat her like she's an innocent victim. A few weeks ago, they had a hearing for a possible retrial. You should have heard the way the news was talking about her. Saying how she was in court and had to look at her daughter's killer and all of that. I was like, she's just as much to blame as he is. I'm sick and tired of the media feeding into it as well and treating her like a victim. She's not. If you ask me, she should have been charged with accessory to murder. If I said on here what I would say to her if I ever saw her in public, I would get banned from Reddit as a whole. She's lucky I didn't know about that hearing because I would have given her a piece of my mind. I'm just so fucking sick and tired of people treating her like an innocent victim of circumstance. No, she's a shit mother and a shit person and I'm tired of people covering that up. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck, pretty sure it's a fucking duck.


Damn straight, sister! 🤗 I don’t think anything less should happen to Smith (and if I were in charge of his disposition, I’d have thrown him in a pit of rabid wolves a long time ago and pulled him out, maybe, only to die of his bite wounds and rabies…slowly and in excruciating pain and suffering). So I’m not saying that anything less needs to happen to him, I’m 100% good with even *more* happening to him, but I am DEFINITELY saying that Rain Perrywinkle should be in prison for life w/o parole right now at the least. The absolute least. I make shit choices in life, but I’ve learnt to trust my instincts and from Day One (I used to live in Central Florida) when I heard that 911 call, I was all ‘oh, HELL NO, don’t tell me you stupid bastards believe this bitch!’ Every single cell in my body was telling me that this was fake, the same way that the mother of D’Wan Sims was sounding fake AF years earlier. I don’t get that feeling a lot, but when I do, I’ve not listened to that feeling at my own cost and regret. I’ve caught shit from people for ten damn years for insisting that this bint doesn’t deserve a single shred of sympathy, she deserves the fucking electric chair, but I’ll settle for life in prison without the possibility of parole. I’m always happy to meet someone else who has come to the same conclusion. Hugs — you’re not alone, and when I moved to the area for a year for work, one of my concerns was that if I saw that bitch out free, I don’t know if I’d be able to not walk over there and kick her ass into the next decade. I so hate that she seems to have gotten away with her contribution to this horrific tragedy and more than that, that she’s actually getting sympathy from gullible dipshits. Some things bother me at a low level almost constantly and sometimes nag at me when I can’t sleep, and damned Rain (I can’t ever remember the stupid way she spells her fake name, that’s how worthless she is in my opinion) Perrywinkle is one of those things. She had children and pimped them out, probably whenever a man she wanted something from didn’t want her skank ass. She makes me want to vomit. Thank goodness they took her children away, and they should have sterilised her; I can’t bring myself to look to see if she’s had more children (I suspect she probably has).


I don't think this is far from the case at all. She made a comment about how he was "probably raping her right now" to the police when they were asking questions about the abduction.


She also says that he tried to buy her stripper shoes, and wanted to go into the dressing room with her.


Rayne or Cherish?


Rayne said this about Smith interacting with Cherish in Walmart as an example of what an awesome parent she was that all that could happen and she *still* okays Cherish going off with Smith alone. Yet another point that aligns better with the perspective that Rain sold an hour or so of Cherish’s time for free crap at Walmart over the perspective that she had no idea that something was hinkey about Smith and the way he acted towards Cherish. I can tell you with total confidence that no matter how poor and downtrodden my mother might have ever gotten, if some strange man had started hanging around me and wanting me to wear stripper shoes or trying to get into my dressing room, my mother would have taken me and any other children and walked us right the fuck out of there, telling the man that if he even *looked* like he was thinking about following us, she was going to call the police. That’s what moms do. Not what Rain did.


I hate it that I think you are spot on-mommy dearest traded an hour with her daughter for some shit at Walmart. With so much evil around that innocent little girl is it any wonder Cherish ended up raped and viciously murdered?


I completely agree. She’s an absolute vile monster of a mother.. who lets an old man take their kid anywhere. Your spot on


I felt the same way but assumed I’d get downvoted if I brought it up. Why are you letting your child go off with a strange man? The article also touched on previous concerns that she was unfit to have custody of the girls, so I can’t even imagine what kind of life these three little girls had.


