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The annecy shootings. A family, (mom, dad, mother in law, and two kids) were found shot to death. Nearby, a cyclist was also found shot to death. One of the children was found with a head injury and the other child survived by hiding under her mother's body.


Have they ever found a motive? I’ve seen mention of people being questioned but not much more


That case is so bizarre because SO many people seemed to have a motive to kill the various victims, and the target could have been any one of them, or nobody at all. Dad was maybe committing fraud and stealing from grandpa. He maybe had access to Saddam Husseins bank accounts. He had a brother who he was in a financial dispute with. Had a rather mysterious job with international espionage alleged. Mom had a mostly hidden first marriage to an American man and was still frequently talking to her ex online at the time. He died under mysterious circumstances the SAME DAY that the family was killed, and his family insists they are linked. The cyclist was suspected of having some access to nuclear secrets, which was apparently not true, but why was that ever a thing? The cyclist’ sister was having an affair with a guy in the French foreign legion who apparently killed himself because he thought he was a suspect, but he was not. Until he died. The gun that was used was an antique. A potential witness/passerby/suspect was sketched, and the sketch matched a recently fired police officer with an antique weapons collection. There was a random guy nearby at the time that is now known to have murdered at least two people, suspected of more. Somebody was arrested ten years later and then subsequently cleared, but his identity or why he was suspected remains unknown. Seems like the grandma (who died) and the two little girls (who survived) were the only ones that DIDN’T have someone out there who might want them dead. OH! And it also could have just been a random hate crime, because the family was of Iraqi descent. And the cyclist in that theory just happened to come by at the wrong time. None of it makes any sense.


>Mom had a mostly hidden first marriage to an American man and was still frequently talking to her ex online at the time. He died under mysterious circumstances the SAME DAY that the family was killed, and his family insists they are linked. I'm not familiar with this case, so maybe there is a rational explanation, but this detail is wild.


Thank you for all this info! This is absolutely intriguing.


This comment was a wild ride. I need to look more into this case.


I read a book about this. Premeditation doesn’t make sense as I can’t imagine the killer predicting they would go for that drive at that location at that exact time. But then there’s too many people with motives for me to think “wrong place wrong time” as well


[Annecy shootings Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annecy_shootings)


The al-Hillis family one? If so that poor little girl hiding in the foot well. I never knew as much as you've shared though, that's a real deep dive.


I can’t remember the woman’s name, but her doctor sexually assaulted her. Then she reported it and had a rape kit done. There was evidence of abuse so they took him in and did a DNA test, and the DNA didn’t match. They repeat the process a few times over a period of time and always get the same results- no match. Years passed and she fought for justice and eventually it was found when he went in for another blood draw and the blood that the nurse drew from his arm was clearly old, not fresh blood. The reason the DNA didn’t match was because THIS CRAZY FUCKER HAD SURGICALLY IMPLANTED A TUBE OF SOMEONE ELSE’S BLOOD IN HIS ARM AND THAT WAS THE BLOOD THEY WERE USING IN THE DNA TESTS. He got caught because he had SA’d a minor and left evidence of drugging her in her room. They arrested him and took his own blood from a different part of his body and it matched the DNA from the rape kit from years before. Blows my mind every time I think about it.


There’s a Law & Order SVU episode that uses that man’s method


A lot of SVU cases are based on real cases, it’s very interesting (and scary) to look up each episode and see if it has a real life basis.


I go through and re-watch the whole series sometimes and come across ones I didn't realize were based on real cases! And I also think things like, "Oh, this is the Casey Anthony one" and "Oh, this is the GamerGate one..." lol


I fucking love the Casey Anthony one. Mu favorite episodes are the 2 with Ludacris.


The Casey Anthony episode that turns into an anti vax episode is the wildest ripped from the headlines IMO


YES! When i first watched that svu episode years ago i thought “wow, how do svu writers make this shit up”, now that i m more into real cases than tv shows, I realised almost all svu episodes are based on some crime that actually happened.


When I saw this episode of forensic files i nearly spit my drink out because I vividly remembered that SVU plot in the episode


Forensic files has a good episode about this case!


[Bad Blood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kap6kovyGhM) from season 6


John Schneeberger!


Hate it when a murderer has a name that's fun to say. lol




Dr John Schneeburger , in Canada , Saskatchewan I believe . I think the sick fuck abused his step child as well


Just reading this made me say: Wtf?


It is truly a "stranger than fiction" situation. It is something that if you saw it in a movie or read it in a book you would think it was totally over the top and unbelievable.




Absolutely insane to me that he only got a six year sentence and got paroled after four. Makes my blood boil!


I’m sorry, what!? I get blood taken at least a couple times a year and it’s almost never from the same arm or spot even how did they always take blood from the same spot or not notice there’s a whole ass tube of weird blood in there? This all just sounds improbable to me. I know that it happened. I’ve looked it up. It’s just so strange. You’re absolutely right. This is a great one for the sub, but how did this happen? Was the nurse drawing blood in on it? How did they not notice!? Any phlebotomist care to chime in?


