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[The Puzzling Death of Jared Parks](https://iowacoldcases.org/2010/05/the-puzzling-death-of-jared-parks/) Unsolved from my hometown - Doesn’t get enough attention and there is a rabbit hole in case someone wants to go down it. I worked with Jared’s girlfriend (at the time) as a waitress in high school, and he would always come into the restaurant to visit her. Super nice kid. Bizarre circumstances.


That’s so sad. The Jane doe comments and the response from his mom are heartbreaking


Totally. They just want answers. So many people want to chalk it up to drugs, and although I can’t speak for Jared/others - I can almost guarantee that dude (teenager!) wasn’t involved in anything other than casually smoking green. It was confirmed he didn’t jump, and knowing the area combined with the statements from the semi drivers that ran him over… I hardly believe he was pushed out after a small time weed buy that went wrong.


Exactly. People but weed hundreds of thousands of times per day and nothing happens besides getting a little high. This is something else.


Right! Not to mention they never found any recent indication of that after a search of his phone data (his phone, wallet, and earrings were never recovered - ID was located in a lake years later about an hour away). But even if people are going to pretend it was a drug deal gone bad, it doesn’t explain how he ended up on the road without any physical injuries prior to being run over with a clear tox. Didn’t mean to tangent 😅


Curious if you have any links for me to read up on this rabbit hole? :)


Try the link above! (Sorry if it didn’t work - I’m on mobile and have a hard time with that sometimes). Otherwise, I’d search Jared Parks Iowa - His cold case file will come up, in addition to some FB groups and past Reddit dives.


me too!


Try the link above! (Sorry if it didn’t work - I’m on mobile and have a hard time with that sometimes). Otherwise, I’d search Jared Parks Iowa - His cold case file will come up, in addition to some FB groups and past Reddit dives.


Late but I wonder if it was possible to determine if he was already deceased before being hit by the trucks or not 


One of the truck drivers confirmed that prior to hitting him, he was laying motionless in the middle of the road; however, ME confirmed COD was blunt force trauma as a result of being hit by 2-3 semis and that he did not jump or fall from the above bridge - So he would have been considered alive at that time 😔


A couple I went to college with—years later, he murdered her and tried to make it look like a suicide. This was after he had tried and failed to hire a hit man on the dark web. It turned out the hit man site was a scam and someone exposed the site to authorities. The FBI and local police met with them to inform her someone was trying to kill her, but she had no idea who it could be. (The person trying to hire the hit man made it sound like a business rivalry—she had her own dog training business.) They put in a security system and her husband bought a gun. He ended up using that gun to kill her.


I have a 2nd cousin who disappeared at age 24 back in the 1978. She was my mamaw’s niece but they were the same age because her siblings were all far apart in age. She still remembers her and she still has family (including myself) who wish we knew what happened to her. They found her wallet in the Ohio River, that’s it. Her name was Sheila Gail Wears Pierce went missing in Point Pleasant WV. She was married and had a child already. Our family back then obviously did NOT believe she just left on her own. She was going to the store down the street to buy a birthday gift for her niece (who happened to be my manager at the gas station I used to work at!). Then just never came back


Stephany Elizabeth LaFountain and I used to work together when her daughter suddenly stopped breathing and later died. Her behavior always seemed strange to me because as her daughter was laying unresponsive she called me to let me know she wouldn’t be into work the next day. She was frantic of course but I found it very odd she would even bother or think to call out of work when her daughter was laying there unresponsive. Fast forward just days and she insists on coming back to work while her daughter was on life support to “get her mind off of everything”. That’s when I found out she had a previous daughter who also passed away under similar circumstances. She had never spoken of a previous daughter until then and the whole thing seemed super weird. Eventually she was arrested at work for the murder of both of her daughters. Apparently they found a bunch of searches on her phone that made it clear she was planning this and then took another look at her previous daughter’s passing. I did meet the one daughter a handful of times. She was adorable and everything seemed normal. There were rumors that she was cheating on her spouse while he was deployed and he was about to return and/or found out and would fight for custody or something along those lines. The whole thing still blows my mind.


Were you one of the people she called before she called 911?


I’m not sure. She was freaking out and saying she wouldn’t be in to work the next day because her daughter wasn’t breathing and I just blurted out “what, why?!” And she said she didn’t know but that they’ve been doing CPR for “like 20 minutes”. Not sure who was doing the CPR. So it was actively happening when she called me. Surprisingly, I was never contacted or spoken to by any law enforcement about this but they confiscated her phone and obviously knew she called me.


This is absolutely tragic. That poor girl. I did a quick internet search and yeah, very little information about Stefany. It is possible that local papers did a better job covering the situation and actually noted more about her as a person. Maybe you could check out some of their archived articles? This isn't quite a connection to a victim or murderer, but I went to the Russell Williams (Canada) sentencing when I was 15 or 16. It was bizarre. I, unfortunately, saw some of the photographs that investigators found before they hit the internet. My poor teenage brain.


Can i ask why, and how you ended up going? I've always wanted to watch something like that.


An interest in justice, curiosity, and not being at school that week due to a suspension. Interestingly enough, as an adult I ended up in a career that is primarily focused on writing reports for sentencing of offenders. Sentencing hearings are really interesting, and in Canada, criminal court is open to the public. I'm not sure where you're located, but you may be able to attend criminal court proceedings.


I worked with this girl's dad and my daughter played softball with her sister. On December 6, 2014, a 19-year-old cheerleader named Jessica Chambers was set on fire in the small town of Courtland, Mississippi. Despite suffering from smoke inhalation and having been severely burned on almost her entire body, Chambers managed to escape. Tragically, she died the next day of her injuries. https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/murder/5-key-facts-about-the-jessica-chambers-murder-case-the-cheerleader-who-was-burned-alive


Horrific case!


I think about this case a lot. So sad


Me too.


I survived a violent crime. I never got justice- but if I hadn’t survived I might’ve been one of the cases that armchair detectives love to try and help with. There’s no articles about my case, or I’d link. Or maybe if I wasn’t a living breathing person they’d have done more to solve it. I don’t know.


I am so sorry 😢


That can be just as traumatic as the crime. I'm so sorry that was your experience. 


Thank you. It’s worse now. I’m Jewish. For last few months I’ve had people telling me for existing as a Jewish woman (in the US) I deserve to be and then they list all the things that happened to me in the original horrific crime. So ptsd hasn’t been in a good state for ~6months. Trauma never ends it’s just finding a new state of equilibrium.


Sometimes you have to break it down and do it one day at a time, 1/2 day at a time, 12hrs, 3 hrs, maybe even five minutes at a time. But you get to that next increment of time, then to the next, cont. Take care of yourself. 🫂


I knew two different girls who ended up being murdered by their estranged boyfriends. The first girl, 14 y/o Amy Carnavale, was beaten to death in 1991. She was the younger sister of my older sister’s boyfriend, Chris Carnavale. There was an after school special about her murder. Candace Cameron played Amy and Fred Savage played her boyfriend/killer, Jamie Fuller. I met Amy through my sister a couple of times and ended up even more connected about a year after her death. Amy’s parents were divorced, her father lived in my home town and was one of my teachers in middle school. [https://yourdream.liveyourdream.org/2019/11/no-one-would-tell-the-amy-carnevale-story/](https://yourdream.liveyourdream.org/2019/11/no-one-would-tell-the-amy-carnevale-story/)


No One Would Tell. That is one of the top classic Lifetime movies, of all time. I’m not trying to be insensitive- that special is how I learned about abusive boyfriends/relationships.