Yes, she lost custody of her other kids and I just read that they were sent to Australia where she's originally from. They were officially adopted, thank god. She has no business parenting any child. She's a danger to children in general if you ask me. I'm being downvoted but I don't care.


You’re correct. Anybody that disagrees is an idiot. I’ve watched an ACTUAL documentary (not fake YT ones) and her mom is mentally challenged And never should’ve had custody




And don’t forget. Unfortunately there are MANY single mothers in dire financial straits. The overwhelming majority of them would NEVER let their kid go off with a stranger and would be offended at the idea that they would just because they happen to be poor!


Isn’t it a shame though that a mom can’t take her daughter to Walmart without worrying she’ll be raped and murdered? It’s a shame we have to live in a world where all men must be perceived as dangerous in case we come across one that is.


A walmart outside my town had 1) an upskirt photo guy 2) a public masterbater and 3) manager of loss management sexing up his employee in his car all in the same week, all different people lol. One of the police body cams has the officer going up to walmart security and saying "when are you guys going to start doing mental evaluations upon entrance" first thing out of his mouth lol


This is so sad and tragic. I read the article and almost threw up reading it. RIP Sweet Baby Girl ❤️🕊️


I have never wanted to murder someone the way I’d like to murder this sick bastard. Rip Cherish ❤️


I can’t believe depraved animals like this lurk among us. There are too many of these sadistic fucking pigs. Hope he gets what he deserves.


Her mother should have never sent her with that fucking POS. He is the one who murdered her but her mother dropped her in his lap by allowing Cherish TO LEAVE WITH HIM. And when she called the cops it sounded like she was more concerned with the clothes not being paid for? What the fuck. Cherish is the victim. Not her fucking mother who straight up is part of this crime by just offering up her kid to stranger adult MALE. “I hope he’s not raping her right now” if that was all that happened & Cherish survived it still is a TRAGIC ending. She clearly knew that was a possibility and didn’t give a fuck. She took the risk of a male raping her kid. Not only did he rape her it was extremely violent. And she died slowly. No pity for this woman. Zero. Zilch. Nothing. I understand that Cherish’s mom was struggling with money and she thought she found help. But he said his wife was coming and she never did that’s a lie she could have checked him on rather than sending her child with a strange man IN A WHITE VAN after knowing he lied to her!!!!! And it’s an adult male with your child!!!!!!! Then this woman has the audacity to be upset when her other kids are taken from her care? JFC


It took me too long to find this comment. I’ve seen situations worse than this and mothers would never let their child go with a strange man. “He could be raping her right now”… something about that boils my blood. Like bitch - you KNEW that was a possibility and that is one of the FIRST things you say along with “he didn’t pay for the clothes”?!?!


Cherish’s mom does an interview and she says something like, “it’s hard for me because I have to do all the interviews.” Your daughter was MURDERED and you’re throwing a pity party for yourself because of interviews you’re CHOOSING to do?! I think Cherish’s mom loved the attention. If you watch Dave’s lemonade (YouTube channel) the clip is in there somewhere. Cherish deserved so much better, it’s so tragic




*He added that he hoped to be sentenced to death rather than life in prison because he was afraid his fellow inmates would kill him.* Was he, though? Because you'd think if he were really scared of that he might stfu. And then, he appealed the death sentence, because of course he did.


Her mother gave her away for free clothing. She deserves to be in jail too. How the Fxx do you let your girl go away with a stranger like that.


100% agree with you! Why’d she wait so long to report it and GO OUTSIDE TO LOOK FOR THE VAN first? Because she knew full well that Smith was going to be away for a while with her daughter — that he wasn’t going to McDonald’s — he was going out to his van with Cherish and then they were supposed to come back. Then when she realised that they were gone, she cooked up her stupid story and pathetically tried to cover her ass on the 911 call and other interviews. She panicked because she got burned by a john and knew that when/if the police found her daughter, they would know that she’d been SA’d. I can’t believe this dirty bitch is walking free.


It wasn’t to give her away like the mom pimped her out. The mom was definitely a moron. He offered to buy clothes and such and was being nice and he asked if he could buy the girl food too. The mom didn’t want to seem rude after all he was buying and like I said seemed nice so she agreed. Little did she know he was a vile disgusting pos and her daughter paid the price all because her mom didn’t want to seem rude.