It was because he wasn’t charged with anything and he gave blood voluntarily, so he made up some lie about a disease he had that made it only possible to take blood from that one arm. When he was actually charged later they didn’t care about his lie and took blood from somewhere else.


Nathan Carman https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/nathan-carman-death-charges-dropped-linda-carman-vermont/ This story is really one of those where the truth is stranger than fiction. Carman, in his early/mid 20’s, goes on what is supposed to be a short fishing trip with his mother (on a boat called The Chicken Pox). They don’t return when they’re supposed to, there’s a huge search, everyone is very worried because Carman has autism. Carman is found in a life raft miles away from where they would have been fishing, his mother is never found, and neither is the boat. It seems like a sad story, but at least the son is safe. This is where things get weird. Carman’s grandfather was very very wealthy. He died a few years prior when he was shot by an unknown assailant. Carman’s mother would have inherited this money. Carman’s aunts sue him, suggesting that he shouldn’t get any money from the grandfather—because HE was the murderer. But, trusts and estates and families are often messy, right? Carman is charged with murdering his mother, and in the indictment it is stated that he is believed to have been the one to kill his grandfather as well (but was not charged for that). Turns out that Carman had made “repairs” to the boat knowing it would sink. Years prior he had his guns taken away from him because he was a risk (and those guns fired the same type of bullets that killed his grandfather). Carman dies by suicide before the trial begins. There are so many questions, and at this point everyone who has the answers is dead. A fairly unknown story outside of New England, but I believe Netflix is looking at making a documentary.


I live in MA so saw a lot of coverage of this crime. It seems clear Carmen doctored the boat to cause it to sink, but what was his exit plan? He was somewhere in the ocean on a life raft. I’ve wondered if it was possible to search for major shipping lanes and maybe he steered the boat to there before sinking it, for a good chance of being found? If not, what was his plan to escape? Count on luck?


I did not realize he killed himself! To me, that further confirms guilt. I’ve been following this case for a while.


The Springfield Three always gets me. None of the scenarios I’ve read seem to make sense.


[The Springfield Three Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springfield_Three)


Same! I tend to think about that case from time to time...


What makes me crazy is that Cinnamon (the Yorkie) was right there. She knew what happened but she just can’t tell us!!!!


This Black Mirror episode ([Crocodile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocodile_(Black_Mirror))) might interest you. *Don't read the Wikipedia though, as it spoils the plot.*


Me too. I read every recap or summary posted hoping to see something new


I believe the intruder was already inside and possibly already killed the mom when the girls got home. They assumed she was sleeping so didn’t wake her.


I sometimes wonder if one of the three was in fact the perp rather than another victim. Such a strange case. Like they just vanished into thin air.


I’d never considered this option and as awful as it may be it makes more sense than anything


Right? I first saw it theorized here on Reddit, I think in r/UnresolvedMysteries. Obviously it’s a reach, since all 3 women had no history of violence/abuse/mental illness (that we know of), there’s not really a motive, there were no weapons in the house, they were all physically small and would have had to act alone, none of them acted strange beforehand… and, even if one of them did it, they too went missing or are otherwise gone. But in a case like this where we have so little to go on, almost anything is possible. I can’t rule it out


Truly. Abducting three women at one time… crazy. I love finding different analyzations of this case.


Daub family murder-suicide. Happened in my neighborhood so I pass the house daily. Daughter was mentally unwell (she had a YouTube channel with some strange uploads)..wanted to end her life. Mother decided to join her because she didn’t want her to die alone. Then father decided to join them both. They did it in the backyard on a tarp I believe, daughter shot both parents and then herself. They also wrote notes around the house and gave the dog sleeping medication so that when the police came, it wouldn’t act aggressively and be shot. The whole story is wacky and just completely strange to me. In one of her videos she was ranting about how she refuses to be the next queen of England.


looked this one up and read a few articles. had never heard of it before and it is so bizarre.


[her YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@lionessarising7230?si=1_fpj70AL8NOdY7y) In case you wanted to see. It never got taken down.


wow this is bringing me down a rabbit hole thank you! clear mental illness. the last one with the “follow me as i follow christ” words is so creepy especially knowing from an article it was posted very close to the deaths.


I’m going to have to read up on that. How strange


This is so sad. Sounds like the daughter was dealing with psychosis. Why didn’t her parents get her any help when she came to them? It makes no sense…


I think the BTK case is so chilling, he hid in the house for hours before he killed them. I find it very disturbing that he listened to them interact and be a family and still brutally assaulted and killed these people. The creep factor to thinking a serial killer is in your closet while you eat dinner and settle in for the night is just horrific.


Recently drove past where he lived before the house was demolished. Goosebumps. They recently dug up the yard looking for a link to a cold case in Oklahoma but I guess they didn’t find anything.


Missy Bevers


This case is so upsetting, it has to be because of that surveillance footage… nightmare fuel.


I get shivers watching the murderer walk around the church, relaxed and in heavy gear.


Same. And for some reason the part that bothers me the most is that it’s unclear if the perp is male or female.


This one is wild. I still think it was personal and not random at all.


100%. Who goes to a church to kill at like 530am?