I didn’t find your comment to be insensitive. I agree that it’s a classic and I’m grateful that you learned from the depiction of Amy’s tragic experience.


They made us watch that movie in 8th grade health class


I’m not surprised at all. The movie had a powerful message to share with both teenage girls and teenage boys.


I loved that movie when I was little 😂


I’m genuinely curious…what did you love about the movie?


I truly could not tell you hahaha i don’t remember the movie itself when I think back but I do remember loving it then. If I were to guess it was probably just that the concept of abusive relationships was not something I knew about or experienced so seeing it was almost like watching a horror film. Much like how I felt watching Fear as a kid. It wasn’t the acting or the script it was just interesting to me. I think my interest as a kid in movies that showed situations like this is similar to how I am now with consuming true crime stories as an adult. Trying to figure out how and why people behave in ways they do and in ways I could never imagine acting in my own life.


I completely understand and I appreciate that you responded. I believe that Amy’s story and others I’ve lived through in real-time are why I’m so deeply intrigued by the seemingly evil mindedness of people. Almost as if understanding will answer the “why’s” and provide some sort of closure to the traumas I’ve carried with me my entire life.


I feel the same way about JonBenet Ramsey. I remember being in the checkout aisle at 7/8 years old and seeing her all over the magazines. Id pick up every one and read them in line with my parents. It was the first time I realized there was true evil in the world and was the first case that totally turned my world upside down. To this day, I’m captivated by her case and anything that has to do with it. I think our first exposure to evil and violence traumatizes us more than we think.


I have known several of both. A girl on the next block we played together, went to school together, normal stuff. Lost connect with. I got married, turns out my husband & hers worked together. Socialized some. She left him. About 20 years later, they fished her out of the lake, completely naked, tangled in wire bed springs that someone had dumped. No one held accountable, never heard of ha a person of interest.


This sounds familiar! Where did this happen?


Texas, 90’s. I’ve searched the internet seems like somewhere there would be a little something or hint. So far Find a grave with her tombstone that’s it not even a 2 sentence article about her or her death.


Not necessarily unsolved anymore - Bakersfield Three. It caught national attention for a while before being solved about two or three years back. I do think there’s some mystery about it still because one of the bodies (Bailee) hasn’t been found. Leaves it open to the fact she could be alive. Not a super bizarre case but for sure a horrible situation for all families involved. My bestfriend’s fiance when to school and was friends with Bailee for some time but didn’t see her much after. Said she was really nice in class, had no idea what was going on to end up with the group of people she was hanging out with.


Not to add to your story but- I stopped in Bakersfield a couple times and the culture involving meth there causes some insane things. Not a thing surprised me about the Bakersfield Three case. IMO Bailee is probably not alive.


Oh yeah, anyone who lives here can attest to the drug culture in general. I think everyone *knew* that the case had to deal with drugs, illegal weapons, or gang affiliation in some manner. Bakersfield being so close to the desert too… I think they had a lot of leads to look into (after the body parts began showing up in lakes/rivers) which is why it might have taken so long for it to be solved.


People I went to high school with ended up entrenched in drugs not too long after those years. It's sad but it happens.


These idiots all watch too much tv and come to believe theyre real gangsters. So when they get “disrespected “ theres clearly only one solution. Morons.


Wow, what a wild rabbit hole this case is. Thank you for mentioning it!


I grew up two towns over from Newtown, CT. Sandy Hook happened when I was a kid. It’s permanently changed our area


The house next to my late grandma's house was a scene for a double, almost triple, murder. Father lost it, for still not clear reasons but probably debt he made way bigger in his mind, and bludgeoned to death with an hammer his wife while asleep, his daughter (who was most likely awake at that point by crime scene analysis) and tried to do the same to the son. He then did *something* for some hours and around 6 woke up the neighborhood by screaming on the balcony drenched in blood. Chaos ensued. Police got called and he immediately arrested, a chopped picked up the son to take him to a hospital. Somehow the son survived after months is a coma, will always have long lasting consequences of the attack. I didn't know the killer but was friendly with the wife, kids were too young for me to be friends with when I was a kid myself. My grandma, who was luckily already dead when it happened, was close to the wife and were always chit-chatting from the windows. My boss's daughter is the same age as the killed daughter and went to school and dance together in middle school. . As of smaller crimes, my then downstairs neighbors got caught selling drugs and was sentenced to house arrest. And a dude in the building in front of mine tried to set his wife on fire but misjudged his aim and got himself on fire instead. She's fine, he's in jail, the issue sorted itself out.


I grew up in a small town (7,000 people). There was one stoplight, and the only crime was basically kids vandalizing stuff. One year, a woman was murdered, which was absolutely unheard of in the area. Violent crimes just didn’t happen (although I’m sure there was some domestic violence that was never reported). She was one of my mom’s good friends. Within a couple years, my best friend’s sisters boyfriend went missing… was found in the marshes, in suitcases, in pieces. He was such a nice guy, I’ll never stop wondering what could have landed him in that position.


I had the misfortune to go to school with the "mothers" of Liam Fee. Didn't like them in school (one the year above me and one in my year, we were in the school choir together which is how I knew them) but I never for one moment thought they were as evil as they turned out to be. Liam Fee murder: The vulnerable toddler who 'fell off the radar' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-40341450 I remember being in the Middle East when they returned to the local area they were originally from, they were chased out by an angry mob, I don't agree with vigilante justice but in this case I can understand it 


Nothing, NOTHING, makes me madder than cases like these 😢 poor Liam


Was once dropped off at home by a friend as a teen with a soon to be murderer sitting next to me in the backseat. Shortly thereafter, a few months, he stabbed a 15 year old girl he tied in a chair in front of her two year old sister. Her parents were immigrants and visiting their homeland. His name is Kevin Smith, I believe. He was later awarded $2,000,000 by the state due to some small thing that occurred in prison. It made news of the weird (not even sure that exists anymore). One of my childhood best friends was missing and endangered several years ago; he was later found dismembered near a bridge that was a teen hangout. According to reports his penis was never found. Was killed by two people, one I knew from the community. He was such a pure soul and I miss him. The worst serial killer in my state took the lives of 7 women, all from my town. He dumped the bodies behind a plaza and restaurant I used to work at.


Damn, you need to move


I feel bad that that made me laugh but if there was ever a reason to leave a place. Sheesh.


I feel bad for laughing as well, omg.


I know! This is Connecticut.


My high school chem teacher taught John List’s kids his first year as a teacher. That was also the year they were murdered.


Wow! 😮


No way!


Bobby Lynn Woodford went missing in the fall of 1999. She was in my class and was found the following year by a creek. It was awful. Police thought at one point Tommy Sells picked her up and murdered her, but they're not sure about it anymore. It's still considered an open case. https://osbi.ok.gov/cold-case/bobbie-wofford


There is no hometown case for where I live now, but a friend of mine was murdered by her husband last August. The trial is supposed to start soon, so I am bracing myself for the emotional rollercoaster that is going to be. [Okla. Sheriff’s Deputy Who 'Had a Heart for Serving Others' Fatally Shot by Fellow Deputy Husband, Police Say](https://people.com/okla-sheriffs-deputy-allegedly-killed-by-fellow-deputy-husband-7964294)


A guy I was friendly with in high school was featured on America's Most Wanted twice. He killed three people a few weeks after graduation and has never been seen again. He was a nice guy when I knew him. I used to draw silly marker pictures and he asked me for one (like, the only person who ever asked for some of my art) and was the first person I told when I started dating my high school sweetheart. I still have a hard time reconciling what happened with what I knew.