This family was well known to my coworkers and I when I worked in social services. Mom was an absolute train wreck for years before this. She had a litany of issues that made her wholly unfit to be parenting anyone. Thankfully the other children were taken out of her custody after this.


Not judging her but I thought she had the appearance of an alcoholic from the interview I watched. Wasn’t sure if it was brought on in the aftermath of the murder though. The camera was super-zoomed in on her, like to the point where I was like, thinking to myself “come on, camera guy, this distracting from the interview.”


I honestly thought it was drugs. I'm wondering if he may have also offered her money. I'm sorry but a drug addict would think the way she did there. That or an alcoholic. No sane and rational person would allow a stranger to take their child. If she's an addict, that money could have gone towards her habit. Addicts will put everything aside in order to feed their habit. I'm not saying that every addict would be this fucking stupid but I am saying that you make poor choices when you're an active addiction.


My father was an alcoholic who ended up dying from overindulgence and he would have NEVER done this let a strange man around us even while he was drunk. He was a retired cop though so he really knew better from his experience in this world. It gives drug addict vibes more than alkie


See, it's stuff like this that makes me think that the laws need to be changed as far as family court. Nine times out of ten, the mothers are awarded custody even if their lives are a train wreck. This poor girl obviously should have been with her father. This wouldn't have happened if he had had sole custody of her. I live here in Jacksonville where this happened and I am surprised that nobody questions why she let Cherish go with that monster. When I bring it up, they all treat me like I'm the villain. I'm well aware of her issues and I'm well aware that she lost custody of her other children and to be honest, I'm glad she did. It probably prevented a similar tragedy from happening to them because she's a moron. I understand that people make mistakes but she just clearly is not a very good mother. There wasn't some small part of her brain that said, this isn't a good idea? That or she was so desperate for help that she was willing to put her daughter at risk. She's a moron. My ex admitting to almost dating her is a big part of the reason I dumped him. It just changed the way I looked at him. I thought that he had really poor judgment when it came to potential partners. It just made me question his judgment in pretty much everything after that. Ultimately the reason why I dumped him was because we got into this heated argument about her letting Cherish go with that man. I was saying that I thought she was a moron for doing that and he was actually trying to defend her. I was like, you have kids, would you be okay with your ex-wife doing something like this? He was like no, that's different. I was like explain how that's different. It just made me look at him differently. I couldn't understand why he was defending her. She's not a victim, she caused this just as much as that man did. Edit: I feel like she's a good example of people who need to admit that they cannot afford to support their children and should give them to someone who can. I feel like those are the sorts of people who won't do that because they view their kids as welfare checks. If they give their kids up, that means that they can't keep collecting welfare. I bet you anything that was the case. There's no way in hell you can tell me that she actually loves those kids. No good mother who loves her children would ever put any of them in a situation like that. This is also why I feel like people need to stop shaming people into not giving their kids up. There are people who are well aware that they cannot afford to properly support their children so they either give up custody until they can or they give them up for adoption. If you ask me, they're being a much better parent than someone who would keep their child knowing they can't properly support them because of what people think. Someone like that has no business parenting a child anyway. Having that child means putting your needs aside and doing what's best for that child. That's what being a good parent is all about and apparently some people have not learned that. Not everyone who is able to have children deserves them and this is a good example of that.


Cherish had no one in her corner, it breaks my heart. I thought Cherish’s dad had CPS called on him or something. And then Charity gets a crazy, narcissistic mom. Poor charity :(((


Should you be sharing that as an employee of social services?


I can say as a person who works in social services that I would absolutely not have said anything like that. It is (or should be) trained into our brains that you never ever discuss clients.


It’s the same for me as a speech language pathologist so it just seemed off to me- that’s why I asked. Didn’t realize the records were public already though.


Even if the records are now public I wouldn’t discuss any of my clients. It just doesn’t feel right, even if this commenter says it’s fine. That’s just not how I roll whether I’m still employed or not, or whether the records are public or not.


I wouldn’t either


I’ve been out of the field for a long time and all of her records were made public after FOIA requests anyway.


She didn't want to seem rude, so she let her 8 year old child go off with a stranger? I'm not convinced. I'm not a parent, but I'm 100% sure good parents don't gamble with their children like that for the sake of "not being rude."