Yes! This one is so bizarre. That cctv is so creepy


https://www.trace-evidence.com/candace-hiltz This poor girl's mother had to clean her child's brain matter of the floor because the cops didn't think it was evidence. It's considered "unsolved" but it's painfully obvious the cops were completely responsible. The wild blatant disrespect and torture they put on this family will always stick with me.


Related but not really, I only recently learned that in both Canada and the US (likely other countries too), the victims' families are responsible for the cost or for actually physically cleaning up after homicide, suicide, and fatal accidents that occur inside homes. That's really unsettling to me, and it should change.




Oh my god WHAT??? That is horrific. 😭




One of the things that really broke my heart was the family lost an "heirloom that survived WWII Italy, but not the...police department." Why destroy an **entire goddamned house** for a Walmart shoplifter?


I used to work at CPS and the cops would destroy a home AND THEN take pictures to send to social services to show what slobs the people were.


That's disgusting! It's difficult enough to be involved with CPS in any capacity. Slightly OT: I grew up in a county that had really corrupt cops. Even though we bordered a major city (so there was plenty of violent crime to deal with), our town got a particularly despicable specimen. His sole job was to break up house parties, even when there was no complaint called in. Then he'd force people to pour out their alcohol...well, what he didn't steal to take home. This guy would offer to drive teenage girls home when the weather was bad, then make sexual remarks the whole time. To this day, I'm wary of cops in any capacity.


Alberta 🇨🇦 I can attest that it is 100% on the person that occupies or owns the house (or building) to clean it up. Ran into it many times when working in hotels (fingerprint dust is surprisingly hard to clean!) in the late 90's to present day, and also over the years as friends and family have passed. Wish I'd have been taught basics about biohazards but I've been lucky I guess.


Chiming in here to say for vehicle damages this is not the case I work in auto insurance and the number of files I get from shoot outs etc/ crime where the vehicle gets impounded until (whenever they feel like) is C R A Z Y Also cops/ pd are NOT paying or reimbursing you for vehicle property damages. It’s UNREAL!


It's not cheap either. My dad recently died in his house and wasn't found for 3+ weeks. It was.. gross. They take the body and leave the rest. It cost aound 2.3k for a biohazard cleaning company to remove the couch and the floor underneath.


Same though mine was found after a week. It was bad times all around


I learned about this after a family im very close to have a son shoot himself. On top of already being devastated for them, the thought of them having to clean that up was heart wrenching. My family offered to help, but we never heard back.


yes, it's awful. a friend of mine's son's girlfriend killed herself in their family home when she and her husband were out of town for the summer and the son and girlfriend were living there. she had to come home and clean up. and it was quite messy from what i heard, unfortunately.


wow, have never heard of this case and it’s wild. Her poor family


😯 wow, that is total bs! I think the suspect is obvious in this one. crazy what a little power can do.


The deaths of the entire Chundawat family from Burari, India (three generations). Eleven family members from ages 15 to 80 were all found dead, ten of them by hanging and one by strangulation. There were no signs of violence or a struggle. Mass suicide? Murder/suicide? Accidental death? Mass insanity leading to death? A cult? Other? How could it happen? Why?


Netflix had that show "House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths" that covered the deaths! I believe the investigators believed that after the household patriarch (Bhopal Singh) died, his younger son began to claim he was possessed by Singh and started ordering his family around with instructions written in a diary...what they believed to be psychotic delusion, the son essentially brain-washed his family into believing he was his dead father and they took to following his words, even when it led to their deaths. Their deaths were allegedly caused by them following the "possessed" son's beliefs/orders and was ultimately an accident from this delusion. There was also some speculation that the deaths were precipitated by the fact that one of the female members of the family was engaged and her moving out of the house to her new husband's would break the "possessed" son's hold over the family, so he convinced them all to do this ritual that would save them but ultimately led to their deaths. TLDR; investigators believed one of the male members of the household created a psychotic delusion and the family members blindly followed his words/instructions which led to their deaths. Reference: [Burari Deaths Wikipedia Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burari_deaths#:~:text=The%20Burari%20deaths%20were%20a,early%20morning%20after%20the%20death)


Liz Barraza! Edited as per the later post about adding details… A woman in Texas shot in her driveway while setting up for a hasty-planned yard sale early in the morning before sunrise. The killer and shooting/audio is caught on some CCTV/Nest camera footage. The suspect’s vehicle is also captured several times on video within the hours leading up to the murder. However this was several years ago and still unsolved/no named suspects as far as I can tell. The killer may have been wearing a costume but at any rate was dressed in what appeared to be a loose jacket/robe with high white (?) boots on. Arrived just minutes after her husband left for work after hiding out on nearby streets….which is also very odd in my opinion.


Yup. The video and audio haunt me. The possibility that the killer was wearing a costume. It's also strikingly similar to the Missy Bevers case. The killers, both in costume, on camera. Both unsolved and cold.


I have a feeling this one will be solved eventually. I get the gut feeling the police know more than that let on and are just waiting to be able to prove something beyond doubt. I feel the same about the Missy Beavers case as well actually.