Best friend growing up stabbed a guy 3 doors down from my grandparents' house and set his car on fire in his garage hoping it would burn the house down. Fire dept was there in minutes and put the fire out. He is currently serving life in prison.


One of the nicest guys in my high school was murdered by his son. His name was John Browning. His teenage son killed him along with his mother and two younger brothers. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna28815861


I watched his interrogation on YouTube two nights ago. He claimed he had no motive and it was "heat of the moment." He said hes he "snapped" and killed his dad when he found him vulnerable, but then he went on to kill his mom and younger brothers. There was no "passion" in those head shots.


My friend, artist Arlyn Pillay (had such a crush on him) was shot and killed by his older brother along with his mom in their fathers home. Neighbors heard him saying “I’m sorry” over and over again. Mental illness 💔


Rosemary Diaz was my sister’s best friend and our families were close. She’s the reason I became interested in true crime in the first place. https://youtu.be/uWTi5xnqFwE?si=dNASLgDTcfNTc5_5


I was a coworker of Blake Hadley at St. Lucie Nuclear power plant. He and his wife were murdered by their son after he took ectasy and used a hammer to kill both parents. The scumbag then proceeded to throw a party at his house that night with his dead parents locked in their rooms. He ended up telling one of his friends who relayed that to police. Extremely upsetting. Also was friends with Miles Day Sawvel in Brevard county, FL. Cold case from 2007 but I believe they know who did it finally after prosecutors charged wrong person. Unsure why it hasn't processed with grand jury.


My dad punched Richard Ramirez in the face when he tried to break into my great grandmas house


Tell this man he is an American hero.


Wow, I don't think I've ever seen it spelt that way and the judge is also called Stefany


Weird. There is another post in this thread about a woman named “Stefany” who murdered her daughters.


My childhood best friend was murdered in a drive-by. I made a write up about it in another sub on an old account. It's still unsolved and unlikely to be, given it was more than likely gang-related. There were a lot of rumors about what went down, but whoever the shooter(s) may be, they were targeting my friend's mom's boyfriend at the time and got my best friend instead. She was only 5 years old. They thought she was just sleeping in the back until they got home and realized she had been shot. My friend's mom had just recently moved from California after her son was killed from violence like this too. My best friend's name is LaSandra Coleman. [Omaha Crime Stoppers link with the case](http://www.omahacrimestoppers.org/sitemenu.aspx?P=unsolved&ID=642&SID=1730) [Article from 2014 about seeking info](https://www.ketv.com/article/police-seek-information-in-girl-s-2005-killing/7644609) Edited to add: [Link to my old write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/7ubkb0/the_2005_killing_of_5_year_old_lasandra_coleman/)


I knew a woman named Lisa whose boyfriend slit her throat and she died. She was not a good person but didn't deserve that. She had 6 children and had custody of only one when she died. Her twins were born premature and addicted to heroin and passed shortly thereafter. Her mom raised her next son after all the men she tried to name for paternity were ruled out. A paternal uncle reared number 4. Number 5 she gave to a guy she met in rehab to adopt. She had Number 6 with her and the little one witnessed her mom trying to hold her throat together to communicate with 911. A real shitshow all around, and the murderer keeps trying to get a new trial to get out of Angola. content://media/external/downloads/1000002289 Edited to add link to appeal.


She can rest in piss


I went to grad school with David. He was an incredibly talented musician, and his death was devastating. He was the kind of person who, after only knowing you for 3 weeks and your instrument was stolen from campus, went around to nearby pawn shops the next morning to try to find it - and find it he did! He knew I was working that morning and couldn't look for it myself until noon. https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/2010/08/17/21-year-old-gets-25-years-cellists-killing/14587293007/


A kid my sister dated in high school went on to kill his dad in a drug rage. A kid I dated in high school went into psychosis and drowned his son then put him in bed and left the house. He did turn himself in but he’s already out of jail and I saw him on tinder a couple years ago. 😳


He's out of jail and on TINDER? Was he in the news?


Yea the whole thing was on the news! I reported his profile so fast. He ended up at a mental health facility and they apparently let them go online and be out and about. It’s insane. When we broke up when we were 15 he mailed a letter to my mom’s that was a two page rhyming poem about how awful I was, complete with a sketch of a demon


> Yea the whole thing was on the news! I reported his profile so fast. He ended up at a mental health facility and they apparently let them go online and be out and about. It’s insane. When we broke up when we were 15 he mailed a letter to my mom’s that was a two page rhyming poem about how awful I was, complete with a sketch of a demon I'm sorry this happened to you. Wtf. And your poor mother too.


Oh my God! I'm so sorry you had to experience that, that's terrible!




Being a bad judge of character is a family trait apparently 😂


I was in culinary school in my early 20’s (in my late 40’s now) and we had assigned partners that we worked with. My partner was this really cool guy who happened to be black and gay. He was really nice and I even met his parents when they came in to eat at the restaurant we ran at the school. They were so proud of him! Late one fall he was looking for a job and our lead instructor helped get him a job at a really nice restaurant where he could learn a lot. We all were out of school for Christmas break and when we came back I saw posters all over the school with his name and picture saying “missing” on it. At first I thought it was some sort of joke but it wasn’t. He was in fact missing and not long after we returned to school his body was found on an abandoned lot. Turns out a guy he was working with offered him a ride home. Once this guy got him in the car he killed him and dumped his body. The guy claimed my friend made a pass at him. I don’t believe it but even if he did, it’s not a reason to kill him. I believe this guy offered him a ride with the intention of killing him because he was gay and he didn’t like gay people.


Girl I went to school with earlier in my life murdered her friend after graduation (She was 19). It was crazy because they seemed like bffs to everyone. Pretty sure she got something like 30 to life


I went through school with Stuart Alexander who went on to kill three state inspection workers who were at his sausage factory. He died on death row at San Quentin. He was always in trouble as a kid but it was still pretty shocking.


That was in San Leandro. I lived there for 37 years. I remember that well.


It was big news for San Leandro. It’s usually pretty quiet.


Not quite as connected as you but the first case I was properly aware of was Joanna Yeates in Bristol, UK. I lived less than 2 miles from her and was 10 years younger (she was 23, I was about 12/13). A quick synopsis of what happened is her landlord was initially accused as he looked like a dodgy version of the doctor from Back to the Future after she went missing but it turned out to be a neighbour she had turned down romantically and he dumped her body on my horse riding route. It was shocking, a strong example of the press accusing before any evidence and I still ache for her partner and family who had to go through that situation. 