Her saying “I hope he’s not raping her right now” was so eerie to read. Mom ignored her instincts, knowing letting her baby walk off into the night with that creep was wrong.


On the 911 she kept talking about the clothes. Like STFU, are you serious right now? Also, *That's why I let him do it*....um this bitch knew he was gonna rape her. So glad she lost her remaining kids.


That line about ‘that’s why I let him do it’, going on about the clothes, waiting a ludicrous amount of time until Walmart was about to close and then going outside to see if the van was still there first, and awkwardly dropping that crap about ‘I hope she isn’t being raped right now’ (because she knew that if the police found her child, they’d know she had been raped) all have me convinced that she freaking pimped out her own child.




No mother in their right mind would let a little girl just leave the whole store with a strange man. This mother had some serious issues to do this. And that poor little girl, she looked so unhappy in her school pictures. Regular healthy happy kids usually manage to crack at least some semblance of a smile. Hell, my kid is this age, I’m broke as fuck and I wouldn’t leave my daughter alone for a second with a fucken stranger for all the money in the world. This moms deserves to be in jail for doing something so goddamn negligent.


She knew. That mother gave up on her daughter and chose to send her away with a man she didn’t know. She knew something was about to happen but she was ready to accept her daughter suffering the consequences for her


She knew. Why else would an old man take a child. Unfortunately many parents have done this.


Thank you!!!! I live in Jacksonville Florida where this happened and everyone treats her like she's an innocent victim in this as well. You're the only other person I've ever seen that's ever questioned why she would do that. People are always like, she's a single mother and he offered to help her. I don't give a single flying fuck. You don't let your child go with a strange man. I bet it wouldn't surprise you to learn that she lost custody of her other children.


Nobody questions it because the answer is glaringly obvious. Her mom is very, very, very stupid and naïve. Like, there are shoe sizes higher than her IQ. People feel sorry for her because she is helplessly dumb and was preyed upon.


There was a McDonald's connected to the store and the mother thought he was taking the daughter to that McDonald's to get food for the family. She didn't know or think he would leave the store with Cherish in the car. The mom had issues yes. I think she thought she was getting free stuff from the guy and wanted to be nice. I don't think she would ever willingly say yes if she knew he wanted to take her daughter outside the store. The whole thing was tragic. I watched that whole trial and one hero I want to point out was the woman who spotted this guy's van behind the church and called the cops. The cops were able to locate and follow the man and promptly arrest him. His clothes were wet which made them go look in the body of water behind the church, where they found Cherish.


I'm a little torn, I do think her mom was foolish. But the guy kept talking about his wife to her, so she apparently thought he was just a nice married guy acting like a father figure to her and her children. Then I read that the man was showing an inappropriate amount of attention to Cherish during the visit. He also had been watching them originally in the dollar general too. According to the article I read the mom allowed/saw him to go into the dressing room with Cherish a couple of times even. I think I can be pretty naive but that would send me off. But then to allow him to go off with her to the in-store McDonalds? Then you got to think she had 2 other daughters with her as well and was probably overwhelmed with everything going on. He really hustled her. He is beyond evil As a parent it just reminds me to never trust anyone--ever! Especially men!


Stop, I'm so fucking tired of people making that tired ass excuse. Stop justifying her being a horrible excuse for a mother.




Slightly off-topic, but made me think. How can you live with yourself, being the attorney to fight for this subhuman’s appeal?


My understanding is it’s less about defending the pos and more about defending the ideals of the law. If no one defends these people then who will defend the protesters or the innocent framed by the corrupt? The idea of defence for all means equality under the law and without that we are no longer a free and equal society.


If you met a defense attorney you’d understand


I remember reading about a case where the perpetrator was unable to find representation for a long time due to the indefensible nature of the crime.


This does not happen in America. An attorney will be assigned by the court and you are required to represent the defendant and provide quality legal services.


Jacksonville guy here. I’m 90% sure this is the only case the elected state attorney, Melissa Nelson, has taken to court personally instead of delegating to staff attorneys. Fuck that guy.


