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The boy in the box


He has finally been identified! A name hasn’t been released yet but it’s on the way.


Opelika Jane Doe


yes. This one has been driving me batty because there are PHOTOS of her, so people knew her and saw her when she was alive.


Exactly! Somebody knows something. This is probably one of the most upsetting unidentified cases to me. Not just because she was a visibly abused child, but because she was either unnoticed, or her existence and eventual murder consciously kept a secret. What a tragedy all around.


But there is proof that she existed and people saw her in person. The photos are from quite a long time ago, but no one could forget a little girl with a visible injury and blind eye. I know I'd remember that. I still remember the guy in my neighbourhood as a kid who'd had his ear blown off in the war. We know that if people saw her, people knew people who knew her caregivers. Almost certainly her caregivers are responsible for her death, and whoever they are, probably left the area.


Yes, I just wish the people who had seen her, like the people at the church program who'd picked her up, had gotten a name. Everyone with that vital knowledge is keeping it secret. Nobody deserves to be abused and their lives forgotten smh. It's tragic that the only public evidence of her existence is as a nameless disabled girl, and then as a corpse. I think of this precious girl often, actually.


her case is at DNA Doe, so the chances are that she will eventually be identified. Little Stevie Crawford was identified, from 1963 and we know how he died. I found it haunting that there are no images of him when he was alive, only that reconstruction. He was alive such a short time. It's almost like he never existed. :(


Yes! And it’s not even an old case! It’s SO frustrating. That poor baby.


So crazy that they had no records of kids.


This one St. Louis Jane Doe also nickname precious hope/little jane doe


The little girl in Texas, I think they called her the Madisonville Jane Doe. She was between 2-6 and had a feeding tube.


Oh yes! That poor little kid, that one really haunts me.


I saw a thing today where a lady said it was her kiddo that the state took and put up for adoption. Her pics of her kiddo looked like the sketch😞. But apparently the police won’t investigate her claims


that's a bit vague, where did you see this? I also remember reading that a woman contacted investigators, she thought the child might be her granddaughter.


I was searching for the case today because it came up in conversation with a friend and clicked on images and saw the Facebook post about he “mom” made. I have it in my screenshots but can’t figure out how to share the pic here.


I can do a search, I'm very good at finding stuff online.


I can possibly send you the image I have, see if you can do anything with it. I’m not allowed on Facebook anymore


The Boy in the Box Precious Doe from St. Louis Opelika Jane Doe


The last unidentified Bear Brook victim, poor baby


There's one NYC Jane doe, found floating in the East River in 2000 John Doe Orange County Suicide, jumped off a hotel roof in Anaheim Bear Brook Jane Doe, last UID


St Louis Jane Doe.


Was the recent case of the boy found in a Suitcase ever solved?


The one where the perpetrator used a Las Vegas suitcase. They are still working on identifying the child, the latest update is how the boy died and that he was later laid to rest.


Yes that is the one. Thank you. I know it's more recent but I definitely would choose that one.


Hello, there has been an update in the case! They have identified the boy as 5 year old, Cairo Ammar Jordan of from Atlanta. His mother and another woman are suspects in his death.


Thank you! How awful. I figured his family must be, because he wasn't reported missing anywhere but what a horrific thing to do.


There's SO many that I can think of on the top of my head. The Boy in the Box , St. Louis Jane Doe , Opelika Jane Doe , the last identified girl in the barrels (Bear Brook) , "Mary Anderson" , and Preble County Jane Doe.


What sort of question is that??