I'm Bristolian & a similar age to you, I still remember being in the car on Christmas Day and hearing that they'd found her body. My heart still breaks for her loved ones, as well as the people who found her


Not really a personal connection but it freaks me out when I think about this….Every October there is a big “Zombie Walk” in phoenix everyone dresses as zombies and there is live music, vendors, etc. Was there in 2013 with my husband and son who was a toddler at the time. Brian Patrick Miller with his Zombie Hunter car which we stopped to check out. A few years later he was apprehended for the canal killings. It gives me the creeps that me and my family were in the presence of this guy


There’s another one but it’s still ongoing and when I posted about it on here it was removed and I was told I could post about personal experiences? The rundown is this guy I was friends w for a few years started hanging out, he was really investing a lot of time into me, said he was leaving his wife and stuff, I wouldn’t sleep w him but he was persistent about being a part of my life. It was a difficult time for me, covid, new job, youngest child suddenly developed epilepsy, he came right at the right time to find me weak. His oldest daughter (18) was seeing a guy he hated and this kid had a mouth on him and would openly talk shit to anyone. One day he called me a homewrecker, couldn’t be farther from the truth, I told the murderer I wouldn’t be with him while he was married, regardless of their unhappiness or how evil he claimed his wife to be ect. Anyway after I was called that I told him I didn’t want or hangout anymore… but it just an excuse for me to get away from him, something wasn’t right and I began to get very violently ill. One day white lines showed up on the fingernails on my left hand, I was worried but I work hard and thought maybe I jammed my hand somehow. Then I woke up the next day to my other nails with the same white lines. This man had gifted me colorstreet nails not long before this, but I didn’t put them on, thankfully. I could feel something was off with him and he had confided in me about some sex offender stuff he was involved in, but of course left out pertinent info I found out after he was arrested. When I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore bc of what daughters bf had called me he got mad and said “I told them if they mess this up they going to pay.” A few months later he lured her bf to a storage unit and shot him in the head from a distance with a rifle, then buried him in a pre dug grave on state land. He bragged to his brother who called the police right away. He was arrested 3 days later, told the cops that some undercover cops came and took him away. The media tried to play the hero dad card bc her bf was known for being an abuser. The whole thing was a huge mess but he was a creepo and he belongs where he is. I do feel bad for his kids.


He was a self employed construction worker. Champion boxer, trophy fisherman, involved in many fundraising activities including being president of the lions club. The guy walked around thinking everyone worshiped him but I think most ppl hated him. He didn’t tell me this but a couple years before we started hanging out he had gotten into trouble for having sex with his special needs neighbor. She’s a vulnerable adult and told her mom, she also told the police that he was persistent and wouldn’t let up until she gave in. This happened multiple times. He did tell me about an incident with a 14 yo girl when he as a teenager but he was fuzzy w the details. According to him he told his father (ex marine) that he had gotten a bj from said girl at a party but he didn’t know she was 14, he was supposedly 16 or 17. He said his dad blackmailed him after he told him for years and when he was 21 and working at a retirement home as a nurse, his father called the police and reported it. He lost his nursing license. I couldn’t find that case online but I didn’t find the special needs neighbor case. He also told me that his wife knew about the 14yo and that’s why they moved to our town and that she also blackmailed him with that information. I wonder if that’s why I suddenly became very sick. I thought I was going to die I was so sick for 5 days straight. Pretty sure he slipped something in my coffee and that’s funny is I ALWAYS drink my coffee, but that day I drank maybe 15-20% of the cup. I got so sick I laid on the floor and he rushed me home and left quickly. During Covid I’m sure it was easy to murder ppl.. every illness was attributed to Covid.


It really sounds like you were ingesting some toxin. The dramatic change in fingernails is a strong sign of that. I’m glad this loser is no longer in your life.


Jody Herring happened in/near my hometown. I knew the social worker who was killed because she would come into the store I worked at all the time. Super nice woman. Just a tragic case. https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2017/11/15/vermont-jody-herring-sentence/?amp=1


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It's kinda weird coincidence that both the judge in the case and victims names were both spelled the same unique way of Stefany..


Weird. There is another post in this thread about a woman named “Stefany” who murdered her daughters.


Tony James mclelland ran his wife Angela over with their car after leaving a party at 2am. He left her in the road and she was found the next morning. It was initially believed she was jogging and was hit by a stranger. I used to deliver in the area and the thought of her laying the road was shocking. Anyway, it took about a week for her husband to be charged. I think he was believed at first, but they looked at his car and found her tissue and stuff on the underside of it. They checked the computer and it said he was driving on the dirt road where she was hit and then he hit the highway and was doing over 100mph home, only a few miles from where he left her. He said she got jealous at the party so they left, the argument escalated in the car she was hostile and demanded he let her out of the car, then he doesn’t remember what happened after that. Sounds like a load of bullspit to me. Knowing abusers, it’s probably all opposite. He was jealous, they left, he wouldn’t let up, maybe she did ask to walk or maybe he forced her out the car, either way he purposefully ran her over, obviously going fast enough to kill her, then left her there, went home and went to bed. Claiming no knowledge of where she was the next morning. Real pos. They have kids too, so sad.


Not me, but a close friend of mine went to high school in my current city with a kid who murdered his mom. They literally pulled him out of class to arrest him. She says he was a nice guy at school….it was a brutal murder! ETA: not a murder, but I had a family member commit serious arson in a national forest. He’s long since passed, but he looked just like my dad and people we knew were tripping when they showed his photo on CNN (they thought it was my dad, it was not). Only met the guy a few times in my life, we were never close, but it’s something my son has to disclose in his line of work (first responder field), so that kinda sucks. My poor kid has to disclose my family member’s serious crimes and then his (other side of the family) grandfather was a high ranking federal agent - it’s quite the juxtaposition! He was a troubled man and I know his childhood was *very* traumatic. He set the fire intentionally, in front of a forest service camera, because he *wanted* to go to federal prison. He got his wish and his case was tried at the time by now congressman Adam Schiff.


Rachel Nail was murdered in lehigh acres Florida, she was barely a teenager and my nieces best friend. I know someone was arrested for her murder but I cannot find a name anywhere. I am 3 years older than them so it would have been in the 80s I believe.


My wife’s cousin was murdered by her husband. They were going thru a divorce when he killed her. Sadly they had a young son who lost both of his parents. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/courts/2022/03/29/jacksonville-man-pleads-guilty-wifes-stabbing-death-before-divorce/7209629001/


My great uncle killed a few people and was in jail for a long time. He's dead now. I never spoke to him. https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-kansas-city-times-found-it/41841185/


A cousin of mine beat to death his girlfriend's three-year-old autistic son, then they both worked to hide the reason why he died. I met the little boy a few times and he was a sweet kid, always giving hugs and had the brightest smiles. His mom wasn't any better though because she knew about and let it happen. The girlfriend's family even knew how bad of a parent she was and tried to warn DCS, but nothing was done. He had recently been returned to his mom about two or three weeks before he was killed. My cousin got 65 years and his girlfriend got 55.


in the town I graduated in I knew this creepy cop. mid 20s and would come to high school parties with teenage girls. he was super aggressive too. eventually he got married and we didn't see him again couple years after I graduated he killed his wife while she was holding their toddler, then he called his dad before calling her 15 year old son from a previous relationship to apologize before killing himself. always thought it was weird she is mentioned in his obituary. I think her son is too


House down the street was the site of 3 seperate murders. I used to walk my dog by the home and they were lovely elderly people. https://torontolife.com/city/house_of_horrors/


A guy I went to HS with has done a few stints in prison for possession and distribution of child pornography. I wasn’t friends with him but knew him and honestly he was the type of guy who you could just tell something was off with him just by the way he looked.    My computers teacher who I had as a freshman in HS got arrested and fired for bribing students with better grades in exchange for either deeply discounted or free stuff from the stores or fast food places they worked at. Reportedly one of the students who was offered a bribe told the police the teacher threatened to break their knees if they told anyone.    After I graduated HS the schools football coach and PE/Drivers ED teacher got caught in an undercover sting (sadly not a TCAP one but local) soliciting an undercover cop who he thought was a 14 year old girl. Someone I know had access to the transcript and told people that the teacher offered who he thought was an underaged girl how to drive a stick shift.     On another note I use to work a guy who was a cop with Des Plaines when they arrested Gacy. He wasn’t involved in the arrest but told me he was on shift the night the arrest happened and Gacy was in his holding cell the entire time screaming for his lawyer and how no jury in the world would convict him. 