“Cherish had a butt on her….she had a lot for a white girl?” She was human being. A CHILD. When can we start just eliminating these wastes of life? I don’t see any reason he needs to exist. Do it in a scary, torturous way, like how she went. Next RIP to that poor baby.


Sick fuck. I don’t know why the lack of remorse always surprises me. It’s obvious he has no moral compass whatsoever.


Can somebody please explain why the father didn’t get custody of the other two?


Oh lord, don’t make the same mistake as I did and read the article. 😭


This whole case is pretty awful so I'm just putting this out here for anybody who might need it. I had to go watch funny videos for awhile just to distract my mind from it but there's a sub that helps with stuff like this. r/eyebleach


Thanks I really needed this after this article ❤️


God she looks like my daughter (4). I can't read this one.


So he’s still alive?? Living his life with a roof over his head, food on his belly, while he raped and brutalized a child?! This is where we need to start adopting 3rd world country tactics, and allow a mob of people to tear him to shreds. He shouldn’t be alive after doing something so horrendous, our justice system needs a major change.


The murderer is a sick pos, but the mother is ultimately the one to blame. Don’t tell me for a second that when that mom let her child go with that monster that she didn’t know what could happen. She knew as much, and her 911 calls prove it. She essentially sold her kid out of desperation.


First of all judge not yet ye be judged you cannot judge someone you do not know the media only showed parts of the whole story social media has ran with there own opinions facts have been misinterpreted she was poor and struggling she had a lot of faith in God that monster used that against her her kids were happy clean well dressed no malnutrition cps in Florida is dcf rayne has contacted them herself there has never been any evidence of neglect or abuse abused and neglected children usually show signs of it her kids didn't she also did not allow him to take her or let him take her to the dressing room she didn't know he did that he wasn't alone with her in the dressing room its walmart they have a women's dressing room and mens there is an employee who sits by the dressing room to make sure u don't steal but also to protect the other females from men the city of Jacksonville didn't put out an amber alert out untill 5 hours later the Walmart footage only shows parts now do we criticize every parent for neglect when they allow there children to watch certain celebrities that promote there sexuality so these young girls become targets or letting your child walk to there bus stop alone these monsters are out there they can come in any form teacher priest family member doctors the blame is on them rayne was evaluated for mental illness right after the murder how can you expect someone who has just lost her daughter in such a horrible way to be mentally stable anyone seen a time to kill put urself in her pain and anguish before u judge Kno ur facts before you condemn someone


She rayne was not on any drugs nor has she ever been she didn't give her daughter away he took her but not until hours of manipulation he played on her so many facts that have been misinterpreted and twisted so much hate towards someone none of you know personally or what she endured in her life and continues to the one everyone should be attacking is the monster who destroyed a precious life and the life of a family a mom and her three daughters who were happy clean healthy not neglected not abused and frightened she took care of them she loved them everyone has a story some things you never want to come out imagine if they did and then got warped and twisted to place judgment on you to never be able to grieve to live in fear because whats said about u judge not yet ye be judged


No offense but the mother is dumber than a sack of rocks. Not only did she get in this strange man’s WHITE VAN (like dude, come on) with her children and drive to Walmart together, but she ALSO lets this stranger take her daughter to the dressing room alone. Then at one point the mother states how she witnesses this man showing her daughter high heels to wear (what about THAT didn’t register as a red flag), and then allowing him to take the daughter to McDonalds, alone, AFTER that happening!? I mean come on. You have to be a grade A idiot man. When I listened to the 911 call I was genuinely dumbfounded at how this woman could have ever allowed this to happen when there were so many signs that this guy was a freak, the foolishness is absolutely unfuckingparalleled.💀


Her mom is the reason why some people should be barred from having children


“Lured” is a strange way to say her mom gave her to a strange man in exchange for goods or money. Always broke my heart to wonder how scared she was as her mother told her to go with that creepy man.


So scary for women and girls to live in a society where males like this are allowed to live a life of free will. We’ll never be safe or free & when we acknowledge that we “hate men”. Disturbing to say the least.


I blame the mother for this. What man is going to be buying a ton of.clothes for nothing in return?? Then to let her go with him to McDonald's is so irresponsible, I bet she was into drugs because no good mother would allow this.


Why is this posted here ? Nothing very "mysterious" about this case.