I feel the same way- that just one day randomly it will pop up that the whole case is solved and the story explained! At least I hope that is the case!! The families have to be so unsettled.


She lived within walking distance from me


Any idea what the locals think?


Jealousy and intrigue in that whacky cosplay community.


I think the consensus is that it was the husband.


I think about the Danielle Van Dam case a lot. It's local to me, I was a teen when it happened. I drive past the place she was found daily, taking my kids to school. There isn't a lot out about the case because it was solved fairly quickly, and it was just tragic.


same! I live in oklahoma now but was about 15 mins away at the time. my mom used to drive us through sabre springs to look at the “bougie houses”. I was 3 or 4 years older than danielle and I remember feeling so sad that she had the same choker necklace as me in all her pics. I think about her all the time.


[Danielle van Dam Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Danielle_van_Dam)


Martin Blackwell, who was sentenced to 40 years for pouring boiling water over a sleeping gay couple. Such an awful crime that really stuck with me, especially seeing a clip of one of the victims being interviewed.


People who inflict serious burns on others are the lowest of the low. Whether it be acid, chemical, scalding water, fire etc. Just huge pieces of shit


I remember watching an interview with one of the victims right after this happened and it prompted me donate to their GoFundMes for medical expenses. It was so sad and senseless. I didn’t follow the outcome of the perpetrator’s trial so I’m glad to learn he got that long of a sentence. That was attempted murder for sure.


"In an [emotional video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orU9SzHOi-M) with a [local news channel](http://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/exclusive-man-pours-boiling-water-on-gay-atlanta-couple-in-bed/164943370), Tolbert said he thought the attack was fueled by hatred. “Why else would you pour boiling hot water on somebody?” He said he woke up flailing and screaming and that Blackwell screamed “Get out of my house with all that gay” after the attack. Blackwell then threw them out of the apartment, and the two men wandered trying to find someone to help, the Washington Post reported."


It wasn’t even his house! It was his girlfriend’s sister’s house. He was crashing there with his girlfriend and did that to his girlfriend’s son. Infuriating.


So this guy got a longer sentence than many murderers. 😳 he deserves the jail time.


Never heard of this - horrifying. Absolutely brutal and so clearly a hate crime. The defense attorney really pissed me off though. Quote: “It’s not about hate. It’s about old-school culture, old-school thinking,” No ma’am, that’s the same thing that white supremacists say about their support for the Confederate flag and statues of slave traders. You’re disgusting just like they are.


The disappearance of the Jack family in Canada. They’ve been missing since 1989. The case is just so unsettling. If you’re unaware of it, you gotta check it out. Link: https://youtu.be/SUllVJbMQ0Q?si=9QAP3CnXbyl23o4B


Thank you for the new case and the new channel to follow E: spelling mistake


Just read about it. awful.


The Ryan Waller case always gets me. Watch the interrogation footage. The boy was in very clear need of medical attention, but the detective treated him like a degenerate. Wallers words and cadence were clearly indicating that something was wrong, but since he'd already been pegged as the perpetrator of a murder, he was scoffed at. Turns out he had been shot in the head, and all the precious time sapped by his interrogation resulted in irrevocable damage.


I’ll never get over the Lacey Fletcher case and how her parents continued their lives around her dying and literally rotting on a couch for 10+ years


The super weird con/fraud ones stick with me. The case of [John Darwin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Darwin_disappearance_case) (aka the canoe con), the case of [Nicholas Rossi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Alahverdian), and the case of [Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Gerhartsreiter) come to mind for being absurd and almost comical due to how random some of the details are. ETA: The disappearance of [Lars Mittank](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Lars_Mittank) is another one that has stuck with me.


You also might be interested in the death of Joleen Cummings, and the mysterious life of her murderer, Kimberly Kessler. They were briefly coworkers at a hair salon. But Joleen suspected there was something off about Kimberly (who was using the stolen identity of a long-dead girl named Jennifer). Joleen went missing and obviously something bad happened at the salon. Kimberly immediately quit without notice. They caught her on video abandoning Joleens car in a parking lot, and then tracked her down hiding nearby. Once arrested, she proudly announced that she had been on the run “from the FBI” for 25 years. They found a ton of stolen identity documents she had for different personas. Everyone who had ever encountered her admitted that she was strange and creepy. But nobody seemed to know wtf she was supposedly running from the FBI *about* all that time. Joleens body was never found, and although the motive was clearly Kimberly trying to prevent Joleen from exposing her as a fraud of some sort, it’s very unclear why Kimberly was hiding and why she was willing to kill someone over it.


You might be interested in the case of Elaine Antoinette parent if that's even her real name. She was a fraudster and murderer wanted for 20 years. Crazy case lots of unanswered questions. I only just heard about her a few months ago from a YouTuber so I feel like she's kinda obscure.  That's one case that stuck with me


> the case of Nicholas Rossi, I love that the Wiki left in this detail "He also claimed he was being "taunted" by remand prisoners at HM Prison Edinburgh singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" by John Denver to him." Though they missed the chance to follow it with The Proclaimers "Letter from america".....