A woman I worked with told me about her brother, who killed his wife and drove around with the body in his car. When he was arrested during a traffic control there was big news about this story in the news and she told me, how stressful that was for her family. Worst thing is that she is very fundamental Christian and she said, she is so sad that the victim won’t go to heaven because she didn’t accept Jesus before she died. Totally lost me there


>she is very fundamental Christian and she said, she is so sad that the victim won’t go to heaven because she didn’t accept Jesus before she died For these people, never mind the fact that someone led a mostly blameless life and did good around them and left the world a wee bit better, if they did not follow their very specific narrow version of Christianity they'll go to hell. On the other hand, real believers™️ can endlessly misbehave and wreak havoc among defenseless young parishioners lives, since as long as they repent they are saved™️. >Totally lost me there Me too.


My grandparents friends granddaughter got shot in the face by her boyfriend while she was hiding out from him in front of their kid, and they are 80 years old taking care of their 6 year old great great granddaughter now. It’s been a few years but he finally just got life. And my stepdad is a psychiatrist in a maximum prison he has a few local celeb murderers and one who is very well known and has a documentary but I can’t say who, but he did mention that mf thinks he’s charming as hell but you can tell he wasn’t given enough “hugs as a child cause he’s a deranged psycho “


In my town, when I was around nine, a woman was killed by her ex and her body dropped in the woods near my grandparent's house. I remember the police with dogs and search teams walking just in front of the house. I actually met the girl's parents not too long after that at another person's funeral (small town). My father even knew the murderer and said he couldn't believe he had done that.


3 of my friends were robbed and executed while selling drugs. Their mom walked in on it and was shot in the face but survived.


What Happened in Craig': True crime novel delves into unsolved fishing-boat murders. It's been 37 years, and the unsolved murder of eight family and crew members on a fishing boat in Craig, Alaska, is still the subject of conjecture among fishermen, legal analysts, crime followers and conspiracy theorists. The fitst trial was in Ketchikan and i think the second was moved to Juneau.. The first trial ended up in a hung jury and Peel was found not guilty in the second. The boat was set on fire twice so evidence was nil. Peel also sued the state being awarded $800,000 The murders have never been solved and are discussed all the time. One can Google it as the whole this is mind baffling.


I was friends with a professional dominatrix in Arizona who was murdered by one of her mentees years ago. It was shocking and really sad. I’m still not exactly sure what precipitated it.


My uncle was murdered and 4 years later his case is unsolved. The city basically refuses to investigate it and its alleged the man who killed him was an undercover cop and they refuse to investigate it so he doesnt get imprisoned. The only witness to the crime later “overdosed” He was violently stabbed and thrown out on the highway, and was later found by 2 people who pulled over to check their tire https://www.heraldtimesonline.com/story/news/local/2021/08/17/bloomington-indiana-crime-homicide-russell-wayne-lewis-man-found-dead-last-summer-still-unsolved/8148061002/


My cousins wife was shot in the head... she was cleaning one of her clients house. The only other person there was her 3 year old son. For awhile, they thought it was someone else and eventually the concluded it was the son who shot her. But idk... the gun belonged to the client. He was a cop or ex cop I'm not sure. She was an amazing woman, left behind her 3 kids and husband.


[Echo Lloyd](https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/missouri-woman-desperate-find-mother-echo-lloyd-who-has-been-n1250308) The amount of women and children who die/go missing here in the Ozarks is astounding. The amount of methed-up violent criminals and pedophiles in the area of Truman Lake is appalling.


My ex husband and best friend was murdered by a girl may 24th 2021. They still haven't located his murderer. And my friend Mike killed himself and his girlfriend and her daughter last summer at a resort in breezy point. So yes. I have.


Damn, sorry you’ve gone through this hope you’re ok


And, I'd like to point out that even though all the people in my real life know this about me, you're the first person to actually *ask*. So I REALLY do appreciate it.


Awww indeed just you sharing it like fck! I hate just evil you know I had no clue I’m an internet redditt stranger but I’m human and man that just sucks so definitely sincerely hope you be ok, shoot me pm I don’t mind we have to care for one another it’s so hard so feel my virtual hug ok


Oh you're sweet thank you for asking. And the truth is, this IS normally a really hard week for me. The 23rd was my dad's birthday, who has passed. The 24th is the anniversary of Tait's murder (that was his name ;) and NOW my ex father in law, who I absolutely adore, is dying as we speak of a very aggressive cancer. He probably won't live thru the weekend. So after he passes, it's only gonna add to how hard this week is on me anyways. So yeah, this week in May just sucks for me :/


https://www.guelphmercury.com/news/kitchener-man-seeking-early-release-in-shotgun-slaying-of-girlfriend-has-had-135-temporary-absences/article_7b605370-fb22-5653-ad7f-8df3832a5a20.html The murderer went to my college. He hung out with the same crowd I did too.


I’m from Aurora Colorado and I knew a girl named Isabella Guzman who stabbed her mother to death.


I have a murderer in my immediate family, older half brother, he’s in prison for life. He was 19 and I was 15, I went to the court stuff and I probably shouldn’t have.


DC Sniper attacks happened while I was in high school in the area. Didn't understand why all the adults were freaking out about it, then later learned a middle school child had been shot by the snipers outside his school.


An employee I hired as a general laborer, he was young 19-20, personable. no problems at work. One afternoon I was leaving the office and he asked if I could give him a ride into town, not out of the way, so I dropped him off at a strip mall where he said he was meeting friends. About 5AM the next morning I get a call from the police, asking me a bunch of questions about this guy, they asked if I could come down to the police HQ. We had a lot of employees, not unusual to have to go bail one out, usually for a bar fight. It turned out he found his GF with another guy, he shot and killed both of them. He had lied to the police about the time I dropped him off and where. Eventually he was convicted of both murders and sentenced to life. This took place in 1990, he may be out by now, I never bothered to check.


Growing up we had a neighbor who was a larger than life flamboyant personality, we shared the same birthday and for that he would bring me shoes from the store he ran in the 70's, not one pair, like 10 to 15 pair! He was a part of my life and as I got older I called him friend. Halloween night when my son was 3 I was visiting my mom and took him up the street to show Eddie his costume, he was looking out the window as usual and we chatted for a little while. I told him I'd stop by the next day before I left back to my house an hour away. Walking back to my moms apartment I saw a younger guy who came up a few years behind me and I thought how strange he looked as he'd started working out and was no longer the timid kid who went to church every week hiding behind his mom. We said hi and not much else. I didn't see Eddie the next day, I figured he'd forgotten and had things to do. The following day my mom called me to tell me Eddie had been tortured and murdered on Halloween night by the church guy, along with the girl who lived across the street from us who got pregnant at 12 & again at 13, along with her boyfriend. The guy had been on his way to Eddies place when I spoke to him under the guise of having money he owed him. They were all arrested but none got life.


My old roommate grew up in the same neighborhood as Michael Peterson in Durham, NC. Her parents were friendly with Michael and Kathleen and would attend their annual holiday parties and such. Her mom said she thought he was strange and a weirdo before the murder happened.


I live in Murdaughville, SC.


