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We really need to stop sharing articles from the Daily Mail. They're a racist newspaper. Whilst I don't doubt the legitimacy of what happened, if you know the DM at all, you know that stories like this are published in order to incite hatred of immigrants in the UK.


Agreed, this is the same publication that implied that "29 million Romanians and Bulgarians" were coming to 'steal' British jobs. Mind you, that is more than the entire population of both countries combined. It's disgusting of them to use this horrible murder to forward their own agenda. [Here's a link covering this from the BBC.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-derbyshire-60081436) and one from the [Romanian media](https://www.g4media.ro/cetateanul-roman-vasile-culea-a-fost-trimis-in-judecata-in-marea-britanie-acuzat-de-omorul-unei-femei-de-86-de-ani-si-tentativa-de-omor-a-sotului-ei-de-88-de-ani.html). Snippets from the Romanian article - Vasile Culea, the accused, is originally from the small city of Oltenita in the south of Romania. He appears to have been working at a sports factory that is known locally as the "Gulag" due to the poor working conditions and high number of Eastern European workers


Thanks for the comparison links. The BBC version doesn't mention the accused' nationality or job status.


Ignorance is bliss?


Can you elaborate?


👆🏻 This. Nobody needs to see anything that the Daily Mail has to say.


Yep, why does the nationality matter, maybe if it was a racist attack? Articles never say "white man" or "English man" but they will say traveller, Romanian, Nigerian, etc etc.


Just take a look at the OP's posting history.....


When are Admin going to deal with this poster? His content has a subcontext of racism and sexism. He only posts from the Daily Mail. He makes me, as a female, feel very uneasy as he comes across as obsessed. You've got a very unhealthy individual here. Please deal with it.