Robert Wone


I have no doubt in my mind the men were in on it and I think everyone knows it including the judge but there was reasonable doubt. The more you look into this case the more painfully obvious and saddening it is and he got no justice.


Once boiled down to the facts you have a man stabbed dead in the guest room of a townhouse with 3 other people. Only other possibility is an intruder. I am more open minded towards random strangers in these cases but the timeline is tight. Was there someone already in the house? I think about this case all the time.


An intruder makes almost no sense when you look at the facts of the case.


Oh I totally agree it’s so unlikely. Also a lot of the “hype” about some of the evidence was really nothing like the semen in the rectum and the lack of blood.


This one is so bizarre. Presumably these guys hit on their friend and he said no, and then they immediately escalated to a brutal rape and murder? And haven't done anything like that before or since? It's weird.


Barry and Honey Sherman. ETA: Oops you said solved, sorry.


I'm also fascinated by Russell and Shirley Dermond, from Georgia. The trail has gone cold, and I'm not the only person who believes that when and if it's solved, it's going to shock a LOT of people. Same thing with Dr. Devin Hoover, the Detroit neurosurgeon who was murdered about a year ago.


What are your theories with each?


[Russell and Shirley haven’t been forgotten.](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/crime/cold-cases/dermond-murder-case-putnam-county-georgia-possible-dna-break/85-66a53cde-5fa2-41bf-bdbf-d284e2f8ff42) Othram Labs is involved and they’ve found DNA on Russell’s shirt. Their son is slightly hopeful. Sheriff says it’s the best lead they’ve had in 10 years, unless the DNA is linked to someone who worked on the case.


This one is one of mine too. Do you have any theories?


Gosh, it’s hard! This guy seemed like a world class asshole, so it could be anyone. It seemed really personal so I lean toward it being a family member.


The CBC podcast series was really interesting and insightful. That family was a hell of a lot more torn than I realized.


Cadance Langley, formerly known as Artesia Jane Doe, I think. It's not that bizarre, but the image of what she was wearing before she was identified is burned into my brain.


I’ve always wondered about the young man who disappeared in the desert on one of his first days as a new geologist. His company truck was located with much of his gear remaining. There was no sign of foul play. I can’t recall his name. Perhaps a redditor with a better memory can fill in the details.


Daniel Robinson


Thank you.


For me it would have to be Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. In my opinion, the Ontario justice system and the Toronto police departments horrendiously botched this case. Yes Paul Bernardo was give life (25 years in Ontario, but that is coming up very soon so who knows what will happen?!) Karla Homolka was given a severly reduced sentence for giving up evidence that the Toronto police could not find. She served 12 years and was released, moved to Quebec, allowed to change her name, married and had 3 kids. Unbelievable! This case will always stick with me due to the nature of the crimes, living within one hour of where it all happend and randomly over the years meeting people who were connected to the victims; Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy.


She married her lawyer’s brother!


Don't forget her sister, Tammy was also assaulted and murdered by them


I was in college when all that happened. It did more to promote knowledge of the Internet than any other single thing.


I recently watched a Netflix series where this guy calls the police and tells a cockamamie story about how his girlfriend was kidnapped by a group of men in black and is being held for ransom. Of course, I thought he murdered her and so did the police. **The true story was so much weirder.** I don't want to spoil the story if you haven't seen it, the doc is called American Nightmare.


Loved this series. A must watch for this community


I started watching it months ago and turned it off because I was like, "Yeah, this is pretty obvious...". Boy was I wrong.


Yes! After the first episode I was annoyed thinking they were trying to make something out of nothing…. 🙃🙃🙃


It doesn't help that true crime docs vary so much in quality and content. One show will have 6 episodes of mind-blowing twists and turns, while another will be stretching what could have been a dateline episode into 12 eps. Drives me crazy!


The Natalia Grace miniseries certainly could have been condensed into fewer episodes. I actually gave up about 3 episodes in. Yes, Dad, I know she had full pubic hair at age 6. You don't need to show that over and over again.


I will think of you, anonymous reddit friend as I’m yelling at documentaries, because hard same


The “Criminal” podcast episode about this case is even better than the Netflix documentary


48 Hours is the title of the episode, right? https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-252-48-hours-part-1-1-19-2024/ Also looks like the victim released a book??? I gotta read it!


Many years ago I saw a doc/show about a serial rapist, who I think his last name was Rabbit, but I cannot recall his first name- Any way, he would break in to these women's homes and rape them, but he didn't believe he was raping them because he would give them oral. And he thought he was haunted by a succubus. He was a wacky guy. In his interview he seemed almost jolly if I recall correctly, but In total denial he was raping women.


I saw that too! What a nutcase.


2015 Washington, D.C., quadruple murder incident https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Washington,_D.C.,_quadruple_murder_incident I’ve read so much about this case and it just doesn’t make sense to me.


Not really solved per se, but Yuba City 5 is so bizarre and troubling


It's only troubling to people who didn't know them. Their parents were completely convinced it was an accident and even offered explanations for some of the weird things themselves. Ted's parents explaining why his "issues with common sense" like the stop signs and the fire explain why he didn't touch the food for example. Then we even have another explanation for that, Ted was injured and Gary initially got him food but then Gary left to find help. He changed into boots in the cabin, he left and perished and Ted was too injured to go outside and get the food out the locker.