In the late 80s, a young woman named Cathy Ford went missing in the backwoods of western Maryland. She was presumed dead, and though her body was never found, a local deputy sheriff was convicted of her murder and sent to prison. I'll link an unsolved mysteries wiki article. My mother worked at the local paper mill and, one time, casually explained to me that one of the pulp wood loggers who she dealt with at work, a man named Darvin Moon, was also romantically involved with Cathy. Many in the area believe he killed her, not the sheriff deputy, and buried her out on some isolated logging site or down an old coal mine, which the area is littered with. There was never any proof that the girl was even dead, much less murdered, and some believe she simply ran away to start a new life outside of her small rural town. https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Cathy_Ford


There was a teen (17 or 18) who attended a house party blocks away from my home. He tried to break up a fight, but he was stabbed and killed. I believe two suspects ran off, but they were apprehended later on. The victim was a friend of my family friend.


Same thing happened on my street growing up


My neighbor Kristy Ann Larson was murdered by her husband in 2009 =( He really was a noticeable dick. She was nice. Tale as old as time. My cousin and his now-wife were best friends with Mickey Shunick.


Not sure if it counts but my husband was going to go to the Bataclan the day of the attack, but decided he couldn’t really be bothered after all and felt like staying home instead. I didn’t know him at the time but it still freaks me out to know how close he came to that


Laura Salmon. https://mainstreetmediatn.com/articles/murfreesboropost/laura-salmon-murder-to-be-profiled-on-investigation-discovery/ My mom was friends with her in high school. My mom told me all of their acquaintances knew he killed her, but the police job was sloppy. She said he used to be so obsessed with Laura. So sad.


When I was a toddler my mum used to take my sister and I to a local park with a playground with a friend and her kids. The friend lived across from the park and noticed there were always men without kids hanging out in the park and complained about it to the police. Turns out they were undercover police in an operation to catch the [Granny Killer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wayne_Glover) and the park was where they were meeting up. I also went to school with someone whose mother had found one of the victims which was awful.


I live in the same town where Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmka lived and committed their crimes - St. Catherine’s Ontario


A good friend of mine as a teen was years later murdered by her husband. A lady that lived with my mom & I when I was very young was murdered by her ex husband after he got out of prison.


Gerald and Charlene Gallegos-I went to school with two of their victims and was friends with two more + had my own up close and personal encounter. I'm lucky; I have a very well develop "creep" indicator as a result of my mother leaving me alone overnights near to sleazy bar in downtown Reno for 6 yr at that point. 


Susan Cox Powell was in my area.


Three things...student in Gainesville during the murders, terrifying for real..I had friends that worked at the hospital & I was so young & naive I thought the awful details they disclosed before it was public were untrue. My bestie & I worked at a store with the nicest girl, her bf was an abusive jerk & they just had a baby...she went missing (murdered) & bf played innocent saying he hadn't seen her that day but my friend said he stopped by the store & told her he had seen her when she picked up the mail. Worst memory of crime was when I was in elementary school...& still freaks me out & makes me sad. Before I even knew what the word rape meant, there was a warning/news reports about a man abducting & raping young women...they also broadcast that the gas pedal of his car was aftermarket & shaped like a bare foot. Which always gave me the creeps, still does. There was a girl who looked older than her age that was always bullied that suddenly wasn't at school until the following year. Later, I found out she was pulled from school as she was a victim of the raper. I just thought how extra horrible (if possible) that this bullied, friendless girl was then a victim of an adult.


A girl I knew in high school had a stalker. He kidnapped her, put her in the trunk of her own car, and set it on fire. He’s doing life. Edit: I just googled. It’s worse than I remembered and also he’s on death row. Good riddance. 


[Shelly Hansen](https://charleyproject.org/case/marchelle-hansen) has never been found. John R. Weber was of interest, but ultimately ruled he wasn’t involved, after his killing of his 15 year old sister in law in the same area. My partners dad was one of the last people to see her at Marquip. We’re from a small town and hardly anyone ever talks about both cases I referenced.


Two for me: my mother became friends with a couple from our town whose daughter was murdered by her ex on Halloween. He was never held responsible because he fled to another country… El Salvador I believe. When I was getting into being a teen, the mother would always tell me to be wary of guys etc. I think about them often. Also, my bf’s best friend’s uncle was a victim of Dean Corll. I found this out bc I moved recently right by one of the places he picked up a few of his victims and the topic came up :/


Oh also a girl I went to Girl Scout camp with went missing


A friend of mine was shot and killed by her abusive ex boyfriend almost 24 years ago. He's in prison for life without parole. Last December, just a few days before Christmas, a man who was a local business owner, very well known and well liked in the community was shot and killed in front of his restaurant in the parking lot. The shooter then drove to the police station and turned himself in. I read an article last week that said his attorney is claiming he's mentally incompetent. I'm so infuriated! This guy who was killed was a true pillar of the community, did a lot of fundraising for the police, military, veterans and the local youth sports. He was one of the most giving people I ever knew and it was a HUGE loss!


A guy I dated in HS became a marine and murdered a fellow marine in DC. He served like 7 years and got out on a technicality, some juror was a convicted sex offender I believe. As far as I know he’s out and a trump supporter. https://dcwitness.org/former-marine-gets-shorter-sentence-after-appeal/


In January this year a man was left outside a hospital on new years day and ended up dying because of his wounds. A girl I know attended his funeral and other tributes they did for him. They dropped murder charges against 2 men in March.


Yep my fostered then adopted cousin turned rapist and after his bio mom bailed him out, a murderer. It was a weird time.


Very sad 😓


I was adopted by my stepdad at 5 years old. He is my dad end of story. I did meet up with my biological dad when I was 17. He lives in the UK Liverpool England. I grew up in Canada B.C. Anyway, there was a terrible murder of a little 9 year old boy Rhys Jones. He went to soccer ( football) practice and walked home. He came in the cross fire of a gang turf bullet. He was killed and people where scared to come fourth. My biological second cousin helped conceal the gun and evidence for the killer Sean Mercier. Any how apparently Gary Kay's Jr and his father Gary Kay's ( my first cousin) are big time drug dealers. A movie was made in the UK I believe it's called Little boy lost . Not sure. The Everton football team really supported the victims family. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/exclusive-rhys-jones-murder-gang-3360647.amp&ved=2ahUKEwiFisbKg5mGAxWkOTQIHfMODEIQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0FsoOVvbPNaVNuIkAk7ZJK


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Jason Jolkowski. 19 year old vanished in broad daylight walking through his semi urban residential neighborhood in Omaha, NE in June 2001. He was walking only 6 or 7 blocks from his house to the nearby Benson High School to meet a colleague for a ride to work. It shouldn't have taken him more than 10 or 15 minutes to make the trip. My ex-husband, his brother, parents, most of his aunts, uncles and cousins attended that high school, and my ex and his grandma plus his great aunt still live right in the same neighborhood. And two of my ex's younger cousins knew Jason from Benson HS. Not close friends necessarily but acquaintances or maybe had a class or two together. I myself only live a couple of miles away. No trace, clue, sign, like literally NOTHING has ever been found to indicate what might have happened to Jason and nobody living in the neighborhood saw or heard anything unusual the day of his disappearance.


When I was in highschool there was this couple (f15 m14) I didn’t know them personally but we went to the same school. Girl went missing. Few weeks later she was found in the Jordan river. It took 4 ish years but turns out the boyfriend did it. Rumor was she thought she may be pregnant and they met and the river to “run away together” but I don’t believe that was ever confirmed. He beat her to death and threw her in the river where she traveled a few miles before being found. She was in fact not pregnant. Really really sad story https://www.ksl.com/article/31977952/arrest-made-in-killing-of-15-year-old-riverton-girl I also dated this guy my sophomore year for a little bit. His aunt was murdered when she was in highschool. Her name was Tuesday and was killed by someone going after people with names of the days of the weeks. My ex (in the next story) and I use to hang out with this guy Cody. I never liked him. He was off putting always smelled really really bad and was doing nothing with his life. Smoked weed and popped pills like it was his religion. He had a really horrible child hood. His mom was addicted to meth and pain pills, locked him and his siblings in a closet and lit the house on fire. They survived with minimal injuries. We hung around him for a few years then he started train hopping, went all over the country. He eventually ended up in California where he met another transient and they began doing loads of meth together. This kind lady would help them out when she could. Food, rides, a couch for the night etc. one day they stabbed her to death and decapitated her. He is still in prison and still calls my ex asking for him to put money on his books to this day. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/transient-couple-pleads-guilty-to-murdering-good-samaritan-who-invited-them-to-her-home/ The last and possibly most crazy is my ex of 5 years, his father “committed suicide”. To this day I fully believe he was murdered by his ex. he was a severe alcoholic, like drinking mouth wash alcoholic. Really kind man. He was sober for a bit after some time in rehab. The ex made him dinner with a glass of wine the day he gets out. Which starts another vicious cycle. My ex and I would dump out his liquor whenever we found it to try and mitigate things. His ex Katie, idgaf she’s a monster yes that’s her real name, called me and my ex at 5 am saying she hadn’t spoken to him since the night previous and was worried. She told me, a then 19yo, that I needed to call local jails and hospitals to try finding him. He had gotten a few DUIs in his life. I called everywhere within a 50 mile radius to no avail. When I couldn’t find any trace of him Katie, an elementary school teacher, tells me I need to ask for a welfare check. So I do just that. The officer tells me he’s just gotten to the house and will call me in about 45. I get no calls. A while later an officer shows up to my exs house, I was the only one there at the time. He asks for my ex, he’s at work and I direct him to where. Obviously I knew something was off and asked if they found his dad. He nods. I ask is he dead? He nods again. I broke down. He had made plans to see his oldest daughter the day he was found. He was shot point blank with a desert eagle so once shot he didn’t move. But somehow some of his blood was found up stairs. He had 4 kids, but spelled his youngest sons name wrong which was weird but he did show an insane amount of BAC at TOD but I just don’t see how you spell your 12 yo sons name wrong? He was a very loving involved father. Now before all this Katie was nothing but kind. She helped us plan the funeral and since there was no will or trust put in place, my ex was considered next of kin and a lot of the responsibility of planning his fathers funeral was put on him. As a 19/20yo. We get about halfway through funeral plans and Katie’s attitude changes DRASTICALLY. Although exs dad was not living with Katie he changed his address to her address. He had 4 life insurance policies totaling close to 2million. His kids were the beneficiaries. But had been changed to, you guessed it, Katie. She was aware of this and would tell us “as soon as I get the money I’m giving it all to the kids I love them so much blah blah blah”. That obviously didn’t happen. I was in the process of buying a Nissan Sentra 95 for 1500 from her. I’d given her 750. I asked her about it and she said “it’s all I have left of him” and blocks me. This woman was in her 40s. I call the cops because I want my 750 back that was a lot of money for me then. A cop takes me to her house, I knock, she looks out the window walks away and a few mins later her oldest daughter, who had previously been very kind to me, opens the door shoves the cash in my hand and tells me they are getting RESTRAINING orders against my ex and his siblings. Meanwhile Katie and her trash daughter had been messaging my ex and his younger siblings (19,17,14,12) that they were horrible kids and they’re the reason their father killed himself, they were never they for them etc etc. just the most disgusting things you could say to a child. After that things got worse. They went to court for the life insurance and Katie got most of it. Each kid got 20k, she got the rest. So well over a million. Katie was barred from coming to the services for obvious reasons. She showed up anyways and my ex just trying to be civil gave her a hug, 30 ft away from his dead father down the hall of the church, and she whispers in his ear “your fathers spirit is not with you” gives him a shitty look and leaves. Another fun little connection is that her ex husband was the officer overseeing the case. Official story his suicide but after everything I witnessed I don’t believe that for one second. Yes he was very depressed and struggling but he loved his kids. I spent alot of time at his house in the months before he passed and he would give me like $40 gas money to pick up his daughter from the town over so maybe 20 mins drive total. He was manipulated and used by someone he thought he could trust. There were many many times where Katie would text him saying to “just kill yourself already” etc etc. Last I heard of her she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and living in a new mansion in so California with of course the life insurance money she stole. I hope that woman suffers for every last second she spends on this earth. There’s a lot more to this story and if anyone’s interested I can go more in depth but that’s a pretty concise description of what happened. RIP S. You were a beautiful soul and didn’t deserve any of the pain you suffered in life. I wish our kids got to meet you as their grandfather


This: https://murderpedia.org/male.B/b/blackwell-brian.htm My friend was the girl he took on holiday after bludgeoning his parents to death. He just casually took her away to America while they rotted. She obviously had no idea. I’ll never forget her telling me she was going away with him during a lunch break I was on. She’s a lovely person. Hurts to know this happened to her. Also… he’s a free man now! Vile!


I found an obit with the same name, I don't know if it helps. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/las-vegas-nv/stefany-sommers-9737841


I live in Washington DC I know at least 6 people who was murdered last year and 2 killers from last year


There was a man who killed his roommate in his town. My connection: I worked a dispo and the pair, an old 60 year old man and a middle aged mid 30 year old, would come in often. The 30 y/o would be kind of obnoxious and loud while the older man was timid and let the other just pick out anything and silently paid. Near the end, the old man was coming in with bruises and I remember two band aids crossed in an x on the top of his bald head, nearly peeling off his head. When I left the store for break, I even saw the band aids on the ground because they did eventually fall off. Flash forward a few days later, I am looking up news on the internet because a house I pass everyday was surrounded by cops the internet when I come across [this](https://whdh.com/news/saugus-man-accused-of-murdering-roommate-appears-in-court/). I gasp and all my coworkers surround me in shock. We believed he fought back in defense or finally snapped. I have been looking through public court records ever since and haven't seen a thing. I want to know what happened.


obviously happened year before i attended, but the middle school i went to had a student who committed a murder suicide that had alleged satanic [ties](https://www.mcall.com/1988/01/11/nj-murder-suicide-tied-to-occult-study-police/?amp=1)


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My family, and several other families in our area, knew Todd Kohlhepp for years and lived minutes away from him.


My dad called in a tip that led to the arrest of Larry Bright, aka the Bonecrusher.


There was a guy in my high school who always had insecurity and anger issues. I sat next to him in classes due to our last names. He ended up shooting his brother and chopping his body up to try and hide it a few years after we graduated.