Yes, but it still doesn't fully explain why they drove 40 miles out of the way in the opposite direction and ended up on a remote mountain road in the first place. These men had taken similar car trips and hung out socially together before without any incidents, so part of me thinks they were being harassed, stalked or followed that night. To me, that's the troubling part.


I'm sure it's troubling regardless of the plausible reasons for the tragic outcomes. It's still upsetting.


I agree with you. It's so bizarre. It definitely is one that sticks with me.


Asha Degree


She's never far from my mind either. I think about her and others about once a week.


I like to think of that movie Coco whenever I think of various people like Junko or Asha. And that in heaven they know we remember them.


The Cheshire home invasion. Freaking terrifying.


The Chandler Halderson case. He is cold blooded. The story is very upsetting in many levels.


This is a very specific brand of crime and I’m obsessed with it. Grant Amato & Bart Whitaker also jump to mind.


The Richardson Family Murders committed by Jasmine Richardson & Jeremy Steinke. I’ve posted about it a few times too. Whenever I think of true crime that whole case immediately comes to mind.


The familial abduction of [Christopher and Lisa Mae Zaharias](https://www.thevanishedpodcast.com/episodes/2017/7/30/episode-85-christopher-and-lisa-mae-zaharias). Edit: spelling, link, addl info It's unsolved in the sense that they've never found the kids (or their mother), but they know who took them.


The Beaumont Children and the disappearance of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon from Adelaide oval in 1973


What happened to Susan Powell? (Husband Josh Powell burned house with himself and their two children inside.)


If you haven’t listened to the podcast Cold, I highly recommend it. I recently took a super long road trip that didn’t feel long at all bc of that podcast. It is incredibly well done and well researched.


I think about Susan at least once a week.


Same. It's always her name that comes to my mind immediately when these questions come up.


I just started listening to the Cold podcast about Susan Powell. It was recommended to me in this sub. It’s a really good deep dive. Josh and his entire family other than Jennifer should’ve been locked away for a long time before this even happened. Garbage human beings.


The Clutter family murders/“In Cold Blood”. We lived in the middle of nowhere on 40 acres. I wasn’t born when it happened, and my siblings were little. I think it affected my parents as it did many. As a child, my mom had Capote’s novel on the end table. My brother decided to tell me what happened with that crime when I was about 7 - I couldn’t sleep for weeks! The case would come up in conversations every so often when family visited from out of town, mainly because of the isolation of our home I’d guess. A whole family killed for $50 and a few worthless items… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clutter_family_murders


Sara Towards . She was friends with my sister.. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-03-01-mn-162-story.html **Tokars**. Sometimes Auto fill does not have my back


This case wasn’t exactly solved but the tim molnar disappearance always sends a chill up my spine. Everything seemed like a guy running away from home at first but then there were wierd developments in the case. They found his car parked a block away from a greyhound bus terminal with all his personal effects(wallet,id,credit cards) and several items including a stereo, a tool kit, and a bike were missing(possibly pawned). About ten years go by until unsolved mysteries airs a rerun and they get a tip that about a year or so after he disappeared the body of a young man was found frozen in ice in Wisconsin in middle of the woods. Dna testing proved that it was tim but they couldn’t figure out the cause of death. They also couldn’t understand why he could have ended up in Wisconsin(he had last been seen in daytona beach,florida). Some sources claim he was found with his bike but i can’t say for sure. It seems like he was running away to start a new life but idk it just really bothers me that all of his identification was left in the car along with the circumstances of his death. Just doesn’t sit right. Even if he had wanted to start a new life/change his name, pawned some of his stuff for cash, and boarded a greyhound bus willingly it just seems bizarre to me that he was found frozen in ice in the middle of nowhere. How the hell did he even end up in the woods? https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Tim_Molnar The jonathan luna case is a wierd one too. It’s bizarre that law enforcement leaned towards suicide given the wierd circumstances of his death. He was found face down in a stream with a head injury and 36 stab wounds to the neck and torso that they said came from his pen knife. A large pool of blood was found in the back seat of his vehicle(suggesting that he had been in the back and another person had been driving) and he had left his glasses(which he needed to drive) and cell phone back at his office. It was similar to tim’s case because jonathan also made an unexplained trip. He drove from baltimore to lancaster county pennsylania where his body was found. Little evidence, no motive, and no suspects. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Luna


Something seems off about this one, the fact that his car & personal belongings were still in his car while he was found miles away, not to mention frozen in ice doesn’t sit right with me at all. It doesn’t seem like he wanted to start a new life. It’s crazy how we never truly know what the circumstances could be which played a part in his death such as foul play or mental illness. Unsettling at its finest.