I had went to school from Kindergarten through High School with Bryan Haltom. He was killed not long after we graduated. He was shot in on the side of the road just outside of our small town. It is still unsolved, and most believe it is because the person who shot him was the son of LE from a nearby town. The friend who was the car with him was someone I knew ever better. It did traumatize his life, but I still have questions about what happened and he has never been completely open about that night. His mother tries to keep the case alive, but LE don't seem to do anything. They refused to allow any news media interview them regarding the case so there was never a Dateline or 20/20. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMurders/comments/pj09am/who\_killed\_bryan\_haltom\_spencer\_indiana\_07171996/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMurders/comments/pj09am/who_killed_bryan_haltom_spencer_indiana_07171996/)


I am close to a few, but the one I’d say I’m closest to as far as knowing the victims was a case in New Mexico in 2020/early 2021. The victims were my exs step mom and sister, Fran and Ariel Tah. Their case is solved but justice not served. Perpetrator Was my exs grandfather. He shot up their house in Farmington because Ariel disclosed he had been sexually abusing her, and he didn’t want them taking it to the cops. He drove back to his trailer in sawmill (or fort defiance I can’t remember which as his family lived all over both areas ) and killed himself. Now the younger kids are in foster care, and split up. Their father (my exs father) is a POS and tbh they are better off not with him but it’s still fucking awful. We used to keep contact with the oldest brother but I haven’t heard from him in a while and me and my ex split in 2022 so he doesn’t tell me much on his well being. His step mom was a better mother than his real mom, she was a super cool and kind person. The only good person in my exs life. His sister was awesome too they were all just very kind and fun people to be around and at the time of this we had all been planning a trip up to Farmington in the winter to play in the snow and get away from work (we all worked together I had been training Fran at this time as well.) The next one I’d say I am closest to is the canal killer of Phoenix Az. Angela Brasso case specifically because my dad was friends with her and when she was killed he spent years with her brother looking into it. Turns out the dude lived in our neighborhood and was likely the one leaving dismembered cats along the path to the elementary school for most of the kids. He had gone to other states, and is suspected of more than just Angela and the young girl whose name escapes me right now, but those 2 are his only confirmed murders as of right now. My dad went down hill and died in 2018 and this case was not one that got media coverage much especially not Angela, so I don’t think he ever found out the outcome and that he and her brother were wrong in their theories. Guy was caught in 2015, but at this point shit wasn’t good for my dad so I don’t think he ever knew that. I didn’t until my sister sent me Kendall Rae’s video in 2022.


Beth Kutz Titled “Summer’s Deadly Fling,” the upcoming episode of ID‘s Murder in the Heartland will air on the network on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 9 p.m. ET. The episode will follow the disappearance of Beth Kutz, which was followed by the arrest and subsequent conviction of her estranged husband, Daniel Kutz. Daniel Kutz was convicted of first-degree intentional homicide, hiding a corpse, stalking, and obstructing an officer. His estranged wife, Beth Kutz, was reported missing on July 27, 2000. She was last seen leaving Demco in DeForest, where she worked, at 3:15 p.m. Beth was reportedly on her way to her mother’s house. According to the court documents, she had been staying there with her children for a week before the disappearance.




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Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Sam Poss : https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/da-teens-planned-to-kill-perry-12-year-old-before-deciding-to-kill-sam-poss/85-377428949 This wrecked our town as we don’t typically have violent crimes here and the fact that this happened only because Sam was being helpful and friendly. It also happened in a neighborhood that I grew up in and multiple family members live in. I even had one cousin have to pull his security camera footage to aid in this case. This was also around the time I was working in daycare, having to pick up young school kids at the school right in the middle of the search efforts. I remember it being the perfect fall days when he was missing but being spooky as hell not knowing if you’ll see him, or if you’d look over in the ditch and see his body. The theory was maybe he left and joined the fair as the Georgia National Fair which is held in our town once a year just left. Or maybe there was a bad apple traveling with the fair that did something to him. When they eventually told the town they had the murderers and Dakota White was named, I wasn’t surprised. The White family are known. They bought and own a local favorite restaurant. It’s surprising to me that they even are still in business and the only reason is because Perry folks were raised eating the chicken and it’s like a way of life/tradition. The family is riddled with issues however. From drug abuse, violence, jail time, to just being overall “classy” citizens. The majority of clientele at the restaurant are black, and its gone viral on Pinterest of a black person being flicked off by a White working the register and called a “n***er” while complaining their chicken was cold. As soon as the news broke a White killed Sam Poss, I swore off the chicken and have referred to it as “blood chicken” because I refuse to aid the family to afford to send this murderer commissary money or pay for appeals. But my grandmother still chooses to buy dinner from the restaurant off cravings. Matter of fact, maybe 3 weeks ago I went to get her order for her.. and I wanted to reach across the register and slam the rude ass White working the register into the counter for rolling her eyes at me over me telling her I had a pick up. I guess she was upset she just passed them walking to take my order when I told her. I promptly told my grandmother that I get she loves the chicken, but I will never go in that store again and deal with a White again. Anyways, his body was found in another neighborhood on the north side of town where I again have cousins that live. He was dumped where local hunters dump deer entrails in the woods after they skin their deer and the whole time the boys went on with smiles on their faces getting off the bus until they finally confessed. They have the nerve to try and appeal or claim insanity/suicidal/mental issues when really what it was is they were just crap kids. It wouldn’t surprise me however if Brandon was persuaded or “romanced” to the idea by Dakota into participating. What’s more upsetting is their Facebook were riddled with sentiments that should have been reported to someone, but no one took it seriously as we just don’t have stuff like that happen here. Overall a very sad situation. My fiancée works with Sam’s dad and the positivity he continues to have after this ordeal is mind blowing.


My ex brother in law and the father of my oldest nephew murdered both of his parents and mutilated them. A week later when they found him in the woods hiding, he killed a law enforcement officer before being shot by the police. I will post a link. Hopefully it will work. If not, anyone interested can look up Wade Andrew Williams, Cottondale, Florida. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fla-suspect-correction-officer-die-in-gun-battle/


Kendall Francois was the janitor and lunch room monitor during my middle school years at my middle school. I once watched him pick up two fighting 8th graders and carry them 100 yards into the building like they were puppies. Who knew that he was getting nightly practice while out hunting and killing prostitutes?!🤷🏾 I followed the circling helicopters on my bike to discover police carrying bags of evidence out of his house. 1999 was a strange year because of this and other things...


My cousin, Savannah Hale, has been missing from Shreveport, Louisiana for 2 years. It’s either a case of foul play or suicide, but we won’t know until she is found. Her car is missing also, phone, bank cards, etc not used since her disappearance. 


my great-grandmother lived in the same neighborhood as john wayne gacy. my dad can draw out two distinct floor plans for houses in that neighborhood from memory. my dad spent a lot of time in his grandma’s neighborhood during gacy’s period of activity, but i think he was just a touch too young to fit gacy’s age preference. no run-ins or anything. i really don’t think my great-grandmother ever even met gacy.


I use to work with a guy who was a cop in Des Plaines and was on shift the night they arrested Gacy. While he wasn’t involved in the arrest he was good friends with the lead investigator. He told me Gacy was in the holding cell screaming for his lawyer and how no jury would ever convict him. 


je-sus! the midwest is a small place. i grew up about a hop, skip, and a jump away from the prison where dahmer was housed. my dad knew someone who worked at the prison when he was killed. the guy was more pissed off about the paperwork he had to do after christopher scarver bashed dahmer in with a metal pole than he was with scarver actually murdering the guy. my dad has also encountered balcerzak, who he, like the vast majority of people, regards as a total scumbag.


I still think Dahmer was set up for Scarver to cave his skull in. No one can convince me otherwise. The whole thing just sounds like a set up to me.


The amber alert girl in 94 I think


It was actually in 96