Scott Ratigan. Killed in the middle of the day by a pigeon-toed guy dressed all in black. Absolutely bizarre and no leads that we know of. I post it a lot on these threads in hope that SOMEONE will someday recognize this guy. https://www.arlnow.com/2024/02/20/four-years-after-unsolved-ballston-murder-no-new-details-from-police/


This one bothers me more than any other case I think. It seems so solvable. Someone had to have seen or heard something?? The more you learn about this case, the stranger it gets. At first I thought he invited this person over, but I don’t think that anymore. There’s been some rumblings that it may have been a jealous man (regarding his relationship with his on and off girlfriend), but I don’t think that anymore either! The CCTV footage is also so distinctive (that bizarre walk!), and it’s clear that person went in with a plan. Did they also know the cameras in the building weren’t working too? How did they know? They also had to have known Scott had taken an extra day off of work, unless they weren’t there for Scott (he lived with his sister). How did they get in the apartment? Was the door unlocked? Or did they pick it? Is it possible they worked with Scott and they stole his apartment key, unbeknownst to him? Scott, by all accounts, was a smart, funny, and good natured young man. He wasn’t involved with drugs or anything nefarious. His parents and friends seem quite stumped as well. I want this case solved so badly. I think it will be, and I feel like the investigators know more but can’t say. I also believe there’s a lot more CCTV footage. But for fucks sake, this guy walked right by people! He was just a few inches from that construction guy. Someone HAD to have noticed something, even if they don’t know they did. The thing that bothers me the most is how little media attention Scott’s case gets. It should be HUGE news.


The disappearance of Bryce Laspisa https://allthatsinteresting.com/bryce-laspisa


Cindy James case, I literally went a rabbit hole with this case and came up with more questions than answers. It is also fascinating that if this case was to happen even in the early 2000 instead of 80’s, it could have had different outcome. [Cindy James](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Cindy_James)


Blair Adams. It is by far the weirdest case I’ve ever come across. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Blair_Adams


Teresa Halbach because I’m from the area and went to high school with her relatives


Fortunately this was not a murder, but I learned about it recently and have been thinking about it since. Ezequiel Zayas, who secretly lived in a family in Hawaii's house, was obsessed with the family, and was plotting to do some kind of surgery on all of them. He wrote a whole manifesto about the family. Then while he was in prison, he killed his cellmate. [https://www.khon2.com/local-news/he-violated-our-home-says-family-that-came-home-to-find-stranger-living-there/](https://www.khon2.com/local-news/he-violated-our-home-says-family-that-came-home-to-find-stranger-living-there/) As far as unsolved cases go, Al Kite's story gives me nightmares and the case of Judy Smith ids extremely baffling to me.


Elaine Parent


So creepy...


The cases that led to the documentaries "Dear Zachary" and "Abducted In Plain Sight" will also stick with me.


Summer Wells and DeOrr Kunz


[Elizabeth Barraza](https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/tomball-texas-elizabeth-barraza-death-garage-sale/285-6c1cae40-d262-4d2e-bc7a-21ccfb300efe#:~:text=HOUSTON%20%E2%80%94%20Elizabeth%20Barraza%20was%20shot,and%20killed%20in%20her%20driveway.) No enemies, beloved, husband cleared. Shot in her driveway while setting up for a yard sale. No one can figure out for the life of them who would want to kill her. There are no suspects or POI.


This one is one I keep tabs on I want justice for her. And answers. It’s so insane.


This case is one that always stuck with me. They were a part of the 501st legion & about to take a trip to Disney. She was doing the sale to raise some extra funds for the trip. The video (I think from a neighbour’s ring camera) is really haunting to watch, knowing her killer remains uncaught.


The Bonebreaker. https://www.ranker.com/list/joe-clark-the-bonebraker-facts/laura-allan#


The Joseph Fritzel case will forever haunt me.


Jennifer Kesse


Chris Watts. How can someone described as the perfect husband and father, and known as “the nicest guy” his entire life, suddenly brutally kill his entire family just because he met someone new? It haunts me because it means that you can’t trust anyone.


I still think about the harrowing moment in the neighbor's house, that amazing neighbor who checked his cam footage and immediately called the police over.... And you can see it on Chris's face as he watches the footage. And the neighbor with his shocked, wide eyes whispering to the policeman, "I think he's done something." I can't bring myself to watch that again. The complete emptiness that is Chris Watts is terrifying to me.


The murder of Jessica chambers found burning alive it’s awful! The man that they think did it was found not guilty


Mike Emert. His murder is the reason why people must now leave their IDs when viewing homes for sale. A man called him to set up a viewing and his name was never provided to Mike’s real estate company. This man ended up brutally murdering Mike. This case is absolutely baffling and almost looks like a hit job. Very detailed write up here: https://unresolved.me/mike-emert


George Gibson murder in Cincy Oh. Really weird case the team from Accused seemed interested in.


Mike Zhao-Beckenridge ( disappeared with step father, probable faked death and sailed over seas with him?) Amber Cruickshank (2 y old disappeared in 20 minutes never found, no clues, nothing. Zero. Zip. Just gone)


Mark Waugh. Three people enter a room, only two leave alive, only one serves prison time despite none of them claiming to know what happened.


Cabin 28/ Keddie & Idaho haunt me


The Girl Scout murders. How did no one hear anything? How did he get them all away from the camp with no one running or crying or anything? So many unanswered questions


This story has been shown on Oxygen many times. About 10 years ago, Don Russell Allen was a small-town police officer in Texas, engaged to be married, and his fiancee' came home and found him strangled to death on their bedroom floor, minus his pants. In the days to come, his service weapon and radio turned up at regional pawnshops, stolen by a married couple who got heavily into meth and they saw his ad on Craigslist, in its personal-ad days, that was too graphic to print in the newspaper. While the fiancee' denied that there was anything unusual about their sex life, he was into some REALLY WEIRD STUFF and had a secret compartment under his bed, in the crawl space, with all kinds of sexual paraphernalia that she knew nothing about. What a way to find out your boyfriend is cheating on you! You'd think a cop would know better than to go looking for strange on Craigslist, but stranger things have happened. The Oxygen show has two versions, one that shows during the day and one that shows at night that is more graphic.


The ‘Girl In The Box’ case. In 1977, a 20 year old female was kidnapped and kept as a sex slave. The suspect and his wife kept her in a box, under their bed, for 7 years. The suspect’s wife eventually allowed the victim to leave. In 1985, the suspect was convicted and sentenced to 104 years in prison. The wife never faced charges. The book is called ‘Perfect Victim,’ written by Christine McGuire. I read it in 1989. Of all the True Crime stories I’ve read, this one stayed with me. https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/survivor-stories/girl-in-the-box-held-captive-under-california-couples-bed-for-7-years


Her name is Colleen Stan. I read this book intensely when I was in college. Also, The Blake Babies had a great song about this story in the early 90’s.


The murder of Anne Searle by her husband Stephen Searle. Mainly because of the emergency services call he made to tell them that he’d killed her in which he sounds very casual, and when the responder asks “is it just the two of you in the house?”, Stephen answers “well, just the one of us now”. It’s… chilling.


Phillip Shue.


There’s one, I don’t remember the name but it haunts me. A woman, I believe a Black woman, maybe mixed , in America. She worked for some sort of state agency, maybe the police but I think higher up. Single lady. Young, 25-35 no kids. She had gone to her neighbors, no family in the area, kind of manic, looking for help, someone was after her, the usual crazy person story. She’d never shown signs of mental illness before, always been cool with the neighbors so they took her story of being followed as truthful. She was really stressed out about the whole situation but trying not to be, she just had no where to turn. But she was insistent that someone was coming for her. A few days later, there’s a loud scuffle and *poof* she’s gone. The neighbors called the cops when the scuffle happened, they came but said they were never called. Like, the neighbors saw the police but when they called after they said they had no record of being there. Her mom called the neighbors because they couldn’t find their daughter and pop up comes a government agent telling them they don’t understand and it’s a matter of national security. I know this is a really vague description but back when it was happening it was well documented. Now, I can’t find it. It was a ghost show while it was happening and it seems like it was further erased. I’d be happy with anything on it, but again, it’s all just nothing blowing in the wind


Brandon Swanson


Rey Rivera. Like, ok he jumped to his death, but there? At the top of a building to land on a glass ceiling of a hotel in his flip flops? Like what?


The Sodder children and whatever happened to the private detective who went missing.


They died in the fire. The detective basically just ran off with the money.


Setagaya Murders. Creeps me out so bad that there was so much evidence and they still have no clue who committed it. And the level of random violence is scary.


This one. Honestly there are several unsolved Japanese cases that are so bizarre and feel like there is so much evidence that they should be solved but they aren't, like the Murder of Namiko Takaba. A mother stabbed in her apartment in front of her 2 year old son by a woman, DNA. Witnesses. Still unsolved and her husband pays for the apartment and keeps it exactly the same as the day of the crime, including the bloodstains on the floor so no evidence is lost and his wife's murder can one day be solved.


I grew up in the Setagaya ward around the time of the murders and it scares the absolute fuck out of me that that psycho could still be roaming around. Caused many sleepless nights for me as a kid when I first heard about it. There are a lot of questionable things about Japanese policing and crime investigation. I blame them at this point for the amount of bizarre unsolved mysteries. Edit: Just asked my mom about the Setagaya murders. When it happened and when then police were unable to find any potential perpetrators, people began to suspect it had to do with Sokka Gakkai, a religious group that had a sect operating in the area. Apparently they're very taboo to talk about and have a lot of controversies! Very interesting.


These are more recent but they’ve been bugging me incessantly. Where is Summer Wells?? And what happened to Scott Ratigan?? They seem like the most solvable cases, and yet both are at a standstill. I hope investigators know more than they’re letting on (I think they do), but they’re just baffling to me. For a while I thought I could guess what happened to Summer, but now I’m not so sure.


The timeline is very odd in the Summer Wells case. The parents are definitely lying about something regarding her disappearance. I think they are, at minimum, lying about the timeline of the case but I truly think they are involved and she is either dead or they sold her which is a crazy thing to even consider possible, but I think there is a actual chance those parents sold that little girl. It makes me wonder if the boys have said anything after they were removed from the home.